First, let's get you down on my level, asshole. I prepare a gravity spell right under the dragon. Not worried about hurting the dragon, I make it as intense as I can as fast as I can, to the point that I feel the sudden magic drain. It's worth it, though.
[GAHHHHH!] (Elder Dragon?)
The dragon is viciously slammed into the earth by the spell, then held there. I drop the gravity spell and push my physical enhancement as far as it will go. Then, I teleport to the dragon and start punching it in the face as hard as I can. My fists are shattering the scales and causing some light damage to the underlying tissue, but as I expected, it's not doing any decisive damage.
The dragon throws its head around and tries to bite me, but I teleport to the other side of its face. I brandish may katana and quickly max enhance it, then I start with a barrage of slashes at the dragon's face. Blood begins to spray with each slash, and I'm now leaving gashes in its flesh about 30 cm deep. I'm finally getting somewhere.
The dragon growls at me and spins around to try and hit me with its tail, and I narrowly avoid it. I'd hate to just go from zero to a hundred like this, but that hit could have killed me for all I know. I can't be merciful. \
I need a decisive victory while I still have the element of surprise. If I wait too long, I'm probably screwed.
I apply concealment spells and teleport a short distance away. Then, I expand the concealment spell area, and I begin charging a plasma ball.
[GAH! I'll dare you scar my face! Where did you go, worthless human!?] (Elder Dragon?)
I guess this thing has a beauty complex. Ignoring that, I pour as much magic as I can into my plasma ball, until it's basketball-sized and my vision begins to blur. I drop the concealment spells, and I take aim at the dragon's midsection.
"I warned you what would happen if you chose to fight! I really wish you'd just chilled out!" (Mizuki)
I launch the plasma ball at ferocious speed, and it impacts the dragon's side where I aimed. The plasma ball begins tearing through the scales and flesh of the dragon, and the shockwave sends it teetering. After, an intense fire breaks out past it, and a large hole is now clearly visible through the dragon's midsection. It lets out a massive roar of pain. Blood is spilling out from the wound, and it begins to trickle from the dragon's mouth as well.
[GAYAAAHH! What was that!? Just what kind of monster are you!?] (Elder Dragon?)
The dragon tries to stand back up, but it collapses onto the ground and stops struggling. Crap, it's going to die if I don't do something.
I teleport over to it, near the wound in its belly, and I begin pouring all the magic I have left into healing its injuries. The blood flow is starting to slow down, and the wound is closing slowly, but I don't know if I'll save it in time with a wound this big.
[What are you doing to me human? Just finish me already.] (Elder Dragon?)
"I'm trying to heal you, dumbass! I told you I never wanted to fight in the first place! This wound is pretty big, though, so I'm having trouble!" (Mizuki)
[Heal me…you are a strange one. I was outmatched…so…I'll…] (Elder Dragon?)
The thought communications seem to be growing weaker. Damn it! If this thing dies, it's going to inconvenience me even further. Why couldn't we just have a friendly chat!?
As I think frantically, a warmth is emitted from the dragon's body and light pours out, blinding me. When my vision returns, the dragon has disappeared.
"Oh, you have got to be shitting me!" (Mizuki)
A few meters in front of me, a woman is laying on the ground. A small partial hole can be seen through her abdomen and…yup, you guessed it…she's naked.
"You think they'd be able to transform with clothes or something." (Mizuki)
As I mutter to myself, I run over to her body and begin healing the wound from her back. She's still breathing, but barely conscious. Thankfully, the wound shrank with her, and I'm healing it much more effectively now.
After a few more minutes, the injury seems to be non-lethal. I begin healing the other wounds on her body. I think she really brought all these wounds on herself.
"For god's sake, why'd you have to make this so damn difficult for me! I just wanted to talk!" (Mizuki)
I complain aloud to her as I finish my healing, then fall back on the ground exhausted. After a few minutes, my strength has returned, and I sit back up.
I check on her state – she's still unconscious…and naked. Great. Well, I'm not about to sit here for the rest of her nap.
I'd say she's about the same height and build as Ilina, but with lighter skin, shorter dark brown hair, and green eyes like mine. At a glance, she looks like she's in her mid 20s, but I'm sure that as a dragon she's much older.
I wonder if I could get clothes for her and bring them back? I don't trust my judgement though. Maybe Percivil can help…poor dude.
I slide one hand each behind her knees and under her shoulders, then lift her up. I'm trying very hard not to look at her body, and her proximity makes me uncomfortable.
"Even unconscious, you're a pain in my ass…" (Mizuki)
I look around to gather a reference point for later, then teleport with her in my arms to the back room at Percivil's shop.
I set her down in the back corner, propped against the wall. I start searching through the boxes in the room, and…bingo. There is a large blanket. I pull it out and shake the dust off it.
Sorry, Percivil, but I need to borrow this. I set a gold coin on the workbench. Unless this is some crazy magic blanket or something, that should cover it. I go and wrap the blanket around the woman.
Nice, this won't be so awkward now. I pick her up again in the blanket, then teleport back to the lake clearing. When we arrive, I scope out a nearby tree at the edge of the forest and prop her against it. She's still knocked out.