Chereads / personal 5 / Chapter 53 - B42

Chapter 53 - B42

I had chosen this trip to be the moment to unveil my Naval Capabilities to my Lyran Allies. I would arrive on board the Mako-class Corvette Hasta which I felt would show the Duke of Apollo a few things, not the least of which was that I was more than capable of holding up my end of any agreements made. After all, despite the fact that a Naval Corvette is the least powerful WarShip there was, having any at all was a big deal. Thus far, the only state that could boast such a thing was ComStar, and I knew that the majority of their fleet had been in mothballs for so long that the ships weren't operable.

Thankfully, I'd received word from Precentor Hope that the Precentor of Apollo, Frederika Heiligkreuz, was someone more favorable to his way of thinking, similar to how Precentor Armanovitch of Rasalhague was. After all, she'd led the effort in fixing up Apollo's old, Rim Worlds Republic-Era, HPG Station on the premise that she would be made precentor when it was up and running, only for her to be passed over in favor of one of Precentor ROM's Agents, Davis Mackey. She'd been stuck as a senior adept for a few more years until Precentor Mackey had come down with a terminal cancer diagnosis. She'd never forgiven the First Circuit for the snub.

Accordingly, Precentor Hope had added her to our conspiracy and exchange of favors, and Precentor Heiligkreuz had agreed to alter reports back to the first circuit claiming that the Mako was really just a Pocket WarShip that looked impressive, but was actually little more than a Glorified Armed JumpShip instead of a true WarShip. Of course, doing so cost me some technical designs for the ComGuards stationed on Apollo and Oberon Six, but it was well worth it to minimize the chances of a potential Holy Shroud operation.

Of course, as the Hasta jumped into Apollo and burned toward the world from the Jump Point, several things became very clear, very swiftly. Firstly, that there were a lot more JumpShips present than usual, far more than I'd expected, actually. These weren't just any JumpShips either, as they were covered in livery, I saw the coats of arms of Duchess Killa of Trell, Duke Kelswa of Tamar, Duke Kuchel of Alyina, and even a Steiner JumpShip.

The second thing I noticed was the beefed-up Aerospace Presence. Almost one day on the dot after arriving in-system, the Hasta was buzzed by a flight of Sabre Two Aerospace Fighters coming from an up-gunned Leopard CV. We were hailed by Captain Merrick of the Apollo System Defense Fleet immediately afterward.

"This is Grand Duke Jozef Poniatowski of the Grand Duchy of New Ålborg on board the Grand Ducal Naval Corvette Hasta. I was invited by my good friend Lady Katrina Watson to a get-together she was putting together on Apollo. Stand by to receive our invitation code." I commed over to the Leopard CV.

"Understood. Standing by." Came the response.

Fortunately, it didn't take long to transmit the Invitation and have it authenticated. If the process had dragged out, the likelihood of something happening to cause Captain Merrick's Men to start shooting increased. I had brought the Hasta to impress the local nobility, but I hadn't expected what had to be a full third of the Lyran Aristocracy to be at what Katrina had described as a 'small get-together'. With the Archon, or at least Melissa Steiner, here, I was beginning to think this was too much ship, even to make an impression.

"Roger, Your Grace. We have authenticated your invitation. Be advised, bringing a ship like that into the system might make certain people jumpy. Follow the indicated flight path we're sending over, it should minimize the potential for any incidents." Came the confirmation over the Comms.

"Will do, Captain. Hasta out." I intoned.

Captain Merrick sent over a flight path that would take the Hasta away from the bulk of the Diplomatic JumpShips and closer towards Fleet Anchorage Hector on the Moon of Orpheus. I supposed the idea was that the system defense flotilla of up-gunned Dropships and Aerospace Fighters would be able to respond to any funny business, but I honestly hadn't intended anything of the sort. The remaining nine days of transit were spent looking out over the various nobles that had arrived.

Not just the aforementioned Dukes and the Steiners were here, but also the Counts of Chapultepec, Machida, Kikuyu, and Clermont, alongside the Duke of Chahar had shown up, as well as all of Duke Watson's Vassals and what looked like half the Tamar Pact's nobility. I saw sigils from as far away as Skye, with Duchess Aten of Skye having shown up, and Viscount Marcos Andreas of Madiun, whose holdings were on the border with the Circinius Federation. The latter was strangest to me, because last I heard, the Circinius Federation constantly raided the Lyran Border Worlds. You'd think that Viscount Andreas would need to stay on Madiun to keep an eye on things.

"Small get-together my ass. What are you planning, Katrina?" I muttered under my breath as Apollo loomed larger and larger outside the viewport.

I would get my chance to find out soon enough, as we had followed the flight pattern Captain Merrick had given us to the letter, finding a berth in geostationary orbit near Naval Anchorage Hector. I would be flying down with a small crew, utilizing a customized Mark Seven Landing Craft that I'd tinkered with to produce a prototype. The Ares Eight, as I was calling it, carried thirteen and a half tons of Ferro-Aluminium Armor, ten Double Heat Sinks, dropped the small lasers, and switched the six medium lasers for five pulse lasers. It was, in effect, a tankier version of the Ares Seven-C that the Clans used, though given that design came from decades ago, I still had a ways to go to catch up with them.

My Ares Eight had been painted with the red and white colors of House Poniatowski, along with the family coat of arms on the side underneath a Grand Ducal Crown. The fact that I hadn't had a crown made as of yet was immaterial. When you saw that sigil, you knew exactly who was arriving. Likewise, I had dressed in my finest uniform, Silver epaulets, braids, and piping with red accents all on a uniform that was so navy blue that it bordered on black was accented by my badge of office as Grand Duke and a fur half-cape. The whole thing was topped off with boots polished black enough to see your reflection in them. Of course, my Ferro-Carbide Szabla was also belted at my hip.

As I brought my Ares Eight in for a landing at the private landing field that abutted the Ducal Palace of Apollo just outside the Capital City of Terra Prime, I couldn't help but grin as I saw the various nobles and worthies of what had to be half the Lyran Commonwealth gaze up at my Ares Eight from the Lawn, Garden, or various balconies. As I landed right there on the grassy landing field, I couldn't help but grin from the cockpit as Katrina Watson made her way over, trailing a flowing blue gown behind her with her heels held in one hand. She'd gotten a more regulation haircut since I'd last seen her. The shorter hair looked good on her. As I stepped out of the Ares Eight, straightening my uniform I grinned at her, waving.

"You look good!" I greeted.

"Can you ever not make a stir? First, you bring an actual WarShip, and now this? Are those Pulse Lasers?" Demanded Katrina.

"Yep. This is the prototype for a new Landing Craft I'm calling the Ares Eight. They'll be available for purchase just as soon as we start producing them." I confirmed.

"Of course they will. No doubt you'll have half the Dukes in the Commonwealth wanting one before tonight is over." Sighed Katrina.

"I don't know why you're surprised, it's hardly the first giant impression I've made with you around. This time, nobody even died!" I defended.

"I'd hoped that maybe your success in the Periphery had made you a bit less. . ." Sighed Katrina, grasping for the words.

"Roguishly charming? Dashingly Bold?" I offered.

"You." Finished Katrina Lamely.

"I'm sad to say that without you there to keep me in check, I've only grown more me as time has gone on." I chuckled.

"Apparently. Try not to duel anyone this time, yes? I'd hate to have my celebration ruined by bloodshed." Pleaded Katrina.

"I'll be on my best behavior. You're not the only one looking to make a political connection here." I placated.

"Oh? Does this have anything to do with the deadlock in the Regentskapsråd of Rasalhague?" Questioned Katrina, eyebrow raised.

"Could be. Could very well be." I confirmed.

"You'll want to speak to Melissa, then. The Princess is using this party as an excuse to spread her wings politically, with the Archon's blessing. You could do worse than getting the stamp of approval from the Heiress to the Commonwealth herself." Advised Katrina.

"Good to know. How are you doing? I'd heard you'd become a War Hero from some operation on the Rasalhague Front?" I prodded.

"We can swap war stories at the after-party. I'm holding a private one later with a much smaller guest list. Right now, though, I need to go talk to the Duke of Tamar and the Duchess of Trell about a trade deal my father wants pushed through tonight." Responded Katrina.

As she said that, Katrina glanced over toward a dusky-skinned, suited, Man in his late twenties and a pouty Brunette in a green dress whose blue eyes sparkled with intelligence. Selvin Kelswa the Third and Yvonne Killa, the Duke of Tamar and Duchess of Trell respectively. They were each holding a flute of champagne and chatting quietly with each other about something out on the lawn of the Ducal Palace.

"Tough target. Selvin Kelswa's all right once you get to know him, but Yvonne Killa is the CEO of Trellshire Heavy Industries for a reason. She's going to get the better of you in any deal, it's just a question of by how much." I snorted.

"That's the same advice my Father gave me. I'll be all right. We have a strong negotiating position here." Smirked Katrina.

"Powodzenia." I offered, wishing Katrina Good Luck in the Polish spoken natively by my family.

"I don't need luck. I've prepared properly, and you remember what they used to say about that at Blackjack, don't you?" Queried Katrina.

"Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance." I recited.

"Exactly." Agreed Katrina.

"In the meantime, I should get a drink and introduce myself to the Heiress of the Commonwealth. Where's the buffet?" I asked.

"It's in the ballroom. You remember where that is, I'm sure." Answered Katrina.

"Right." I nodded. I turned to head inside, but Katrina had to get the last word in.

"Oh, and Jozef?" She piped up.

I turned in time to catch a big smooch from Katrina right on the lips. It lasted a few moments longer than might have been appropriate and had just the right amount of tongue. As we broke apart, I was stunned enough at the sudden change in the dynamic that I was speechless.

"It's good to see you again, Jozef." Smirked Katrina.

Then she was gone, leaving me stunned and standing next to the Ares Eight Prototype trying to figure out just what the hell happened. Our dynamic had never been romantic, we'd both agreed that wouldn't be a thing we tried. Had something drastic changed to call that agreement into question? Did I have to worry about it being a plot or was it a genuine change of heart? Those were questions for later, for now, I needed a drink and to see Melissa Steiner.

Taking a deep breath, I focused up and headed inside for the buffet, downing a glass of Champagne for nerves when I arrived before picking up a second flute for sipping. Once I had my drink in hand, I would be forced to enter the realm of politics.

And that was no time to be thinking of potential changes to my romantic life. . .


AN: The next chapter is already up on my Patreon, so check the link in the threadmarked post if you guys feel like throwing me a couple bucks to get chapters in advance. Everyone who does is super appreciated and I can't thank my patrons enough.

All right, so here we have the arrival of Jozef to the Party. It turns out that Katrina's small get-together has utterly ballooned in size, largely thanks to Melissa Steiner hijacking the party for her own ends. For Katrina, this was supposed to be a local affair, with various nobles from the surrounding worlds and Jozef to discuss a few things and catch up. For Melissa, though, this is partly a Debutante coming out ball, and partly a political wheel-and-deal occasion. Jozef is somewhere in the middle.

As to what changed for Katrina to view Jozef as potential boyfriend material, well absence does make the heart grow fonder, and Jozef did just consolidate over thirty worlds under his rule since she'd last seen him. Jozef is actually the most eligible bachelor in the party at the moment. Katrina likely figured she'd need to stake a claim early.

At any rate, the next chapter will involve Jozef actually meeting Melissa Steiner and discussing the Rasalhague Situation.

Stay tuned. . .