"To have mana is one thing, to understand it is another, and to make use of such understanding is a gift granted to few. For a normal man with the littlest of mana can wield it far more effectively than those who possess it in abundance. For mana is like clay, and the wielder, a potter. Only those with skill and vision can mold it into wonders beyond limits."
These were the words of Anricous, the greatest mage to ever walk the lands of Aia.
Ye Jin exhaled slowly as she drew the final stroke of ink, completing the massive rune spread across the floor. A teleportation rune.
Weeks of preparation had led to this moment.
She had studied every book she could get her hands on, carefully avoiding Dion's suspicion. Creating her own runes had been a delicate process, hidden within idle scribbles, scattered notes, and seemingly meaningless doodles in the margins of books.
Mana is like clay.