Chereads / Wordplay / Chapter 38 - chapter 38

Chapter 38 - chapter 38

"I want you to know I take no joy in this. But I need to make a statement," young Milo says as he holds his finger up and concentrated power on it untill it resembles a flame on a cutting torch.

The galaxy god tries to scoot away realizing Milo intended to carve the message into his body.

"Did you really?" Ruby ask in shock as she realized that the man beside her was capable of horrible things.

"I told you my morals are grey at best" present Milo says as the scene unfolds where young Milo cuts his message into the galaxy god who screams in agony even begging for death rather than be used to send a message like that.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Ruby groans as she has to look away from the sight covering her ears to block out the sounds.

After watching the scene for another minute or two Milo addresses the memory of Tranus who looks horrified at the treatment Milo gave the galaxy god.

"I think we're done watching can you guide us to about a week from now so Ruby can see the results of my message," Milo says as the current memory fades from sight sparing Ruby anymore nightmare fuel from watching it.

"Do you even know who that was?" Tranus ask as he looks around for the path through the memories to follow to what Milo wanted to show them.

"I never got his name. And I don't really care about it anymore either," Milo shrugs as they start walking towards the memory he requested guidance to.

Moving forward Ruby trys talking to Tranus, "so was he always that...." she ask struggling to find the right words.

"Not from what I know. Something must have happened after the memory I came from," Tranus responds

"Then who was that god he did that to?" Ruby ask

"Ouranos of the oldest gods in existence," Tranus responds in a quiet tone because he himself had seen what Ouranos was capable of first hand and still couldn't fathom anyone besting him in a fight.