Chereads / Married to the Anti-Mate / Chapter 73 - Chapter 73

Chapter 73 - Chapter 73

☆ ☆ James ☆ ☆ 

I met Sylas in his office, where he asked me to sit down. I had showered quickly and changed my clothes, as well as drank several pints of the blood from storage. I thoroughly enjoyed the training session tonight. Moving targets were much more difficult to deal with, but I enjoyed the challenge of it all.

After my success, I felt that I would have no problem against the werewolves, who were naturally much slower than vampires. I felt strong and was getting better at controlling my hemokinesis. I could use it defensively and offensively, and I felt that after a few more sessions, I would easily be on Sylas' level if I did not surpass him.

My next goal, of course, was to become strong enough to join Viviana's clan. This was my last-ditch effort to protect my unborn child without committing diablerie against Sylas. I waited to hear what Sylas had to say. He seemed a bit off since his phone call, but regardless, my performance against the others impressed him. 

Sylas began, "When Viviana called me, she said that her shadows would use this battle as a distraction to cull the mongrels left behind in the pack houses. While that's better for our race, in the long run. She is using us as her pawns. The flea-ridden beasts are sending 576 members to prevent your blood bond." 

He continued, "They will arrive two days before the full moon and plan to leave the morning after. I have the names of the hotels that she texted me. They will stay at four different ones to house everyone they bring. They have also located Kara's true mate, Jayce, in Montrose, Michigan. They are keeping him in a cell as he is stuck in his wolf form." 

I interrupted, "I knew they were from up North." He rolled his eyes, "Yes, you were correct about that, James, but all this is irrelevant. Viviana hinted that the blood bond would not be successful; in fact, she laughed about it. I don't know what she's foreseen, and I'm unsure what changes I can make to sway the outcome." 

I paused, thinking, "Well, their numbers are daunting, and now that I know if a sire is killed, their progenies will pass, too." I pondered different scenarios in my head, then said, "You should stager the vampires putting the progenies on the frontlines and then their sires in the back, then anyone who has unlocked one of the seven abilities behind them."

His face told me that he was thinking about my strategy. He paused for a long time as if trying to understand my logic. I explained further, "Younger vampires that have not unlocked their ability will be cannon fodder; I understand that's harsh, but if we needed to flee, it's vital that those who can do theirs stay alive to teach future generations."

It seemed to click, so I added, "I'm sure that's where most of the clan members fall as well, so I'm hoping our numbers overwhelm them at the beginning, and we can take out a good chunk just by that, or at least weaken them to the point where the older sires or those who have unlocked their special ability can kill them easily."

He nodded in agreement with my plan, "That's very wise, James and their deaths won't be detrimental to our numbers. Whereas if a vampire who had sired many would have a negative impact as the others would fall shortly after their death." I nodded; he understood my thought process. It helped that I had read several different books on war strategies.

I also played Go, a Chinese board game that is complex and strategically profound due to its infinite possibilities. I played it several times against the other vampires that lived here in the estate. Once I was bored by their lack of intelligence or dismal critical thinking skills, I challenged myself by utilizing different playing styles and strategies. 

I asked, "Is there anything else I can do to help?" He pondered my question, "I would say to take Kara away from here, but I'm positive that they will bring her mate, and he will be able to track her location. If you left, he would know." Damn. I almost wished he had told me to take Kara and flee; that would have been easier for us all.

On the other hand, I needed to make sure Sylas didn't die during the battle, or my own life would be lost, and that wouldn't bode well for a recently-impregnated Kara. Especially knowing that she would die after the birth unless I turned her. My daughter needed her mother, of that, I was sure, and I would stop at nothing to ensure she did.

I added, "Who do you trust aside from myself to guard Kara? Obviously, you will need to be with the majority of the clan to ensure their success, but if their goal is to prevent our blood bond, then it's likely that they will target her." He thought about it momentarily, "I would have said initially that we could hire the Seven Shadows, but seeing how they have other plans, I'm not sure."

He paused, "Let me think on it some more, and I will let you know tomorrow night after going over the numbers with your plan." I nodded, "Is there anything else?" He shook his head, "You can leave me now and retire to that bitch." I hated when he called her that, but I had to let it go; I didn't want him attacking her again, or worse. 

I stood and excused myself. Returning back to our wing. Dr. Lex had already come and left since Sylas had kept me away longer than usual. I walked through the door to our wing and was greeted by a gravelly voice, "I missed you, James." I looked in Kara's direction, "Shouldn't you be resting your vocal cords?" She shook her head, "Dr. Lex said I could start talking again." She gulped, "I just have to take it easy and not push myself too hard." 

I smiled; it was nice to hear her voice again, even if it didn't sound quite the same. I rushed by her side, desperate to hear the one thing I had missed the most, and said, "I love you, Kara." She blushed and smiled, "I love you, James, times the sideways eight." My eyes lit up with Joy, and I picked her up and kissed her passionately. 

I assumed if she was well enough to speak, she was well enough to kiss. She pushed me back at my shoulders and exclaimed, "You'll take my breath away!" Her voice, still gravelly. Then I became serious, "Kara, I need you to sit down; Sylas just gave me an update." She sat on the sofa nearest the fireplace and listened diligently to my following words.

I started by saying, "The werewolves are planning an attack. They have 576 members gathering here before the full moon. Your true mate will be among them. Her facial expressions ranged from worried to fearful in a matter of seconds. I grabbed her hands to comfort her and chose to withhold the information that Viviana had given Sylas about our blood bond failing.

I didn't want to worry her more; instead, I said, "My training went well tonight. I got to fight against some of the other vampires, and I got away with a few scuffs that healed fairly quickly." I smiled, "Out of the ten that I was up against, I pinned eight, and the last two surrendered."

I added, "I'm optimistic that I will be able to protect us. I spoke with Sylas about our strategies; we will also have some of the stronger vampires here to guard us. Sylas is just ruminating over which ones are best suited for the task. She smiled weakly as though she still had doubts, but I could tell she was placing all of her trust in me.

I would not disappoint her, and I would prove Viviana wrong. Despite her ability to see the future, I believed firmly that not all destinies were written in stone. With enough effort, anyone could change their fate. Look how far Kara has come; when I first met her, she was timid, and now she has gained some confidence. Even Sylas thought enough of her to view her as a threat, and instead of giving up, she fought for her life. 

That has to mean something. I was stubborn like her and would not give up so easily despite the odds against us. Changing the subject, I asked, "Are you hungry?" Kara shook her head and said, "No, I ate some mashed potatoes while Dr. Lex was here." I smiled at her improved progress, "That's great news."

She nodded, "Dr. Lex's last day for home visits will be tomorrow." She paused and gulped, "She'll bring my medications with her that I'll take for another week." She seemed somewhat sad when she spoke about it. I responded, "Will you miss Dr. Lex?" Kara nodded again, "It's nice having another human around."

I understood her loneliness. It was awkward to share a meal when no one else was eating the same thing as you, plus the opposite sleeping schedules and the fact that we were practically immortal when you weren't. I felt the same way around Sylas while I lived here before I was turned.