"Hey, Mizuki, what's this?" (Nina)
Nina's call to me interrupts my thoughts, and I look over to see her inspecting the bathtub. I walk over to where she is to see her climbing into it – fully clothed, thankfully. She is looking over it perplexed. So, she doesn't understand what it does, huh?
The tub is imbued with magic that makes it function like a bath on modern Earth. There is one faucet interface that produces water – how so, I have no idea. This has been bothering me since I noticed it. How are they producing all that water!? There's nowhere near enough in the air, and teleportation or alchemy should use way too much magic for normal people.
There is also another knob-like interface on the tub that heats everything inside, but you have to generate the water first and then wait several minutes for it to heat up. The tub also drains easily through the bottom – I'm assuming that this building has piping for it.
A faint smile spreads across my face. I think it'd be funny to tell her to just cut on the water knob and see her freak out. Do I have a mean streak? Maybe. Has she earned some teasing, though? Most definitely.
"Mizuki?" (Nina)
My thoughts are again interrupted. Nina's looking up at me from the tub expectantly. Jarred out of my scheming, I just respond directly.
"Ah, sorry, I got distracted. It's used to take a bath. You turn this…" (Mizuki)
I lean over and gesture at the water knob.
"…to make water fill up this container you're sitting in, called a tub. Then, you turn this…" (Mizuki)
I move my hand over to gesture at the heating knob.
"…to make the water heat up." (Mizuki)
After my explanation, I return my gaze to Nina, whose eyes are sparkling excitedly.
"You can use this to take a bath with hot water anytime you want!? I normally have to go find a large natural hot spring when I want to do that!" (Nina)
Oh yeah…I guess that makes sense for a dragon. I don't know what I assumed she normally does.
"Yeah, that's right. Humans can't just fly to a hot spring like you can." (Mizuki)
She seems to be mostly ignoring my response and staring intently at the tub. I start to sense anticipation through our connection…I think I know what comes next.
"Mizuki, can I please use this to take a hot bath?" (Nina)
Yup, there it is. I groan internally. Well…actually…why does her taking a bath bother me so much? She's not asking me to join her.
I'm assuming that it would make me a creep, but she's a millennia old dragon who's more than capable of making her own decisions about what she's comfortable with. So…maybe I'm the one being weird here?
"Uhm…I mean I don't have any problem with you taking a bath, but are you sure you're okay with me being around here with you undressed? The room doesn't really offer you any privacy, but I can stay turned around for a while?" (Mizuki)
She turns her gaze from the tub to me, and a confused expression is evident on her face.
"No? It's just a bath, Mizuki. I know I joked about you peeping on me before, but you don't need to feel guilty. Honestly…" (Nina)
Her expression turns mischievous.
"…I don't mind if you see me. You can stay right here while I bathe." (Nina)
She ends her statement by holding my gaze with a playful smile. At first, I assume she's teasing me again to see me flustered, but then I sense genuine curiosity from her through our connection. I can feel my mouth go dry at the implication.
Truthfully, it did not escape my notice how attractive Nina is…but…I'm not ready to complicate one of the few connections I've fostered here. We're still getting to know each other, and I don't want to irreversibly cross a line right now.
"Well, I'll pass on the peep show, but if you're comfortable with it then please enjoy a nice hot bath." (Mizuki)
Nina sighs deeply, then shrugs. I think I detect a hint of disappointment, but then she gives me a smile.
"Suit yourself, then. Now, could you prepare this bath for me, please?" (Nina)
She's already climbed out of the tub and is staring at it excitedly. The sight brings a wry smile to my face.
I draw the water to the right level for her and activate the heating feature. While letting the water heat, I go grab her a towel and set it beside the tub. After a few minutes, the temperature seems appropriate for a hot bath. I turn to Nina, who is waiting impatiently with an excited smile, and give her the good news.
"Alright, you're all set!" (Mizuki)
Nina squeals excitedly, then moves like she's grabbing her shirt. Oh, yeah, that's my cue. I make my way over to the couch and take a seat, careful not to look in her direction.
After a few minutes I hear water stirring and Nina sighs deeply.
"Alright, Mizuki, you're fine to look now. Don't worry, you've properly missed the show." (Nina)
Her tone is thick with sarcasm, and I can sense amusement from her as well. However, I sense something else, too…apprehension, again? I've been feeling that from her on and off tonight. It was strongest before I contacted her after the meeting, and then just a moment ago.
That aside, it reminds me that I haven't told her about the situation with the elves. I snap out of my thoughts and look over at her.
Nina is leaning her head back on the tub with a smile, and her eyes are closed. The water barely covers her, and it's more than a little distracting.
Nope! Wait, I wanted to tell her about the elves.