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Chapter 1 - Chapter One

The Valkyrie And The Dragon

Deep in his hall in Valhalla, one of the most prized places of all the gods of the Aesir, the Allfather Odin sat on his throne, deep in thought. A wise and powerful god, at the current moment only thing preoccupied his mind, above all else, something he'd dreaded yet predicted for many years now. It was called Armageddon to some, Frashokereti to others, many different names for all different civilizations throughout time, but it meant the same thing to all. The complete end of all that was, the end of life and perhaps, the possibility of something new. The Ragnarok.

Away from these ruminating deep thoughts on deep, dark acts, it is perhaps odd for one to realize Odin's thoughts concerned individuals as well as the great scale of civilizations and entire pantheons. One tiny home in a tiny part of the world that made up the vast cosmos, in a small city in the island nation of Japan, concerned two people of considerable importance to Odin and his dreams of Ragnarok. Though it would be hard to tell from the noises coming from one of the bedrooms of this house, home to the Hyoudou family-a mother, a father, their son Issei, and the young lady they took in many years ago who was almost like a daughter to them-Rossweisse, a serious girl whose lack of interest in men was only matched by her great clumsiness. But she was no ordinary orphan taken in by this family and was actually many centuries old despite looking no older than twenty.

"Ahhh..mmmh, ahh yesss." Moans filled the bedroom, and indeed the rest of the house, high in pitch and squeaking, squealing intensity. Rossweisse was laying on her bed, masturbating furiously. Her huge tits touched the bed even as she lay flat on her back, clearly visible on either side and from behind her. She was wearing nothing but a thin satin robe that was basically see-through, showing her impossibly stacked and fat bouncing ass, even as Rossweisse herself had her eyes closed. She was rapidly squelching three fingers in and out of her blad, dripping wet pussy, her feet kicking off the bed with her heels stiff, legs ramrod straight and toes pointed in the air. Rossweisse's voice could be heard, mewling to herself as she indulged in a sinful, decadent sexual fantasy.

"Aggggh, Mmmmmmh, Oooh f-fuck it feels so good! Ise, Your cock is so fucking huge~, More baby more, more more! Give everything to me!"

The facts were simple enough. Rossweisse Hyoudou, blessed with the perpetual looks of someone in her early twenties and even able to age or deage when she wanted to. She taught Civics at Kuoh academy, and she often called Mikki and Gorou Hyoudou mama and papa, though they never legally adopted her. As she was squirting right on the floor, lost in the throes of sexual bliss, her free hand groping and smacking at her massive chest with rough, almost punishing slaps, it was clear Rossweisse had worked herself nearly into a frenzy.

This entire improbable sequence of events had started nine years ago when Rossweisse was serving as Odin's bodyguard. At first she'd been excited at the chance to serve him: Odin, the All-Father, Chief of all Norse Gods, Lord of the Hanged, an incredible badass. But it turned out, truth was a lot more disappointing than the legends. Odin was indeed powerful, and incredibly knowledgeable as well, his great wisdom making up for his lost eye, but it was how he chose to use that power and wisdom that let Rossweisse down. The fact was, Odin was little more than a perverted old geezer, who had used Rossweisse as a maid (only later had it occurred to her this was the plan from the start-why would Odin need a bodyguard at all, especially someone like her?) and often mocked Rossweisse for not having a boyfriend, while he used his powers to spy on others in the mortal realm and beyond.

So while running an embarrassing errand for Odin, namely picking up some porno mags, Rossweisse had returned from the mortal realm to find Odin actually looking serious for once, deep in his home in Valhalla. He could only tell her that "Ragnarok had changed." which had sent a shiver through Rossweisse's body-to this day just thinking about Odin's dire proclamation worried her in a strange, tingly way. Somehow, the Red Dragon Emperor of Domination now appeared in all prophecies of Rangarok, which should have been impossible.

A council had been convened, and after days of deliberation, Odin had assigned a personal mission of the utmost importance to Rossweisse. Expecting another boring errand, she had been surprised and confused that Odin had seen her in his vision as well. As such, he gave her the orders to leave Asgard, travel to a place called Kuoh Town in Japan, and intercept the Hyoudou family. This had led to Rossweisse meeting her dear sweet Issei to keep an eye on him as the owner of the Red Dragon, to keep him safe and worst of all, if it seemed he might be contributing to the end of the world, to end him.

From there it had been easy enough for someone as skilled and powerful, if untested, as Rossweisse to manipulate events. She encountered Mr. and Mrs. Hyoudou, appearing as a student of Kuoh Academy who needed their help with a few things. Once they signed what they thought was a simple pledge to help their Issei go to the school one-day, but was actually a document powered by runic magic, their memories had been overwritten. Rossweisse has always been a family friend, and her relatively unchanging age no longer bothered them.

She still remembered when she met Issei, a short, energetic boy who seemed cute as a button, still not yet ten years old. Rossweisse had wondered how a cute boy could ever unleash the end of the world, but it wasn't her job to ask questions. She simply hid out in Midgard, which was easy enough-the only tricky part was getting a job at Kuoh Academy and avoiding the notice of the two Devil families that practically ruled over that place which meant tamping down on her powers at almost all times.

"Yes, Isssei, yes just like that, my big fucking boy, give it to me!" These thoughts passed in a whirlwind through Rossweisse's mind as she finger-fucked herself silly, the bed so soaked that the mattress nearly dripped through to the floor.

It had been unclear when feelings had blossomed between Rossweisse and Issei, looking back on it, she couldn't determine any one moment. But playacting as sister-figure meant she often had to watch Issei when his parents were off on business trips throughout Asia and Eruope. She just knew that one day, glancing at the handsome young man he had turned out to be, she would protect him from anything…even though Rossweisse still twisted and burned at the knowledge that one day she might have to end Issei's life herself. She wondered if Odin, twisted bastard that he was, had planned it that way knowing she would love him and thus keep him from others who might lead him down the wrong path, despite having the secret duty to execute him.

There had been some boys, Matsuda and Motohama who wanted to befriend Issei, but Rossweisse took one look at them and recognized their perverted minds straight away, and quietly steered them away from her pure, sweet Issei. This act, both controlling and caring, struck a nerve with Rossweisse and she began to wonder if this was how Odin thought, manipulating others seemingly without compassion but having a goal in mind that no one else knew about. She hoped not, Rossweisse didn't want to have any similarities with that dirty old fucker. The thoughts did still resound in her head, even now as she worked herself to another frenzied climax in bed.

Yes, I was supposed to be his watchful guardian and executioner rolled into one…yet I failed.

Earlier that day, the family had shared a nice cozy breakfast together, though Rossweisse had long ago learned that these happy Hyodou meals always had a price attached. Here, it was that they were going on a business trip, which was both important news and so commonplace as to be ignored. Rossweisse was deep in thought about Ragnarok, while Issei ate his food without looking, choosing instead to stare at Rossweisse.

"Careful Issei, if you look at Ross like that in public, people might think you're together." Gorou teased with a sly smirk.

"That wouldn't be so bad." Issei replied, but his words were so fast and mumbled that Ross didn't hear him and his parents barely understood him.

"What's that dear?" Miki asked, but she was scrolling through her smartphone making last-minute preparations for their trip.


When the meal was finished, the family each went their separate ways. Miki and Gorou went through their belongings one last time,making sure they were packed and ready, while Rossweisse made a list of all the boring household tasks that were her responsibility now. Dealing with Odin was annoying enough, but dealing with credit card companies who thought the Hyoudous spending habits were odd was a punishment Asgard could never conceive of.

Issei for his part had run off to take a shower, leaving Rossweisse with the two elder Hyodous.

"He has been acting strange lately," Miki said. "Probably something to do with that girl, Yuuma something. Maybe they've been having trouble and that's why he's so gloomy."

Gorou nodded, even as he messaged a taxi company to pick them both up for their trip to the airport. "Well, I just hope they can work it out, because otherwise we'll probably never have grandkids…well, except for any kids you might have, Ross-chan. I suppose they could call us Gramps and Gramma."

Rossweisse was suddenly stirred out of her funk, her eyes wide. "Neh? I…I don't think I'd be having any children that would be your grandkids. I mean, after all Issei has a girlfriend anyway so the chances of me getting pregnant and carrying a Hyoudou child are slim to none at best…"

She muttered under her breath, with an almost visible dark cloud forming around her head as she vented negative thoughts in a flurry. Gorou and Miki shared worried glances and decided this was the time to make a swift exit. Ross barely noticed them leave.

"Damn that school, and all the work I had to do to become a teacher, this is all the fault of that damn Academy. I was supposed to keep an eye on Issei, steer him clear of girls and now someone is sniffing around the Red Dragon. How could things get any worse?!" Tears streamed down her face before she wiped them hurriedly, knowing she had to put on a brave front.

Gorou and Miki closed the door, remarking how odd it was that Rossweisse was so worked up at the idea of Issei having a girlfriend. Probably just jealous she didn't have a boyfriend, they assumed.

Rossweisse headed towards the bathroom, still muttering and mumbling to herself, worried that some hot girls might lead her Issei astray. Yuuma Amano wasn't a Devil as far as Rossweisse knew, but threats to Issei, and thus all of creation, could come from anymore. Issei was an attractive boy and very stupid when girls were around, which was a dangerous combination perfect for others to wrap around their fingers and manipulate to their heart's content. Rossweisse's feet, wrapped in cute thigh-high white socks, pounded the floor as she neared the bathroom, one of her fists balled up in an almost cute expression of anger.

She must have forgotten Issei was taking a shower, or what happened next wouldn't have occurred, but maybe there was more to it than that. With her conscious mind so preoccupied with thoughts Rossweisse's long silver hair was bouncing around her like an agitated lion's mane, perhaps some quieter part of her brain decided to take action.

Inside the bathroom, Issei wasn't quite showering, though he was nude in the tub with the water running. His concerns were elsewhere, and hardly concerned with cleaning.

"Mmmh, oooh, mmmh~" Issei bit his lower lip cutely, his face screwed up in an expression of concentration and pleasure. His cock stuck out like some sort of massive, oversized club, and even with both hands Issei couldn't get his fingers to touch around the throbbing, veiny shaft. The massive bellend was level with Issei's eyes, sticking up like some kind of monstrous spear as Issei worked himself faster and faster.

Ahhh…I don't care if the President scolds me for daydreaming, I don't care if I have to face more Fallen Angels with huge tits and lasers, I don't care about dangerous crows that turn out to be something else, I'm just so grateful for tihs big, huge cock. I just wish I could use it on the President and Akeno's fat, titantic tits, even the two of them wouldn't be able to cover it all the way!

Rossweisse was, indeed, too late to prevent Issei's life from changing. His first girlfriend had turned out to be a Fallen Angel who wanted him dead, and from there, Issei's life had taken several bizarre turns. Now his cock was ten times as big as it had been, something Rias had mentioned was due to his Devil nature, but admitting even that couldn't account for such a large change. Unknown to any of them, Issei's Red Dragon powers interacted with Issei's long-hidden perverted desires and enhanced his dick size permanently.

So focused on pleasuring his new, massive, one hundred centimeter cock (that was Issei called it, liking the round number, but it was actually slightly larger than even that insane size), Issei didn't notice the bathroom door opened. Rossweisse was standing in the doorway, staring at Issei and his huge bitch breaker of a cock, her jaw wide open like she was trying to catch flies, her aquamarine eyes shrunk to narrow pinpricks of color, nearly all-whites in her stunned state.

Oblivious that he was being watched, Issei continued jerking his cock, his lewd inner monologue becoming audible as his climax grew closer, words spilling from his lips in a tight, strained voice.

"Oh fuck, just imagine what I could do with those huge volleyball breasts. They're as huge as my Nee-chan, Ross'.

Hearing her name, especially mentioned in the same breath as the phrase huge volleyball breasts made Rossweisse's face suddenly resemble a tomato, red and swollen. She did glance down though at the little jersey she was wearing and admitted Issei was right-she'd bought a men's size that was supposed to be way too large for her, but her enormous tits meant the whole thing was tented out. She wasn't up on all her human sports, but volleyballs honestly seemed a little small in comparison.

"I…Ise!" Ross said, sputtering and unable to think of anything meaningful to say.

Only then did Issei notice, making him turn to face the door, still jerking that cock. Getting a look at it was like staring down the barrel of a cannon, and Rossweisse felt a spark run up and down her spine as she finally got a good look at that massive, pale cock, throbbing with veins that were thicker than two of her fingers put together. Her knees shook and her heart skipped a bit…was this what they meant by "love at first sight?"

"Ah, Nee-chan!" Issei couldn't believe his entire cock was on display, his fat balls churning up as he kept jerking off, full of enough sperm to overflow a kid's wading pool…and then some.

Seeing that cock made Ross think of Jormungandr, the world serpent, impossible large…just like this dick. Drool trickled from one side of Rossweisse's mouth, smelling that cock even from where she was standing, as the musk filled the room like overwhelming perfume and Issei's pre-come stank to high heaven. Normally she was smart and calculated, but right now she felt like she'd lost ten IQ points, the only thought she could hold being that if Issei took just a few steps to her, just three small ones, no more, that cock would be pressing right up against her body. His cock would lead the way and Rossweisse wouldn't even be able to touch the base.

Issei held his hands in front of his shaft, in a pointless attempt to hide it. All he did was highlight how large it was as both of his palms, pointed down and side by side, still left some of his huge, throbbing purple prick helmet visible from either side.

"Well, this is…this is…" Issei couldn't believe he didn't lock the door, tripping over his words. But just maybe, a slow thought trickled down the back of his spine that maybe that was a good thing.

"Ooowaah-KYAAAHHH!" Rossweisse could take no more, and ran from the bathroom in a hurry.

"Nee-chan!" Issei called after her, but it was too late and the bathroom door rattled in its frame as she slammed it shut. He wanted to go after her…but he couldn't really move like this, not when he had been so close.

By the time Issei had finished jerking himself off and washing himself off, Rossweisse was locked in her room, not speaking. Eventually he closed himself away, locking the door and collapsing on the bed in shame and embarrassment. Issei threw a pillow over his face, lost in his own thoughts and thus not able to hear Rossweisse's moans and groans

I can't believe that happened, oh my god I'm so humiliated I could just die!

All of this had happened hours ago, and Rossweisse was now, currently, still in her bedroom masturbating. Her teeth clenched as she came again, having reached her third orgasm while thinking about nothing than that massive dick she'd looked at. It had been like the first time she'd seen Valhalla, but without any letdowns, and the fact that the most massive, huge, ungodly cock she'd ever seen belonged to her dear sweet Issei, it was too much to handle.

"Hah, hann, hannnh" She panted, pussy juices having shot so far from her spasming cunt that they'd actually hit the far wall across from her bed.

"Alright! I can't fucking take it anymore!" Rossweisse said, a bit of fire in her eyes. It had been a long time since the bodyguard and errand girl had gotten so worked up, but she was still a Valkyrie at heart, which meant she was a powerful warrior who wasn't going to hide in her bedroom like a lovesick teen.

Rossweisse gathered her robe, taking a look at herself in the mirror absurdly-since when did she check what she looked like before talking to Issei? But something had changed since she'd seen what her "little brother" was packing between his legs. She adjusted the pink ribbons in her hair, her makeup looking nice and polished but not too obvious-she had this.

Whatever this is…who would have thought my dear Issei…well, I have to get to the bottom of this, one way or the other!

Rossweisse knocked on Issei's door once she left her room, but got no response. She tried to turn the handle, but it was locked. Clucking her tongue, Rossweisse concentrated, calling upon a little of her magic to unlock it from the inside-it was very easy to do, but it just reminded her of how long it had been since she'd actually relied on her magic and had simply been observing Issei through normal means for so long. She tiptoed inside, walking towards Issei's bedside.

It stinks in here, but I know Issei cleans his room every day, I've seen him. But the stench of cum is so powerful…he must jerk himself off every day, just like I do. Does he think of me?

The thought was almost too hopeful for Rosswei