Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 162 - Chapter 7: We are the Black in Blackmail! part 2

Chapter 162 - Chapter 7: We are the Black in Blackmail! part 2

Sirius left his meeting with Narcissa feeling drained and uncomfortable, wife shopping felt inherently wrong - something he'd have to fix eventually, because he just knew some of those women and girls - wouldn't be given the choice to say no, if he'd picked them. 

So he settled down with the proverbial poison pen, preparing to start the slow broil of revenge. He still agreed with his earlier decision to not put much focus on getting revenge on those that actively failed him and went after him. 

But not sacrificing his political ambitions on ridiculous revenge schemes, didn't mean he needed to leave them completely alone either. There were plenty of things he could do to make people's lives more complicated, even if they were petty. 

Arcturus had been right, he could advance his goals and be petty and extract a measure of revenge as well as a side benefit. 

Sirius didn't mind being petty at all. Especially as his first salvo could be completed with some simple letter writing campaigns. One of the many benefits of being Lord Black was that his words were taken fairly seriously. So when he sent a letter to someone, they would not ignore it. 

Especially not if he made it even slightly official, hinting at making it fully official and released to the press if people were uncooperative. He needed to begin chipping away at Dumbledore slowly, in a manner where it wouldn't even seem like he was the one targeted.

Sirius wanted revenge on him more than any of the others. He still intended to force the old man to see Sirius achieving everything he didn't have the balls to do - but it didn't mean he couldn't create some headaches for him in the meantime.

So he started with the Potion's Guild. Although Severus Snape hadn't really done anything to him, per say. And the antics at school in a lifetime of memories away were not anything that overly concerned him - he knew just how much of a spiteful bastard the man was. And the fact he continued to get away with it and his Death Eater past, didn't sit right with him. 

He knew seeing him dead or in Azkaban was too much, he was still regrettably useful. Although if they could get all the Horcruxes before Voldemort returned - his use would disappear and he could be removed with prejudice from his cushy position. 

Any attack on Snape would burn Dumbledore's capital to protect him, and chip away at his infallible old wizard in his tower image. 

Sirius was drafting a letter to question Snape's credentials. It would likely not end up passing muster after an investigation, but just the fact he'd be investigated at all, would both infuriate the man, and let him know he was on notice. And if he was lucky, they'd actually find something or Snape would refuse to cooperate at all.

With a small leak to the Daily Prophet he could ensure that everyone knew Snape's credentials were in question and being investigated. Them later being confirmed (possibly) would hardly even pass as news, people tended to remember the scandalous news much better than the plain old truth. 

Snape wasn't yet that entrenched in his potions professor position that he could just shrug off this attack on his capabilities and history. Dumbledore would have to step in to defend him. 

But the Potions Guild was international, and not beholden to Dumbledore, so he wouldn't be able to stop an investigation from taking place. 

There were very few British men and women in the Potions Guild all things considered, so Dumbledore was weak in the international guilds thanks to his mismanagement of Hogwarts producing so few slavishly loyal adherents of his that could enter those hallowed halls. 

That's what happens when you lower the quality of teachers and subjects to fit your social experiments…

Whereas at the other side of the coin, Lord Black held a certain reputation and sway due to family, but mostly due to the money. Guilds liked money. They were scientists and researchers on one hand - and merchants on the other - both sides loved cash. 

The avenue Sirius was taking to really nail the bastard - was Snape's Death Eater past. Painting a picture for the Guild, Severus Snape partnering constantly with the potions genius (Slughorn confirmed) Lily Evans, the muggleborn… Despite already being in Death Eater circles. 

How he just happened to always have perfect potions just like her.

Of course they likely practiced them together - but it only needed to soundtrue, Snape wasn't a likable man, the appearance of something believable would taint him enough, even if later proved untrue. Especially as Snape was arrogant enough he might simply refuse to participate in the investigation, which would neatly make it impossible for him to prove differently.

Severus Snape the Death Eater, becoming the youngest potion master in history, while Lily Evans dies, any recipes for new potions or improvements suspiciously not found amongst her belongings - despite her potions genius. Almost like someone had already stolen them. 

It's not like she could complain - she went into hiding, just in time for Severus Snape to get his potions mastery - targeted by Death Eaters she was… 

What a coincidence, right?

The Death Eaters were competent users of the unforgivables… Sirius would ask the Guild the question, what assurances do they have that the confirmed Death Eater did not steal or appropriate the potions he submitted for his mastery? What assurance do they have that Lord Voldemort did not provide him with the knowledge to assist Snape into his title - to make it easier for him to sneak into Hogwarts for his master? 

His number one question - could Snape verify under a truth ritual or Veritaserum that he had never used an unforgivable for this, that he'd never used one on Lily Evans. 

If Snape refused to undergo this, he'd drag his reputation down even if everyone involved knew he didn't steal his potions knowledge. And if he agreed, then he'd confirm his active participation as a Death Eater and his use of Unforgivables, destroying what reputation he had left anyway. 

Which would create a huge headache for Dumbledore as rumors are one thing - actual proof of unforgivables is another.

Pardoned or not, that won't look good for Snape - or the one that gave him that pardon, and the Potions Guild might sanction him just to cover their asses. 

He'd be fucked either way no matter how it went at that point, even if he'd likely hold onto his professorship thanks to Albus Dumbledore and his puppy dog eyes. 

It was only the start of his revenge on those that wronged him, or would wrong Harry Potter or the world later. But it would set the ball rolling, would inconvenience both Snape and Dumbledore, and even if it failed, would still hurt their reputations, making it easier for another stage later to stick. 

It was just the first salvo of many, Dumbledore would eventually fall, a death of a thousand cuts would fell the giant. 

His lips twitched in dark humor as he added the last few lines to his inquiry.

If Snape - as Dumbledore postulated in his testimony - was a spy, secretly working for their side. Then how did Peter Pettigrew go unnoticed - how did Sirius end up in Azkaban - how did Lily Potter end up dead, no potions notes of note anywhere - how did James Potter, Snape's rival and school enemy, end up dead in this betrayal - Snape walking away with everything, just by chance? 

Can the Potions Guild confirm that Severus Snape was not a member nor earned his title through illegal means?

Sirius smirked as he sealed the letter with his signet ring. Even those believing in Dumbledore fully, and therefore trusted Snape fully - would have second thoughts for a while with this, especially once the Guild would have to open an investigation. They had no choice with a Lord openly questioning them in this manner. 

International remit withstanding, a powerful pureblood lord was not something a guild could just ignore completely, it risked their status too much if the different legislatures around the world, controlled by the pureblood elite, began to go after them for perceived slights. 

A small donation offered to 'assist' them in the matter would speed things along nicely as well, as those things usually did. 

He scrawled down a reminder on the calendar filled with naked muggle women that he'd hung on the wall behind his desk, hidden behind a portrait whenever someone important was visiting, but there now, for Sirius to note down to remember to leak the Potions Guilds investigation on Snape to the press once it started. 

It was horribly out of date, having once been in his teenage room, but it was nostalgic. 

He rose up from his desk, another small note in his hand that he'd just scrawled. "Kreacher!" He called out.

With a pop his servant appeared before him, bowing his head subserviently. "Master called Kreacher?" He mumbled out, his usual scowl almost pleasant looking today.

Sirius handed him the note, "Deliver this to Professor Mcgonagall at Hogwarts, wait for a reply and bring it back to me immediately."

Kreacher wasn't one for small talk, he immediately popped away once it was obvious Sirius had no further orders, off on his task. 

Sirius walked over to the enchanted window in his office, hands behind his back as he stared out over the Thames, not as it was now, but as it was several hundred years ago, the wonders and weirdness of magic never ceased to amaze him. 

Watching the river flowing through a different London, a different time, before the onset of the industrial revolution, was oddly soothing. 

He waited several minutes, just staring out at the river, pondering recent events, going over his marriage prospects, begrudgingly picking a list of top three choices. He'd need a partner for this whole Minister thing… 

He grimaced at the thought of having to stop sleeping around, he'd barely started enjoying his new life.

Kreacher popped back before he could spiral further into disquiet over the possibility of marriage with someone he'd grow to hate. Acknowledging he was unlikely to be a good man or one often at home, making it a poor deal for any poor woman. 

Sirius turned to his elf, taking the small piece of parchment offered, raising an eyebrow at the answer within. 

"Very well." He muttered, "Kreacher, prepare my most official robes, I will be going as Lord Black today." He ordered, crumpling the note in his hand, face hard and unyielding. 

Minerva McGonagall had testified against him at his trial. Had pissed all over the Marauders, twisting reality to suit her feelings on the matter. He couldn't remove her, she was too useful where she was, and it would create a public outcry if he tried. 

But that didn't mean that he couldn't punish her for her temerity in helping in the efforts to send him back to Azkaban. 

4 o'clock at the three broomsticks, the note had said, rejecting his offer of meeting in her office. 

Whether it was an effort by Dumbledore to keep him out of Hogwarts, or McGonagall herself trying to offer an olive branch by meeting in a less official setting, he didn't know, nor did he particularly care. 

He burned the note with a wave of his wand, coolly watching the ashes flutter down to the carpet. 

This wouldn't bring forward his plans for the Minister's seat, it wouldn't have anything to do with that push at all. Well… There were some small things she could do… 

All in all though, he wasn't meeting her for the purpose of his ambitions. 

But it would feel bloody good anyway and put the old cat down a peg, it was worth wasting an afternoon on… And if he could finagle a small benefit out of it as well, then he'd neatly gotten a small measure of revenge while still moving the plan forward.

He'd give her the same consideration she'd given him and his fate, he thought, fists clenched. 


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Hogsmeade, Three Broomsticks.

Sirius arrived at the three broomsticks a bit early, so instead of heading up towards the backrooms, of which he'd already hired one for an hour, using Kreacher as the messenger - he headed towards the bar, and the lovely Madame Rosmerta. 

"Sirius Black, in the flesh!" Rosmerta said gaily, giving him a long once over, a slight flush to her cheeks that he imagined was because of his own debonair personage. "Or is it Lord Black today, fancy as we are?" She asked, tongue in cheek, fanning herself exaggeratedly.

Sirius leaned up against the bar, sending her a suave smirk, "You, Rosmerta, can call me anything you'd like!" He offered, not opposed to the eyes she was sending him.

There was a reason everyone thirsted for the woman, she was very gifted. And had a flirtatious happy attitude about things that drew you in. She could appear warm and comforting if she sensed that's what you needed, or she could be raucous and flirtatious, driving swathes of students into puberty just by her presence. 

With the bitterness, descent into alcoholism, and shivering memories of Azkaban that was plaguing him lately - she was a breath of fresh air. 

She slapped him lightly with a cleaning towel, a flirtatious smirk blooming onto her face, "Cad, I'll call you a cad! My Lord!" She laughed, a tinkling and amused laugh - the patrons around them all giving Sirius dirty looks for monopolizing her attention. 

Things changed over the years, but Rosmerta's hold on the entirety of the population around Hogsmeade and Hogwarts didn't. At a gesture from Rosmerta, her staff took over most of the work, the beautiful proprietor focusing on him. 

Not that all the customers left immediately, since they weren't really at the bar to pick up drinks…

Sirius smirk widened, even as he grasped Rosmerta's hand, giving it a quick kiss, "I would never dishonor you, Rosmerta! Disrobe, perhaps, but never dishonor!" He promised cheekily.

Rosmerta roared with laughter, her cheeks reddening even more, even as she slapped Sirius hand away lightly, "You haven't changed a bit! You always were the suave little seducer, I half expected to see you bogged down with half a dozen little ones." 

Her expression briefly turned guilty as she realized why he couldn't possible have begun spawning too much, but true to form, she pushed away that depressing thought and smiled prettily again, leaning forward to apologize for bringing up bad memories by giving him a good view down her cleavage.

Sirius gave her a crooked grin, doing her the favor of looking, taking the silent apology, "Not yet Rosie, perhaps soon." He answered her, making a hush motion with one hand, "I'm thinking of settling down soon as a matter of fact." He couldn't hide the hesitation in his voice, still uneasy about the whole thing, even as he tried to play it off. 

Rosmerta stepped closer, waving off any left over customers to one of her staff, leaving her and Sirius alone at the end of the bar, Rosmerta leaning over it in a way that practically popped her bosom out of her top, giving him a nice view irregardless. "Well, she'll be a lucky lady, especially with the recent findings from Witch Weekly about you." Rosmerta said slyly, nudging him slightly, teasing him. 

Sirius groaned, putting his head in his hands, "That damn article, she certainly didn't tell me she was going to write about our 'experience' like that." 

It was good for his reputation at the same time as it was bad for his reputation, but it was also a bit bloody embarrassing to get called out for it. It was different if he played it up in the first place, then he could act all prideful over it, he'd just sound like an ass if he did it now…

Rosmerta laughed again, which did wonderful things to her… Assets. Her rosy plump lips were pouting cutely as she eyed Sirius with mischief, "You know, I always thought you were all talk no action, the kind of little boy who bragged a lot but had nothing to back it up with…" She said leadingly. 

Only the waitress, not the proprietor back in those days, Rosmerta had done her fair share of flirting with the young Sirius, he could even remember those times, for some reason those memories were vividly available.

He'd spent a lot of time with Rosie in his dreams once upon a time. 

Sirius gave her an affronted look at her incredibly wrong assessment, "Rosmerta, stabbing me right through the heart like that, I thought we were mates!" His growing smirk showed that he took no offense, immensely enjoying the back and forth.

It was something lighthearted to soothe his frayed nerves and it was succeeding in breaking down the emotions and thoughts developed from the depressing realities of his family, and his odd new friendship with Remus. 

Rosmerta giggled, leaning her head into her tented hands with a little pleased sigh, "Not a little boy anymore are you… And so well recommended too, some witch is going to be very lucky." She breathed out, pouting at him, and fluttering her eyelashes coyly.

Being shy was definitely not something anyone ever claimed of Rosmerta - her signals were very clear.

Sirius grinned openly, not going to be a fool and turn down the opportunity of a lifetime, leaning forward slightly, "I'm not married yet, and I feel that for my honor, I must correct that braggart little boy comment, you must give me a chance to prove myself." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, drawing another laugh out of Rosmerta. 

"Now, now, Sirius, I specifically remember you ordering a room for a meeting with Professor McGonagall for ten minutes from now…" She had a mirthful look on her face as she tilted her head and smiled, "I hope you're not saying you'd be finished by then?" She asked innocently, dragging a finger down his chest. 

Sirius smirked roguishly, "Absolutely not, you're wounding my reputation here, dear lady, Professor McGonagall won't mind waiting an hour." This meeting was simple petty revenge just for the hell of it, it can wait, Sirius thought resolutely. 

Some things were just too important to miss out on.

Rosmerta chuckled, seemingly amused at the thought of leaving Professor McGonagall waiting. She pursed her lips in thought as she looked over a wooden keyboard hanging next to the bar, hooking one key around a finger and twirling it around, a spark of mischief in her eyes. 

"What are you planning, looking so devious?" Sirius said, a wide grin growing on his face. 

Rosmerta looked absolutely sinful as she practically flowed around the counter to slide Sirius arm into the crook of her elbow, leaning up against him, "This is the key to the room next door to the one you're meeting in." She said suggestively, biting her lip, looking excited. 

Rosmerta the exhibitionist? That's… Not that surprising actually, considering she spends her days shoving her knockers into teenagers faces for better tips. Sirius thought with some amusement. 

"Aren't those rooms magically soundproofed?" He asked, leading Rosmerta towards the back stairs, his heart beating fast, as a teenage fantasy of the original Sirius Black seemed on the cusp of reality. 

Rosmerta giggled, giving him a sultry look, "I control the wards." She whispered in his ear, before lightly biting his earlobe, the minx appearing very excited at the possibility of fooling around in such a way.

Sirius laughed, looking forward to it. Both the no doubt amazing time he'd have for the next hour or so, but also the fact he'd immensely offend professor McGonagall. For all that she'd throw up her own silencing spell immediately - once she realized what was happening - she'd also realize that Sirius had postponed their meeting to have sex. If he knew Minnie at all, she'd be furious.

If she left, he'd still get to piss her off later, if she stayed, he'd get to meet her, freshly fucked, and talk down to her in such a delicious manner.

This was rapidly turning into a very good day. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

One hour thirty five minutes later,

To Sirius's surprise, when he knocked on the door, he received a terse "Enter." From the inside. 

He grinned sharply, she'd stayed after all, someone must be feeling very guilty about being wrong! He thought, a dark pleasurable feeling washing over him as he realized he was finally actually going to show his displeasure with one of the people that had wronged him.

His limbs felt looser somehow, and the dark presence that he'd felt hanging over him lately, almost like his own personal Dementor - was absent. He felt like he could breathe properly for the first time in days. 

Despite the fact he was completely freshened up, even having had the time to take a shower, (including some amazing shower sex) he quickly ruffled his clothes, running a hand through his hair to mess it up to make him appear more rakish. 

Minnie would expect him freshly fucked, so why not give her what she wanted?

He pulled the door open, smirking devilishly as he stepped inside, "Minnie." He said, flashing his teeth in an unfriendly way, "Hope you've had a pleasant wait?"

Minerva McGonagall, sitting stiffly in one of the high backed chairs available in the room, looked as if cut from stone, responding archly, "Not as pleasant as you, no doubt, Lord Black."

From the looks of the room and its sole occupant, she'd hardly moved for the past hour and a half. It only amused him more. 

Sirius laughed, running a hand trailingly across the wall as he stepped around her, pacing the room slightly, forcing her to either turn to watch him, or let him at her back, something she wasn't comfortable with if he read the stiffening in her shoulders correctly. 

Why? It's not like I'm a murderer… Or do you still believe? He thought acidicly. 

"I apologize, I didn't mean to make you feel imprisoned here." He drawled, heavy on the sarcasm, ending up standing by the window, a few feet right behind her, forcing her to either get up and turn his way, or continue this facing away from him. 

He wasn't going to have a discussion with her like an errant student coming for detention to stand before her, she didn't control this room, this conversation, he did.

Or he supposed technically Rosie did, but he'd fucked her and that basically meant what's hers is his right now. She certainly hadn't quibbled about the fact his paid hour for the room passed by while they were occupied.

Minerva stood up, straightening her robes as she turned around, a slight tension in the wrinkles around her eyes as she pursed her lips before she came to stand beside him, "I was not opposed to waiting, Lord Black." She said stiffly, "It was by no means an imposition, although it was thoughtless, but as of recent events… I suppose I deserve as much." She admitted, looking pained. 

She sounded old and weary, perhaps an attempt at appearing weak before him so as to not be seen as someone that purposely attempted to twist history to her own benefit. Maybe she wanted to call it all just a simple mistake.

Either way, she looked old and sad, which somewhat bothered him, despite everything.

Sirius huffed in disgust at that, well if she was going to take all the fun out of it… "You do, for believing the worst of me, which can somewhat be blamed on the harsh times, even if it doesn't make it right…" His eyes hardened as his face grew stony as he glared at her fiercely, "But there is no excuse for showing up for my trial to try and send me back to Azkaban, reinventing the truth to nail me that much harder to my coffin!"

That could not be forgiven! He thought harshly.

Minerva winced visibly, her hands shaking slightly as she once again straightened her robes, "I know." She said thickly, emotionally, "I know I did something unforgivable, I shouldn't have gone, shouldn't have twisted things due to misplaced anger and sorrow. I can't ever apologize enough, Sirius." 

Still despite the apology she stood tall and didn't prostrate herself, she had her pride still at least. But all in all, this was just… Not what he'd imagined.

Sirius grimaced, this was getting less fun every second. What was the point of getting back at people if they were going to be so damn blubbery and sorry for it…"Well, at least you realize it." He said gruffly, switching tracks slightly, to the second reason he'd arranged the meeting. 

Perhaps he wouldn't be as harsh as he intended in words, the idea of it tasting like so much ash in his mouth, with her honest regret so visible… But in deeds, he'd still make her pay for her actions. 

"I didn't want to meet to discuss your apologies, because they don't matter." He said harshly, looking away from his old favorite professor, staring out the window, seeing Hogwarts in the distance. "I need a favor, and who better to provide than someone who's harmed me dearly and owes me one…"

Minerva blinked, taken aback, before growing wary, eyeing him out of the corner of her eye as she stood next to him at the window, "If I can help, I will." She said cautiously, seemingly leery of what he'd ask. 

Sirius shivered slightly, just because he'd slept with Rosmerta did not mean he was going there. Get your mind out of the gutter woman!

"I need Cornelius Fudge's entire school record, grades, detention record, everything." Sirius said with a determined look on his face as he turned to look Minerva in the eyes, "Bagnolds as well, just for the fun of it, would serve that old windbag well, I doubt she qualified as any kind of genius…"

She immediately shook her head, features forming up sternly, "You know I can't just release those, Lord Black." She replied, taking a step away, returning to a more official language now, as if that would stop Sirius from continuing. 

"Sure you can, it's actually quite easy, you just… Grab them, and hand them over. Five minutes of work, tops." Sirius said, eyeing her with a sharp toothy smirk settling on his face. 

Minerva shook her head firmly, lips pressed together tightly, "I can not do that. You would do better seeking out someone in the Department of Education." She suggested primly, "I will not sully Hogwarts reputation, nor my own."

Sirius snorted, giving her a sardonic look, "Ah, yes, I'm sure old Millicent will release her records to me, I'm certain she isn't watching my every step in the Ministry…" The sarcasm was heavy in his reply. 

If Bagnold wasn't watching him, she was a certifiable idiot. Sirius could probably get the same records from the Ministry through a proxy and a bevy of bribes - but he didn't want to, not when he had someone here he can put under pressure, someone that he wanted to hurt just a little bit, just enough to realize they'd fucked up. 

He sighed dramatically, looking up at the ceiling, "So you will not do an old comrade this small favor then? Despite the debt between us, the way it leans heavily in my favor?" He asked, mockingly, a sneer growing in place as he watched his old professor stick to her principles. 

Funny how she could do so now, but had no problem breaking them to testify falsehoods at his trial, not to mention the shit pulled in the future through seven years of hell. Those principles were mighty flexible…

"Lord Black, I will not break the law by releasing those records to a non-family member." She replied stiffly, "I regret my actions every day for how I failed you," Her eyes softened for a moment beneath her glasses, before hardening in resolve, "But I can not compromise my ethical responsibilities." 

"Again." Sirius said darkly, making her blink in confusion. 

"I beg your pardon?" She asked, warily. 

"You can not compromise your ethical responsibilities. Again. Because what would you call lying on the stand in a trial that would ensure the death of the defendant?" Sirius said sardonically, giving her a dark look, "I guess it's different when it's only school records." He mocked viciously, seeing her flinch back slightly.

"Two wrongs do not make a right." She said after a long pause, looking drawn and tired and so very old. 

Sirius couldn't care less right now, he'd long since decided he wouldn't take fullrevenge as it would simply poison him, and ensure he'd lose allies, but he wasn't all together without bite, either. "You will bring me those files." He said mildly, resting his hands behind his back as he stepped away from her, going back to a more casual mien, his long flowing Acromantula silk robes lending him a certain gravitas. 

"I will not." She rebutted firmly, "Lord Black, if you insist on this matter I won't have a choice but to involve Albus." She warned. 

Sirius smiled, amused, "Albus, ah yes, one can never be too old to run to daddy for backup and headpats can one?" He mocked lightly, continuing on even as he saw Minerva's hackles rise at the casual insult, "Let's talk about real consequences then, Mistress of Transfiguration." 

Minerva furrowed her brow, thrown by the apparent non sequitur.

"You allowed three students to become illegal Animagus during your time as Transfiguration Mistress at Hogwarts." Sirius said calmly, watching her confused expression as he continued on, "Not only did they run around Hogwarts for years as such, they ended up committing crimes together… One of them ending up eventually committing the utmost betrayal, a very dark crime, partly through the ability they now had to go around unseen in a rat animagus form."

Minerva looked flabbergasted, raising a shocked eyebrow as she sputtered out, "You can not seriously be attempting to put Pettigrew's betrayal at my feet?" 

Even if not him… You either allowed us to run around with a werewolf against all laws, or were ignorant of it all, which is just as bad… He thought, amused at using his own indiscretions against her. 

He knew she hadn't known, but that also worked, because it did not paint her in a good light at all.

How does the Transfiguration Professor and head of their house miss her students being Animagus for years…

Sirius smirked, waving her objection away with a hand, dismissively. "Not at all, but it's a nice thought project, either you were an incompetent teacher and administrator - unable to notice three students spending years as illegal Animagi under your aegis, getting up to no good or even criminal acts… Or you knew and were partly responsible for what happened. Which is it?" He asked scathingly. 

"What are you implying?" She asked frostily, nostrils flaring. 

"I am not without means any longer. I am quite capable of running a campaign in the Daily Prophet… Capable of demanding an investigation from the Transfiguration Guild on your suitability for teaching Transfiguration, to run articles in Transfiguration weekly, ruining your reputation, because no matter how you spell it, you were either complicit - or incompetent." Sirius threatened calmly, a small smile on his face. 

Minerva clenched her fists, eyes flashing with anger, "Are you attempting to blackmail me?" She barked out, incredulously. 

Sirius laughed quietly, before answering with an amused voice, "I am giving you options, you get to choose which one, for all I care choose the ruination of your reputation, that would be suitable punishment for your lies as well."

Oh, just like with Snape, his proof was thin as ice, but the magical world didn't run on proof or truth. It ran on money, reputation and blood. And Sirius had more of all three then they did at the moment. 

It would hurt his reputation to run a smear campaign for such a beloved figure, but he'd still succeed. Because people loved to believe the worst about a known and celebrated figure. 

It's why Dumbledore could be toppled from his mountain so easily in Canon. Speaking of, he'd win no matter what she chose, because again, if Dumbledore had to waste political capital on putting out fires, he was losing his invincible aura. 

"You would really do this, Sirius?" She asked quietly, sounding let down, face sucked in like she'd tasted something particularly sour. 

Sirius smiled a million galleon smile, "With bells and whistles on it, luv." He promised. 

He got the school records. 

Fudge really shouldn't be in his position, what a bad bad stupid little man. 

His department had a certain requirement in grades that Fudge had enforced heavily, a requirement he didn't meet himself.

He could already picture the Daily Prophet headline. 

The truth about Fudge's grades! More unqualified for his department than the interns!


Fudge wouldn't get hired as an intern! The truth about his record!

It wouldn't sway his supporters yet, but it would put a beginning platform in place. No one liked being tarnished with the same brush as that of an idiot. 

Sirius just needed to show them all that. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Grimmauld place, two days later,

A stack of papers were unceremoniously dropped in front of Remus, where he was sitting on an armchair pretending to read an article in Transfiguration weekly. "What's this?" He asked, confused at the muggle papers. 

He hadn't seen many muggle things around Grimmauld place, not with Narcissa and Cassiopeia renovating things. 

It's one of the things he'd noticed Sirius had lost somewhat, that old fascination with muggle things, now he seemed to almost find them boring, like he'd seen it all. 

Remus could only regret his failures even more whenever he noticed one of those incongruities, wondering how much his friend had lost in Azkaban.

Too much, any of it was too much…

Sirius let out a heavy breath as he sunk into the opposite armchair, looking tired but pleased at himself. "Your new job papers." He explained waving at the papers with one hand. 

Which… Didn't explain anything.

Remus put down his magazine, lifting up the first piece of paper, an obviously faked (to him) muggle employment history and diploma for a Remus J Lupin. 

"A teacher?" He murmured, slightly interested despite himself. If not for his problem, a teaching career would definitely have been something he'd have enjoyed. 

Remus put the paper down, hesitantly, "Sirius… The muggle world doesn't really handle time off for every full moon well." He said feeling slightly defeated. 

Sirius snorted, looking at him with eyes that were a mix of compassion and bitterness. There was so much bitterness in his old friend, it seemed to have gotten better in the last few days, but it still worried Remus. 

"It's not a problem, I had my people confound the Principal, you'll get 4 days off around every full moon." Sirius said, sinking into his armchair with a pleased sigh. 

Remus chuckled uncomfortably, "By people, you mean Cassiopeia or Pollux?" He asked, because while he wouldn't trust either around muggles, he trusted Cassiopeia a lot more than Pollux.

"Cassie did it, not a worry Remus, it will hold, all your paperwork is spiffy too." Sirius assured him. 

Remus looked at the paperwork, feeling conflicted, "If you're sure…" He trailed off, catching something that confused him, "Sirius… Why am I teaching preschool?"

Sirius looked a bit melancholy, not answering for a moment. Both of them sat in silence as the other man gathered his thoughts. 

"I've made decisions that aren't always going to be the best for others… I own that, I'll probably live to regret them, even if I fix everything else." Sirius said slowly, Remus having absolutely no idea what was going on. 

Sirius pointed at Remus, expression serious, "That preschool, Remus, is in Surrey. It's the preschool I'm forcing the muggles that take care of Harry to put him in…"

Remus felt dizzy, everything feeling like he was under water, the rest of Sirius words coming like through a distance, Harry… I'm going to get to see HarryTeach Harry! He thought a smile slowly growing on his face. 

"When do I start!?" He interrupted Sirius, hands grasping the packet of papers compulsively. 

Sirius smirked, a sad look in his eyes, "Soon enough, look after him for me, aye, mate?"

Remus gave him a queer look, "Of course, Sirius, we'll both be there for him, like James and Lily would have wanted!" He promised fervently, clutching the papers to his chest like the lifeline they were. He was going to get to see little Harry!

He had no idea why his statement just made Sirius grimace and look away uncomfortably. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Andromeda Tonks paused as she put the chicken in the oven, an ominous feeling coming over her. 

Like she just had the sense something she knew was just at the tip of her tongue, or the edge of her senses. 

There was a knock on the door right after and she sighed, shoulders slumping slightly. She'd had a similar feeling before Sirius had suddenly arrived, once a Black always a Black it seemed… At least as far as magic was concerned. 

Magic was one giant bitch at times, in Andromeda's opinion.

She'd specifically reported her conversation with Sirius to Albus so that no more Blacks would darken her door. 

She straightened her appearance out, checking it in the reflection of her polished muggle fridge. She had the full intention of telling Sirius to bugger off, but it wouldn't do to appear harried or ruffled. She still had her pride in some things. 

Irregardless if one was a pureblood, or a muggle, if one was a woman, there were certain expectations on appearances.

Except… As she opened the door, one hand on her wand, just out of sight, she wasn't faced with Sirius, but Narcissa! 

This is so much worse! She thought despondently.

"What are you doing here?" She blurted out, eyes wide, raising one hand to her mouth in surprise at her own knee jerk reaction. Her eyes tightening imperceptibly as she realized her unintentional rudeness. Her lips thinned and her expression tightened as she decided to double down on it anyway, because this was Narcissa, the wife of a Death Eater. "You are not welcome here!" She declared haughtily.

She was already running through her list of defensive spells as she readied to use her wand if any more hidden Blacks, or worse, hidden Malfoys appeared.

Narcissa smiled sweetly, which Andromeda knew to be a lie, and held out a stack of parchments, "This was supposed to be Cassiopeia's job, but she left it to me - so very frustrating of our aunt, but it does let me see you again, so I don't mind too much." Narcissa said calmly, explaining nothing to Andromeda, what job? Why was she being handed a stack of parchment work? 

Why was Narcissa here! Why was Cassiopeia supposed to come? Sirius what did you do you twice cursed fool!?Andromeda did not want anything to do with her family, why were they all crawling out of the woodwork now?

Narcissa's eyes narrowed slightly, her smile turning politely vicious, "She will regret that either way, I'm no one's servant… But in the meantime, won't you invite me in, dear sister?" 

"I'm not your dear anything anymore, Narcissa." Andromeda said slowly, hand tight around her wand. "And I don't think I will… I can not forget what company you keep, nor risk my family to your wiles."

Narcissa chuckled lightly, "My wiles? Andi, you're making me sound like some sort of succubus or vampiress." She said dryly, "You really distrust me so?" She asked, sounding slightly saddened, her features sinking minutely.

Andromeda held firm, eyes hard, "Yes, and don't try that routine on me, you fake sadness well, Cissy… But I saw you grow up, saw you learn how to do so, you won't play on my emotions today, or ever." Not ever again…

Narcissa sighed, smiling nostalgically, "Ah, you haven't changed a bit, Andi. It's somewhat comforting despite everything, you still know how to ruin any fun." 

"Why are you here? And how can I get you to leave and never come back?" Andromeda asked tightly, holding a tight rein over her emotions. 

She didn't want anything to do with her family, the risks were too great, even as part of her longed for it still, for her sisters, even for Bella, as sick as that was… But she couldn't, they were toodangerous for Ted, for little Nymphadora.

They couldn't be trusted, she'd gotten out and it had apparently worked, but everyone else… Black blood just birthed insanity.

"Well, I would have preferred explaining things to you and walking you through the particulars." Narcissa sniffed, looking imperius and cold as she straightened and fixed Andromeda with a superior sneer, "But I suppose you could never follow along with courtesy, no doubt why you married down into the muck." She looked around at the muggle neighborhood with derision.

Andromeda met her gaze with just as much derision, the muggles here were likely ten times the people her dear husband was, despite their lack of magic. 

"Was there a point somewhere there?" Andromeda asked pointedly, uncaring of Narcissa's little fit for not getting her way. She shook her head briefly, how ridiculous, to think she could walk back into her life, smile a little and pretend they could go back to normal. She is still a silly girl deep down, Andromeda thought sadly, waiting for an answer, fully ready to shut the door in her face if nothing would be forthcoming.

Narcissa smirked, dropping the pack of parchments at her feet, turning on her heels, throwing the explanation over her shoulder before she disapparated, "Congratulations for becoming the chairwoman of the Lily Potter foundation, Andi."

"What!?" Andromeda said dumbly, staring down at the parchments laying innocently at her front step. 

Sirius…. This is your doing! She thought angrily, I said I didn't want anything to do with the family! 

Outraged she picked up the parchments after checking them over for every curse she knew first, she wasn't stupid. 

To her annoyance, there were no continued ties to the Black family in the organization they'd set up somehow, in such a short amount of time too.

They'd literally dumped a charity organization on her with no ties, money already in the bank, an organization that would fall apart if she didn't do something. 

They'd tied her Circe damned hands. 

I'll get you for this, Sirius Black… She thought darkly, staring at the immense workload that had just been dumped on her from nowhere. 

Knowing that if she didn't do something… All that charity work would never happen, someone she couldn't trust would take over. 

She couldn't hand over the reins either, she knew the magical world, that's why she made her own little corner in the edge of its existence and ignored the rest. 

If she left this alone in the hands of someone else - it would be misused. 

He'd neatly trapped her. 

Morgana damned Blacks!