This little high school fantasy begins in the rundown area of Reseda Boulevard in Los Angeles, California. The sun was hot. The roads were unpaved. The walkways were uneven. The neighborhood was violent. Amidst all that chaos and destruction, lies a three-bedroom apartment fit for a small family of three. That's where our story starts.
My family lived in that apartment. Was it the nicest place? No. Was it the coziest? No. But that didn't matter to us. We didn't care about those things; we only cared about each other, contrasting with the beliefs of the rich brats that live in Encino.
I'm Danial Miller, your average American 16-year-old. I have scruffy hair, I'm around 6ft tall, and have a slim yet strong physique.
I hadn't slept all night. That could either be because of the lack of AC, or it could be that I was waiting to hear if I was accepted to one of the most prestigious schools in all of LA, located in Encino. Or both. Entering junior year is stressful enough, let alone waiting in anticipation of being accepted to a new school that seems too good for you.
*At our apartment*
"Let's check if you got enrolled in Evergreen High, Dan," said Dad.
"Come on, Dad, even if I got accepted into this school, we wouldn't be able to afford it."
"Well, lucky for you, I have been doing some side hustles to be able to take you to this school. Besides, Evelyn goes to this school. Weren't you two friends before?"
"Key word 'before,' Dad. Ever since her dad's crypto business took off, she hasn't talked to me since."
"Well, that's what money does to people."
*Checks emails*
"Would you look at that? Turns out you got accepted after all."
"Wake up your sister, Dan. I'll make us some waffles to celebrate this occasion."
"Give me the Miller special, Dad."
"Wow, are you sure? I haven't made it since your birthday."
"Thanks, Dad, for everything."
"No problem."
"V, wake up!" I said.
"I am awake. What's the problem?" said Veronica.
"Guess who got into Evergreen High?"
"Shut up, really?"
"Yes, I am serious."
*Veronica's phone goes off*
*Checks her phone*
"Watch out, Encino. Your favorite girl is back from her holiday, and she is here to do business in LA."
"Did you see the new WhisperWeb blast?" Veronica asked me.
"No, I haven't. What is it?"
"Brooklyn is back from her holiday," said Veronica.
"Isn't she the girl who has had 20 boyfriends by now?"
"Dan, be nice," said Dad.
"What? I am just saying the truth. Girls like her get everything they want. All they have to ask for is their daddy's credit cards, and they get it. Us Millers have to work for our stuff. We don't get handed it."
"Anyhow," said Veronica, sending an email to WhisperWeb.
"Wow, two surprises in one day? You can hardly call this a surprise. A new student will be enrolling in our school. He goes by the name Daniel Miller. Let's hope he won't disappoint us. Till then, I sign off. Bye, my little whisperers."
"Did you tell The Whisper that I was being accepted?"
"So much for keeping it a secret."
"Come on, Dan, it isn't that big of an issue. Besides, it's not like anyone is going to care if you got accepted or not. You're a nobody, no offense."
"None taken."
"Well, go get your uniform and head to school," said Dad.
"Once again, thank you so much."
The difference between Encino and Reseda was noticeable. On one end, you have mansions with supercars. On the other, you have crappy apartments that can barely hold three people before they explode. While I was walking, I saw a supercar driving up and down Reseda Boulevard. And you wouldn't guess who it was: Brooklyn with her new boyfriend.
"Don't these people have any respect?" I muttered.
I decided to go up to them when they were stopped at a red light.
"Excuse me. Would you mind turning down the volume? Believe it or not, people actually live here."
"And who might you be?" said Darren.
"I am Danial."
"Oh yeah, I saw you on WhisperWeb. Can't believe you still live here, though."
"Some people actually spend their whole lives living in Reseda."
*The light turns green*
"Anyway, I am not turning down the volume. See you at school," said Darren.
"Say hi to my girlfriend Brooklyn."
"Bye, Danial," said Brooklyn.
*The car drives off*
I made it to the front gate of the school. It was the most prestigious school I had ever seen. That's probably because my last school was the equivalent of a modern-day prison. Or because it was the most prestigious school in all of LA. I was mesmerized by the gate. It was 10ft tall. And surprisingly, it wasn't rusted. The walls were like a castle. The environment was, to say the least, overwhelming. It was the first semester, and there were already groups formed. The popular girls were on the stairs. The popular guys were on the bench. The nerds were on the floor. And amidst all of that was Brooklyn.
She had fair, bronde hair. Her skin looked extremely soft and smooth. Her eyes were hazel. She wore the nicest clothes in all of the city. And you can't forget about her best friend Sophie. She had the most gorgeous shade of brown hair. Her eyes were a light blue, similar to the ocean in the morning. But to nobody's surprise, they had their own fair share of boyfriends.
Meet Darren. A guy with nice black, luscious hair. A baseball player. And he was dating Brooklyn at the time. You can't forget about Matthew. He and Sophie had known each other their whole lives. He was the definition of the perfect guy. All the girls in the school fawned over him, even Brooklyn, but that's a story for another time. He had the most beautiful shade of brown hair, and it was wavy. He was everyone's dream guy. And despite not participating in any sports clubs, he was extremely fit.
And then there was me, Danial Miller. A nobody from Reseda Boulevard trying to make my way up in society. But everyone knows I will be a social outcast. A side character in these people's story. Even in my own story, I am a side character.
*The bell rings*
I lost my way in the corridor. Such a shame.
"Hey, can you help me?"
*Gets ignored*
"Hey, I lost my timetable. Can you help me?"
*Gets ignored*
"Why don't any of these people just use two minutes of their day to help me out?"
"You know what? I will just find my way into class."
*Bumps into someone*
"I am so sorry," I said.
"No, I am. I should watch where I walk."
"You're Dan, right?"
"Um, yeah, you remembered?"
"Of course I did."
"B, stop flirting with this nobody," said Sophie.
"I got to go, but see you around?"
"Yeah, sure."
Turns out that nobody named Dan has found his love strings pulled by Brooklyn.
"I hate girls who speak like that. Thinking that talking like that is cute and attractive."
"Let me ask her if she knows where my class is."
"Hey, Brooklyn."
"Don't look, Brooklyn, that nobody is calling you again," said Sophie in a disgusted tone.
"Hey, stop being so nasty. Besides, he just came to this school. A little help wouldn't do any of us harm."
"Hey, Dan, what's up?" said Brooklyn.
"Do you know where room A2 is by any chance?"
"Yeah, I am going there right now. You want to come with me?"
"Um, yeah, sure, why not?"
*Someone takes a picture of us walking together*
*The bell rings*
"Hey class, I want to introduce to you your new fellow student, Danial Miller," said Mrs. Chopthat. "Why don't you take a seat next to Brooklyn?"
*Walks to Brooklyn*
"Hey," I said shyly.
"Hey," said Brooklyn, a bit embarrassed.
The teacher explains what to do.
"Dan, what do we do?"
"I wouldn't expect someone like you to know, but if you're asking…"
"And what is that supposed to mean?" said Brooklyn.
"I am saying that girls like you get whatever you want whenever you want. Girls like you don't need school to be successful. All you have to do is marry one of those guys you so love to date."
"You have no right to talk about my personal life," said Brooklyn. "Mrs. Chopthat, I would like to move if that's not an issue."
"Brooklyn, what's the problem?"
"This chair is a bit annoying. It keeps on making noises even when I try to stop it."
Everyone's phones go off.
Everyone checks.
"Good morning, my little whisperers. I am surprised myself, in all fairness, a rumor this early into the day? Let's read out the scandal. Wow, can't believe this at all. Brooklyn is seen walking with the little boy from Reseda, Dan Miller? I can't believe it myself. She went from Darren to Dan in little over two hours? Even after boarding school, she still couldn't refrain from going to her old ways. Oh, such a shame. This is The Whisper signing off. See you in the next scoop."
Everyone put their bags onto the empty seats next to them to stop people from moving.
"Brooklyn, you should really stop talking to that kid. He will make you unpopular in a second," said Sophie.
"I told you, Sophie, he is new here. I just wanted to help him."
"You know he is just using you for your name. A little nobody like him would never be with you. He just wants to be popular."
"I just don't see that in him."
"Don't worry, you will. Give it time."
*The bell rings*
"Alright class, I will see you all tomorrow."
"Wow, first day of school, and it isn't even midday, and I already have people talking about me," I said quietly.
"Just ignore them," said Brooklyn.
"What do you want?"
"Excuse me? I am only trying to help you."
"Well, don't. I don't need you to help me. I will be fine on my own."
"I am trying to be nice. Don't you get that?"
"Well, if you are trying to be nice, then why did you move away from me?"
"I told you. The seat was annoying."
"Such a bad liar. You know that?"
Brooklyn walks off.
"Hey, why are you walking off?"
"None of your business."
*Starts raining*
"Great, just great. I knew it wasn't going to be my day today."
"You should really stop talking to Brooklyn, you know," said Darren.
"And why should I?"
"Look, she is way out of your league."
"Who do you think you are to tell me who I should talk to?"
"I am Brooklyn's boyfriend. I decide who she talks to and who she doesn't."
"You don't own her, you know."
"I know I don't, but she loves me. And as her boyfriend, I have the right to decide."
"And who do you think you are to decide on her behalf?"
"I am Darren, don't you know?"
"Who do you think you are? Some kind of god?" I said sarcastically.
"I am saying that I am not just someone. I am the top player on the baseball team. A member of the most popular club in all of LA. And I am the boyfriend of the most beautiful girl in this whole school. That's who I am."
"I knew you were all the same. Talking about your stupid social status, thinking that being the most popular person in school makes you some kind of celebrity."
*The bell rings*
"Don't be late to class, new kid."
"By the way, nice to meet you."
*trips me over*
"Oh sorry man, do you need help getting up"?
"Why don't you try that again".
"I'll tell you who you are, your parents doesn't give a fuck about you. Your friends fear you. You thought you were so high and mighty until an resceda boy comes in and makes you look like the bitch you are".
"So hit me"
"Or are you too much of a pussy to do that anyway".
And there I was just bleeding on the floor.
I did ask for it so I can't complain
But still
"The nerve of that guy."
"Danial". Said a voice.
It sounded so far away.
"B maybe he shouldn't have messed with Darren". Said Sophie
"Don't worry" said Brooklyn
She smelt amazing.
Her chest was over me.
"Darren what the hell is wrong with with you".
"Oh why don't you shut up for once Brooklyn".
I mustered up the strength to stand up.
"Oh looks like he wants more".
"No stop!".
She took the hit for me.
Looks like I was wrong.
Not everyone is like her and she is not like everyone.
"Brooklyn I am sorry".
"Why don't you fuck off darren you done enough already". Said Sophie
"I'll take her to the nurses office you can go". I told Sophie