Chereads / I Am The Annihilation Maker In Marvel / Chapter 8 - Relinquished Bonds and Savage Lands.

Chapter 8 - Relinquished Bonds and Savage Lands.

When Samuel finished reading the second book he closed it before he began to ponder on the information. The book on Sensing Dimensional Energy went into quite a few details he really needed to know. 

As for using that knowledge, it was possible, just that it would take him time. He used a completely different system of magic. His magic came from within, meaning he didn't rely on outside sources to cast his magic. 

Sorcerors relied on outside sources, powerful beings, and artifacts to use their powers. That difference made him far freer as he had no need to become indebted to other beings or rely on an outside source to use his powers. 

If he did want to use Sorcery, he was still bound to its rules, unlike his magics. To do that, he had to become aware of the multiverse. As described in the book, an Apprentice Sorcerer would be helped by a senior sorcerer to open their 'Third Eye'. 

Just like when the Ancient One forced Steven Strange to Astral Project through the multiverse. That kickstarted the process as one was sent through thousands of alternative dimensions. 

Once the Sorceror became aware of the Multiverse in this way, as they trained and gained knowledge they could search for other dimensions and entities to make pacts with. As described in the book, a beginner Sorceror usually drew form three sources. Their home dimension, meaning Earth, The Mirror Dimension, and the Astral Dimension. 

They were considered safe because no one owned them. They allowed a beginner to practice without the need to deal with Dimension Rulers or risk making risky pacts like Kaecelis and his Zelouts to Dormammu.

Astral Projection was also needed to be able to search for those beings and dimensions. Once he could do that, he could use his Astral Self to search the multiverse for other dimensions from which to draw power.

The Dark Dimension and Hell were off limits as it was quite hard to draw from them and remain free. Dormammu and Mephisto had owned their Dimensions for eons and they had absorbed other dimensions to grow the power of their realm.

The book even slightly went into the advantages and disadvantages of owning a dimension. For one, if they were killed outside their dimension they would reform as their dimension would become their true body. 

If their home dimension was destroyed they would then die as their essence was bound to that realm. Mephisto for example would weaken the longer he was away from his Dimension which made Sameul's plan to create proxy patrons far more appealing. 

"So, if I want to begin to search for these new dimensions I will need to be able to Astral Project through the multiverse. I could ask the Ancient One, but I will need assurance she won't try to destroy my soul. Trust is limited in my line of work."

He didn't even bother to read the two other books as it would take him quite a while to make use of them. He would need the help of a Sorceror which suddenly gave him an idea. He began to laugh as he didn't need the Ancient One herself. He could just wait and make one of the stronger versions of Stephen Strange.

That way he would gain a powerful Sorceror who was fully loyal to himself. He also remembered the Amalgan Crossover of DC and Marvel, Doctor Strangefate the merger of Doctor Fate, Steven Strange, and Professor X.

It was one of the most powerful versions of the characters, as Doctor Strangefate had powerful magic from both DC and Marvel.

"Samuel, Samuel you really are an evil genius." 

His face was split in a funny smile as nothing stopped him from making characters from Marvel itself. He could literally make Tony Stark himself without needing to rely on the original. 

Unlike the originals, his creations were completely loyal to him and he didn't need to risk betrayal. As he was thinking this, he paused because he was going down a slippery slope. If he continued to think this way he would be unable to see anyone not created through Annihilation Maker as untrustworthy. 

He would be paranoid of every single interaction and that wasn't a healthy way to live. That wasn't what his love, Elanore wanted for him. The moment her name popped into his mind it was like the pain he had supposed came back much stronger. 

He clenched a hand over his heart which tightened. His immortal heart had tightened which caused him a great deal of emotional pain. He grit his teeth because had avoided thinking of her since his reincarnation. He shut his eyes as the pang of her loss stung his soul. He released the breath he had been holding before he fell to his knees. 

He fell slack on top of Giratina who released a sound close to a whine. Samuel didn't speak as he looked up at the sky. He thought of her, his Elenore, his lover since he was 8. They were both sold to the organization to be raised as killers. 

They were not supposed to make attachments, but they did. They fell in love as they had only each other to rely on. When they tried to leave, it ended in tragedy for her more than him. She was the one who killed him before she killed herself in regret.

Despite that, he had only one thought. 

'Why didn't you leave me?' 

It was a question he had asked himself this whole time. Why did she give up her chance of reincarnation as it seemed she was offered the same deal as him? Why did she choose to give him her wish for a normal reincarnation? 

Why did she leave him all alone? He clenched his fists as his sadness began to dissipate. He rose off his knees before he sat down.

"I know why she did it." 

Giratina tilted his head as Samuel gave his deepest secrets to the Dragon. 

"She most likely chose to not reincarnate because she didn't want to live with the knowledge she had killed me. Despite the way we were raised, unlike me who grew to love killing, she always hated it. She had a heart of gold despite how we were raised. 

How could she live after having killed me? I guess it is for the best for her to not remember. She deserves a peaceful life. As for me, peace is not for me." 

His eyes began to burn with a deeper intensity as he focused on this life.

"I am the Annihilation Maker, The World Sage." 

 He jumped off Giratina's head before landing on the ground. His mind felt more clear as he clasped his hands together. From what he could feel, since creating Giratina and fully emptying his reserves his max mana had increased by at least 10% percent. For him, that was a lot of mana meaning he had more to use.

When he opened his eyes he began to once again to gather his mana. He had a grin on his face as he felt his reserves begin to fall rapidly. Unlike before he had more experience and his mind was more focused. His control had improved and he was producing less wasted mana than he did before.

The weather began to rampage once again all over Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, British Columbia, and Alberta. Potent spatial energy surged all around in reaction to the god he was creating. 

Spatial anomalies burst out from his hands which left him unharmed. Dialga gathered behind him next to Giratina as they could feel the more profound connection forming between this new member. When Samuel finished, he slammed his hands into his shadow which devoured his mana in a flood.

He no longer cared about the birth roar as just like his brothers Palkia released a roar that echoed for hundreds of miles. The Ancient One at this point didn't even bother to check the future as she had just checked hours ago. 

She shook her head as she put on a pair of enchanted earmuffs as she really didn't want anything to do with Samuel. The way he could change the future made her precognition useless as it just kept changing.

As for Samuel himself he grinned as from his shadow the towering form of Palkia The Pokemon God of Space emerged in his full glory.

(Image here)

He was of similar size to his brothers and when he fully emerged space itself came under his control. Samuel also noticed something else, once the trio was complete their abillities began to synchronize with each other.

Power surged from Giratina, Dilaga, and Palkia between each other causing each one to begin growing stronger. As his creations grew more powerful, he did as well and their power flowed through him as well.

Around his body, a purple, blue, and black aura surged into his body, soul, and mind. He clenched his fists as his mana began to rapidly grow. He glanced at the three Pokemon before he had an idea.

"You three, it's time to work." 

The three glanced down at him knowing what he had in mind. He raised his hand as he instinctively knew he could do this.


Giratina, Dilaga, and Palkia closed their eyes as they synchronized themselves with Samuel's soul. The three turned into pure energy before they slammed into Samuel merging with him. 

The divine authorities of Time, Space, and Anti-matter merged together to form a powerful set of armor around him. However, it wasn't really armor as it was bound to his body as he had combined himself with the three Pokemon Gods.

(Image here.)

Temporarily, but he just needed a few moments with this power to create his own world. All that power and more was at his fingertips. He began levitating before he clasped his hands together as he prepared to begin the process. A powerful Domain fell across the world which every being alive felt. 

The Ancient One who had wanted to ignore Samuel spat out her drink as he went from being a threatening being to being absolutely terrifying. However, Samuel quickly drew back his power after he got a handle on his abillities. 

He waved his hand before he teleported the Stark Industries Headquarters building and every single one of his creations out of Montana. He then teleported them all to Antarctica in the heart of the Savage Lands. 

He set down the building while his creations including his Zinoger, Shockwave, Barricade, Frenzy, The Alpha Shifter, Dr. Psycobos, Android 21, The Ancient Leshen, and Azmuth all looked up at him in the sky. 

He honestly had not created many since he usually focused on quality rather than quantity. Soundwave functioned as his intelligence officer so he was unable to come down to Earth while he was a satellite. 

He looked down at the Savage Lands before he waved his hand. Since he held the power of all three Pokemon Creation Gods, he combined their power which surged through all of the Savage Lands. 

He clapped his hands together as he used the power of the Pokemon Gods combined with his own World Sage powers to create his personal pocket dimension containing the Savage Lands as the heart of it. 

Through this process, as the Pocket Dimension formed the Savage Lands began to grow. The process took moments and before long his Pocket Dimension became as large as Earth itself. 

He spread his arms out as he warded his personal world from intruders. No one he didn't allow inside could enter. Since this was his world he could shape it as he pleased. He left the Savage Lands their fauna, flora, and people completely alone. 

Instead, he surged mana into his Dimension which would nurture it. He made time flow in a 1:365 ratio meaning one day outside would be equal to a year inside. He waved his hand as a new 'sun' formed in the sky out of his magic.

The 'world' he made was quite similar to Asgard as it was flat, but it floated in a void of Anti Matter thanks to Giratina's power. Palkia's Space Authority gave him the ability to form this space while Palkia's power gave him the power to form this space in the first place. 

Altogether, his World Sage's abillities allowed him to make a world just for him and his creations. He smiled as he snapped his fingers as his world came to be. For now, only the Savage Lands which formed the heart of his world had any life, but that would change over time. 

With the right creatures, and time his Pocket Dimension would flourish. He crossed his arms as his armor and synchronization with his creations ended. Giratina, Dialga, and Palkia appeared behind him as they split from him. 

"We did it." 

Giratina, Dialga, and Palkia seemed quite happy to have worked in unison with their master to create this new world. For now, it was barren, but as time went on, it would fill with a life free of the rest of the universe. 

He felt proud of what he did. 

"Let's check out what we can do with it." 

The three Pokemon Gods followed him as he landed on the ground among his creations. They all bowed toward him swearing their loyalty to Samuel, The Annihilation Maker, The Father Of Monsters. 

(Resonance was part of Life Hunter the Webnovel that a World Sage was from. I had that in the first version and I kept it in this one. It's too broken not to have, combining with a Soul Beast or in Samuel's case his creations.)