Evening descended and I was totally done with my tasks for the day. My dad and I laughed and beautifully reminisced about my childhood as we celebrated my mom's death rememberance. It's has been 5years since I lost my mom and nothing had ever remained the same, it ultimately a part of me had died with her, every single day I missed her dearly, as I was caught upon the nostalgia my mom's memory, I heard a knock on the door. Looking through the window it was Asha, one of the many maids in the Aveeno house.
I opened the door, shocked at her surprise visit.
"To what do I owe this pleasure," I asked politely with a cordial grin imprinted on my face. "Come on in" I added, gesticulating towards to hallway.
"No, no.. I am not staying for long, I was asked to call upon you" she said hastenly.
It was evening and more often than not I'm always not on duty except on special or impromptu occasions. I however nodded and obliged. "Give me a moment to change please."
I donned my attire and informed my father of my leaving. I hurried in confusion wondering what special occasion would warrant this that I hadn't previously heard of.
Upon getting to the hallway in the main house I saw Tricia standing across me immediately I approached further, she rushed towards me.
"Thank goodness, here you are, come, come" Holding my hands and a pulling me behind her I almost missed my footings.
As we made our way to god knows where I couldn't help but wonder where we were possibly headed, being around her alone makes me nauseous giving that she took my man away from me, like he was ever mine, however I simply wanted to perform my duties and not be casual with either her or Terry, I needed breathing space but the sooner I realized I would probably not be able to avoid them, the better for me.
We haphazardly got to the kitchen and I was utterly taken aback by who I saw standing. After successfully having avoided Terry, one way or another I still end up in close contact with him. I felt like my entire effort that day was wasted, pushing thoughts of him to the very far end of my head after this morning's encounter. I was saddened by the way I treated him, maybe it was too harsh or maybe he deserved it, I rambled upon uncanny thoughts as we got closer to him.
"Oh great" Terry exclaimed turning away from us both and staring intently at the empty bowl in his hands.
"Baby, here she is. She's the best baker ever, that special bread stuffings we both love she made it babe." Tricia stated with so much excitement, finally taking her hands off me and moving towards Terry.
"What's your name?" She asked me.
"Betty," I responded unenthusiastically, clearly because of Terry's presence.
"Okay Betty, my Fiancé and I were challenging ourselves on bread making and we both utterly failed. She began, excitement etched on her face. " It was a disaster," she laughed. And we thought to ourselves we need to be able to do something by ourselves for our unborn kids, why don't we actually learn it if it's not too difficult , and then the head maid was walking by and she suggested you are the best baker here, you are also a great tutor and you made the bread stuffing for breakfast today which was so deliciously. Am I right babe? She turned towards Terry and asked.
"Yea… Yeah," he stammered, his countenance in obvious shambles.
"Betty darling, will you be so kind to teach us how to make bread like you do, or close to? Pretty please?" She smiled and asked politely.
"Yeah.. Sure, of course," I agreed like i had a choice. I am a maid after all.
The entire session was awkward, watching them both laugh, giggle and hold eachother on several occasions almost made me puke. Tricia held the bulk of the excite but Terry on the other hand was mostly reluctant, there was obvious tension between us, soon after we got done, Tricia decided to go get a particular wine at the cellar so we could have it with the bread stuffing she was feeling really proud. As she left, leaving both myself and Terry in the kitchen, it was a tad bit awkward. There was expected silence and stolen glances.
"You did well," I stated, attempting to break the silence.
"Thanks," he responded with contempt, avoiding eye contact with me. "How is your new boyfriend doing?"He blurted out in jealousy, still avoiding eye contact.
"I didn't know I had a boyfriend that I didn't know of" I retorted. "Yeah right, keep acting like you don't know what I'm talking about." he said
"The guy you saw me earlier with? I Dont even know his name" I stated pointedly.
"I am pretty sure you will soon, the way he stared at your was impressionable." He Implored, jealousy burning in his eyes.
"Okay." I said attempting to end the conversation but I failed. "I'm sure who talks to me or not doesn't concern you anymore since you're pretty occupied yourself with Tricia of course, all that mushiness.. You moved on real quick though less than a week you are already in love," I continued, jealousy already having a chokehold on me.
"You think I'm happy to be in this situation, do you know how exhausting it is having to put on this act?" He Imploded, his tone laced with weariness and secrecy.
"Honestly, I don't care and just so you know who ever i chose to be and not to be with is none of your business." I retorted angrily.
For a brief moment we were both mute wallowing in the ridiculousness of the conversation we both had.
"Yeah, you are right. Its none of my business, I am sorry, I want you to be happy." He said, a mixture of sadness, hurt and concern laced in his voice.
"What you want or don't want doesn't matter to me anymore." I took a deep breath and moved a few steps away from him. "I think I am gonna go, when Tricia comes please tell her I went to the rest room." He attempted to halt me but he hesitated and rather watched me leave, immediately i opened the door, my breath hung in my lungs by who i saw standing just outside the door with a bottle of wine on one hand and two wine glasses on the other, it was Tricia.