Chereads / Lucky and Unlucky Stars / Chapter 6 - STORY OF THREE FRIENDS


 One day three young men, friends of each other left their town to go to another town to get married. Everyone washed their clothes, got dressed, and went on their way. While they were walking, the little one said, "Go ahead, I've found you and I'm going to cross."

They passed by, and he slipped, he left the road a little and he found a small box, the thieves stole it and he fell. He looked east, he looked west, he didn't see anyone, he took the box, he felt heavy, he found a stone and broke it. With his shirt rolled up, he ran after his brothers and called. When they heard the call, they stopped. He said, "Your good news!"

They said, "Nuts."

He said, "You see what I found." Everyone who opened their eyes saw everything, they all rejoiced, went back to the side of the road and counted, and saw that it was twenty four and six pounds. The one who found the money was a good person, so he said, "Let's divide it, everyone gets eight pounds, and we can buy food with it and eat it."

When their eldest heard this, he said, "Well, great, thank you, God let us be together!" But the best thing is, you have to go to town and get the money, and when you come back, we will share it."

The boy who found the money got up and ran towards town. When he disappeared, the elder said, "The best thing is for us to take this money and divide it between us, that is twelve pounds and two."

One of his friends said, "Indeed you are honest." So, how are we going to do that?"

The elder said, "I have a strategy. There is a sniper there, let's call him and ask him to enter the cave of this tree, if we talk to him, he will answer."

They called the sniper and told him everything they wanted him to do for them, and what they wanted to receive from their brother, so they asked him to give him a reward. When the sniper heard about money, he agreed. He entered the cave and the boy came back. When they saw him, they started crying. He said, "Are you okay?"

They said, "I'm fine, this tree has taken all the money!"

The boy looked at the tree and said, "No, it's a lie, it's a tree that doesn't even talk, where did it end up stealing?" Just think again."

Then the man in the tree said, "Which advice will be given again?" I took it. And if you think you are braver than your brothers, then come and accept it. My cruel children of today, who even their parents don't know how great they are, let alone anyone else!"

Even a child heard this and rushed, he did not slip but the King's house. He told him everything that happened from beginning to end.

The king said, "Hypocrisy has arisen." How can the tree speak? Where are your brothers?"

The boy said, "They are under the tree."

The Waziri looked at the King and said, "Your life is long, you have to make me go and find out if I am right." You know God's power is more than that.

The king said, "Well, you should go and see."

The boy went forward to the base of the tree, and found his brothers there, complaining as if they were serious. When they saw the Minister, they said, "Thank God!" They fell and saluted. The Wazir looked at them and said, "Are you the one who stole money from you?"

They said, "Yes, we are. May your life be long." When we sat down at the bottom of it and counted, we saw a storm rise and hit the place, all the dust covered us, and we lost where we were. After a while, she calmed down, we looked at the money in front of us, and they said to take us. We started digging, because we thought they were covered by dust, but we didn't see a penny. We got up and we were going to fight each other, because she was caught while the storm blew us away. When we started arguing, we heard as if it was said from above, "Don't blame each other, I took the money." If you feel like it's a month, come and have a quarter. We looked and there was no one, except for the words we heard coming from the tree."

When the sniper in the wood heard this, he went away and said, "M, this is dahir."

The minister looked at them and said, "No! Is it really true?"

Itaciya said, "By the way, if you thought it was a lie, then you came and scolded them."

Even when the Wazir heard this, he kept his mouth shut and said, "Forgive me, I don't care, I was sent."

Immediately he sent and told the King to come and see for himself, because it is said that seeing drives away hearing. He had to deal with his people there for a long time. Upon his arrival, the Waziri said, "Your life has been long, you have seen the little tree that is named after itself."

When the hunter heard this, he said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, I am the daughter of the tree!" Who are you when you called me a tree girl? Even your squatting is enough to insult me? From now on, don't look back and call her the daughter of the tree!"

When he heard this, the Waziri's jaw dropped, he fell down and prostrated, moaning and begging for forgiveness. The king stood still, looked at the tree's cave, and saw that a man could enter. He looked at her bottom and saw the footprints of a man as if he had climbed on her. He remembers that since he was there, he had never heard anyone speak of demons so clearly. Wow, it's been a long time since the Prophet moved away from hearing about this kind of thing. Even when he noticed this, he realized that a conspiracy had been made, so that tell the boy who found money. Then he looked at the Waziri who was there and said, "Hey, wake up!" Where do you worship?" He turned to the tree and said, "Now either you give them their money since you are old and rich, or I will have you burned." As a man and a demon, I have seen the limit of anyone who has wronged me in my country!"

Then the tree said, "Just stick to people." If you fight the demons, you will see your limit."

The king looked at the people who were here and said, "All of you, call out." They immediately ran and filled the tree house with trees and flowers.

He said, "Bring a match." It was handed over to him. He said that he would light the tree on fire, and everyone kept their mouths shut. The sniper saw that if he let it go for another minute, he would surely perish. Then he cried out and said, "Please, long live, don't put the fire here." I am not anybody, I am a person. Please let me come down!"

Suddenly, a man came out of the cave, with money in his hand. He fell down to greet the King, crouched down, and opened his monkey's tail.

The king and his people were surprised by this matter. People kept saying, "Surely the King is also a demon." The King immediately ordered that the two children were beaten fifty-fifty by the tyrants, and the sniper, and they were taken to prison for six months. The day they came out, they were paraded around the city for everyone to see. He took all the money and gave the boy what he needed. The boy fell down and saluted, got up and went back to their house. The king returned home. Every time I was woken up, when he looked at the Waziri, he remembered how he used his big butt, and he laughed.

Musa smiled and said, "It's not just the King, everyone laughed when they heard this story." Hypocrisy is useless."

Aku said, "How do you know that hypocrisy is useless, since you haven't heard about Kado, and three other robbers?"

Musa said, "Is it even sweeter than this?" I didn't expect it. So, how did they do? Tell me and let's hear it."