"I don't think there is going to be much rain this year either, the lands are not giving enough yield and I don't like going to the human market, I should go into seclusion for this winter"
"You are already at the master level, with spearman-ship, and at the realm of manifestation in magic, you can't go any further with my Void-Ascension Spirit, to get to the usage of aura in your spear and progress to the Realm of Spirit, you need to go out and fight and strengthen the void soul, so going into seclusion isn't gonna help you in anything other than wasting your time."
"You talk too much for just a piece of rock you know."
"You disrespect your master too much."
My name is Kaelen, I'm an orphan who was raised by a mysterious spirit, I don't know who my parents are, nor am I interested in knowing who they are, I'm content with my life, nor am I interested in interacting with people, I like my peace in my house near the waterfall.
I like my distance from people, and the only thing I like is my training; this world is filled with Mages and Knights, which I want to pursue.
The First King Zarath Umbraxis built The Umbrassur Empire, In the centre of the Zarovar continent and established the house of Umbraxis. There are ten Noble families in the Umbrassur Empire and ten respective territories.
I live in the Twilight Forest, which is in the Eastern territory, in the Twilight Grove, this is an off-limit area for humans as it has a lot of stories of disappearances, and deaths of people who tried to do seclusion training, and the urban legend of the Reaper Waterfall, as anyone who drinks the water of this body dies of mana overload and anyone who enters the water disappears without any sign, and the reason for that is the spirit who raised me.
I was left in the water stream as an infant, so he took me in because I survived for an hour in the water without any mana vessels, as a kid, the reason this is so big is that this water is filled with pure mana of this spirit, known as Zenon, who is a primal force of nature, that is the only answer he gave me, to the constant questions I asked him when I was four, and he has the knowledge from the time of the Founding Emperor and before, but he is weakened now because the low purity of mana, in this world, and he sealed himself here in this cave.
"Don't you have any other stash of magic and martial manual hidden in other parts of the Empire, so I can go there and learn them?"
"Don't kid yourself, the manual I have provided you is something that you cannot use in your current realm even if you try and overload both your realms, you need to learn, and devour, some other techniques to use and raise your realm so that you can the techniques you have so diligently learned over the last 12 years."
"You are very foul, for a primordial spirit, I don't think any elderly scholar would talk like this."
"I'm not an elderly scholar boy; my knowledge exceeds anyone who is called elderly in this age, and I don't have to keep in mind the etiquette of humans; I'm a spirit."
"A very foul and arrogant one"
"Shut up and go to the market to get your groceries, or I'll kill you myself before hunger kills you."
"I'll go after taking a nap, go back to your creepy den foul spirit, or I'll absorb all of your mana."