Chereads / personal 5 / Chapter 58 - B47

Chapter 58 - B47

So, now that we're all here, let's begin. I believe I promised Minister Kowalski that we would start with the issues to our Northern Border. What's going on with the expansion efforts there? You mentioned that Givrodat and Callinius were being problematic?" I questioned, opening the council meeting.

"Indeed, My Lord. Callinius flatly refused any entry into the Grand Duchy, while Givrodat is demanding that we finance certain improvements to their industry in order to agree." Informed Minister Kowalski.

"What improvements?" I queried.

"Specifically, they want a factory capable of building Battlemechs to be built in their capital at Heahttá, or at least reasonably close to it." Answered Minister Kowalski.

"Aren't we trying to expand our own production capability? Why is that a bad thing?" Asked Minister Kovar.

"Mostly because much of the area around Heahttá is forested or mountainous. Clearing enough of it to put in a Battlmech Production Plant is going to be expensive." Offered Minister Kowalski.

"How much would something like that set us back?" I questioned.

"Actually, the trade deals you negotiated with the Tamar Pact will actually help us there. Two and a half billion C-Bills in trade is nothing to sneeze at, though you might have avoided taking a bath on the license agreements if you'd bothered to call me for advice." Pointed out Minister Huber.

"I'm aware. Unfortunately, I can't just call you every time something comes up. Besides, ultimately, having the Lyrans have that technology is worth it. What good is an alliance if our allies can't make an impact?" I shrugged.

"Getting back to the matter at hand, we could afford to build a Battlemech Production Facility with some of that money. I'm not an expert at estimating costs for industry, but so long as the costs don't exceed three-hundred-million, we should be more than capable of funding it, thanks to the two-and-a-half billion C-Bill trade deal with the Tamar Pact." Informed Minister Kokkonen.

"Call it three-hundred-million when the labor costs for clearing the area come into play. We might be able to save on materials costs by using local materials. Givrodat does have a decent construction and building materials industry." Mused Minister Kovar.

"I'm sure the Head of the Sámediggi of Givrodat will appreciate the investment in the local economy. Who is that currently by the way? I'm not as up on the Parliamentary Leaders of Givrodat as I probably should be." I queried.

"Currently it's a Woman named Áidnu Gáski. She's from one of the more wealthy industrial families of Heahttá. Chemical Manufacturing, I believe." Answered Minister Kowalski.

"All right, so it sounds like Givrodat is doable. What's the issue with Callinius?" I asked, moving on.

"The issue is that Callinius is a lot like what the O'Reilly's have done in the Marian Hegemony, except a lot less effectively. They've tried to ape ancient Rome on Terra, to mixed results. Currently the Senate of Callinius has taken most of Minister Kowalski's negotiating team hostage, sending back one of them with an ultimatum. They want us to surrender to them." Scoffed Minister Simowitz.

"What? That's insane!" Hissed Minister O'Neill.

"Apparently, they think that we won't attack them because of the Hostage Situation." Shrugged Minister Simowitz.

"Wait, I thought that Callinius was a planet just like all the others in this section of space. How did things get so bad there that they descended into something like this?" I demanded.

"As best we were able to tell, sometime during the early second succession war, a group of Pirates coming out of the Chanelaine Isles hit Callinius badly. In the aftermath, a Militia Officer named Leo Corvinus managed to seize power and declare himself Imperator of Callinius. He effectively rebuilt Callinius into the image of the Roman Republic over the next forty or so years before his death. His son, Claudius Corvinus was elected Consul for life by the senate, effectively starting a dynasty. We never noticed because of how many worlds were between New Ålborg and Callinius." Informed Minister Simowitz.

"Tell me they don't have slavery, at least." Pleaded Minister O'Niell.

"I can't. Though it does tend to be more along the lines of Debt Slavery than the Chattel Slavery you'd see elsewhere." Sighed Minister Kowalski.

"Fine, so can we send in a Commando Team to extract the hostages?" I asked.

"Ordinarily, I would have said it would have been a problem. Minister Simowitz's boys tell me that they're being held in the Consul's Palace in Capitolinus, the capital city of Callinius. That's too heavily guarded by crack troops for a small strike team even using our sneaksuits. After all, it's not like we can just bring extra sneaksuits for the hostages, they aren't trained to use them." Admitted General Jorgensen.

"I'm sensing a but here." I remarked.

"Well, I'll let Minister Maczek tell you what her people have managed. She's been dying to mention it since her people got the prototype working while you were on your way to Apollo." Chuckled General Jorgensen.

"Thank you. My Lord, as you know, we've been working on a version of Light Power Armor for Special Forces. One with the sensor-baffling qualities of the Sneaksuits. We've been having issues reverse-engineering the micro-myomer fibres the Star League used in their own Power Armor. However, while you were gone, we finally managed to get a working prototype." Grinned Minister Maczek.

That made me sit up and take notice. Light power armor was nothing to sneeze at, especially with sneaksuit sensor baffling tech. True, we'd need to develop it further. There was at least two more intermediate steps between light power armor and proper battle armor, after all, but for special ops? At this point in time? This was beyond what anyone else had.

"How soon can we get enough suits working to equip a squad for the extraction of Minister Kowalski's People?" I questioned.

"We're manufacturing more prototypes. Right now, we only have two that are working. Then there's testing. I'd give it a month before we have enough for a squad of troops. They'd have to be trained to use them, of course, but if General Jorgensen will give me the squad he wants to use for this, we can have them participate in testing, which should go a long way toward training. I'd say six weeks until everything is ready with that." Offered Minister Maczek.

"Consider it done. I'll have my best squad sent to the proving grounds to help with testing. I'm just worried this tinpot dictator with delusions of grandeur will execute Minister Kowalski's people before then." Nodded General Jorgensen.

"I can draw out any potential surrender negotiations, but if we weren't ready to move on this at the end of the six weeks, I'm not certain how much more I can draw things out." Sighed Minister Kowalski.

"Do it. This is a priority, even over attacking Von Strang's World. People can't be allowed to take diplomats hostage. It sends a bad precedent." I commanded.

"If I might also offer a suggestion for the planning?" Queried Minister Simowitz.

"What suggestion?" I asked.

"The Current Consul of Callinius, Marius Corvinus, is young. He has no heirs and removing him during the rescue operation will go a long way toward forcing the Senate to capitulate. There is also the matter of the industrial facilities of Capitolinus. They are staffed entirely by debt slaves. Freeing those slaves and forcing a slave uprising will also help. If we do this right, we won't even need more than Special Forces and a few of my Agents on the ground to seize control of Callinius." Informed Minister Simowitz.

"Which will save our actual regiments for the Von Strang War. All right, work with General Jorgensen on a plan to actually get this skullduggery to succeed." I ordered.

"Of course." Smirked Minister Simowitz.

"Minister O'neill, what sort of funding would you need to set up hospitals and education for the debt slaves once we've freed Callinius?" I questioned.

"For a planet like Callinius, with a forty thousand slaves? Give me seven-hundred-million C-bills in funding and we can absorb the shock of mass emancipation with enough money left over to handle any unforeseen issues a couple times over." Answered Minister O'neill.

"Leaving just about one and a half billion C-bills surplus from the trade deal with the Tamar Pact." I mused.

"Actually, if you'll split that between myself and Minister Kovar, we should be able to begin investing in improvements to Jápminboddu, Skiland, Apsalar, and Centaurus too, though most of that will have to wait until the next round of funds come in." Remarked Minister O'neill.

"Do you agree?" I queried, looking at Minister Kovar.

"Sure. I think we both managed to keep a bit of a buffer in our funding projections in case something like this came up, right?" Asked Minister Kovar, nodding to Minister O'neill.

"Absolutely. You don't get to be in our position without planning for emergencies." Agreed Minister O'neill.

"On that note, what of the status of the other planets we were looking to negotiate an entry into the Grand Duchy with? Jápminboddu, Skiland, Sentaurus, and Apsalar?" I questioned.

"Those went much smoother. Jápminboddu, Skiland, and Sentaurus all agreed without hesitation. Niccolo Apsa of Apsalar wanted to ensure that the local production of foodstuffs that Apsalar Greens Incorporated would be prioritized in any potential mercantile investment plans for Apsalar and that he would get to stay on as Baron of Apsalar. He also wanted something of a bribe, though he called it a signing bonus, but it was only around ten-million C-Bills, so that was easily agreed to." Explained Minister Kowalski.

"Apsalar Greens Incorporated is a pretty decent regional food producer. Skiland, Ichmandu, Dirkel, Beowulf, Callinius, Von Strang's World, and several of the worlds in the Chanelaine Isles all do business with it. Not only do they produce staple foodstuffs, but they do a good business in Wine, Olive Oil, and certain cooking herbs too. They're well worth the prioritization." Informed Minister Huber.

"Last I'd heard, there was a small, but growing faction who wanted more industrial output from Apsalar. There's been a recent find of certain minerals under some of the hills currently being used for olive groves. As long as the olive groves are there, the minerals can't be exploited. The thought process from the locals is that mines will create more jobs." Informed Minister Kovar.

"You've been keeping up with news from Apsalar?" Queried Minister Jonsson, who had thus far been silent.

"I keep abreast of industrial developments in the area, in case there's a potential investment opportunity." Shrugged Minister Kovar.

"Speaking of which, this agreement for prioritization isn't likely to go well with those locals who want the mines to open." I frowned.

"You're thinking they might try to burn the olive groves to force the issue?" Asked Minister Jonsson.

"Civil unrest can happen in times like this. Can you deploy your enforcers to the area quickly enough to discourage such a thing?" I questioned.

"Maybe. If the locals are willing to actually work with them instead of getting into a jurisdictional pissing match." Responded Minister Jonsson.

"But it can be done?" I queried.

"Sure. I might need to get working on that now, though. Smooth out any ruffled feathers." Agreed Minister Jonsson.

"Do so. And Minister? Make sure your Enforcers use nonlethal solutions in the event of a riot. Knockout Gas, Gel Guns, and the like. These people aren't bad people at heart, they just want what's best for their communities. Only use lethal force if you have to." I ordered.

"I've been around the block a time or two, My Lord. I know the drill and I'll make sure to send a team that does as well, though I can't speak for the locals." Reminded Minister Jonsson.

"Then it is up to you to impress upon the locals that same knowledge." I intoned.

"Understood." Confirmed Minister Jonsson.

"Right, aside from that, does anyone have anything else they want to mention?" I asked.

"I actually am in the process of getting a major trade agreement out of Rasalhague. If I can close the deal, that should add another ten billion C-Bills in trade every year." Informed Minister Huber.

"Is that so? What are we selling them?" I questioned.

"Mostly, Ferro-fibrous and Ferro-Aluminium Armor Conversion Kits for mechs and combat vehicles and Specialized Ammunition, but also small arms, Water Purifiers, and Storm Inhibitors." Responded Minister Huber.

"Right. The other stuff I understand, but what do they need the Storm Inihibtors and water purfiers for?" I queried.

"Holmsbu has some storms that get kicked up in the more northerly regions, where the methane icefields are. It spreads the methane around into the atmosphere, tainting it, which then toxifies some of the fresh water in the more habitable regions. Purchasing Storm inhibitors and water purifiers will allow Valdherre Bielke to not only expand settlement on Holmsbu, but also to actively begin exploiting the methan icefields for commercial chemical production. There's a couple cases like that where we're selling specific worlds in the Principality the tools they need to expand and get at resources they otherwise couldn't get to. It's a pretty lucrative deal that makes up roughly half the value of the agreement." Offered Minister Huber.

"Good. Keep me informed on how that goes. More C-bills is always a good thing." I smirked.

"Especially at the rate we're spending them. Speaking of which, when we paid the latest installment of our indemnity to the Combine, my opposite number was shocked that our check cleared. I think the coordinator was expecting us to default at some point." Pointed out Minister Kokkonen.

"That could be a problem, if he was looking to have an excuse to go to war." Interjected General Jorgensen.

"But not one for right now. The Combine is in no shape for war at the moment, they still need to rebuild their shattered forces." Insisted Minister Simowitz.

"Regardless, what else do we need to go over now? Anything else urgent that can't wait until the next scheduled meeting?" I asked.

"We could stand to take out another loan. We just repayed the last one and doing so has been building our credit with various Inner Sphere Financial Institutions." Suggested Minister Kokkonen.

"How much of a loan?" I questioned.

"No more than another billion C-bills. Fortunately, our Lyran Allies have been more than willing to give us some pretty generous loan terms. The idea is that if the treasury routinely takes out loans, then our credit continues to grow and we look more legitimate to the various inner sphere nations. Even more than we do already, I mean." Explained Minister Kokkonen.

"Billion by billion, we get further legitimacy?" I smirked.

"So long as we actually repay the loans, yes, though I'd hesitate to take another loan from ComStar. We're already entangled enough with them since we've gotten involved in Precentor Hope's conspiracy." Concurred Minister Kokkonen.

"Do it." I ordered.

"With that done, I think we're good to break up the meeting for today. We'll reconvene at the end of the month and go over any updates, plus do preliminary planning for the Von Strang War." I intoned.

And with that, the various ministers stood and left the Council Chamber, breaking up the meeting. I myself headed back to my apartments to check in on Susie before taking a shower and heading off to bed. She was sat in front of the holoscreen watching Hauptmann Stahl fight off a Combine Attack on the fictional Periphery World of Kugeldorf, defending the small periphery world from the Machinations of the Dragon. The action was far more realistic than Immortal Warrior, and as I watched from the doorway, it seemed that Kugeldorf had recently uncovered a large Germanium deposit that would allow the Combine to further build up of an attack on Jabuka in Lyran Space, which was the reason that the LCAF had sent Hauptmann Stahl and his group there.

It was all very interesting and the battle scenes were well done, but the chiseled jaw and long hair of the Actor playing Hauptmann Stahl seemed to be a larger part of the draw for Susie, my Little Sister seeming to brighten up every time he was on the screen. A Schoolyard Crush on a Holovid Celebrity, I couldn't say that wasn't common. Shaking my head, I left Susie to her program and got in the shower. By the time I was done, the program was over.

"Susie! Remember to do your homework. I sent you to an expensive school so you have to do well!" I called out.

"Ugh! I know! You know, I never had to do this back in Star's End!" Grumbled Susie, but she started working on it.

"You never had to do anything back in Star's End, nobody was willing to parent you there." I pointed out.

"Ugh! Fine!" Griped Susie.

An hour later, I was in bed, ready to face what challenges tomorrow brought. It would turn out to be more of the same. Only one thing would happen that I would consider interesting in the next month or so before the Council would be called together to meet again. I would get a call from Apollo via K-Class Transmitter the day before we were scheduled to meet for the council meeting. Apparently, Melissa Steiner, in conjunction with Duchess Killa, Duke Watson, and Duke Kelswa had managed to swing the Archon's opinion involving Rasalhague. I now had the backing of the Lyran Commonwealth to press my candidacy for the Throne of Rasalhague.

And I was going to press it home to the hilt. . .


AN: The next chapter is already up on my Patreon, so check the link in the threadmarked post if you guys feel like throwing me a couple bucks to get chapters in advance. Everyone who does is super appreciated and I can't thank my patrons enough.

All right, here we have the Council Meeting. A bunch of stuff happened with Callinius, and there's going to need to be a response. At the same time Apsalar is going to have a riot that needs to be headed off based on tensions between agricultural and industrial factions, while Givrodat wants a specific, expensive, investment.

Fortunately, there's a path forward for all of those, while the treasury continues to take loans and pay them off, building both credit and legitimacy with the financial movers and shakers of the Sphere. Unfortunately, the issues with Callinius also means pushing back the start date for the Von Strang War a bit, but fortunately, the Lyran Backing for the Throne of Rasalhague came through to help on that front.

Next chapter will be one more Council Meeting before Jozef is off to Rasalhague to press his claim to the throne in person to the Regentskapsråd. There will also be a couple interludes for both the Callinius Black Operation and something else involving Frederick Steiner that I alluded to earlier.

Stay tuned. . .