With the thor mode, Zen was traveling at an unimaginable speed. He instantly reached the ocean and started to fly above it. The waters were splashing, approximately 3214km consists of the ocean and the land comes after that. However. Zen deduced something unnatural about the situation he was in. The boss is also after Ion, however, it's unlikely that the boss himself will come for him. The possible outcome was sending an inferno to catch him. He can send an inferior inferno. However, anyone can't underestimate him since he was the boss' former right-hand man, someone who stayed with the boss for almost his entire lifetime. He won't be doing this without any preparation. Zen accelerated using his Thor mode to get to the other side of the other side of the ocean. He accelerated even more, making him completely invisible. The other side of the ocean appeared before him. He landed his feet on the land and started travelling by land. The palace is 304 km away from his current location. He started walking and he was hiding his identity to be safe. He walked and reached the palace. He walked to the basement and there was another basement inside it. He went through the walkway and reached the basement. Someone from the back said," Seems like you are not an inferno." Zen stood still and said," You have pretty good instincts." The man asked what he wanted. Zen didn't reply and stood there without moving. "Ion Springer, show yourself", said Zen. He showed himself, he came before him and stood there. Ion came for the attack with his devil abilities and Zen blocked with his hands. He interrogated Ion about the boss. Ion was not ready to reveal anything that moment someone appeared beside him from the entry to the lower basement. The man had his eyes activated, it was shining, the yellow-colored devil eye.