Chapter 4 - Ch.4 Falmuth

After getting back up after that extreme fight I just couldn't help but be shaken after that, the aftermath of scorching my mouth down to my throat, my teeth and feeling the heat well up in my skull using exploding mana bolt like that would have been suicide if not for the Gamer's Body skill plus the Damage reduction my armor gave me and the Physical damage reduction skill... 

I stood up recognizing the new crevasse left in the earth, but then I noticed something at the center using observe I was happy with what I saw... 

[Slime's Pendent (Unique)] Allows the user to absorb one magical attack without a limit, after this one use the pendent will become unusable... 

[Skill Book (Corrosive touch (Rare)] - Corrosive Touch Enables the user to increase the acidity and corrosive nature of the whole body or appendages' 

[25 Gold Pieces] 


After reading these I was happy with the rewards thank goodness, I got a good skill book but man if that Absorption skill was able to be dropped, I may have to farm that boss with my free time... 

After learning the skill putting on the shiny blue silver lined pendent on, I decided to head out and Used ID Escape it was fairly dark but it seemed that the sun was coming up... 

I got situated and decided to head back to the village feeling the need to say good bye to kali saying thanks and getting the little cracks and small amount of damage in the armor repaired and buying an actual weapon just to not have a repeat of this situation... 

Getting into town after walking for a small bit the sun was shining decently the sky was a morning white blue and not many we're up yet, the city itself still asleep I went into the Harlot's Inn Noticing the Lamp lights shining through the window... after making it through the doors and seeing Kali scrubbing the table's down... 

"Hey Kali Mind if I get a meal before heading towards Falmuth..?" "Oh, I thought you had already left, alright I'll get you a good meal Piped up and ready" after a couple minute's She came out with the same food I ate the first day I spent here... 

As she set it on the table, she pulled up a chair to my table as I began to eat and drink the refreshing cup of milk, " so tell me your plan's when you make it to falmuth I don't want to have to worry about my best customer..." 

Gulp...! Cough... I swallowed quickly and choked a little on the food not expecting the question... Well, for now I plan on becoming an adventurer, I might also get into contact with some fellow Adventurer's maybe learn a little... 

And when I was done talking with all the things I said she had a vibrant smile painted on her face, we'll don't forget where your journey began kid or should I say Nami... Well, I'll let you finish up your meal... 

After she said that she went to the back. And not too long later I finished up my meal and thought it would be good to leave her a present to be honest I had to be pretty thankful she allowed me to stay for the first night a man with an no shoes on and only a pair of pants and a shirt to his name asks for a tab to bunker down for the night, anyone else would have said no so with that thought I cleaned up my table put my dishes up at the front counter and left a snazzy gold coin for her... 

After that I left the Inn saying a silent Fairwell under my breath as I let the door close behind me, afterwards I headed to the Old Man's weapon shop and let him get a look at my armor after seeing the damage his jaw dropped... "the HELL...! Kid Did you just buy this armor to roll around with those slimes outside the village or what...?" "Ah Don't look at me like that I faced a really powerful slime I hope you know..." I said as he gave me a deadpan look after I finished my sentence... 

Alright, Alright kid Whatever happened doesn't matter I'll grab another set of the same pair and give it to you for a small price, after that he got another pair from the back as I browsed the swords, he gave me a quick glance after looking away I had already used observe and found just the right blade... 

So, bringing it back to the front counter, he laugh's a hearty laugh and say's "Kid you know that's not a staff right..." I looked at him striking a smile with the little jab he made at me "fair enough, I deserve it after letting your armor get to that point but I need to master the sword more, magic sadly isn't the answer to everything..." "Some wise words kid, just be thankful your still here to learn from your mistakes" he said with eye's that seemed full of wisdom "after thinking over his words I decided on studying the sword and my magic hard the next couple day's I spend traveling and after paying for the armor and sword I say my Farewell and head on towards falmuth... 

3 Day's Later.... 

After spending the last three days on the road I got a good amount of practice with the sword gained some necessary skills and even got some level's grinding some Skill's, I got Crafting, Mana Sense, Sense presence, and had studied magic trying to get new skill's but for now nothing really worked sadly... 

And finally, after being on the road so far, I noticed a large stone wall over the tree line, the new morning sun was shining in the sky and the Grass was wet with dew It was just turning morning after making it past the trees and seeing the gate into the city I noticed two guards at the entrance... 

I made my way over and thankfully they we're nice... "Good morning, sir what business do you have in the mighty fine kingdom of falmuth..? "I looked at him with a good smile on my face, oh just to join the adventurers' guild I'm from an urban village not too far I thought It was just about time..." 

"Oh well that's mighty fine then well the entrance fee is just ten coppers, he said with an endearing smile..." "Alright Here you go I said handing him a handful of copper coin's" Could you point me to the adventurer's guild and also some good places to visit..." 

After He pointed me Towards the center of town to the left and said I couldn't miss the Adventure's Guild building and he named some good sites to see like the Kingdom's library and a good inn I made my way in... 

After making my way in passing by many of the fancy building's overlooking the many people, I headed to the city center seeing a nice beautiful opening with a water fountain in it the stone paved road shined as the sun hit it and as I looked around, I made my way into the center with many people walking about and the most and there it was the only building that could be the adventurer's Association many people that walked in or out wore armor and had weapons at their hip's... 

Heading into the building through the double wooden door's I saw the wooden floor decorated with many people of all shapes and sizes some wearing the typical mage cloaks while holding staff's while some strong and hulky figure's holding longswords to even some holding giant shield's Seems I found the right place... 

I went over to the front Counter where separate cubicles for receptionist's stood, and I walked up to a nice-looking lady with her black hair tied up in a bun she was wearing a good black outfit... "Hello Mister What do you need from me today...? " 

"Oh, I was hoping to become an adventurer" I said with a bright smile, but she happened to look at me Quizzically when I said that, "Oh you're not an adventurer Sorry... It's Just you meet the part of an adventurer more than most newbie's Oh... I'll get the paper work out" ... 

After she said that not too long later, I saw her come with just two sheets of paper as she sat the papers on the Counter, she pointed at both of them explaining their purpose. 

"Alright sir this one's for personal Information, the next one Is optional where you would Write down Your Interest, Belief's and such for job Recruiting from other branches of the Adventurer's Guild and also from the church and Military... 

Alright After filling out some of the personal Information like Name, Birthdate and the such it asked for Specialty so I jotted down magic while with that I filled out the next one fairly quickly and I was finished and so I handed the papers to her... 

Alright sir just two more things to do for now, do you want to get a rank evaluation or would you like to just start from the bottom...? "Oh, I'll face one of the instructor's..." Oh Alright We have an Instructor Assessment scheduled in a week this upcoming Monday sorry about the Inconvenience sir but with that I'll License you a temporary License you'll be Rank F..." 

After she went back and got the temporary License, she handed it to me... Thanks' Miss and is there any chance a Mage Branch of the Adventurer's guild exists...? 

"Oh Yes sir, if you we're to be magically inclined it extremely advised for theirs's a room over to you to your left where members of other guild's mingle and it happens to be a small library mostly holding books about Monster's and Skill's that every adventurer should have and the like..." 

After she finished Speaking, I went Immediately into the door on my left into what seemed like one of the smallest library's I've been in with more table and chair's then books the books shelves' themselves totaling Six but we're fairly empty after looking around I noticed various group's some Looking like laborer's other's with another group seemingly filled with veteran warrior's as well, while another group with the causal Magic gear on, I headed too immediately... 

After picking out one of the good older gentlemen out I decided to ask them "Excuse me, do you happen to be a part of the Mage Guild...?" after I asked one of them, he turned around and it was an older man with normal clothes on other than the staff he was holding in hand... 

"Oh, why yes, this little get up is a part of the Mage guild. Sadly, we don't have many members in falmuth due to them getting poached into the military as Battle mage's by that Arrogant Basterd Razen but disregarding that My name's Alaric or Al for short what's your name...? 

"Oh, you can call me Nami Anyway's I've been meaning to join the mage's guild is there anything I have to do to join...?" Oh Yes, let's take you to the Examination area to demonstrate your magic..." 

Just a couple moments later we ended up in an open space that was pretty empty with weapon wrecks to the side and some dummies used for practice... 

"Alright then if you could please cast some magic. Whether it's Illusion, Elemental Magic of any sort will do just please keep it under control..." 

Alright... I said with a calm voice as I summoned a ball of mana Above my hand, I couldn't help but see him be a little surprised disregarding that I Started spinning the Ball Quicker and quicker and then as It Whizzed across the Small training ground the ball shredded the dummy quickly into pieces as some sparse wood and cloth teetered and then fell to the stone ground... 

"My Goodness...! Seems your Blessed with Some amazing magicule control... Congratulation's On becoming a member of the Mage's Guild here give me your Adventurer's When you get a rank Assessment or have you're Adventure License reissued I'll make it so that the paper work recognizes you as a part of the mage's Guild and they'll make it known with a small insignia on your adventurer's card... 

After the small test al had to leave having to attend to some business and I decided on heading Towards the library to study and afterwards bunker down at one of the local inns...