Chapter 16 - CHAPTER 16: THE BOSS

Robert was defeated and with the chief defeated the Cutthroat organization was shaken and Bongiorno became an international criminal with his name all over and many shady bounty organizations looking after him. The bounties skyrocketed for this man and the underworld was shaken due to it. The biggest business empire was demanding to catch the man by giving money to thousands of shady groups due to the order by the cutthroat organization. They were looking after him and the news came that the man escaped to Zephoria. Many people of the search team went there and none of them returned. It was after 20 years they got the information about his existence in Zephoria. Many bounty hunters who were searching for him also disappeared. About then, approximately after 20 years the new chief of the Cutthroat organization was selected after long debate during this time span.The new chief was Vasily Steinitz a distant relative of Robert Carlson. Steinitz wanted revenge and established an army. The army was wiped out and he was eliminated. It was done by an organization called 'NOIR'. The boss was Bongiorono as they thought. However, there was a plot twist in that. A secret agent went to Drakolovia to find out about the organization and after many efforts for 25 years, they got information about the organization and the boss. The only information they got about the boss was he was dead, Ignazio Bongiorno died 20 years ago. The organization has a boss now and he is unknown. The agent was a trained man who worked all his might to unravel the man behind all of this. The agent's son was killed by this organization and as he was approaching closer to the truth he died. He was killed by someone unknown. It was the boss of the organization, the current boss.