Betty's POV
I was headed to the big house when I saw Terry and Tricia giggling and frolicking around. My heart sank so deep seeing how fast Terry moved on after years of our secret affairs. Another woman walked into his life and so easily he found her pleasing? I rambled over so many scenarios, made tons of assumptions as I set the breakfast table.
Terry and his supposed fiancé walked into the dining area and sat comfortably, with bright smiles on their faces. For a brief moment, our eyes met and it was really awkward, but I thought to wait patiently for him to come find me so we could talk, really talk.
"Why is she starring so persistently at you?" Tricia asked, curious of the very obvious tension between Terry and I.
"It's nothing, she gets like that sometimes," Terry answered, with a giggle trying to make mockery of the situation
"Breakfast is served" I announced, moving away from the dining area, disdain evident in my eyes.
As the rest of the Aveeno family members settled in, having their breakfast. My mind railed over my fragile relationship with Terry and it's inevitable outcome. The end is really beckoning on us, why did I allow myself be used, what was I really thinking? Did I really entertain the possibility of us ever getting married? I've always loved fairytales but living as a maid is enough to make me realize that fairytales are not real. Yet I went on, fueling my delusion. I pondered endless as I stood close to the dining area waiting to be called upon by whoever needed me.
"I could see you both are getting along" Mrs Aveeno sighted, with a mischievous grin.
"It's like we've known eachother for so long, like we reunited, you know" Tricia enthusiastically said, her words laced with excitement.
"I see, this is good, it gladdens my heart to see this. Payne cop and Aveeno groups union.!"' A wedding of the century, might I add. Mrs Aveeno declared gloriously. And they all shared a laugh except for Terry who gave a faint smile.
I couldn't stand it, I couldn't bare it, matter of fact I couldn't believe it and just like that, with a heavy heart I left, inconspicuously, and made my way to home.
I sat on the couch in our living room, reminiscing on the good old days and the flimsy promises we made to eachother. Terry meant everything to me and I've sacrificed so much of myself to him without him knowing.
As I pondered through so many trains of thought, Terry walked in.
"You've got some balls walking in here." I scolded detestfully.
"This entire estate belongs to me, I don't think you have the right to question whichever building I walk into" Terry countered.
Oh, I'm so sorry sir, please what do you need me for? To clean your shoes? Make your bed? Or wash you clothes? I questioned with so much disdain.
Betty, stop. What's wrong with you? Terry asked
What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? Really? I queried, tears brimming in my eyes.
Wait.. stop.. don't cry Betty, please don't, Terry pleaded as he approached slowly me with a warm embrace.
I'm so sorry Betty, I am so sorry, he said apologetically.
Why are you saying sorry? We've talked about this, when the time comes, we'd run away, please Terry, let's run away, let's Elope, go somewhere far, please. I pleaded, my heart pounding in anticipation.
Terry was hesitant, his eyes lit up at the mention of elope but his mouth couldn't hold confirmation, it seemed as though some external forces were are play.
Terry say something , please, I pleaded as he incessant staring turned mutiny.
I'm sorry Betty, I've so sorry to have wasted your time, I'm so sorry to have hurt you so deeply. There are forces above my power and this is me doing what's best for all of us. He said
"Terry, I thought you loved me, you are just going to let go of me so easily? Just like that? Wow, I can't believe this". I shook my head in utter disbelief and disappointment.
"Just know that I'm doing this to protect you. I'm sorry Betty." Terry concluded.
"So, this is the end? 4years . Gone down the drain? Is this the end Terry? I want to hear you say it!" I asked as though the answer would change anything.
Terry was mute for a brief second until I I turned away and he held my hands preventing me from moving forward. I tried pulling his hands off me but I couldn't. He drew me closer and as i starred deeply into his face, tears fell down his eyes.
I had never seen Terry shed a tear before, it felt as though he was hiding something from me, preventing me to know something very important or dangerous but i knew for sure there were secrets in his eyes.
I wiped his his tears with my hands and I kind of felt sorry for him, having come from a reputable family everything you do is out of pressure and always in scrutiny.
"Terry, I've never seen you shed a tear" I asked.
"I've never had a reason to,"He replied.
"I don't know how to let you go, I can't.. it's just…can't. But if I don't, something bad might happen to you and I can't watch you get hurt." He explained vaguely.
"I love you Betty, far too much might I add," he professed.
"I love you too", I responded wholeheartedly.
As I carresssed his face, I could feel sexual tension brimming. The seductive gaze and pounding hearts were palpable.
He gently lowered his head and gave me a passionate kiss, in that moment I forgot about the argument we just had and our inevitable breakup. All I could think of was making love to Terry, I guess we both needed to release the tension and to say farewell, as shallow as that may sound. I couldn't think of anything other than our genitals frictioning.
The room was quiet, my dad had an errand to run and won't be home till evening. Terry brushed his tongue against my lower lip. I Parted to let him in then sighed when I felt the first quiver spark ignite in my belly.
I wrapped both arms around him, resting my hands on his back. He was broad and strong, i thought absently. Our tongues danced and teased, touching, retreating, stroking. My breasts began to ache and i felt my nipples straining against the fabric of my dress.
Terry shifted slightly, moving to kiss along my jawline then down my neck. He brushed his lips against my collarbone then dipped lower to the scooped neckline of my dress, but didn't go beyond the fabric.
The hand on my waist stayed exactly where it was. Terry returned his attention to my mouth and kissed me again.
I rolled toward him as i ran my fingers up and down his back. The kiss deepened. With every stroke of his tongue against mine, i felt myself melting. At the same time a particular tension emanated from various points of my body.
My breast which ached more each second, and between my thighs. He broke free for a second time and kissed his way down my neck. This time he moved past the edge of my dress, he hovered over my breasts for a heartbeat then two. Anticipation filled me, making me want to grab him by his shoulders and pull him down.
At last he lowered his head and took my right nipple into his mouth.
I exhaled sharply as I felt the warm, moist heat of his mouth envelop me through the thin cotton of my dress. His tongue swirled against my tight sensitive skin. Nerve endings danced with joy and sent ribbons of heart shimmering down to my belly.
I felt the flick of his tongue then pulsing pleasure when he sucked the coolness of the air on the damp material as he shifted to the breast
I wasn't sure how long he went between them. First one, then the other. When his mouth was on one breast his hand was on the other. I learned there was a difference between what he could do with his tongue and his fingers but both were very very nice.
At some point i had rolled onto his back, although i couldn't say when, i moved my hands from his back, his shoulders and head. I trailed my fingers through the hair and when he sucked a nipple in deeply, I groaned and dug in his shoulders.
The room was quiet and very warm, we moved onto the bed and I watched Terry take off his shirt. I watched greedily wanting to see his chest. He tossed the shirt away and without thinking, I put my hands on the sculpted muscles.
His skin was warm and smooth, his nipples where slightly raised.
He leaned in and kissed me as he tugged at my dress. I pulled it up to my waist then he drew it off me, I sank back into the mattress and wrapped my arms around him. He smiled then kissed me.
My eyes closed as I lost myself in his mouth. His hands returned to my breasts. I sighed as he cupped my curves, his hands were moving down my rib cage across my belly before settling on the top of my thighs, he let his hands travel up my thighs back to my stomach then make the return trip, so slow and easy i almost didn't notice. The second time he went all the way to my breast where he stroked my nipples. He went back down again and this time my legs were slightly opened and he rested his fingers against my vagina, not pushing or actually touching, just kind of resting.
He lightly kissed me and asked me to close my eyes, i did as he requested his fingers parted me then he touches me intimately. He pushed a single finger inside me and I instinctively pressed my hips toward him. I parted my legs even more and he stroked inside me, pushing up and in and— the good became great as he found some nerve knot or something. My breath caught as he moved His fingers back and forth against my sensitive inner skin- g spot, he kept stroking his fingers inside of me, I almost couldn't breath and I titled my hip to give him more access.
He pulled out and I nearly whimpered but before I could complain, he placed three fingers on the very center of me and moved in a slow circle,
My breathing increased as he touched over and over, he moved a little faster, I strained toward something I couldn't see, couldn't… I exploded, flew sort into zillions of pieces into the very essence of what I had always been. I might have gasped or screamed or been totally silent but i could only be lost in the powerful wave of pleasure.
When I could think again, when I could breathe and speak, I opened my eyes and found Terry watching me, one corner of his mouth turned up.
We had spent the entire day making love over and over and over again. It was an eventful day indeed, we had managed to distract ourselves from the actual elephant in the room or maybe we already knew the answers and preferred to have as much fun as we could before, the inevitable end of our relationship.
For a moment we were mute, savoring the profound wave of pleasure that eluded us. Until I broke the silence.
"If that's your parting gift to me, you definitely outdid yourself" I said shallowly.
"Ha ha ha, very funny." he replied, trying to catch his breath.
We turned, facing each other and we stared into each other's eyes intently. Uncertain of what to say next or do.
After a terrific day of intense love making coupled with an aching body and unwarranted conversation that distracted us from our predicated, I feel asleep.
Upon waking up, I stretched my hands to trace Terry's body on the bed but he wasn't there. when the sleep weared off from my eye, I called out his name but didn't get a response. I got up and scanned through the tiny cubicle that was reserved for my father and I as a living area but I still couldn't find Terry.