Centuries ago, a new breed of humans with extraordinary abilities began to be born into the world. Initially hailed as saviors and revered like royalty, it didn't take long for fear to creep in. The thought of these individuals possessing power beyond human control was daunting, and soon they were labeled as "demons" or Satan's last creation. They became outcasts, shunned by society, and even killed by their own relatives to preserve the family's honor. The ruling class recognized the need to address this growing threat and took drastic measures - constructing elaborate underground cities to contain and banish the demons from the surface. These subterranean dwellings were sealed off from the outside world, and the existence of demons became nothing more than a taboo topic among humans. However, deep down, a constant sense of unease lingered, knowing that one day these powerful beings could potentially seek retribution for their unjust treatment. It wasn't a matter of if, but when.