After getting dressed into my normal clothes and donning my dagger just in case, I make my way downstairs and knock on the door to Ilina and Klaus's room.
I hear footsteps inside, and then the door opens to reveal Ilina. She's in her same outfit as last night, minus the cloak. Once again, I feel a brief surge of attraction, and I'm thankful that her personality has made me immune to any serious romantic interest.
"Welcome, Mizuki, it's good to see you again. Please come in!" (Ilina)
Her tone is warm and lighthearted, and she wears a smile, but her expression seems strained. I thank her and enter the room.
Klaus is sitting at the table, so I join him. Out of curiosity, I use my magic sense to gauge their relative magic power levels while Ilina is making her way over. I forcibly suppress my shock…Klaus is the third strongest presence in the city, but Ilina towers above him as the strongest presence around.
Ilina sits down across from me a few moments later, and I inspect her with a new wariness. She's not strong enough to be a threat to me or Nina, really, but she's fearsome for sure.
I pretend to clear my throat to get their attention, then get straight to the point.
"Ehem…so, I won't beat around the bush. Do you want to accept my help? If so, how many others will you want to bring? Finally, when would you want to depart on this journey?" (Mizuki)
Klaus looks surprised by my directness, but Ilina just gives a tired smile. I wonder what's up with her tonight.
"That's fine, Mizuki, I don't mind getting straight to business. First, yes, we'd like to accept your offer to hire you. We've already discussed pay, so I guess there's no need to rehash it if you haven't changed your mind?" (Ilina)
She pauses and raises her eyebrows questioningly. I shake my head to confirm.
"Good. Next, we've opted to just take the three of us. That ordeal with the adventurers outside the tavern left a bad taste in our mouth, and we don't want to risk it again. We'll trust in our abilities for this." (Ilina)
I nod my agreement while she continues.
"Finally, we want to leave and arrive as soon as possible. I don't know the most efficient way to locate the dragon, since there is virtually no information on its specific whereabouts within such a massive forest. I could see the job of locating it taking over a month, and I don't want to undertake something like that unprepared. So, we should spend the rest of the night discussing our strategy and preparations for the journey. I've given it some thought, but do you have suggestions?" (Ilina)
Yeah, those are all reasonable expectations. I'm planning on upending them hilariously, but I need some more answers first.
Ilina is looking at me expectantly, and Klaus is looking on curious but relaxed.
"I do, actually. However, before I tell you that, I have one more line of questioning. Tell me, Ilina…what do you plan to do after I get you to the dragon." (Mizuki)
Klaus narrows his eyes but doesn't say anything. Ilina's face tightens, and after a moment, she answers cautiously.
"Don't you mean IF you get me to the dragon?" (Ilina)
Question dodging? Really? Whatever, that was my slipup too, I guess. No point in hiding it now.
"No. If I agree to take you, you'll see the dragon, I promise. Now I'd appreciate it if you don't dodge any more questions." (Mizuki)
I look directly at Ilina as I say this, who looks relatively calm and is matching my gaze.
"Very well. When we get to the dragon, I have a request to make of it. That's it." (Ilina)
Good, that's straightforward. I need to confirm something though.
"I see. So, you don't plan on attacking it unprovoked?" (Mizuki)
I glare at her suspiciously as I ask. She still doesn't waver.
"No." (Ilina)
"So, then. What is the nature of the request?" (Mizuki)
"All I'm willing to say is that my country is facing an unprecedented threat, and I need the dragon's help." (Ilina)
Her tone is completely neutral, and her gaze gives nothing away.
What help could they possibly want from Nina? Also, what is threatening her whole country? I'm sure she won't tell me. However, that does change things. If her very country is on the line…
"Okay, understood. Then, allow me to clarify something. The job we discussed was just to get you to the dragon safely. I'm taking that literally. After I do that, if you attack the dragon outside of self-defense, I won't be intervening at all. I will stand to the side and let it kill you, and I assure you that's what would happen. Are you okay taking me along knowing that?" (Mizuki)
Klaus's eyes go wide in surprise, and he leans forward with his hands on the table. He opens his mouth and starts to object, but Ilina cuts him off harshly. Then, she turns a piercing gaze back at me and lets out a begrudging smile.
"Yes, I understand. You won't condone violence against someone who didn't earn it, even if it's a dragon. Everybody's lives have equal value, right?" (Ilina)
The question within her response seems rhetorical. She looks at me like she's happy to hear the news. I'm finding it strangely unsettling given the tension, but I'm glad she's pleased, I guess.
After a moment of tense silence, I clap and let out a big smile to try and break the tension.
"Alright, then you have my full support, and I'm excited to be working with you!" (Mizuki)
Klaus shakes his head in exasperation, but Ilina just chuckles.
"So, then, tell me how you think we should locate the dragon?" (Ilina)
I slowly smile at her, and she gives me a quizzical look in return.
"First, get the clothes and weapons you want, and at least two days' worth of food and water for travel." (Mizuki)
Ilina's face turns into pure confusion.
"Uhm…sure. We actually already have that, but won't we need way more than two days' worth?" (Ilina)
She looks at me expectantly.
"Nope. Have that stuff ready tomorrow at sunrise. I'll meet you here at your room, then take you to the dragon. You'll be seeing it tomorrow morning." (Mizuki)