Episode 1
The story begins with a glimpse into the peaceful life of a family in a village. Agastya, a young boy, lives there with his father, a farmer, and his mother, a housewife. Agastya's best friend, Arnav, often accompanies him, and they enjoy their daily routines together.
One day, while Agastya and Arnav are working on the farm, they receive shocking news. For the past five years, people have been mysteriously disappearing across the nation. The nation Special Forces have been called in to investigate, but they have found no clues about where the people are going.
Upon returning home, Agastya and Arnav hear this unsettling news from soldiers. Agastya's mother warns him not to talk to strangers, emphasizing the importance of caution. Agastya promises to be careful, and Arnav vows to look out for him. We learn that Agastya is 13 years old, and Arnav is 14.
The next morning, Agastya's father announces that he is going to the city to sell their crops and asks Agastya to manage the farm alone for the day. As the day ends and they head home, they encounter an old man struggling with his luggage. Agastya wants to help, despite Arnav's warning about talking to strangers. Agastya insists that they should assist the old man because he is elderly and needs help.
When they talk to the old man, they learn that his village has been destroyed by creatures called "Shrouds." The old man explains that he was returning to his village when he witnessed the Shrouds brutally killing the villagers.
Arnav, who is stronger than most kids his age, carries the old man and his heavy luggage back to their village. The villagers offer the old man shelter and help with his luggage. However, one villager, driven by curiosity, decides to peek inside the luggage and is horrified by what he finds. The old man's luggage contains a dead body.
Horrified screams draw the villagers to the scene. The old man reveals himself to be a Shroud and begins attacking the villagers. Chaos erupts as the village burns, and Agastya witnesses the Shrouds collecting a strange, luminous aura that seems to enhance their powers.
The Shroud that deceived them thanks Agastya for leading him to the village and prepares to attack him. Arnav tries to protect Agastya, but their mother intervenes, telling Arnav to escape with Agastya. As the Shrouds prepare to kill Agastya's mother, Agastya's anger surges, and he kicks a Shroud away from her.
In his rage, Agastya declares that he will protect his loved ones. The Shroud senses an infinite amount of aura emanating from Agastya and becomes eager to kill him, believing Agastya's power will make him a superior Shroud.
Arnav, though strong, is no match for the Shroud. The Shroud captures Arnav and taunts Agastya for his kindness. However, Arnav's grip is strong, but the Shroud's strength overpowers him. The Shroud throws Arnav into a tree and turns its attention to Agastya, cutting off his left hand and preparing to kill him.
In the final moments, a mysterious figure appears and kills the Shroud with a spear. As Agastya's vision fades, he sees Arnav calling his name. The episode ends with Agastya losing consciousness.