Having a quick look at my status, Let's just say you didn't see me jumping for joy.. Sadly thought the boss didn't appear though I have a great amount of stat point's to spend when I want to and my skill's are leveling up quite nicely..
But for now, I need to think over what I should do, my next move's, staying in this small village would stunt my growth so.. let me think.. I'll have to ask Kali about any near places of interest if there isn't I'll just head to the nearest kingdom and become an official adventurer..
While for now, I'll give myself a week before heading out, that would give me enough time to level up and just enough time before hitting a road block in leveling up, slime's give a meager amount of XP, but I'm waiting for the Boss..
I looked at the stuff I had in my inventory, I had gotten four silver coin's and an additional 70 copper coin's I slipped them in my inventory along with the other Silver coin's I had.. but then I noticed that the slime's also dropped something else..
A small potion like vial the spotless glass glimmered in the sun along with a light brown cork, it held a light blue gel I used observe on it and then the small description appeared..
[ Vial of Slime Gel - A gel infused with slight traces of mana, can be used for potion's, Alchemy, cosmetic item's and many other thing's ]
After seeing the description I made sure to gather all the slime gel I could knowing the potential of the crafting skill, the thought of making potion's and poison's floated about in my mind..
Then having finished that thought I decided on heading off, with a swift motion of my hand the sound of shattered glass echoed in my ear's the unchanging sunny sky of the dungeon replaced with the beautiful sight of the star's and bright full moon..
I made my way to the inn, enjoying the cold breeze of the night while enjoying the midnight sky dotted with brilliant star's, color's that we're new to the sky I once knew with constellation's that remained hidden from me..
After a couple moment's later I finally made it into the inn, and then slumped into bed..
~ A couple hour's later
After waking up brushing myself off I started making my way downstairs the sound's of the creaking wood underfoot, I saw Kali again hard at work wiping down the tables, I decided to ask her, where I should head too after leaving this small village...
"Hey Kali, I have the money that I owe you.. But, I've been thinking about heading out soon are there any worthwhile place's you have in mind...? After hearing that she seemed.. slightly disappointed before responding with an overly friendly tone..
" Oh.. You're already ditching this small village.. Well, I don't think there's any places you would want to go to other then the kingdom of Falmuth, it's about a 3-Day journey on foot while on carriage it most it would take you about a day and a half..
" Oh, really, well then that's alright, Falmuth it is.. I'll be leaving in at least 7 Day's and I'll pay my debt now, how much do I owe you..?
" Ahh let's just go for one silver piece, that's fine " After hearing that I handed it to her and the bright smile she wore as she held the coin in her hand's was amazing, but with that I left the inn..
before deciding to head out to train the idea of buying a weapon and some equipment tempted me, So why not stop by a shop passing by the older wooden building with weapon's and such on display in the window, I made my way through the door the smell of fresh steel and charcoal smoke lingered as my eye's danced over the various weapon's that we're on display table's line with blades sharp and gleaming with a bright sheen..
Bin's full of weapon's like sword's, Bow's hung on the wall with Spear's and Dagger's decorating small section's of table's and bin's as well and amour stood on it's own on display either mounted to wall's or on the meager amount of mannequin's that stood in the room..
I looked over to the front counter and saw a man with a silver beard and ashen gray hair he was rather short with drowsy eye's with dark bag's under them he seemed ready to fall asleep, just before he noticed me...
[ Lv32 Malek Ashford]
So, I started scanning from the many weapons and even armor that had been laid out on a table and some on mannequins using observe on everything I could...
[ Iron Amour (Normal Item ] - Grant's the user a 5% Damage reduction when Equipped
[ Iron Sword (Normal Item] - Grant's the user a 5% Damage increase when Equipped
[Iron Short Sword (Normal Item)] - Grants the user a 5% Damage Increase when equipped.
[Steel Longsword (Normal Item)] - Grants the user a 7% Damage Increase and a 5% chance to cause bleeding status effect on the target.
After scanning Various weapons and Armor I looked over too one set of amor on a mannequin and knew I wanted it...
The armor was a fine sleek shiny set of steel plated armor that looked durable and menacing, If worn by an enemy it would frankly be to uneasy, the amor was made of steel but the legging's we're mostly made of interlocking chain's similar to that of chain mail that as well with some leather covering some part like the shoulders and around the neck
[ Steel Defender Set ]
[Steel Chest plate (Normal Item)] - Grants the user a 12% Damage Reduction and increases Defense by 10%.
[Steel Pants (Normal Item)] - Grants the user an 8% Damage Reduction and increases Defense by 8%.
[Steel Boots (Normal Item)]- Grants the user a 7% Damage Reduction and increases Agility by 5%.
[Steel Helm (Normal Item)]- Increases Defense by 10% and provides a 5% chance to resist stun effects.
With the affect I would be fairly unbeatable unless they have enough skill to overcome the damage reduction and my health regen...
"Hey Shopkeeper...! Could I get this amour set..." after hearing that the small man buzzed to life his eye's lit up with a bright light, he spoke quickly with a greedy yet still rather happy look on his face..
" Alrighty, I'll grab a pair from the back, the set's out here are only for display.. " After saying that he walking to the back with a quickened pace, I heard some metallic sound's with a clink and a clank and then not a moment later I saw him come out with the amour..
" Alrighty, that will be.. let's say about 3 silvers and is there anything else you wanted...? thinking about his question I decided on trying my luck, Maybe he had some magic item's "Um did you happen to have any items suitable for a mage..." And then I heard him say something I didn't expect..
" Oh, so you're a mage, Well I actually happen to have a staff that I believe a party of adventure's left here a while back, though I have no Idea what's it worth, here let me go fetch it,"
Next thing I knew he came back with a black wooden staff the wood old and slightly cracked while also looking like perfect wood for kindling the staff had a red Jewl accenting the tip of the staff that made it look frankly eerie. I could sense a good bit of mana in it with Mana Enhanced Perception So I decided to use Observe...
[ The Staff of Crimson Calamity]
A Staff forgotten to time, this staff was created through the many battles of a mage whose staff was bathed in greats amount of blood withering the wood into something twisted and dark while turning the once ocean blue sapphire into a Red Ruby stained with blood
Effect 1: Increases the rate of mana regeneration by 5% for each enemy within 10 meters, up to a maximum of 25%.
Effect 2: When you kill an enemy, you gain 2% of their maximum mana.
The description left me a little speechless, Heck, how would such a staff end up in a place like this, I could be thankfully my Observes level was enough to just see this much, I was Awestruck with those affect's...
"So how much would your life for it...?" I asked with a bit of worry that he may overcharge me but he looked at me with a genuine expression "How about You give me 50 coppers for it, I Don't have any use for it and you seem like a genuine adventurer so I would rather you have it then let it turn even more brittle in storage.."
After hearing say that I paid the the staff and armor rather quickly and with a quick thanks' I headed out ready for another run in the Slime Instance Dungeon, Sadly after the purchase I only had 20 copper coin's.. so I guess the outing was worth it..
~ And just Like that the Seven Day's passed in a flash
Day One - After getting the staff and getting comfortable with every now and then you could see me casting ball of magic at the tip of the dark wooden staff above the gleaming red ruby, frankly the damage increase and mana regen made an amazing difference..
It made my mana feel bottomless and with the countless number of slime I had to fight I was almost alway's regenerating 25% more mana the max amount it could boost my mana regen, though with so much mana regen I knew I needed to learn more spell's Frankly having more powerful spell's even if the cost was a lot it would increase my damage output and lessen the time it took to kill enemy's..
So I made a mental note when I visit Falmuth I should be able to scrounge about for some information regarding powerful spell's and such becoming an information would help with that anyhow..
Day Two – After grinding Yesterday's my skill's grew by leap's and bound's while my level rose little by little but It's had already slowed down greatly since the first day, for now my main goal was Money and Skill leveling..
I also made sure to exercise a great amount to gain some stat's for the three major physical stat's growing those attributes while on the other hand I studied magic experimenting with whatever came to mind using any bit of inspiration to create spell's and these are the spell's..
Some good spell's from Spiral Mana Bolt, Piercing Mana Laser, Thorned Chain's, Empowerment, and Spiral Mana Arrow and I got crafting while fiddling with some mundane material's like some clay and twig's.. With all this my damage output was greater then ever and I kept thinking about possible Skill's and Magic I could create as the day's passed by..
Day Three – After slaying over Hundred's ball's of slime, I finally got the title for killing slimes [Slime Slayer] it had a good affect increasing damage to slime's but I didn't equip it keeping the title " First Gamer of This World " and it's XP increase active, I didn't want to see how much slower It would be to level up..
Other then that I've gathered a good amount of Coin and slime gel, still no sight of the boss as of yet but I doubt it will take much more before it appears, while with all the grinding other then the Spell's that I've leveled up my ID Create Skill has leveled up allowing me to use the next type of dungeon which had a focus on goblin's I decided on jumping into that later when I've finished the Slime Dungeon..
Day Four – After so long's grinding now Killing's slime's no longer offer's much Xp level's up's we're sparse if at all no matter the amount of them I killed, and not long after starting the day I decided on taking a break figuring out some stuff about the world while I was at it..
I only ever watched the anime for " How I got reincarnated as a slime " making it only as far as the middle of season two frankly I needed all the information I could get so asking around I heard the typical ranking system for Adventurer's A -> S While S was rarely if ever seen..
While the only officially recognized A-Rank Adventurer was Shizu, the hero or Was it the hero's disciple frankly I forgot most of those that spoke of her knew of her title the Conqueror of flames.. While gathering this information I also stopped by a luxury good's store getting a Brown leather back book' it's was blank perfect for detailing magic research..
Day Five - I've looked over my memories of other Manga's, anime's and even games trying to recreate some Spell's and other form's of magic as of now I created a set of simple spell's like Mana Weapon, Magic Ward, Exploding Mana Ball... These spell's being reminiscent of a game I once played..
While other then that I also tried to gain the enchanting skill but ended up with a life skill called Engraving sadly I'd need some more time to study maybe even examining example's in person so as of now enchanting was off the table..
I practiced with Mana Weapon's, forming glowing blades out of mana I trained with Sword's, Bow's and Dagger's making sure I wasn't lacking in melee combat..
Present day... I went back to the Dungeon with one last thing on my mind, I was planning on leaving early tomorrow morning so for now I wanted to kill the boss no matter if it takes all day, I grinded all day using My Staff with Spinning Mana Arrows and after Hundreds of Slimes' he finally Appeared Gain's 0 Level's Study's and Does Physical Exercise, Ask about Guilds and the Adventurer's union
I was wearing my armor and holding my staff as I Killed as many slimes as I could with Spinning mana arrow's, The Sharp Light Blue arrows would whip through the air with a whistle before I would see a slime collapse into nothing leaving behind their drop and a notification of their defeat with the meager Xp I would now gain thanks to my higher level and after killing more and more I lost my track of time and my inventory had gained more and more slime gel and Money...
Then hours after, the sky still the same Beautiful yet unending color from when I first opened this Instant dungeon a slight Tremor made the ground quake and the slimes that crowded the ground started grouping together molding, bubbling and merging and then confirming into one large slime and the Name and level above its head jumbled up and became...
[ Slime Amalgamation (Lv25 ~ Boss)}
Level: 25 (Boss) Age N/A
Race: Magical Creature
(Title – Boss, any monsters of the same race will feel intimidated and compelled to follow its lead...)
- Health Points (HP): 2,769/2,769
- Mana Points (MP): 1,350/1,350
Strength (STR): 50
Vitality (VIT): 80
Agility (AGI): 30
Intelligence (INT): 40
Wisdom (WIS): 35
Luck (LUK): 20
- Amorphous Form: Grants immunity to physical attacks and the ability to reshape and split into smaller slimes.
- Corrosive Touch (Lv20): Deals continuous acid damage to anything in contact with the slime, causing armor degradation and severe burns.]
- Mana Absorption (Lv15): Absorbs All mana from magical attacks, converting a portion into HP and MP.
- Regeneration (Lv18): Rapidly heals wounds, restoring 5% of total HP every 10 seconds.
- Massive Slime Burst (Lv25): Releases a powerful explosion of slime, dealing area-of-effect damage and applying a slow Debuff to all targets hit.
- Sticky Trap (Lv12): Self detonates extra amount of slime tossing slime everywhere Creating a sticky, immobilizing trap on the ground, preventing movement of any creature caught.
- Slime Shot's (Lv15) Shoot's Slime gel dealing 110 Damage every one Shot and has a chance of giving a 15% Movement speed debuff for however long your incontact with said slime...
- Innate Ability: Absorption Fusion: Can absorb nearby slimes or magical energy to temporarily increase its size, stats, and abilities. Duration: 1 minute.
Description: The Slime Amalgamation is a formidable foe created from the fusion of multiple slimes. Its amorphous nature makes it resilient to physical attacks, while its corrosive touch can melt through even the toughest armor. It can regenerate rapidly, making prolonged battles difficult.
After seeing the Status's my face was painted with a horrified expression... "Dammit...! ""Really...?" I Muttered, clenching my fist...
Yet even with that slight moment, the gigantic slime had already noticed me every slight movement it made shaking the ground and as it got closer, I threw a spell at it, the spell whizzing in the air as it hit the gigantic slime and a loud noise Echoed as a white flash jolted and blinded the eyes of any watching, the smell of burnt grass wafted throughout the Plaines as a new crevasse decorated the ground...
Yet the slime stood tall no part of it damaged or hurt the number's that shown Infront of my eye's making that fact even more apparent...
He gained an extra fifty Hp and took no damage from that spell, that spell's one of my most powerful are you kidding me, I said with an aggravated expression, next thing I knew the slime made a quick and powerful jump making the ground quake as he reached high up into the air before I had even finished my thought... I jolted back falling to the ground still having evaded the attack by the edge of my feet...
the giant slime towering over me with an air of power, it's blue and shiny self-shining as the sun hit it... I crawled back as quick as I could before it could attack again, I wouldn't want to be swallowed into that thing, when I got up, I knew it would be a gamble using magic just to see if it had a limit on how much mana it could absorb...
Then next thing I knew the slime, as I was keeping my distance started bubbling, contorting almost as if about to explode... My face contorted as I cursed preparing for the attack "Shit...!" I casted a Magic Ward while I already had Mana Skin and mana Shield active and just as I did the Monster blasted slime out with a loud boom as if a canon slime shot everywhere everything was covered in a blue slimy liquid my ward luckily blocked it from drenching me in the sticky blue substance but as it slid off of it onto the already slime blue ground...
I decided on testing something materializing a sword of hardened mana it's color a vibrant blue almost like a sword made of crystal, then I go in for the attack having Mana Skin and Mana Shield Coming in close to the slime after having to maintain distance for long the slime under my feet feeling squishy but with mana skin and shield on, I didn't actually make contact with it with one slash I saw one number and It's what I was looking for..
Ha, I knew it so any weapon Mystery's and Mana Weapon Materialization their affect's Stack and I think the slime can only Consume Spell's that can be enveloped by its entire body, and so I continued Slashing creating Multiple lacerations on the slimes body more and more the numbers racked up...
I was quick with my attack so the giant slime could barely make any move in return and when he realized my attack was doing greats amount of damage the thing started shooting Multiple slime shoot's in rapid succession, backing off slightly as round's of slime kept ringing against my mana shield, I kept slashing away...
He Still kept Shooting many slime shot's and he made no head way but then suddenly he stopped and with an almost recognizable shake and rumble I jolted back out of habit and then suddenly He Jumped high u[ on the air up and before I could even more he slammed down onto my Leg's Feeling a sharp pain and a slight Suction force as he tried to consume me....
- Absorption has gained a level
- Acid Resistance Has gained a level
Then I saw the notification's and my health drop, my face turned Grim as he consumed my mana sword. Mana shield and Mana skin and he gained 150 health after he ate them...
I clawed in the dirt as he kept on consuming me my armor was taking a great amount of damage and more and more damage kept pulling up... Dammit...! Fuck... no, No, NO...! I still heard the notifications as even more damage was piled on..
As I claw more and more my heart racing and dirt getting underneath my nail's even leaving small amounts of blood on the grass and dirt... WHAT CAN I DO..? THINK, THINK...! He can't absorb mana that doesn't come into contact with his slime but what if...
I use the skill's empowerment and then overcharged it then with extreme focus casted a spell but on the inside of my mouth enveloping my throat and mouth as well as my muscle, skin and even my bone's felt unbearable wear and tear as I charged the spell and then I released the spell as if breathing fire from an explosion from an exploding mana bolt , and with it overcharged with all my mana a loud echoed boom my vision went white, my ears we're ringing and all I could smell was burnt flesh. Under my nose...
[ - Mana Manipulation has gained a level ]
[ - Mana manipulation has gained a level ]
[ - Empowerment has gained a level ]
[ - Exploding mana bolt has gained a level ]
[ - Exploding mana bolt has gained a level ]
- You've gained the title of [ Conquerable of the unconquerable]
Conquerable of the unconquerable - Awarded to those who have triumphed over seemingly insurmountable challenges and adversaries. Grants a 10% bonus to all stats and a 5% increase in overall damage dealt.
- You've gained the title [ Survivor of the Impossible]
Survivor of the Impossible - Given to individuals who have faced and survived the most dire and life-threatening situations. Increases maximum HP by 10% and reduces damage taken from critical attacks by 5%.
[ - You've gained a level ]
[ - you've gained a level ]
The stillness of the grassy planes remained while I was collapsed on the ground for a good bit, I looked at my health and the number's we're frankly too low for any comfort at all 50/969 HP "Dammit that was close..."
After using the meditation for a good bit of time I regenerated enough health and mana I looked at the new notifications equipped the new title Conqueror of the unconquerable after seeing the Description then getting myself together before the instant dungeon I looked at my status and was extremely happy with what I saw...
Name: Tamanaka Nanino
Class: The Gamer
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Title: First Gamer of This World – This title increases your EXP gain by 10%.
Tier: 2 Mana Capable - granting you a 5% boost to Exp Gain when using skills that handle mana and other forms of energy similar
Status: [Anxiety, Relief, Happiness]
Level: 12 --> 38
- HP: [673/969]
- MP: [540/540]
- EXP: [2.190/74,100]
- Strength (STR): [14] --> [27]
- Vitality (VIT): [19] --> [26]
- Agility (AGI): [16] --> [24]
- Intelligence (INT): [16]
- Wisdom (WIS): [9]
- Luck (LUK): [15]
- Free Stat Points: [60] --> [190]
- Gamer's Mind (LvMax): Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effects.
- Gamer's Body (LvMax): Grants a body that allows the user to live the real world like a game. After sleeping in a bed, it restores HP, MP, and all status effects.
- Observe (Lv38): A skill to observe and gather information about people or objects. Higher levels provide more detailed information.
- Mana Manipulation (Lv43) - Allows the user the ability to control and manipulate the Energy known as mana grants a 1% deduction in the mana cost of all skill's every 5 level's (Grants an 8% Deduction at level 40)
- Meditation (Lv34) Meditation is a skill that allows the user to enter a deep state of mental focus and relaxation. In this state This skill allows the user to regenerate 28Mp and 37Hp per second and will grow depending on skill level...
- Mana Skin (Lv37) One of the most basic skills that most augmenting mages learn this skill Harden's your skin to a small degree though with proficiency and level your skin's strength and durability can be comparable titanium and its initial Cost's 10 MP while 20 every minute...
- Mana Shield (Lv34) One of the most basic defense skills using mana. Handling the energy called mana has existed for a long time, and mana shield is one among many. The ability to handle the energy called mana has existed for a long-time its initial cost is 20Mp and 30 MP every additional minute
- Mana Bolt (Lv27) A basic magic attack that condenses mana into a projectile and fires it at the target deal's damage proportional to the caster's INT and skill level, consumes 15 Mana does 20 Damage...
- Mana Enhanced perception (lv21) Through the empowerment of your mana when using your sense's your Perception as a whole has evolved
- ID Create (Lv34) allows the user to create instant dungeon and Stronger instant dungeon according to skill level...
- ID Escape (Lv25) allows the user to escape Instant dungeons...
- Physical Attack Resistance (Lv29) The body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken. 36.65% decrease in damage taken by attacks.
- Acid Resistance (Lv23) The body's resistance to acid has increased by 11% allowing the user to interact with more and more toxic and dangerous substances without great danger
- Absorption Resistance (Lv16) A skill that grants A 12.96% resistance increase to being absorbed or devoured by other entities, abilities and even machines...
- Spiral Mana Bolt (Lv8) A technique used to gather and spin an immense amount of mana in a spiral form. The spin greatly increases its piercing power, and the increased amount of mana also greatly increases its strength. Cost 100 Base mana and does 170 damage 20% defense penetration. 600% attack damage increase. 4 second spin time. Depending on the user's wish, it is possible to increase the spin time to 10 seconds. There is an additional attack damage increase as the spin time increases. The power of this attack can be adjusted on how much MP is applied Piercing Mana
- Laser (Lv24) A focused beam of mana that pierces through multiple enemies in a line, dealing heavy damage and ignoring a portion of their magical defenses Cost's 50Mp Deals 85 magic damage to all targets in a straight line up to 20 meters. Ignores 30% of the targets' magical defenses.
- Thorned Chains (Lv5) Summons ethereal chains covered in sharp thorns that ensnare and damage enemies, restricting their movement and causing continuous pain Binds dealing 45 magic damage per second... Cost 30Mp 4.
- Empowerment (Lv11) by Storing mana into your heart as it pumps blood throughout your body the mana Temporarily enhances the user's physical and magical abilities, significantly boosting their combat effectiveness Increases STR, AGI, INT, and VIT by 5% for 30 seconds If overused can have detrimental affects on the body... Cost 35 MP
- Spiral Mana Arrow (Lv27) Creates an arrow made of spiraling mana that can be shot from a bow or as a normal stand-alone Magic Spell, dealing enhanced damage and piercing through armor Deals 75 damage and 25% of the user's INT as additional Magic damage. Ignores 20% of the target's physical and magical defenses Cost 55 Mp
- Mana Weapon Materialization (Lv2) Forms a weapon out of pure mana, which can be wielded like a physical weapon but with enhanced magical properties. The weapon dissipates when the spell ends. Creates a mana weapon that deals 50% of the user's INT X 35% of the user's STR as additional magic and Physical Damage on hit... Cost's 45 Mana and Lasts for as long a the user can maintain it...
- Magic Ward (Lv10) Conjures a protective barrier that shields the user and allies from magical attacks, absorbing a significant amount of magic damage Creates a barrier that absorbs up to 15% of the user's INT as magic damage and lasts until the damage threshold is reached or until the user run's out of mana... Cost 0.5% of the damage absorbed...
- Exploding Mana Ball (Lv25) Hurls a volatile ball of mana at the target, which explodes on impact, dealing area-of-effect damage and causing knockback. Deals 255 magic damage to all enemies within a 5-meter radius. Knocks back targets 3 meters. Cost 125 MP 9. Engraving (Lv3) - A fine art used in many cultures for decoration and even functionality...
- Sword Mystery (Lv12) A deep mastery of swordsmanship that allows the user to perform powerful and precise sword techniques, increasing damage and critical hit chance Increases damage dealt with swords by 25% and critical hit chance by 15%.
- Bow Mastery (Lv9) Expertise in archery that enhances the user's accuracy, speed, and damage with bows Increases damage dealt with bows by 15%, attack speed by 10%, and accuracy by 5%.
- Dagger Mystery (Lv6) Specialized knowledge of dagger techniques, allowing for swift and lethal attacks that exploit enemy vulnerabilities Increases damage dealt with daggers by 25%, critical hit chance by 15%, and grants a 10% chance to apply a "Bleed" debuff, dealing additional damage over time.
Equipment and Equipment Affects
[Steel Defender Set]
- [Steel Chest plate (Normal Item)] - Grants the user a 12% Damage Reduction and increases Defense by 10%.
- [Steel Pants (Normal Item)] - Grants the user an 8% Damage Reduction and increases Defense by 8%.
- [Steel Boots (Normal Item)]- Grants the user a 7% Damage Reduction and increases Agility by 5%.
- [Steel Helm (Normal Item)]- Increases Defense by 10% and provides a 5% chance to resist stun effects.
- [ The Staff of Crimson Calamity] A Staff forgotten to time, this staff was created through the many battles of a mage whose staff was bathed in greats amount of blood withering the wood into something twisted and dark while turning the once ocean blue sapphire into a Red Ruby, stained with blood
Effect 1: Increases the rate of mana regeneration by 5% for each enemy within 10 meters, up to a maximum of 25%.
Effect 2: When you kill an enemy, you regain 2% of their maximum mana.