"Derozio, can we make a deal? If I defeat you, then you have to say everything about your organization to me." Derozio said," If you defeat me I will surely. I am a man of promise". Derozio manifested more and Zen was able to feel a hype in the atmosphere. It was not the usual one and there was a change in the air currents. Derozio who was weak in terms of hand-to-hand combat became a master in it. He gave severe blows to Zen and blocked him with his leg making him fall to the ground and punched him constantly. Then he took Zen by his neck and threw him to the sky. He appeared above Zen and kicked him with his feet. Zen fell to the ground and shattered it du to the force. He came from above stood above Zen and kicked him in the chest again. Took his two fingers and to do the final blow by pressing in the neck and paralyzing him. At that instant Zen disappeared. Derozio sensed a large presence standing in the sky. It was Zen, he stood there covered by Heal emitting thunder. His eyes were shining due to it. The next thing he saw was he himself flying due to the blow and being kicked in the face several times. Zen took him by his neck punched him in the stomach. That single punch was more lethal than he thought. It braked his ribs and shattered his backbone. Due to it, he was unable to move his feet and hands. He fell down. He tried to stand, however he was unable to do so. He fell down again. Zen said," this is my Thor mode, if you can't go against it then you are weak. Now, say the details about the group. Derozio said to hold his hands. Zen held the hands, and he was able to see everything in his head. All the visuals were coming in.