Chereads / Curiosity of God / Chapter 110 - Chapter 48 – Welcome to Wellick  

Chapter 110 - Chapter 48 – Welcome to Wellick  

Alto and I returned to Eden following our encounter with Yona, and after nightfall, I got to work on preparing the western train system between Eden and the coastal area that I'd discussed with Alara. I made one train with the same number of passenger and cargo railcars as the eastern train system.


When it was all finished, I only had about six hours left until sunrise. I'd quickly crawled into bed thereafter, careful not to wake a violent Nina or Ilina, and promptly fallen asleep.


Now, I'm being woken up by a pressure on my chest. As I stir and open my eyes, I see Ilina lying on top of me. She's awake and watching me with an amused grin. I start to tell her she's being creepy, but she raises a finger to her lips and shakes her head. She gestures towards Nina, who is still fast asleep next to me.


As I look back towards Ilina, she leans forward and kisses me softly. When she pulls away, she rests her chin on my chest and smiles, then whispers to me.


"I heard you had an interesting encounter yesterday – a Greater Spirit, huh? They're quite aloof toward the other races, so we don't know much about them. What was the spirit you met like?" (Ilina)


Really? That's her first question? I consider responding with a thought message, but that feels a little weird since Ilina is speaking, so I just whisper back.


"Her name is Yona, and her personality is kind of annoying. Otherwise, though, she is quite interesting. She overwhelmed Zara and Alara in battle, and her attacks are based on true magic theory, like mine. Also, normal physical and magic attacks don't work on her. Honestly, while she can't kill an Elder Dragon, I doubt that they could kill her either. Even I'm only guessing that I could kill her." (Mizuki)


Ilina's eyes widen in surprise.


"Mizuki, everything else is troubling, too, but…based on what you said about her magic, isn't she a threat to the deal you made with Azazel? What are you going to do?" (Ilina)


"Well, my intervention might be unnecessary. Her and the other Greater Spirits' magic knowledge is not a result of my actions. More importantly, it seems that Azazel knew about their situation before he even brought them to Azura. So long as I don't increase their knowledge of natural theory, I think it's fine. Still, I'll discuss it with Azazel when I visit him." (Mizuki)


Ilina seems to relax and nods, then she sighs disappointedly.


"It's a shame that my obligations as First Princess keep me from joining you on these adventures…they sound so fun. I miss when I was Second Princess, and I could just travel with you without it being such an issue." (Ilina)


"Yeah, I've been wanting to ask…what exactly do you do all day that's keeping you from touching grass? Most of the time, you're reading in your room when I visit you. I'm not sure what these 'First Princess obligations' are that you're mentioning." (Mizuki)


Ilina's eyes narrow at me dangerously, and I realize that, while I didn't intend it as an insult, I could have phrased that statement much better. It's too late, though…I signed, sealed, and delivered my own execution orders.


"The reason I was in my room reading, is because you always visited me after sunset you lech! If you want to know about my job, how about visiting me during the daytime every now and then, huh? Maybe see how you can make yourself useful and practice supporting your future wife and Queen." (Ilina)


Okay, yup…I see where I went wrong here. I plead for mercy with my eyes, and quietly but furiously make a placating gesture.


"You're right, you're right, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it as an insult, I'm sure you're busy! I'll try to be more involved from now on. On that subject…why not tell me how you spend your days when I'm not around?" (Mizuki)


Ilina glares at me suspiciously, seemingly trying to gauge how sincere and remorseful I am. It's true that I'm partly asking the question to distract her, but I maintain my poker face like my life depends on it. Because it might.


Eventually, she relaxes and nods her agreement, and I breath an internal sigh of relief. She smiles and rests her chin on me again.


"Great! I'm glad we understand each other. Now then, I spend a lot of time with Mother in meetings. Most of them are about managing Avalon and the surrounding royal lands, like nobles do with their territories, and the rest are basically intelligence briefings. Those include reports on surveillance of other countries, but also surveillance in elven territories." (Ilina)


I make a puzzled expression, and Ilina pauses inquisitively.


"I knew the other nobles surveilled one another, and I guess it makes sense that the royal family would surveil the nobles, but does that ever turn up anything relevant? All elves seem pretty committed to obeying Queen Elira, so it's hard to imagine even the nobles plotting anything against the royal family. Why expend the resources to continually surveil someone who's clearly no threat?" (Mizuki)


"Well, it's virtually unheard of for nobles to undermine the Queen or initiate inter-noble violence, but there are other reasons to surveil them. First, they commonly compete for citizens, shares of business markets, and other economic interests. The more independent information we gather on those efforts, the more equipped we are to mediate conflicts between nobles when they inevitably arise during such competition." (Ilina)


Ilina stops for a moment and looks off thoughtfully before continuing.


"Second, it's a sad truth that we can't assume that every noble will manage their territories sufficiently. Some may fall short in providing necessities for their citizens, some may not maintain proper border security, there can be improper taxation, and the list goes on. Nobles may not willingly notify the royal family of such things because they're unaware, embarrassed, or fearful of repercussions. So, surveillance also helps us track such shortcomings and address them promptly." (Ilina)


Ilina is smiling at this point, seeming to enjoy explaining the nuances of her job to me.


"We also use surveillance to gauge the commoners' feelings about events, people, and policies in the country. We can't rely on them to tell us directly, and the nobles may not know or convey such information, so it's important to investigate their sentiments across all the kingdom's territories. Usually, we make arrangements with traveling merchants to collect that kind of information and verify their information with a small number of royal intelligence personnel that discreetly roam the country." (Ilina)


My apprehension has risen from Ilina explaining just this one aspect of her job – the sheer complexity of it scares me. When it comes to managing a country, even one as utopia-like as the Elven Kingdom, there are so many moving parts that she's casually discussing countermeasures for. I hadn't even considered half of them.


She seems to notice my distress, and she becomes concerned.


"Mizuki? What's the matter?" (Ilina)


I shake my head apologetically.


"I was just reminded why, no matter my strength, I'm not suited to be a ruler. I think I'm good at small-scale management – solving specific problems and handling individual people. However, the scope of what you're discussing would be paralyzing for me, and I'd have never considered most of those actions. By contrast, you seem remarkably good at that sort of thing. I'm awe." (Mizuki)


Ilina's eyes widen in genuine surprise for a moment, then she smirks at me.


"Is that so? Well, I was raised with an emphasis on learning these things, Mizuki. I am part of the ruling family, after all. Still, I'm quite enjoying this unsolicited praise from you. Are you saying that I'm much better than you at something important, and you value and rely on my expertise?" (Ilina)


I know she's expecting me to act embarrassed or prideful, but…no. I don't think I've ever given enough thought to the specifics of Ilina's future role as Queen, and to her associated responsibilities that I'll have to support her in. Currently, I'm pretty unequipped to understand and sympathize, much less help with, the kinds of decisions she'll have to make.


"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, and I'm sorry if this is the first time that I'm outwardly recognizing it. After this mess with the Empire settles down, and if it won't cause issues, I'd like to accompany you during your royal duties on occasion. It seems I have a lot to learn before I can support you the way that Dargo supports Elira. I'm...sorry it has taken me so long to recognize that." (Mizuki) 

After wiping the shock off her face, which I might deserve, Ilina grins mischievously.


"I think I can talk Mother into an arrangement like that. Are you sure that's what you want, though? Fufufu…I would happily work you ragged on the days that you join me. If you have no interest in ruling the world, which I'm sure everyone on Azura will be relieved to hear, then it may not be worth the trouble." (Ilina)


Ilina's voice sounds playful, but there's a restrained intensity in her gaze and words – it feels like she's testing me.


I nod my head confidently.


"Yes, I'm sure. While I may never govern a country directly, I've reluctantly started influencing world events. I can't, in good conscience, willfully ignore how my actions may affect those countries. With the Empire, I want to avoid taking the ship down with the captain. So, not learning more about how countries are managed would be negligent of me." (Mizuki)


Ilina smiles proudly, then leans in and kisses me again. I guess I passed.


"I think that's a wise perspective. In that case, I'll discuss it with Mother. I'm honestly a little curious how she'll react to you taking an interest in our country's inner-workings…it may be quite funny." (Ilina)


She's just buzzing for an opportunity to troll her own queen…who's the real national security threat here? Of course, since I've already agitated her once in my short time awake, I refrain from voicing such an opinion. I just smile back at Ilina appreciatively. We lay in silence for a while, and then I hear Nina start to stir. I guess my little heart-to-heart with Ilina is over.


Time to get ready for the day…I've got another noble's territory to visit.




After getting dressed, I meet up with my party, Cara, and Alara in the family room.


"So, what do you think?" (Mizuki)


My question is directed at Alara, while I gesture towards our MMC – she's already used it to send a letter to Elira and received some in return.


Alara's face lights up happily.


"It's wonderful, Mizuki, thank you so much! Also, Mother told me about your offer to teleport me to visit her regularly…I appreciate that, too." (Alara)


"I'm glad to hear it, Alara! I was becoming a little worried about you feeling lonely and isolated in Eden. Hopefully, the MMC will help you feel more connected in your new home." (Mizuki)


Alara gives me a surprised expression.


"Uhm…Mizuki…do you consider this my home? I thought I was more of a long-term guest." (Alara)


"I mean, yeah? Obviously, it's Alto's house, and she owns it. Still, that doesn't mean it can't be your home. I'm perfectly fine with you living here the rest of your life, and you're encouraged to express any living preferences you have. You're one of us now. That said, I won't be surprised or offended if you eventually build a family home and move out. You should do whatever you want!" (Mizuki)


Alara gives me a grateful smile, then becomes quiet and thoughtful.


"Well, I'd hate to interrupt this touching moment, but…I am also curious about this M-M-C. It truly sends written messages across the country in an instant?" (Cara)


Cara stares at me expectantly, leaning around Alto on our couch. I just give her an amused smile and nod, then she shakes her head in exasperation.


"It's just one absurd magic item after another with you. Hmm…I don't suppose you'd also grace my territory with one of these while you're setting up the train today, would you?" (Cara)


Cara asks the question jokingly, like she has every expectation that I'll reject the request. But now that she knows most of my secrets...


"If your family home is in Wellick, and you show us to the private room you want it in, then I'd be happy to install one for you. I'll also go ahead and make it so that you can send messages to both the royal palace and our mansion. Of course, this will come with the standard conditions that you can't allow it to be studied, abused, or repurposed. How's that?" (Mizuki)


Cara's eyes go wide in shock initially, but she seems to resolve it quickly and responds eagerly.


"Perfect, I accept! My house is in Wellick, and I was hoping to show you around it anyway." (Cara)


I suppress laughter, and just nod my acknowledgement to Cara.


"Great! Now that we've settled that…let's discuss our visit to Wellick and building your train, shall we? The nobles meeting is tomorrow, and I'd like to have it operational by then. First off, Nina and I will obviously need to accompany you there, but I also think it's a good idea to bring Alto. She should soften our party's reception, and I trust her to handle critical tasks alone if Nina or I can't." (Mizuki)


Cara shrugs and nods.


"Sure, that seems reasonable." (Cara)


I see Alto smiling appreciatively during the exchange, and I'm reminded of our talk yesterday. I hope that I'm taking the right steps to show her that I can entrust her with things without coddling her.


I turn my attention back to Cara.


"Wonderful. Next, we should get our travel story straight. I assume that I'll be bringing us there as quickly as possible, and if necessary, we can just say that Nina flew us. Is everyone on board with that?" (Mizuki)


I survey the room, and I'm met with nods all around. Good, guess that's settled.


"In that case, the final thing I want to discuss is where you want this train, Cara. The exact place doesn't matter to me. However, the immediate terrain around the railway needs to be something you don't mind getting perturbed during construction, and the path of the train system in and around Wellick needs to be somewhere that I won't be observed after dark. Is that doable?" (Mizuki)


Cara looks at the ground thoughtfully for a few moments, then meets my gaze and nods.


"Yes, I have a particular spot in mind. I think it would be best to do something like in Avalon, where you make the train station a short distance outside the city. I can take care of building the pathways to connect the train station to a main road." (Cara)


"Got it. I'll also need to avoid any other cities or villages, and any farm or ranch land along the way. Do you have a clear path in mind for the train?" (Mizuki)


Cara nods and looks to Alara, who produces a thickly folded paper and sets it on the coffee table between our couches. As she unfolds it, I see that it's a map of the Elven Kingdom. I've only seen one before – from Dargo – since humans haven't been allowed to survey here.


Alara begins tracing her fingers along the map as she speaks.


"Eden is here, in the western territory, and Wellick is situated here, about halfway between Avalon and the northern coast, towards the western border of Cara's northern territory. The Egris river runs from the northwestern mountains through Wellick. We thought you could build the railway through the unsettled northwestern territory until meeting the river, then continue building along its border until Wellick." (Alara)


Perfect. I'll need to scope it out some, but if I start from the point in Wellick where Cara wants the station, then that will drastically reduce my navigation issues. I just have to follow the river out of her territory, then make a beeline for Eden with magic sense.


I look between Cara and Alara and smile appreciatively.


"Well, it sounds like you two did all the hard work for me – thanks! I'll plan on building the train system tonight. In the meantime, we'll travel to Wellick and have Cara show me where she wants the train station. I can also set up her MMC while we're there. When would you like to depart, Cara?" (Mizuki)


Cara's eyes light up at the question.


"As soon as possible. I know the tasks you mentioned won't take that long, but I'd like to show you all around Wellick with the extra time before nightfall. I'm quite proud of my capital city! Since I've been gone so long, and the train will connect Wellick and Eden soon, I'd like to gather my belongings to permanently return to Wellick. So, could we depart in an hour or so?" (Cara)


"That's fine with me. Nina? Alto?" (Mizuki)


"Fufufu…being hosted in a riverside city sounds nice to me, and I'm prepared to leave whenever." (Nina)


"I also take no issue with that plan." (Alto)


I nod at them both. 


"I guess it's settled then. Nina, I have a quick errand in Elmesia that I'd like you to accompany me for while Cara prepares. Alto, could you use your item box to help Cara pack while we're away?" (Mizuki)

Nina looks at me in surprise, then I sense curiosity from her. Alto just nods towards me. 


"Mmm…that sounds mysterious. I'm in!" (Nina)


"Of course, I don't mind." (Alto)


Nice. I smile at everyone in the room.


"Awesome, I appreciate it everyone! It sounds like we've got our last day before the nobles' meeting planned then. Is there anything else we need to discuss before we go our separate ways?" (Mizuki)


I survey my friends' faces, and they all shake their heads. Whelp…I guess that's that.


Time to give the newest members of my adventuring party their first present.




As Nina and I enter the guild in Elmesia, the room quiets down, and several people nod at us indifferently. Afterwards, conversations resume, and we're left with only some lingering stares. It seems that my party has finally reached the point of soliciting a quiet, neutral reception at the guild. Frankly, I'm a fan of it.


I look around for Levi and his party, but I don't see them. We approach Melanie, the guild receptionist, and she is already watching us nervously. I guess that's fair, given my history here. 

I smile at her, and she forces a polite smile in return…so hospitable!


"Hey, Melanie, no need to look so glum! I didn't come to make trouble, I swear." (Mizuki)

Melanie makes an annoyed expression at me in return. 


"Somehow you attract trouble, forgive me if I'm not reassured, Mizuki. Still, what can I do for you?" (Melanie)


Hmm…I see where she's coming from, but that doesn't make it my fault! I sigh deeply and nod. 


"I'm looking for Levi and the others. Know where I can find them?" (Mizuki)


Melanie gives me a confused look. If I had to guess, it's because I'm acting like she's more likely to know where my own party is than me.


"Well, Sylvia is supposed to be in this morning. If you wait, you should see her soon." (Melanie)


I smile back at Melanie and nod.


"Thanks, Melanie, we'll do that." (Mizuki)


Nina and I take a seat at one of the empty guild hall tables, and surprisingly, nobody bothers us. After a while, I see Sylvia walk into the guild. When she meets my gaze, I smile and wave her over to us.


She approaches with a suspicious expression.


"Uhm…hey, Mizuki. Were you waiting for me? You've never been seen just sitting around the guild like this." (Sylvia)


Wow…I really need to make an effort to show up here more and hang out with the other adventurers. It doesn't sound like I have a very sociable reputation.


I smirk at Sylvia.


"You guessed it. Got some time for us this morning?" (Mizuki)


Sylvia sighs in fake annoyance.


"I can put you in my schedule, I guess. I won't lie and say it's out of deference to my new party leader…I'm just curious about what you could want." (Sylvia)


I roll my eyes at Sylvia.


"That's fine – I only care that you're loyal to Levi. Anyway, does your party own a house or something? Levi, at least? We should go there and talk…I have a gift to give you guys." (Mizuki)


Sylvia raises her eyebrows at me.


"A gift, huh…consider me intrigued. Well, Levi recently bought a house for us. It's not huge, but it's home. The others are there now, so I guess I could take you. Any reason you want to talk there?" (Sylvia)


"Oh, the gift is one that goes in your home. So, we might as well have any discussions there since it's more private." (Mizuki)


Nina interjects with a dry and impatient tone.


"Yes, but let's not delay this any longer, Sylvia. I'm getting bored, and we have other plans today." (Nina)


Sylvia sighs in exasperation…that's pretty bold when you're addressing an Elder Dragon. Although, Nina was rude first.


"Alright, let me speak with Melanie and then we can be on our way." (Sylvia)


We nod our acknowledgement, and Sylvia walks over to reception to chat with Melanie for a few minutes. After she's done, she comes back to collect Nina and me.


"All set! Let's go." (Sylvia)


We follow Sylvia out of the guild and through the streets of Elmesia.


I've hardly ever left the main road in Elmesia, so the path is unfamiliar to me. Contrary to my normal stomping grounds, the side streets she leads us down have several residential-looking houses. I wouldn't say they're upscale, but it looks drastically better than most commoner housing I saw in Rodsgard.


Eventually, we arrive in front of a two-story house located on a semi-private plot of land at the outskirts of the city. Sylvia just opens the front door and walks right in. Personally, I think not locking your door is insane, but I guess nobody is dumb enough to break into the home of Elmesia's most dangerous adventuring party. 

Sylvia calls out loudly as she steps inside. 


"Hey guys, our new boss is making a house call! He says he has a gift for us!" (Sylvia)


As Nina and I follow her inside, we find ourselves in a large living room with a couple of couches and a small table between them. There are a few doors leading to side rooms, and there is a staircase at the back of the room leading up to the second floor.


I don't see Levi, but I see Rikard and Leo, each sitting on one of two couches. They have some of their equipment out on the table and seem to be doing maintenance. They both look toward us in surprise as we enter the room.


"Hmm…a gift, huh? Based on our last conversation, would I be too presumptuous in assuming that this gift will allow us to contact you? You've been gone several days, and it feels strange being so out of touch with someone whose party we technically belong to." (Leo)


Leo looks at me with a scrutinizing gaze following his question. He's as sharp as ever I see. I nod at Leo and smile.


"You're correct, Leo. With everyone's permission, I will be installing an enchanted item in one of the rooms here that lets you send written messages to our house instantly, and vice versa. It will let us stay in constant, private communication." (Mizuki)


Leo looks excited and thoughtful, but Rikard and Sylvia just look surprised. Sylvia squeals out as she stares at me incredulously.


"That's possible!? We can just instantly exchange messages with you from our home!?" (Sylvia)


I smile in amusement and nod, but before I can respond to her, Levi comes walking out of a side room with a confused expression on his face. I suppress my urge to laugh at him – he's wearing an apron and covered in something that resembles flour. I guess he was busy cooking.


"Mizuki? Nina? What are you doing here? Also, Sylvia, why are you screaming?" (Levi)


"Mizuki just said he's going to give us an enchanted item that lets us send messages directly between our houses without any delay! Of course I'm raising my voice, Levi!" (Sylvia)


Levi turns toward me incredulously and speaks in a shrill voice.


"You have enchanted items like that!?" (Levi)


I nod, preparing to respond, but Nina interjects.


"Fufufu…as much as I love seeing all of your frantic faces, we must hurry this along – our time is limited. Besides, while I agree that this creation of Mizuki's is interesting, he has many that are much more fun. All this one does is send small messages." (Nina)


I give Nina a surprised glance.


Personally, I think the MMCs are cool, though not as significant as the spell rings or train. Still, I have a sneaking suspicion that Nina is actually referring to the games from Earth that we've replicated when she mentions my 'more fun creations'.


Also, that's the second time she's rushed things here…why? I thought she likes Levi's party, and I don't sense annoyance from her.


[Nina, is everything okay? That's the second time you've said something about leaving quickly.] (Mizuki)


I sense surprise and confusion from Nina.


[I'm eager to begin our visit to Cara's city, Mizuki. Eden has shown me that weak races' cities can be quite fun, but Avalon is the only other city I've toured extensively. So, I'm curious about Wellick.] (Nina)


Huh…well, I don't know whether that's a good thing or not. I'm glad she's learning to see the value of other races, but she's still being rude.


"Uhm…to answer your shared question, Levi and Sylvia – yes. I apologize if Nina was a little brisk with you, but we do have other people to meet soon. Perhaps you could discuss amongst yourselves where you'd like the item installed, then I can quickly gift it to you and leave you to your day? It goes into a wall, ideally a stone one, and it can never be moved." (Mizuki)


Levi and his party share a few questioning glances in silence. Suddenly, I see an amused grin on Leo's face as he glances at Sylvia. 


"Why don't we convert Sylvia's room into an equipment area of sorts, then have Mizuki install the item in there? She never uses it during the day, and with all her sneaking to Levi's room, she only spends a couple of hours per night in her own bed. So, you won't mind just officially rooming together, right Sylvia?" (Leo)


Leo smirks at Sylvia as he poses his question. Rikard looks appalled, and Levi's face is deep red with a surprised expression. Sylvia is briefly surprised, but she quickly directs a murderous gaze at Leo.


Did…Leo just out Sylvia and Levi to everyone? More importantly, did those two really think they could play hide the cucumber every night and keep it a secret from their own roommates?


Hmm…none of this seems like my business. Unfortunately, Nina doesn't share my sentiments.


"Oh my, this visit is proving much more entertaining than I expected, Mizuki. Fufufu…now I see why you brought me with you! Sylvia, why have you not declared Levi as your mate? Levi, you look so embarrassed…are you not proud to have Sylvia in your bed?" (Nina)


This is not why I brought you! Why would you think that!?


Levi and Sylvia both go pale and look at Nina in disbelief, while Rikard just stares at the floor uncomfortably. Leo appears to be stifling laughter, and Nina just glances between Levi and Sylvia expectantly. I guess she doesn't consider her question rhetorical. 


"Ehem…uhm, so how about I install the item here in the living room? Would that spot on the wall over there work?" (Mizuki)


I point towards a bare area on the stone wall behind Leo, and glance around at everyone questioningly. Rikard snaps his gaze towards me with a grateful expression. He doesn't even look towards where I'm pointing before responding.


"Yes, Mizuki, that's an excellent spot! Everyone, don't you think so?" (Rikard)


Rikard looks around at the others expectantly, and he gets absentminded nods from the stunned Levi and Sylvia. He then looks at Leo pleadingly, and after a moment, Leo sighs and nods. That's good enough for me.


I quickly walk over to the stone wall and cast a privacy barrier around me like the ones I made for the jacuzzi. I'd still like to keep my alchemy spell under wraps.


I swiftly assemble the MMC, and I make one enchanted cylinder. I label the cylinder and placeholder with my name.


Once finished, I turn around to face the group and drop my privacy barrier. Leo, who walked over to stare at the barrier curiously, squeaks in surprise as I come into view suddenly. After a few seconds to recover, he notes the MMC's sudden appearance, then stares at me suspiciously.


"That was extremely fast, Mizuki, and it's fully embedded in the wall. Was that strange barrier meant to hide how this device was installed?" (Leo)


I give him a dumbfounded look.


"Well, yes…that should be obvious." (Mizuki)


Leo's eyes widen in surprise at my casual admission, then he sighs in exasperation and gives me an annoyed look.


"So, you're hiding your strange magic and items from us, and you won't even tell us where you live. I thought you trusted us since you invited us into your party…what gives?" (Leo)


This seems uncharacteristically childish of Leo. Does he truly not get that trust is both contextual and conditional? I sincerely doubt that he'd freely tell me everything about himself or his abilities just because I asked.


"Well, I don't think trust is all or nothing. After all, I doubt that Levi and Sylvia keeping their romantic involvement a secret means that they don't trust you and Rikard with other things. Similarly, me trusting that you'll be good party members and keep my strength a secret, doesn't mean that I have to tell you every piece of information about myself." (Mizuki)


Leo's annoyed expression melts away and he just shrugs at me.


"Yeah, I agree. Tch…it was worth a shot, though, trying to learn more about you. You can't blame me for being curious." (Leo)


I stare at Leo incredulously, but he just matches my gaze. Was this dude seriously trying to guilt trip me into sharing information with him? I sigh internally.


"Err…duly noted. Anyway, it's not like I care if you know where I live. I gave you this item because you wouldn't be able to get messages to us any other way – our house is in the Elven Kingdom." (Mizuki)


At that comment, not only does Leo look to me in shock, but so do the others who trickled over to stare at the MMC. Even Levi is bewildered…a rarity for him at this stage in our relationship.


"The elves accept you living among them!? A human!?" (Levi)


Leo is staring at me nervously.


"Levi, as crazy as that is, you're fixating on the wrong thing. The Elven Kingdom is on nearly the opposite side of the planet. If Mizuki's party was seen around Elmesia more, I'd assume they had a room locally. However, if they're not…Mizuki, have you been casually teleporting from the Elven Kingdom when we see you?" (Leo)


The others look at Leo incredulously, then turn to me with questioning gazes. I also sense impatience from Nina. Oh yeah, the conversation got derailed again. I sigh deeply and shrug.


"Yes, Leo, you're correct. Now that you know that, you can't say I never trust you with information. Okay then, everyone, can I explain how this item I installed works now? Nina and I must be going soon." (Mizuki)


After a few moments of dumbfounded and exasperated stares from Levi's party, there's a round of begrudging nods. I sense satisfaction from Nina. Great, crisis averted!


"Wonderful! So, this is called a micro-messaging center, or MMC…" (Mizuki)


I proceed to give Levi's group my general demonstration of how to use their MMC, and I include warnings about never using the cylinder outside its respective placeholder.


I focus on Leo as I give the warning, and I tell them that not heeding my warning could cause the device to malfunction and kill someone. It's unlikely, but technically true! After all, if the teleportation of the item works relatively, then moving the cylinder could cause you to teleport space outside the designated area in the linked MMC. If a person is occupying that space, I guess a chunk of them would go missing. 

The warning seems to make Levi's party pretty compliant.


"Lastly, under no circumstances are you allowed to tell anyone else about this device or attempt to study it yourselves. You should tell Gerard and Theresa that you have a way to get in touch with me quickly in case they need something, but nothing more specific than that. Can I count on you all to respect these conditions?" (Mizuki)


I direct a very stern expression at each of them in turn as I give my final warnings and wait for their acknowledgement. There's a round of assent, but Leo looks a little bitter about my conditions. I'm guessing the one about not even studying the device himself. Best to be safe.


I glance at Nina across the room.


[Nina, are they all being sincere about not breaking my rules?] (Mizuki)


Nina smirks and nods subtly.


[Yes, it's fine. I believe Leo was considering deception at first, but he seems resigned to do as you said. I wouldn't be concerned.] (Nina)


Great, that's a relief. Although, it sounds like Leo doesn't have any problem lying or ignoring my orders for his own agenda, if he thinks he can get away with it. I'll remember that going forward.


"I appreciate everyone's understanding! If there's nothing else, Nina and I should probably depart now. Before I go, though, here…" (Mizuki)


I open my item box and retrieve two platinum coins from the coin purse inside. Then, I hand them to Levi. He and his party's mouths are hanging open.


"Are these platinum coins!? What are they for!?" (Levi)


"Well, they're for you. I always take care of my party members' basic needs and equipment. If there's new gear you've been wanting, go get it. You're all experienced adventurers, so I trust that you know what's best. If you need more money later, then just send a message through the MMC." (Mizuki)


Leo stares at me like I'm insane.


"You're saying you'll keep sending us money? What's the catch?" (Leo)


I nod patiently.


"Yes, these are just starter funds to set you up. I think, going forward, a gold coin per month for everyone's basic needs sounds fair. There's no catch – the money isn't contingent on you accepting my jobs, so long as you justify rejecting them. I don't really care about money." (Mizuki)


Well, not anymore, at least.


Sylvia reaches out and grabs one of the platinum coins from Levi, then eyes it over skeptically. She looks at me with an amused smile.


"Well, I guess you've earned a little respect...Boss." (Sylvia)


I sigh deeply. And here I was thinking Nina was fickle.




After teleporting Nina and I back to the mansion, I updated our MMC to also send messages to Elmesia. Then, I picked up Cara and Alto and flew us all towards Wellick, guided by Cara and magic sense.


We're now closing in on the city.


"There's the Egris river!" (Cara)


Cara points excitedly towards the horizon, and I see a clear line of water sparkling in the distance. Also, Cara's comment reminds me of a burning question I've had. I turn towards Cara and smirk.


"So, Cara, whose vanity project was it to name this entire river after your family? It spreads into another undeveloped territory…I'm curious to see how people react to the name when another noble takes over." (Mizuki)


Cara rolls her eyes at me, but I also notice a bit of embarrassment in her expression. She sighs deeply.


"That would be my grandmother. As for what another noble may do about the name…who knows. If they don't want to call it that, I won't care. However, since new nobilities are rare, I may not be alive by the time a noble owns the rest of the land the river runs through. So, you definitely won't live long enough to see another noble take over that land." (Cara)


I look at her, puzzled, and she just stares back at me in confusion. Then, I realize…she's still under the impression that I just age a little slower than humans. That's what Nina told her at the royal announcement back then. Cara's aware that I'm strong, but she doesn't know about my home planet or the fact that I won't age – I never fully clued her in to everything about me like Alara. Nina seems to make the same realization.


"Fufufu…Mizuki is like me – he won't age. He'll far outlive you, Cara, as well as all the other elves of your country." (Nina)


Well…except Alto, but that's something we probably don't want to explain right now. I glance at Cara and notice her staring at me in shock. I just shrug and smile.


"Look, Mizuki, it's Wellick!" (Alto)


Alto's voice cuts off the impending questions from Cara, and I turn my attention back to the landscape before us. There's a large city sprawled out below, with the river running southwest to northeast through its center – Wellick.


I can see a few large, white marble buildings like the ones in Avalon. However, aside from its riverside location, there's one other curious feature of Wellick that I've never seen with other cities.


"Uhm…Cara…why is there no defensive wall around your capital city? Unless you have a natural barrier, like mountains or canyons, isn't that kind of thing standard?" (Mizuki)


After recovering from the shock of my lifespan, Cara registers my question and glares at me in annoyance.


"What exactly would we be defending from, Mizuki? Only elves have access to the city, and nobles wouldn't dare wage war against one another. Also, there are no dangerous monsters native to this region of the kingdom that would encroach on the city. A big wall would just be a huge waste of time and money." (Cara)


Huh…I guess that makes sense.


"Now, if you're done critiquing my capital, set us down on the edge of the city. Over there near the river would be ideal." (Cara)


Cara points towards a riverside area near the southern edge of the city. I nod my acknowledgement and do as she asked. Then, once I'm sure nobody is watching us, I drop the invisibility spell from our flight.


"For the record, Mizuki, this is where I'd like you to put the train station. After you build the railway, I'll build a small area with seating that connects to the main road over there, like Avalon has. Now, let's get this tour started!" (Cara)


I sense a rush of anticipation from Nina, and I smile at her in amusement. I'm glad she's got something to look forward to.


Following her declaration, Cara leads us towards the southern border of Wellick, where the main paved road passes into the city. As we enter the city, I'm shocked by a familiar smell hitting my nose.

No can't be…Azura doesn't even have the seasons they need to grow! I pick up the pace and walk towards a street side vendor. A yelp of surprise comes from behind me.


"Wah!? Mizuki, where are you going!?" (Cara)


I ignore Cara and continue following my nose. As I approach the vendor, I see round fruit-like products with a mottled yellow and green coloring. They don't look quite right, but…


"Excuse me, Miss, what are these items called?" (Mizuki)


The vendor is a 40s-looking elven woman, and she seems startled by my question. Upon looking at me for a moment, she becomes nervous, presumably seeing that I'm human. Since I ran ahead of the group, I don't have Cara, Alto, or even Nina to give her context for my presence. Best to address things quickly since I'm on my own. 


I smile back at the vendor and make a reassuring gesture, then produce my royal travel crest from around my neck. I've taken to wearing it whenever I'm out and about in the Elven Kingdom.


"Oh, I'm sorry if I scared you! I'm human, but my presence in your kingdom is endorsed by Queen Elira, and I'm currently a guest of Lady Cara. My name is Mizuki, and I serve Lady Nedonera the Elder Dragon. Perhaps you've heard of us?" (Mizuki)


The woman glances at my royal crest and relaxes, then she looks at me apologetically.


"My apologies, Lord Mizuki. I have of course heard of Lady Nedonera's generosity to the elves, as well as the human in her service." (fruit vendor)


Lord? I've heard 'sir' or 'master', but that's a new one. I…don't like it.


"Those are wah'lugs. They're a type of fruit, with a crisp texture and sweet taste, and they're a unique export of my territory. Since you left us all behind to run over here, can I assume that you want to try one, Mizuki?" (Cara)


I turn towards the sound of the unexpected voice. The others seem to have caught up to me, and Cara is wearing a mildly annoyed expression as she interjects. I glance at the vendor, and she's already giving a light bow to Cara.


"Lady Cara! It's an honor to have you visit my humble fruit stand! Please, try whatever you'd like!" (fruit vendor)


Cara smiles at the woman and nods appreciatively, then returns her attention to me with a questioning gaze.


"Oh, sorry Lady Cara! I got a little carried away when I smelled these fruits. Also, Miss, you can drop the 'Lord' and just call me Mizuki. May I try one of these wah'lugs?" (Mizuki)


The woman nods at me fervently, then politely hands me one of the fruits. I take it from her with a grateful nod, then turn my attention to the fruit with immense anticipation. I wonder if I'm right about these...they smell very similar.


[Mizuki I can sense the excitement from you…is there something special about this fruit? Fufufu…if so, you must tell me!] (Nina)


I look up from the fruit to Nina, who is staring at me with burning curiosity. Alto is giving me a thoughtful look.


I return my attention to the fruit and take a bite. As I bite into it, there's a crisp resistance, followed by a spray of sweet juice…I was right! It's not exactly the same, but…


"WAHH! I knew it, they're apples!" (Mizuki)


I'm so thrilled that my inner thoughts slip out, and everyone stares at me in confusion. The apple vendor directs a questioning gaze my way.


"Uhm…Lord Mizuki, do humans have wah'lugs as well? I thought they were unique to Lady Cara's domain, but I don't know much about the human countries." (fruit vendor)


I feel myself tense at the realization of my slip-up. Cara directs a suspicious gaze at me and interjects before I can respond.


"No…no, they don't. As far as I know, none of the other races have fruits like wah'lugs, and I've never heard them called 'apples' before. Care to explain, Mizuki?" (Cara)


Cara is staring at me questioningly. Shit…what to do. I direct a perplexed expression at Cara.


"Hmm…do you export these to Avalon? I suppose I could have had some there…I obviously mixed up the name with something else. You're right that I've never had these in the human countries." (Mizuki)


Cara gives me an exhausted expression. Yeahh…I don't think she's buying that weak-sauce excuse of mine.


"We export some to Avalon, sure, but they're rarely sold raw like that elsewhere. Also, mixed up...really? I've never heard the word 'apples' before, and it doesn't even sound similar." (Cara)


Yeah…I wouldn't believe that story either. Whelp…when in doubt, ignore them and move on!


"My Lady, you should try these! Miss, will this cover a few wah'lugs?" (Mizuki)


I quickly pull out a gold coin and hand it to the vendor. She nods in disbelief, so I grab a few apples and toss one to each of the people in our group. Nina is eyeing hers curiously.


[Go ahead, Nina and Alto! These taste like a kind of fruit from my home world, called apples.] (Mizuki)


Nina's eyes widen towards me, then she looks back at the apple eagerly. She takes a bite, and a delighted smile breaks out on her face.


"Mizuki, these are delicious! How are they so sweet!?" (Nina)


I smile smugly at Nina, but her own face turns mischievous, and I sense amusement and anticipation rolling off her in waves. With her, that means I'm about to be played for a fool.


"My faithful attendant, Mizuki. I command you to acquire more of these delicious fruits for your Lady!" (Nina)


Of course she'd find a way to exploit the situation...typical. Cara and Alto look like they're stifling laughter. I sigh internally, then give the smug looking Nina a polite smile and bow to her.


After, I turn towards the apple vendor…her mouth is just hanging open while she glances between Nina and the gold coin. I guess she just put together that an Elder Dragon is snacking on her apples. Also, I might have overpaid a touch.


"Of course, My Lady, as you wish. Miss, how much for your entire stock of apples? Please, make sure to charge us full price!" (Mizuki)


The woman's eyes go wide in alarm.


"A-All of them!? I…well…my whole selection here…that's easily covered by this gold coin, Lord Mizuki. Please, take as many as you want." (apple vendor)


I nod towards the vendor, then turn to Alto. She's just watching the events unfold with an amused grin.


"Alto, do you mind preparing some storage for our Lady's wah'lugs?" (Mizuki)


Alto smirks then summons an item box in front of us. There's a squeal of surprise from the vendor, and Cara looks exasperated by the extravagant display of magic.


I walk over to the vendor and grab each of the boxes of apples and dump them into the item box. Some little tests of mine with raw meat have taught me that things spoil drastically slower in an item box – they might even stay fresh indefinitely. So, this should be fine.


After I've loaded up all the apples, I pull out three more gold coins and hand them to the vendor. She is glancing between me and the four gold coins in her hand, and her face has gone pale. I've obviously overwhelmed the poor lady. Oh well!


I smile at her and nod.


"Here's some extra, Miss, for the trouble. Thanks so much! Lady Cara, shall we continue on our tour?" (Mizuki)


The vendor is now gaping at me, and I hear Cara grumble at my dismissive question. Nina is chomping on her apple, paying us no mind, and Alto just looks amused.


Oh yeah, I can already tell...this tour is going to be a blast.