The Director's office door wasn't locked; she gave it a light push and it opened. After entering, she found it to be empty too, not a person in sight. Even though there was a light switch on the wall, her guilt made her hesitant to turn it on, forcing her to rely on the dim light of her mobile phone to look around.
She looked for quite a while but didn't see anything important…
Moments later, her phone rang again, with Shen Xiaoman opening the last email, which was titled, "A Brief History of the Hospital."
A brief history of the hospital? It seemed she had just seen that somewhere? Shen Xiaoman stepped back a few paces, finally spotting the history of Fraternity Hospital on a photograph.
It was a record of the history of Fraternity Hospital from its establishment to the present, complete with photos of each of the past directors...
The first Director, Ouyang Zhentang, founder of Fraternity Hospital, a well-known physician both domestically and internationally...