I wake up due to the sudden stop of the breeze.
"The wind is starting to die, that's not a good omen for this season. Something bad is gonna happen today."
"Where did you pick up astrology, kid? That's not something you can predict or blabber without experience."
"It was an astrologer in the human market the other day. He caught my hand by surprise, and I absorbed his mana; it sensed something different, so the void did it instinctively."
"The void doesn't have any instincts, kid; It only absorbs on the order of its mana; your curiosity might've made it look like the void did it; never try to give the void an identity. It's not good."
"When will you stop giving vague answers? I'm 20 now. I understand a lot of things now; I need Clear answers."
"Something can only be understood when you know the world and society; books and muscles are not gonna give you that knowledge."
"Don't start that again I'm not going anywhere out of here."
Thud!!! Thud!!!!!
"What is that noise?"
"Intruders, GO NOW!!!!"
How did someone get past my senses?
"Hey, There are two humans here, a Male and a female."
"Don't bring them near the river; take them to your hut and heal them; I have some questions for them."
"Why do I have to deal with humans?"
"Ok, ok going don't be so angry."
Kaelen dragged both of them through the pebbles and then grass to the other side of the river with no effort and irritation as he didn't like the sense of blood and he could sense their anger and sadness, It was the reason he didn't like humans, they had too many emotions in them, all showed at once.
Kaelen used the Void transfer to absorb all the magic and aura effects, used the spirit of Hydra to calm their souls and the spirit of Sphinx to heal their wounds.
"What's their status?"
"Not responding yet, the sphinx
healed all of their wounds, but they seem to have fractures In their souls."
"OK, give them time to rest, and bring them to me as soon as they wake up."
I don't know why he is so paranoid; these guys don't seem like a threat to us, but he has lived eons more than me, so his experience isn't something I can understand.
I take my pouch of silver and leave for the market.
The market was bustling with noise, the shopkeepers selling everything from cheap charms to love potions and expensive beast eggs and mana elixirs.
I go to my regular grocery shop and the old lady was humming a new melody that was played for this year's Mana Seçimi, she saw me and said
"Don't steal anything, you weirdo"
I've never spoken to them, and they still give me names; humans are very weird; I take the groceries I want, keep the coins on her counter, and go out without saying a word.
As soon as I step out a very loud BANG!!, There was a big fireball spelt out in the air people were not able to see it but the magic circle was evident as Clear as the sun, I didn't bother informing anyone as they were stupid enough to not see it, calling forth the wind of the west, by the authority of seraphim's, I command the wind of the West, grant me your power, Zephyr Wings!
I take flight and hurry towards my house, BOOM!!BOOM!! the fireballs the size of large boulders were dropped in the middle of the city and the market.
This must be another one of those fights that humans call a war; I don't understand why they fight unnecessarily; they have everything they need to live. Why do they need to snatch what is others?
Well, it's none of my business, I land near my door and open it, and the two of them are emitting a very strange aura from their body, and they are mumbling something, I try to talk to Zenon but, it felt like the flow of mana was disrupted, so I purified the aura in the room, and I cleared all of the blocakges in their muscles through accupuncture, and the guy's mumbling was getting clear, and there was BOOM!!, there was a loud explosion, and Zenon was in my head again, "KID, get those two out near the river, now."
That really wasn't the tone of someone who wanted to get their work done, but by that time I knew that something was wrong in the human town, which was almost 6km away from my hut, and I could still listen to the explosions, that was not right.
I got them near the waterfall and gave them two drops of water so that they can heal their souls to pure mana.
and then a dominating sound from the cave came out,"BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE PRIMODIAL VOID, I, ZENON COMMAND YOUR SOULS, ARISE"
And I realised that Zenon was indeed a spirit to be reckoned with, and I couldn't take him on even now, in his weakest state.
And as soon as the man was conscious he grabbed my hand and said
"Death is coming."