Chereads / Chronicles of the Fallen / Chapter 8 - Chapter 7

Chapter 8 - Chapter 7

"Ugh, my head," Groaned Seraphina. "Why did I have to drink so much?" As a vampire with a decent amount of constitution points, it's very hard for Seraphina to get drunk, or at least it should have been. 

Yesterday, she had wanted to explore the town, but her conversation with Nyrion was enjoyable and long enough to make her forget about it. While talking, she kept ordering more beer, and then even more. 

Nyrion gladly drank with her, because unlike what he had promised her not long ago, she was the one paying for the drinks. 

He told himself that it was necessary to teach her a lesson on financial responsibility, but he just wanted free ale. 

Seraphina stumbled out of bed, threw on whatever clothes were at hand, and headed downstairs to the inn's common room. Her hair was messy enough to cover her eyes most of the time. 

Nyrion was already at a table, talking to a server.

"Morning," he said as she sat down, grinning like a cat that got the cream. "How's the hangover treating you?"

"Mornin," She sat down, put her elbows on the table, and grabbed her face. "I feel Terrible. Why did you let me drink so much?" If they were in a more popular inn her tired voice would not have been loud enough for Nyrion to hear. 

"Haha." He laughed right after taking a sip out of his mug. "The moment you were drunk enough to tell me you were going to pay for the drinks was when I decided to let you go wild. You might wanna check your gold pouch. You ordered a lot."

"Wait, what? But the drinks were supposed to be on you?" She asked, but before being able to continue the server from earlier came back, and placed a stew with generous amounts of meat in it alongside a cup of water. 

Seraphina immediately took a large sip, and exhaled deeply after finishing. Nyrion thanked the Server before answering.

"They were, but after the second round I told you I've had enough." Nyrion said.

"But you insisted we keep on drinking, so I said that if you pay for them, I can stay all night, you hesitated a bit but in the end you said yes. Overall, I think you drank over 12 ales. You were so drunk, I had to carry you to bed like a sack of potatoes while you mumbled under your nose about starting a new life as a nun."

Seraphina stared at Nyrion, her face a mix of shock and embarrassment. "Twelve ales? Damn it, I must have really lost track of things."

Nyrion chuckled, clearly enjoying her discomfort. "You did. And you were quite the spectacle."

Seraphina grumbled into her hands, the remnants of her hangover still nagging at her. "I hate you right now. I can't believe I let myself get so out of control. I mean, I knew you were a bad influence, but this is next level."

Nyrion laughed, clearly enjoying himself. "Hey, don't blame me. I'm just an old dwarf who likes his ale. You were the one who was so hell-bent on drinking and kept ordering round after round. I just went along for the ride. Besides, I wasn't about to pass up free beer, take it as a lesson on both finances and the dangers of having too good of a time."

Seraphina groaned, shaking her head. "Yeah, well, lesson learned. I'm never drinking that much again. And next time, you'd better not let me. With how much you nag about everything I expected you to be the responsible one."

Nyrion took another sip out of his cup with a smirk. "Hey, I did try to stop you after the second round. But you were pretty insistent. Besides, it's not every day you get to watch a vampire stumble around. Good thing there weren't that many people for you to harass or the owner might have kicked us out."

"Very funny," Seraphina said, rubbing her temples and taking another sip of water. "I'm just glad I'm not totally wrecked. I still feel like I got hit by a cart, though."

Nyrion chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "Well, you've got some stew in front of you, so that should help. And after breakfast, we'll get going. I already got the supplies and planned a route for us."

Seraphina took yet another sip of water emptying her mug, now feeling slightly more awake. "Yeah, let's just get this over with. I'd like to get back to not feeling like death warmed over. Ugh, I don't know if this is worse or the ship."

Nyrion grinned and together with Seraphina they finished their breakfast. 

She then went back to her room in order to put on her armor and take all of her belongings. 

She wanted to buy the pomegranates for the journey but after looking at the sun she figured it was only an hour or so from noon, and remembering how they were meant to leave in the early morning, she decided against it to not waste any more time. 

Just as she left the inn a big bag suddenly started flying at her which she promptly caught. She looked in the direction of where it came from and found Nyrion with a similar bag already on his back. 

"What was that for?" She asked. 

"It was for making us late, and in case you haven't realized it yet, those are our supplies for the road. I want to avoid any villages or towns for at least a week, preferably two." He said with a neutral voice, he clearly wasn't actually angry at her, but he wasn't joking either. 

Seraphina and Nyrion then left the inn behind and walked towards the city gates, the late morning sun warming their faces. Seraphina's head was still throbbing, but the hearty stew and water were slowly starting to help clear her mind.

The gatehouse, just like the walls, was unimpressive, it wasn't falling apart or anything, but it had definitely seen better days. The guards only looked at them and went back to their activities, the town only did inspections on incoming traffic. 

As Seraphina and Nyrion made their way through the city gates, leaving the port behind them, the hustle and bustle of the town fading behind them.

The road ahead was lined with tall grass and wildflowers, with the occasional rustle of a small animal darting through the underbrush. 

The sun was high, casting a warm glow over the landscape and making the journey pleasant despite Seraphina's lingering discomfort.

"So, where exactly are we headed first?" Seraphina asked, trying to focus on the scenery to distract herself from the pounding in her head.

"South, that's basically it. The final destination is the port city of Docs, but how we get there will depend on how fast you can move your ass." Nyrion answered. 

"A port city named docks? Really?" Seraphina said with confusion in her voice, ignoring his provocation.

"D-o-c-s, like documents, I get why you understood it like that, though. Apparently the people who settled there were from a town called google, and docs was some really useful tool for writing, so they named the new town after it" 

"Alright, I guess. Sounds like a plan." Seraphina answered, "Though two weeks of walking doesn't sound fun."

Nyrion grinned. "Oh, come on. Think of it as a chance to enjoy the scenery. It's not every day you get to see the countryside in all its glory."

Seraphina glanced around at the open fields and the distant forest. "Yeah, it's nice and all. Just wish my head didn't feel like it's been put through a mill."

"Ah, it'll pass," Nyrion said with a wave of his hand. "Besides, once we hit the road and make some distance, you'll be too busy to notice the headache."

"I suppose," Seraphina said, trying to stay optimistic. "Just let's hope there aren't any surprise detours or wild beasts on the way."

Nyrion gave her a questioning look. "Don't you want to get stronger? Honestly, I'm hoping for something to jump us once we reach the forest. And sudden fights are the best for gaining experience."

"I do," Seraphina said. "But I'm not as durable as you, I prefer to be the one jumping. And I'm not crazy enough to be hoping for wild beasts to make the journey more exciting. Is this your way of trying to make me enjoy the walk?"

Nyrion chuckled. "Hey, I'm just saying that the unexpected can be fun. Besides, it's not every day you get to face off against something new. Adds a bit of spice to the trip."

"Ugh, why did I have to team up with a crazy person," Seraphina sighed. "Can't we just go some roundabout way, and then go find fights In Sol?"

"Well, we could, but if it would easily double the time it would take. And on the road you have to expect anything and everything regardless of what path we take. So you better be ready at all times." Nyrion explained. 

Seraphina didn't comment, instead she just continued walking. 

After that, they walked in comfortable silence for a while, the path gently winding through the countryside. The city no longer visible behind them. The sun was warm but not too harsh, and the occasional breeze brought relief to Seraphinas almost no longer hangover state.

"So, Nyrion," Seraphina said after a while, "what exactly is this Docs place like? I know it's a port city, but what else?"

"We've got 1600 kilometers ahead of us, and you're asking about the city at the very end of this journey? I'm worried about dying of boredom if you're already out of ideas of what to talk about," Nyrion answered with a chuckle.

Seraphina raised an eyebrow at Nyrions comment. "I was just trying to get a sense of what we're walking towards. But if you'd rather talk about the journey, I'm game."

"Alright, fair enough." He thought for a moment. "Docs has a bit of everything—markets, docks, and a decent nightlife if you're into that. It's mainly a hub for traders and travelers, so you can find just about anything you need there. It's not extraordinary, but it's the only port in Osari that trades with the Kingdom of Sol."

Seraphina nodded, trying to piece together an image of their destination. 

She then sighed while glancing around at the rolling hills and distant forest. "Well, if I must admit, the view is pretty nice. I guess I can't complain too much."

They continued walking, the rhythmic crunch of their footsteps on the gravel path providing a steady background noise. As they moved even further from the city, the landscape became more rugged, with tall grasses and wildflowers giving way to a denser forest. The air grew cooler, and the smell of pine started to mix with the scent of the earth.

Seraphina looked around, appreciating the view. "You know, I'm actually starting to like this whole wilderness thing. It's a nice change of pace."

Nyrion grinned. "See, I told you. There's something peaceful about being out here. No city noise, just the sound of nature. Though, fair warning, the first few days might be a bit rough. Especially if you haven't had the luxury of sleeping on the floor before."

"Wow, low blow, but I figured as much," Seraphina said. "But it's not like I've got anything better to do. Besides, I suppose it's a good way to clear my head after last night." 

Nyrion laughed. "Oh, definitely. Fresh air and a bit of exercise are the best for hangovers. And if we're lucky, we might come across a few surprises to distract us from the fact we're being chased."

Seraphina shot him a sidelong glance with some worry visible in her eyes. "You really think we can get away? From what you said, the people chasing us should be considerably stronger than us."

Nyrion's expression grew more serious as he considered Seraphina's question. "Yeah, it's true they might be stronger, but don't forget, we're not exactly sitting ducks here. As long as we keep moving, there is no way for them to catch up."

Seraphina raised an eyebrow. "And just how are you so sure?"

Nyrion grinned, his eyes twinkling with confidence. "Well, for one, we're not taking the most direct path. We'll be going through forests and mountains for most of the journey. While they will expect us to stop at a town or village on the way, we won't, or at least not for the first week or two. And while they might have good trackers or even mages with them, we are at least a day or two ahead, meaning any info they get will be no longer relevant almost immediately."

Seraphina nodded, her expression relaxing slightly. "Alright, I guess that makes sense. I'm just not a fan of feeling like we're being hunted."

Nyrion chuckled softly. "Don't worry, even if they catch us, I'm not planning to go out without a fight. I'm taking all of those fuckers with me."

Seraphina shook her head with a smile. "Quite optimistic. But I guess I can't complain too much. It's better than dwelling on how much my head still hurts."

Nyrion only laughed. 

They continued going through the forest until eventually night came upon them.

"We'll walk another hour and then camp, we're still well rested so we should make the best of it. Also, since we are both able to go without sleep for a while, I'm going to teach you how to guard camp tonight." Nyrion explained while still walking.

Seraphina didn't want to stay up all night, but she agreed that it was for the best.

After around an hour of walking, Nyrion found a flat area with a decent amount of dry wood and started arranging it for the fire. Seraphina helped by gathering additional branches and clearing the space.

The sun had set long ago, with the moonlight the only light available, Nyrion got a couple branches and got the fire started. The crackle of the flames and the warmth of the fire were a welcome comfort.

Seraphina settled onto a log, stretching her legs. "This is nice," she admitted while watching the flames dance. "I could get used to this."

Nyrion, sitting on the ground across from her, nodded in agreement. "See? I told you it wouldn't be so bad. Sometimes the simple things are the best."

They both sat in silence for a while, the fire providing a cozy light and the forest around them settling into a peaceful quiet. The journey ahead was still long, and the danger still looming, but for now, it felt good to just enjoy the moment.