Chereads / Chronicles of the Fallen / Chapter 11 - Chapter 10

Chapter 11 - Chapter 10

As Seraphina and Nyrion walked through the endless forest hours passed, eventually morning arrived and the sun flickered through the dense canopy above, casting a staccato pattern of light and shadow across their path. Each step brought a rhythmic pulse of dappled sunlight, intermittently bathing them in warm, golden light before plunging them into deep, cool shade. The shifting interplay of sun and shadow seemed to dance unpredictably with their movement, while the weak morning light filtered through the towering trees, casting a muted glow over the forest floor.

"Ughh. Light, shadow, light, and shadow. Make up your mind Mother Nature! Fuck this!" Nyrion grumbled, his annoyance caused by the constant switch of sun and shadow hitting his eyes. "Mother nature, more like motherfucker"

Seraphina remained silent, her gaze fixed ahead as she walked with steady, measured steps. She offered no response to Nyrions grumblings, her face impassive. The rhythm of the shifting light and shadow seemed to fade into the background of her thoughts, a mere backdrop to her internal focus.

Their journey continued in silence. Seraphinas thoughts were distant, preoccupied with the unsettling feeling that lingered since the moment she saw the scout, unsure if they knew that she knew. Despite the beauty of the forest, she remained detached, her senses on high alert but her expression unchanged.

Nyrions grumbling eventually faded into a sullen silence given Seraphinas lack of reaction, his irritation seemingly dissipating into the surrounding wilderness. His steps grew more measured as he adjusted his pace to match Seraphinas steady rhythm. The occasional glance he cast at her revealed little, her face was a mask of stoicism, her eyes focused on some distant point ahead.

More time passed and Nyrions patience was wearing thin, his frustration evident in the way he scanned the forest. Despite his growing unease, he couldn't bring himself to break the silence with Seraphina. He couldn't figure out what was bothering her, and every attempt to gauge her mood was met with her usual stoic demeanor.

'Hmm, something happend while I was out, but I know that face, she'll pretend like I'm just imagining things and she's just tired or something. Gods why did I have to team up with a woman.' Nyrion grubmled but this time internally. 

His line of thought however was quickly stopped when he heared a rustling sound coming from behind them. 

Nyrion quickly turned around and put the now deformed shield in front of him, because of the Elkbears charge it was bent to the point of Nyrion being able to see above it while it was standing upright. His warpick already resting in his other hand. 

Seraphina turned as well, drawing her odachi with practiced ease. Her calm demeanor contrasted sharply with the tension in the air, her eyes locked on the source of the disturbance.

As Nyrion spun around, his shield raised defensively and his warpick ready, he scanned the dense foliage for any sign of danger. The rustling from behind them grew louder, more insistent, and Nyrions instincts kicked into overdrive.

But what he saw was the last thing he was expecting, well, maybe beside a dragon, nobody expects a dragon. 

It was his old comrades, the same ones he parted with not long ago, the memory still fresh in his mind resurfaced. 

Cassian, the ranger, was the first to step into view. With his short bow slung across his back and a crossbow strapped to his left arm, he cut an imposing figure. His golden blonde hair and tanned muscles gave him a dazzling appearance in his light leather armor.  Cassians sharp eyes narrowed as he took in Nyrion and Seraphina, his expression conflicted.

Next to him was Alice Strome, the barbarian. Her blood-red hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her armor, made from the hide of a giant brown dire wolf, highlighted her powerful physique. The massive double-sided axe sat on her back like always. Her face was set in a grim expression, clearly ready for a fight.

In the center stood Kaius Angar. His dark armor, made from the scales of an ancient black dragon, and short black hair contrasted sharply with his porcelain skin. The dragon bone greatsword he carried looked as menacing as it always did. Kaius's red eyes were cold and unrelenting, as they always have, focused on Nyrion and Seraphina. 

"Damn Nyrion, you look like someone stole the shit out of your ass." Said Cassian, destroying any chance or this encounter being a serious one. 

"Fuck you and those bushy eyebrows of yours Cassian." Nyrion retorted. "So, what's the big idea? You here to kill me or what?"

"We are here to put you and the vampire into custody, so you may face a fair trial at court." A man with dark green hair and razor-sharp eyebrows walked out of the woods. "If you comply, that is." 

"Who's that asshole? Your government assigned babysitter?" Nyrion said. 

The man was clearly insulted but before he could defend his honor Cassian answered. "You're giving him too much credit, more like a shit-stain we couldn't scrape off, or a glorified errand boy." 

"That's enough." Said Kaius silencing the both of them. 

The green haired man wanted to say something but a glance from Kaius stopped him. 

"We aren't here to fool around," He continued. "Nyrion, you will come with us, pay for what you did, and then be on your way. Personally I do not care but I have been ordered to do this, and so I will."

"Okay but what with the speech, you know I'm not coming so why waste time?" Nyrion said, the confusion in his voice of genuine curiosity. 

"It's for the record, a formality, if you will. Now for the real question." Kaius said with his usual emotionless voice. "Why did you do it? I watched the earthen remembrance and for the life of me I cannot figure it out. Risking your life for a level and some woman you've just met?" 

"Why? Are you seriously asking ME of all people why I did something?" Nyrion said, he wasn't screaming quite yet but his voice was loud. "Because I wanted to. That's the reason I do anything. Why I joined you to begin with. I thought after all these years you would have figured that out."

"It's also the reson why I'm not going to come with you. Because I don't want to."

"By the Gods, can't I just knock him out and be done with it?" Alice rolled her eyes, her voice was full of annoyance. "We've wasted more than enough time." 

Nyrion turned to face Alice and let out a mocking laugh, his voice dripping with scorn, his now barely visible eyes under his deformed helmet narrowed as he spoke, "You? Knock me out? That's rich. Bitch you couldn't put out a candle in a storm, let alone take me down. Maybe focus on keeping your big ass axe from knocking you over before you try swinging it at me." His tone was mocking, each word a jab, while his smirk, thought not visible, dared her to prove him wrong.

Alice's eyes flared with anger, her grip tightening into a fist. "You're really itching to die today, aren't you, Nyrion?" she growled, taking a step forward, her muscles tensing as if ready to launch herself at him. The tension in the air was palpable, the silence that followed their exchange thick with the threat of violence.

Nyrion's smirk only widened as he watched Alice's temper flare, the anticipation of a fight lighting up his eyes. He tilted his head slightly, goading her further. "Go ahead, Alice. Make my day. But remember, you're not exactly great at spotting trouble," He looked at Cassian," Cassian can back me up on this one."

Cassian shook his head with a sigh. "Going after her ex? That's a low blow, even for you man. Wait, I'm her ex! Don't fucking involve me in this!"

Just as Alice was about to make her way over to Nyrion, Kaius stepped forward, his presence commanding the attention of everyone present. His voice was steady, carrying an undercurrent of authority that instantly cooled the boiling tension. "Enough, both of you. This isn't a playground and you're not children."

"On the contrary I think it's the best way to resolve this." Interrupted the green haired man, still clearly mad, but more composed. "Sure capturing them is a priority but I also have to document your battle ability. So I have a solution. Miss Alice will fight the dwarf, and the vampire will fight Mr Cassian. And to make it fair, if both of the criminals win, they will have their crimes forgiven. It's a win for everybody isn't it?"

Everyone turned to look at the green haired man except Alice and Nyrion who were staring each other down. 

"I take back what I said about you government guy, that's an amazing fucking idea." Nyrion said. "You ready to kick some ass Seraphina?"

Seraphina let out a deep sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly as she considered the proposal. The idea of a fight wasn't appealing, but she couldn't think of another way out. She glanced at Nyrion, who was already brimming with eager anticipation, and then at Kaius and the green-haired man, whose insistence on fairness seemed almost... reasonable. Her gaze then settled on Cassian, her soon to be opponent. 

"Fine," Seraphina said, her voice tinged with resignation. "Let's get this over with. It seems like the fastest way to resolve this mess."

"Hey now wait a second." Cassian said while putting both his hands up and waving them in front of his face. "I never agreed to this, how could I ever fight such a fair maiden?"

Cassian's protest earned him a stern look from Kaius. "Your opinion isn't required Cassian. You're fighting, end of story."

Cassian's face flushed as he realized he had no choice. "Fine, fine," he grumbled "But to keep it fair I won't use my bow."

"I don't need your sympathy. Shut up and draw tour bow. Or the only thing left of your manhood will be a penis so small that I won't even need to cut it off. Or is it already so small that you don't see that as a threat?" Seraphina said with a bored tone. 

Cassian's face flushed with anger. "It's not small! And I've got plenty of witnesses who'll back me up on that! Are insults the only thing you can do? I don't need my bow, I'll beat you with these two knives!" He drew his knives and pointed one at her.

Seraphina raised an eyebrow, her expression unchanging. "Then fight me instead of whining. Maybe your skills with that bow are as lacking as your dick and that's why you're not getting it."

Cassian's eyes flashed as his hands went to get his bow. "Fine. But don't cry when you're on the ground."

Nyrion watched the exchange with a mix of amusement and impatience. He shook his head, muttering under his breath, "This is turning into a circus."

With a sudden burst Nyrion hefted his warpick and charged toward Alice. His movements while not the fastest still surprised Alice, the weight of his frustration propelling him forward. He didn't bother extending the warpick, Alice had the advantage in reach and strength, he was betting on the smaller weapons speed and having a free hand. 

Nyrion's warpick swung through the air with a vicious arc, aimed directly at Alice's midsection. The sheer force behind the blow would easily shatter bone if it connected. Alice, not fazed in the slightest, sidestepped the attack with a graceful, fluid motion, her eyes narrowing as she assessed her opponent. 

She retaliated immediately, bringing her double-sided axe down in a powerful, overhand swing. Nyrion, anticipating the strike, stepped back just enough to avoid the blade, the edge of the axe grazing the front of his armor with a metallic screech.

Nyrion used the momentum of his missed swing to pivot, bringing his warpick around in a horizontal strike aimed at Alice's legs. Alice reacted with surprising speed, jumping back to avoid the potentially crippling attack, the ground beneath her feet cracking from the sheer power she put into the jump. 

Without missing a beat, Alice grabbed the axe head and twisted it making it fall off the shaft. A chain unraveled from within the weapon, the axe turning into a flail, and she swung it with deadly precision toward Nyrion, while the power of each strike would lower the range and new possible attacks more than made up for it. 

The chain hissed through the air, the axe head coming towards him like a comet. Nyrion barely had time to raise his warpick in defense, the chain wrapping around the shaft with a resounding clang, the axe head scraping against his armor. Alice yanked the chain with all her might, trying to disarm him, but Nyrion dug his heels into the ground, resisting the pull with all the strength his small but muscular frame could muster. The two stood in a deadlock, muscles straining, neither willing to give an inch.

With a sudden burst of energy, Nyrion let go of his warpick and reached out to grab the chain with both hands. His fingers closed around the cold metal, and with a powerful tug, he pulled Alice off balance. His letting go made her go backwards and the sudden force dragged her back towards him making her temporarily lose balance, but Alice managed to turn it in her favor. As she stumbled toward Nyrion, she pivoted on her heel, and with the force of the spin giving her momentum she punched Nyrion square in the head. 

The sound of broken bone and metal bending could be heard emanating throught the small clearing where the fight took place. Alices right hand was completely unusable, almost every bone in it broken. Nyrion however wasn't doing any better, the helmet absorbed a lot of the impact but the punch still caused him to   get knocked out momentarily. 

Before he could recover Alice went to deliver a finishing blow with a roundhouse kick, but Nyrions temporarily unconscious body fell on its knees causing the attack to miss. Alice didn't expect her punch to knock him out completly, at most she expected him to be stunned for a second. 

She had put her entire strength into the kick, as such when it missed she lost her balance and fell down. Alice quickly regained her footing, her eyes burning with determination as she shook off the pain from her shattered hand which she used to stabilize her fall. She was no stranger to injury, and the adrenaline coursing through her veins dulled the pain to a mere background noise. Nyrion, on the other hand, was still dazed, his vision swimming as he tried to gather his bearings. The helmet which by now was so deformed as to barely resemble its original look, had saved him from a fatal blow, but the impact had still rattled his brain, leaving him momentarily disoriented.

With a sudden scream, Nyrion lunged at Alice, using his smaller size to his advantage he closed the distance between them in an instant, ducking low and ramming his shoulder into her midsection with all his might. The impact was like a battering ram, driving the air from Alice's lungs and forcing her back several steps. But despite the devastating impact she stood firm, her powerful legs absorbing the shock, and brought her knee up into Nyrion's chest in a brutal counterstrike.

The knee struck true, and Nyrion gasped in pain, but didn't let go. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Alice's waist, using his momentum to drag her down with him as they both crashed to the ground in a tangled heap of limbs. The impact was heavy, shaking the ground beneath them and sending up a cloud of dirt and leaves.

Alice screamed in frustration as she found herself on the ground, Nyrion on top of her. She tried to bring her legs up to kick him off, but Nyrion with his armor on was simply too heavy. While Alice was trying her best to get him, Nyrion was already moving, his hands going for her throat in a desperate attempt to choke her out. Alice's eyes as she found it difficult to breathe, but she wasn't about to let herself be overpowered so easily.

She started punching him in the head, her impacts nowhere near as powerful as before, but the sheer number and ferocity of them eventually overwhelmed Nyrion who let go of her throat. Once he did, Alice used all of her power to punch him one last time, causing him to stagger to one side, but after that last punch her remaining hand also broke whatever bones that remained intact. She then used this opportunity to finally shake him off, though not without some difficulty given his weight. 

Alice didn't miss the opportunity and immediately jumped on him, reversing their earlier position. She then barely took off his helmet before he could properly react, and proceeded to pummel him with both of her broken fists throwing in a headbutt here and there, trying her best to ignore the pain she continued the relentless assault, possibly injuring herself more than Nyrion, until she was suddenly hit in the side sending her flying into a nearby tree, knocking her unconscious in the process. 

Kaius was the one who cast the spell. Alice had already won but considering the ferocity and rage she was displaying he concluded that the best solution was to have them both knocked out. 

With the fight concluded, Kaius turned his attention to the other one which was also nearing its conclusion.