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Awoken Witch: Inverted Mirror

Kang Mari is a kind-hearted South Korean actress who has achieved international fame through her roles in romantic dramas and action films, but who still feels frustrated by a lack of freedom. Her life's going to change when the first trips to the set scenerios for filming her latest movie put in motion an unexpected plot of its own, two different stories intertwining with disastrous results. Kim Raon, on the other hand, is her polar opposite in the vastness of the multiverse, the ruthless director of the psychic-run Dragon Division, for which the greatest enigma yet will rise in her defiance. New dark threats will put her agency to the test; she will need to take tough decisions to secure her interests, all for which she stands, but also having to keep safe a world she's always resented. Both lifetimes will converge in a scenario of mystery and suspense, where both characters must face their own internal and external demons, raising the stakes of loyalty, power, and the struggle for truth and liberation in a crossroads where nothing is as it seems.

Chapter 1 - Why do this?

Mari looked at the rapid succession of pedestrians, sidewalks and streets of Busan passing through the window of the white Volvo that finally was taking her to the first recording set, located on the outskirts, a real environment in which some scenes, of yet unknown relevance in the plot, would be filmed. She had read the script for almost two months at this point, and although it had been finished long before being distributed to the cast, the production team had not yet revealed the chapters' true chronological order within the play. Thinking about how all the apparent mess of events that had to be performed would fit into her role, she learned her lines as they were, practicing her expressions at home, as well as with a couple of former theater partners when there was room in her schedule; all of this came back to her mind, with her elbow resting on the window frame, and one hand making her cheek rest likewise.

In all due reality, her schedule could consume most of the day at least, including sleeptime, especially when it came to filming and physical preparation, whether they were commercials, series, and especially movies, several of which she already had within her résumé, not only as part, but as their center of attention. Her own socially awkward nature was the antithesis of being someone who enjoyed, even in a hypocritical way, being the central focus of anything, and even less as she had come to be, despite not being among those who had played the most roles, not even among that acting elite making a name for themselves since childhood. But still the name of Kang Ma-ri was one of prestige, not only in South Korea, but also abroad; such renown came mainly from her brilliant roles in romantic drama series, characterized by having fresh touches of youthful and carefree comedy, very different from what she was going to give life to on that gray morning.

Yes, it was true that her first two serialized dramas had launched her to stardom beyond her country, and that they also reaffirmed her position as a young revelation actress, but what really started her career were those films, the first of which had a pleasant memory to her despite despising its tone. There she met many people, opened herself more to the world, and managed to do the networking necessary to begin a growth that, although never meteoric, continues at a constant pace up to this day; when training, she had had a lot of fun trying action scenes, but now she wasn't so sure. Today was not going to be one of those days, since the scene to be played was much calmer, closer to mystery and suspense than anything else; so, the persisting feeling of urgency in her chest was caused by another thought, as today she would record alongside him.

- Remember to be awake when you get there, okay? – Her mother told her.

In addition to giving her birth, and never having stood between her and her lifelong dream that was now a reality, that woman had no greater role than being her legal representative and main usufructuary; the latter mattered little, because in addition to showing off around, her mother took little advantage out of her. On the contrary, she was a fairly foresighted and thrifty person, she knew how to handle money, of which she made sure that Mari's father also had his fair share, now that they practically lived apart, more because of the habit of being married for more than twenty-five years and the woman's agenda than due to some sentimental conflict. Mari knew that, like her, her parents were not very extroverted people, nor driven by passions or emotions, but rather were of a meager character, and could even become dry and dull; intelligent people, each in their own way, her mother more calculating and logical, and her father more deductive. But if they both shared something in common, it was that they spoke too directly most of the time:

- Yes, Mrs. Kim...

- Darling... I have already told you not to call me like that, please.

- Don't worry, mom, I was just bothering you.

- Oh I see. Clear as day.

- Don't worry, I'll be fine - he said, stretching and taking to seat straight - after all, this is the last time I'll play that role.

- And, if it were up to you, you wouldn't have accepted the contract. Sorry for making this decision in your place was necessary, and it's part of your responsibility to the audience, your career depends on it.

- I still think we could excuse ourselves with the fact of our tight schedule. I'm an adult now, I'm just saying you can't do something like that again.

- You're right, but doing this will not only make you earn money or popularity with your first fans, in addition, you will be able to close this cycle, and then focus fully on what you want. Then there's that other issue; I understand that you two…

- Please don't say it; I already told you that he and I are just good friends.

- Okay, whatever you say, but I've known you since I had you in my womb, so...ok, I won't say anything more about it – the lady replied, with a smile.

The woman remembered the afternoon a few months ago when she received the call; It was Director Bae, telling her that a couple of days ago he'd called Mari to ask about her current availability, to which she replied she would review her schedule for the rest of the year and let him know if she had a way to accommodate him. Obviously that was a handwaving, one that the actress hadn't used since almost 7 years ago, when she was offered a role in his first film; Mrs. Kim decided to lie, and told him that her daughter accepted, and then tell her when the script would be delivered and begin preparation immediately afterwards. They couldn't reject that offer, despite the little success the second part had three years ago; it was clear that her young offspring had been key to the first part having the reception it had, and although it was not in her interest to save the third as such, she was interested in projecting the brand Mari represented, for the latter's benefit. 

The young woman, for her part, knew that this would truly be the last time she would make this act, the last time she would star in the skin of that peculiar, disgusting character; that was the goal, to play her role in the trilogy's last installment further her image to the public eye, and be a cash recipient again, this time along with the other actress whose name escaped her. In order not to make her mother look bad, she had no choice but to agree on participating; anyway, when she knew that Young-ho would have an appearance in the film, she didn't hesitate to stand firm and end this. She would now be accompanied by one with whom she shared an understanding and affection like few others did in the industry, a genuine bond that distance couldn't break.

Minutes passed, soon turning into a full hour as the buildings gave way to the highway and then to an irregular hilly environment with small houses, sporadically appearing in front of her vision here and there, some surrounded by farmland, humble greenhouses or stables, while others laid in ruins. Soon they entered a two-lane street, which finally gave way to a cobblestone road, which in turn, after a few nauseating turns over several more hills, where nothing grew but hemp and wiry brambles and withered trees, had become a path of land through which the vehicle began to have difficulty crossing due to the mud, moistened by the fog and kept that way by the cold of the day.

They ascended a final slope up the hilltop, where the path got lost under the grass, waved by the breeze, illuminated by the dim midday sun, which, despite the appearance of solitude it gave to the entire landscape, saw such an illusion broken by the other vehicles already present, and the recording equipment carried by the film staffers, sheathed in waterproof jackets. Once the jeep stopped next to the other cars and the rolling van, Mari and his mother got out, heading directly to a guy sitting on his fordable seat with a plastic cone at his hand, dressed casually in jeans, a polo and a sweater. This disheveled guy with dry hair greeted them with an indifferent gesture of his hand, and smiled:

- Miss Kim - said the film director, holding out his hand - Welcome, it's nice to see you again.

- Mr Bae, how are you? – she said with a kind smile, bowing - It's been a while since we last met.

- Now that you finally got here, much better. But, if you'll excuse me, I have to check the set one last time, to see that everything is in order; in the meantime, there's the dressing room...

The man pointed out to the van, a typical white-ish 90s camper with a red line on the middle; the door was marked with a star-shaped LED light that had the "Dressing Room" signal written in a paper sheet at the middle:

- I see. I'm going to get ready - the actress responded

Upon approaching it, Mari remembered some scenes she played for the prequels, and how she had had to change costumes at an almost neckbreaking pace which, she wanted to think, was not as bad as it might seem, despite how tiresome it turned after weeks of being stuck on the same act. The good part was that, since she was the main role, the van would be available for her to use whenever she needed it, not being as uncomfortable as some American movies, or that cartoon she enjoyed as a child, might have suggested; of course, she'd never traveled inside one of these.

- Well, here we go again.

- Mr. Director, before you leave – said Mrs. Kim – please, could you get me a seat near you?

- Oh, yes, of course, I'll do it just now, Mrs. Kim.

- Thanks.

By the time Mari came out, she was wearing an outfit consisting of beige fabric pants with slightly flared hems, a white button-down shirt with a collar, high-heeled ankle boots, and a textured suede jacket, long to the height of her ankles; one of the assistants arrived, guiding her towards the stage where the movements they should make would be explained again to all actors within that scene. They would find themselves first inside the ruins of a house, with the main character suddenly waking up, and then with her getting up and leaving at a hasty pace, the others slowly following and talking to her, while she covered her ears with her hands in desperation of making them stop. They listened to the explanation, and then they did some tests to better emphasize the movements and the emotions they entailed, a combination of desperation and emotional numbness/burnout; it was some kind of hallucination where the ones harrasing the protagonist played ghosts of the past.

- Well, everyone be ready - exclaimed the director - Take One! Lights! Camera! Action!

The clapperboard closed, and the sequence began focusing on Mari, with her lost gaze pointed at the camera for two seconds, her face made up of fake dirt; she slowly dragged her hand along the really dusty dry board floor at the height of her head. Then she slowly raised her torso, all up until sitting, legs bent to one side, looking from the floor upwards to the gap at the ceiling, towards the white sky, followed by her slowly standing up, as if staggering, looking around apathetically, only to shed a tear. The double green screen showing her surroundings rises as the camera turns around until getting behind her nape; the lens goes up slightly, and focuses the image to now show people in front of the character forming a semi-circle; these are the waking dream-ghosts who represent all her regrets and mistakes.

She turned at Young-ho unintently, and both couldn't help but bursting into laugh:

- Cut! – said Director Bae – Kang Ma-ri, come here!

She approached the man rapidly, knowing she just messed up:

- Tell me, what was that? - he asked

- I'm sorry, sir - she apologized bowing her head - It was nothing, distracted a little bit.

- Ow, for heaven's sake... - he muttered, and then said - I need you here and now, with me, alright?

- Yes, Mr Bae I got it. - she gave as response.

- Well, then let's try again... - then he called out the rest of the cast - All of you, get to your positions, quick! We gotta make it this time!

If Mari knew something about her lot, it was that those last words were not becoming true anytime too soon.