The story of the King of Busa
The reason why I said this, in a town on the other side of the Red Sea in the country of Germany, many years ago, God brought down a great calamity on them. Rats were brought down to them all over the town. The rats kept increasing, until the people lost what they were in. Wherever one looks in the city, he sees nothing but rats. Even when a person comes to sleep, he finds about twenty people lying down. If you put a hat, or a shirt, before the morning you find the pocket full of mice. To make a long story short, their number is uncountable. If you were to count them, count the flies in the city, you would see that there are hundreds of times more than the flies here. It's not a city, it's all rats.
As for food, even if a person is more cunning than Aula, there is no way he can save it. Everything will be cooked and done in a way that can be eaten, because even if you put food in a box and lock it, they will know how to make a hole in the box, get in and eat it.
Everything you know is made of skin they have eaten. You don't see a shoemaker, a pillow, a hawk, or a bum in the town. If they reach the point where they don't eat, then they make fun of it and spoil it. It is enough that even if they find a baby sleeping, they will bite him and eat him. If he cries, the parents should take him away.
When it's night, they keep people from sleeping by crying and running. If they see the outside of a person's body, they will bite and eat it. Well, don't blame the people of the town, it seems like laziness prevented them from killing them. Calamity only happens when the owner of the thing gives away his thing. When they see a dog, they greet him and show him that the King of Plenty is better than the King of Power. As for the cats, this small responsibility, they did not take care of it.
Surprisingly, when people try to kill them, it seems as if they are doing more. To set a trap, or to put poison in food and keep it, all this does not deceive them. When they saw it, they surrounded it, as if telling them what to do.
All the people of the town were at a loss as to what to do, so they attacked the owner of the town, saying that he is the one with the hair, because since the creation of the world, they have never heard anything like this, except in this age when he is ruling. They said that either he knows how to deal with these rats, or they will take him out and drive him out of the country.
The king has no place to put his head. The townspeople put more pressure on him. That day he was sitting down, these elders should come and drag him and pass, these should come and surround him and pass. Then an old stranger came and greeted the King.
The king looked at him, he saw a different kind of him, and he said, "Master, where are you from?" What profession do you do?"
The old man said, "Here I am." Where I go far, but my profession is blowing, so people call me the king of blowing."
The king said, "Well, you should go and get down. If you are able to get down here, we are not doing it now. We are dealing with this disaster through our heads."
The King of Busa said, "I'm not just blowing the whistle, God has given me a secret that if I blow any living thing will follow me." With frogs, with snakes, with rats, with all the sea creatures, with the birds, and with those that walk on two legs, whoever heard that I whistled, no longer stayed, followed me. For these little rats that are bothering you, if you can give me what I said, now I have to separate you from them?"
The king looked at him and said, "Today is a surprise, what is a hundred sules! Ten thousand Sule too, if you want I will give it to you. Let's get rid of this disaster."
The king of Busa said, "Well, good." He put a kind of mouthpiece in his mouth, and he kept blowing, walking around the city. Then the rats kept coming out of nowhere, chasing him in a hurry, some big, some small, some naked, some ugly. Some are red, some are white, some are blue and yellow. You see some of them bowing and crying, as if they were happy with some good news.
When he took everything, he went to the river blowing, they were following, people were watching and happy. When he reached the river bank, he fell into the water and blew, and the rats did not know when they followed him, they greeted each other. Let's stop and talk about the happiness that the people of this town are doing to be separated from this disaster, it has become a village.
Where God has blessed the King that he is, people do not know that his non-stop speech has caused this thing to happen to them. If they had known, they would have destroyed him in spite of his descendants. Well, here he is and all his belongings have disappeared, not to mention that a conspiracy has been made against him.
As soon as the father of the boy saw what happened, he ran and pulled his son, he was happy. The boy was asked why they were following this man. The boy said, "We heard him saying that we should follow him, he gave us all the good things in the world." He said there is a lake of honey and milk, let's drink it. For fried and boiled meat, it is not mentioned where he will show us rice. Now, all my sadness is that I was left behind. Now they are there enjoying themselves, I am here."
When the same rat crossed, he fell he found others saying, "You don't know, I had a good night. Over there, here's the meat. For oil, for all kinds of food, there is no stopping you from eating. He said that he was going to show us that he never knew there was such a thing as a dog, let alone a cat, a small responsibility. I was about to arrive, just a little bit left, and I felt I fell into the water. Now my brothers there are fat and I'm unlucky and I'm fat!"
The rest kept saying, "God will one day make this whistleblower come to this country and take us with him!"
The king sent people around the world, or when he got the news, he went somewhere with their children. There was a search, or a story. They were tired and hung up.
The elders of the town said, "Hey, don't you know, this king has all this hair." Ever since the creation of the world, have you ever heard of such things happening?"
The rest said, "No, if we don't make peace with him, he will destroy us too."
They got together and went to the house and set it on fire. The mayor came out running, they chased him with stones, chased him out of the town, and he went out naked. And his children left them, each of them went to their house. They took away the wealth that he had accumulated, and the money boxes that he had deposited. They burned the house, so that the new King they will make will not suffer from the pain of the one who was beaten.
Hear what happens to the one who makes a promise that does not come true. Musa looked and saw a place where it was bright, they didn't know until the sun came up. Then he said to the parrot, "I heard that what happens to the one who promised does not come true." So, what happens to those of you who prevent the fulfillment of the promise? He didn't stay in town to wait for an answer, he went home angry.