I stand up from my seated position on the ground, and I begin wiping off my trousers and collecting my things. Nina gives me a suspicious glare.
"What are you doing?" (Nina)
"I'm getting ready to head back to Elemsia." (Mizuki)
She jumps up quickly with a surprised look on her face and cries out.
"Wait, you're leaving already!? You aren't going to stay here with me for a while?" (Nina)
Jeez…I didn't know you were that starved for attention. I give her a confused expression.
"Today with you has been the most excitement I've had in millennia…I've been so bored! Don't go yet, please, you said we were friends!" (Nina)
As she makes her plea, she throws her hands out to her sides, as if trying to block my escape. Is she for real? Like, kidnapping aside, she knows I can teleport right? I thought Azazel said Elder Dragons were intelligent.
"Err…you know I can teleport, right? Listen, I have to meet with those elves at sunset, and I have some other things I want to do before then." (Mizuki)
As I state the obvious, she seems to process it for a minute, then drops her arms dejectedly. Wow, she really didn't think that through.
After, I see the hint of a smile flash across her face, then she looks back up at me with a sorrowful expression and pleading eyes.
"So, you'd just come to a girl's home unannounced, beat her, touch her while she's naked and unconscious, ask her for favors, then abandon her in a forest all alone once you get what you want?" (Nina)
What the hell!? Is this supposed to be a guilt trip!? That's no fair, and you are totally twisting the situation!
"Uh…h-hey, look, it's not like that! I just have things I've got to do. Like I said, I promised the elves I'd meet with them. Remember, you said dragons hate lying, so I thought you'd want me to meet them on time and keep my word." (Mizuki)
Her face goes stiff, and she looks momentarily conflicted. Then, she smiles, coming to a decision.
"That's true, so why don't you just take me with you! I can wait somewhere else while you have the meeting with them, and we can have fun the rest of the time. You owe me a favor, friend, so I'd like to come with you!" (Nina)
She emphasizes the word 'friend', as if implying that if I were really her friend, I'd yield. Somehow, I can't imagine her being content just hanging out quietly and not causing trouble.
Only five minutes ago she plainly admitted that me being human was enough to earn me a death sentence. I'm not about to take her to a city full of humans, and leave her unsupervised, with no assurances she can behave. Honestly, though, that's not what I'm most concerned about.
The elves. Even if Nina is in human form in the city and dragon form when I bring them here, the chances aren't zero they'd see Nina's human form if she joins me this evening. We'll be in the same inn as the elves after all. If they ever connected Nina's human and dragon forms later, Ilina seems sharp enough to infer that I arranged something shady before bringing them here.
On the other hand, I do owe Nina a favor. I need to keep my word, so maybe I can offer her something else that's less problematic for me. I want to get back soon, but I can probably spare a little more time. I'll also offer to spend a whole day doing whatever she wants another time to sweeten the deal.
"You're right. I meant what I said about us being friends, and I do owe you a favor. However, I really think it's too risky to bring you back where they might see you, even in human form. So, how about I stay for a little while longer here and chat with you instead? I'll also spend a different day doing whatever reasonable things you want, after we've met with the elves. How's that?" (Mizuki)
Her emotions are quite the rollercoaster as she listens to my comments. While I confirm that I owe her, she is smug, then while I try to sidestep her request, she is mad, and when I finally mention doing whatever she wants for a day if she relents, she is ecstatic. Truly a fickle dragon.
"Okay, yes, I accept! Fufufu…you were no match for my expert negotiating!" (Nina)
Uh…yeah, let's go with that. She smiles happily and sits back down on the ground, then gestures for me to do the same. I oblige.
She stares at me expectantly, as if waiting for me to magically make this interesting. I'm not sure what to discuss that she'll enjoy, though.
Oh! I don't know about her, but I was pretty interested in that thought communication spell of hers. Maybe she'll teach it to me now that we're allegedly friends.
"Hey, Nina, what spell was it that you used for thought communication as a dragon earlier?" (Mizuki)
She gives me a deeply confused look, then her eyes open in surprise.
[Do you mean this, Mizuki?] (Nina)
Her voice echoes in my head as she stares at me.
"Yes! That! Can you teach me the spell for it please?" (Mizuki)
Her confusion seems to deepen.
"Spell? I don't use a spell for this, it's just how Elder Dragons communicate. I believe it was an ability granted to the first Elder Dragons by the god of that planet." (Nina)
Well, that's a huge bummer, I was pretty excited for that. Could this be one of those mysterious godly abilities that Azazel was alluding to before, since there's no incantation?
Hmm…maybe I can at least replicate it with magic. I can't imagine the physical principles behind such a thing, so hopefully Nina can explain it.
"Oh, I see. Well can you explain to me how it works at least? Like, when you try and use that skill what are you thinking about?" (Mizuki)
"I'm not sure what you mean. I just focus on the person and speak in my head, and they hear it." (Nina)
Yeah…that's not going to cut it. I obviously set my expectations too high. I involuntarily let out a deep sigh, and I guess Nina can sense my disappointment.
"If it really interests you that much, though, I could probably give you the ability. Do you want me to try?" (Nina)