Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 163 - Chapter 8: Fire or Ice part 1

Chapter 163 - Chapter 8: Fire or Ice part 1

Here's chapter 8: Fire or Ice?

What could be called the horny chapter. As the women around Sirius start to stake a claim, before he can take on the Wizengamot and the Ministry.

They can see the power he'll hold, what he already has, and they want a piece. Whether that's a piece of him - or his likely power. Well I'll leave that for you to interpret.

My first attempt at smut, let's see how it goes.

As always, Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. I'm just playing in her pool.

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Wizengamot chambers,

Sirius was wondering why he'd chosen to enter politics again. Would it have been so bad to choose dark magic, tyranny and evil?

Surely it would be easier to plot a revolution through outside means and violence, right?

It probably would have limited the amount of idiots he had to be around - or at least given him the choice to remove them post haste.

This session of the Wizengamot exemplified why the wizarding world was static, corrupt, and utterly incompetent.

They had the ability to be literal gods on this earth, the wizarding world had developed spells to control time, the weather, reality itself!

And the absolute apex of the wizarding world was stuck in a chamber, for going on four hours now...

Arguing fervently.

You'd think it was about the upcoming election. Perhaps a large criminal trial that's coming up... Even the Ministerial budget would make some sense. He'd take an argument about something recent even if inconsequential.

But no, they were arguing about a law from the 14th century regarding the amount of chickens everyday wizards were allowed to own, and what magic could legally be applied to them. One

side thought it outdated, (No shit, who even owns chickens anymore anyway?) the other argued that one shouldn't touch traditional law that's been around for centuries.

And they were getting heated about it too. Sirius was fairly sure that the two pureblood lords doing most of the arguing, had never seen a chicken anywhere but a dinner plate. Which boogled the mind of why they cared enough to ruin everyone's day.

Or why no one was stopping it!

Yes, looking at you Albus...

Worst was the fact that he didn't know if this nonsense was another plot by Millicent Bagnold to slow everything down, to keep anything important from being discussed - or if this was business as usual for these people.

Knowing the purebloods and their society, as he did, his society, Merlin help him... He was fairly certain that the second option was not far-fetched.

Normally he'd dumped Wizengamot duties on Arcturus, since the old coot actually knew politics, even if in an outdated and stuffy way. But with the election drawing ever closer, and Sirius needing more of the Wizengamot on his side... He needed to fly the flag so to speak.

He needed to show them that he was one of them, as much as that was utter shite - since he planned to make them obsolete eventually.

This was the ruling elite that decided things in Britain, he thought with thinly veiled disgust, watching a red faced pureblood lord screaming at another about the sanctity of proper and traditional chicken keeping.

"So do you think they're so passionate because they fuck farm animals?" Isabella Zabini asked idly, a teasing tilt to her full luscious lips.

Sirius almost choked on his tongue, "What!?" He managed to get out, quietly, giving the smirking lady an incredulous look.

She chuckled throatily, sensually sliding back in her throne like chair next to him. Her thin, cleavage-baring pale pink robes clinging almost obscenely tightly to her body, "No one is that passionate about a law governing what you can do with farm animals, unless they're worried laws will continue to be thrown out, making their... Interests... Illegal."

"Why is everything about sex with you, Lady Zabini." Sirius uttered tiredly, not sure who she bribed or sucked off, to manage to switch Wizengamot seats around. Something which was not done. See the argument about 14th century chicken laws to see how likely magicals were to change something that's always been done.

If anything else he could admire her sheer determination and skill. And her body of course. He couldn't help the appreciative once over, even as she caught it and preened. She was sexy as sin, all sensuous curves and mysterious air around her.

It wasn't just the looks, as spectacular as they were. It was the confidence, the dangerous and mysterious aura around her, those big beautiful eyes that always had a hint of mischief and lust in them, the sheer intelligence obvious in her every action. This was a woman almost impossible to resist.

Hence the many husbands...

If she wasn't so competent, he'd likely jump at the chance to solve his issues and marry her. But her competence did make it possible that she'd actually succeed in killing him, even as he watched for just that.

She hadn't succeeded so far through luck.

Isabella Zabini smiled coyly, mirth in her expressive eyes, "My apologies, Lord Black, but isn't


"Not everything." Sirius responded dryly, his eyes tracking the single bead of perspiration slowly

traveling down into her cleavage.

Likely premeditated as the cooling charms and multitude of comfort charms attached to both their robes and the chairs of the Wizengamot itself - should have kept her perfectly cool without a hint of sweat.

"Will you stop that?" He asked, jerking his head away, trying to focus on the discussion, a lost cause really.

Because they were still arguing about Merlin damned chickens! "Stop what, my lord?" She asked innocently, fluttering her eyelashes.

And by Morgana's heaving tits, a woman literally appearing as sex on legs and dripping sensuality, should not be able to pull off an innocent voice and expression so well...

"Stop trying to seduce me." He barked out, glad privacy spells at least ensured the nearest lords and ladies didn't partake in their private conversation.

He'd tried putting up the privacy field to ignore her as well, but with no chance of words being exchanged - she'd simply worked that much harder on drawing attention with her body, so it had actually distracted him more.

"Why? Is it working?" She asked, a sultry smile on her face, as she flushed slightly, the pink tinge to her cheeks only adding to her looks.

Sirius just groaned, smacking his head back against his own throne like chair. "I know your reputation, my lady." He drawled sarcastically, "I am not about to commit suicide..."

"Vicious rumors, nothing else, Lord Black." She said, letting out a tinkling bell-like laugh, before sending him an easy smile, patting him on the arm, her hand lingering after, "I assure you, I have no intention to harm you."

"I'm sure one of your many husbands heard the same before their 'accidents'." Sirius pointed out dry as the desert.

While she was almost an ideal wife for his future plans, he just couldn't for even a minute trust her. She was whispered about as the Black Widow for a reason.

For all that she was a seductress of the highest caliber, she was also a dangerous witch. Sirius had used the fact Minerva had already wound herself tightly into his web of blackmail, to blackmail her yet again - this time for Isabella Zabini's records.

She was not up there with the likes of Tom Riddle and Dumbledore, but by Merlin had her grades been a surprise.

Comparing her to Lily and the Marauders... She was leagues above. She had finished with perfect O's with ten subjects, with distinction in 5 subjects.

She had a better grade in defense than he did!

And yet no one knew. She had cultivated her reputation as just a woman, this entire time.

It made him want her more, but also made him absolutely certain he couldn't afford any entanglement.

Isabella pouted cutely, "You're a different kind of man, my dear Lord Black, any witch can see where you're going... Straight to the top." She cocked her head, an immaculate eyebrow raised questioningly, "Why would I want to lose such an influential and powerful man?"

"I'm glad I have your vote, Lady Zabini." Sirius responded, feeling a bit hot under the collar despite everything screaming at him to tell her to bugger off. "I'll still have to decline." He managed to say politely.

At least, as frustrating as it was, she was more entertaining than actually listening to the Wizengamot.

"What if I would be willing to give certain guarantees..." She offered, surprising Sirius. "What do you mean...?" He asked, suspiciously.

She smiled, showing off a row of perfect teeth, "Whatever would make you comfortable, Lord Black."


Merlin dammit, I need Narcissa for this...

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In the end he had demurred, promising to schedule a meeting to discuss the issue further.

Giving himself some time to workshop the idea with Narcissa.

He still thought it was a really bad idea, at the same time he thought it was a really good one. But it might have been something other than his brain thinking the second thought.

Her offer was enticing, but held risks still. For all that magical oaths sometimes got described as the cure all of anything... They had limitations.

Someone swearing an oath that they won't kill you, doesn't mean that they can't see you dead. They just couldn't do it themselves. So now you had to add onto that caveat - can't kill you or arrange for someone to do it. But then what about in self defense? Because surely she'd want a clause about self defense. Then you got into the murky details of what would magic classify as self defense...

Any other oath than complete utter loyalty and slavery, could be gotten around. And as House elves had shown, even those oaths had wiggle room if you didn't care about the punishment.

Somehow, Sirius doubted the Lady Zabini would go as far as sell herself into complete slavery to soothe his worries that her interest was only in his fortune after he passed.

Hence, he'd sick Narcissa on this whole issue, and see if they could work something out, as it would actually be the ideal match for his ambitions. If the whole - will she murder me in my sleep issue is resolved.

Sirius couldn't shake off the feeling that Isabella's offers came with even more strings attached though, other than the whole danger to his life issue - each one more dangerous than the last.

Yet, there was a small insistent part of him that couldn't resist the allure of her promises, no matter how dangerous they seemed.

This was a new life for him, one that despite his ambitions, also offered untold new experiences as well. He was tempted, very tempted. The danger honestly almost made him want it more - he wasn't sure where this thrill seeking came from, perhaps from how restless he felt in his skin lately. The thrill of moving forward with a viper at his side might be worth the danger.

As the session dragged on, Sirius found himself growing increasingly frustrated with the state of wizarding politics. The bickering, the incompetence, the sheer lack of progress - it was enough to make him want to tear his hair out. It was truthfully good for him, in a sense.

Because the more incompetence ruled in the halls of the Ministry and the Wizengamot, the faster he could move once he held the power to do something about it.

Finally, when the session mercifully came to an end, Sirius wasted no time in making his way out of the chambers - by pure accident of course, also escaping Isabella Zabini. He needed a breath of fresh air, before incompetence or the dangerous seductress - made him do something foolish.

As he stepped out into the corridor, he was met by a familiar face - a reporter from the Daily Prophet, no doubt looking for a juicy story to fill the pages of tomorrow's edition.

Although why in Merlin's name he'd been lurking around here for it... If Sirius hadn't stepped out right now, he'd be facing a story simply about chickens.

"Lord Black, may I have a moment of your time?" The reporter asked eagerly, brandishing a quill with eager anticipation. It was a fairly young looking lad, probably on shit duty, being sent to cover pointless debates such as this.

When there were more important things on the docket, the Prophet likely sent a more experienced correspondent. He supposed he'd find out soon enough, being forced to attend more of these meetings in the future.

Sirius sighed inwardly, any story from his point of view was always good, but he was already fairly annoyed and didn't relish having to watch his words. Yet he plastered on a polite smile anyway, nodding genially at the young lad. "Of course, what can I do for you?"

The reporter wasted no time in launching into his questions, eager to get the scoop on the inner workings of the Wizengamot perhaps. He'd regret that soon enough if this became his regular haunt, Sirius thought.

"Lord Black, what are your thoughts on today's proceedings? It seems the Wizengamot spent an inordinate amount of time debating a rather trivial matter." He asked, eyes alight with the fervor of someone young and passionate about his job.

He really wasn't going to last long if he asked pureblood Lords those kinds of questions, he was inordinately lucky it was Sirius here today.

Sirius kept his polite facade on, even as he wanted to shake his head. "Yes, well, it's unfortunate that we seem to get bogged down by such trivialities. The wizarding world is facing far more pressing issues, and yet here we are, arguing about chicken laws from the 14th century." He couldn't help but let some sarcasm loose at the end, because really, he was still sore about the wasted hours of his life.

The worst thing... They hadn't even come to a conclusion today!

The reporter scribbled furiously, his quill dancing across the parchment. "And what do you think

needs to change in order to address these pressing issues?"

Hoh, not a regular reporter after all, maybe... Sirius wondered at that, usually these people

weren't quite that forward when it came to the Wizengamot.

Sirius paused for a moment, appearing to gather his thoughts, choosing his words carefully. "I believe it's time for a shift in priorities. We need leaders who are willing to tackle the real issues facing our society head-on, leaders who are committed to enacting meaningful change for the betterment of all magical kind - someone not already inside the organization and already complicit..."

The reporter nodded, clearly intrigued by Sirius' words - or able to see through the campaign style language. "And do you see yourself as one of those leaders, Lord Black?" He asked slyly, fingering his quill.

Sirius wondered if he should go any further, or politely pull back and let the reporter and the readers infer the rest.

In the end, his annoyance and lack of patience with how the Wizengamot was proceeding, made him speak further.

"I certainly hope to play a role in shaping the future of our world," Sirius replied, his voice firm with determination. "But ultimately, it's not about me. It's about ensuring that our society is governed with integrity, fairness, and justice."

It helped that he mostly believed all of it too. Although the end goal was for all that to exist by the time Sirius left office. Because he'd get nowhere if he didn't lie, steal, cheat and kill to get there now.

Do as I say, not as I do, political version.

The reporter nodded appreciatively, clearly satisfied with Sirius's response - it would probably net him a fair bit of gold as he sold it to everyone before the paper could print. "Thank you for your time, Lord Black. Your words will no doubt resonate with our readers."

"I'm sure it will..." He muttered wryly, the reporter already gone.

All Sirius could do was press forward, determined to fight for the kind of governance he knew this society needed, even if they hardly even deserved it, bunch of sheep as they were. And in the end, if that meant making difficult choices and forming unlikely alliances along the way, then so be it.

Besides, dealing with all the boring parts of governing, he'd need some excitement around at some point...

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Sirius' office, Black Townhouse,

Sirius had called Narcissa to his office this morning intent on discussing Zabini's machinations, albeit he'd first need to go over his plans for the Wizengamot before he could deviate to this more personal business, or he'd likely be stuck on it for the entire meeting.

At this point, Narcissa was spending so much time here, that she'd taken to bringing Draco along at times, as she didn't want to spend days away from her baby. Seeing her with Draco did bring into perspective just how devoted to family she could be.

Today however, she did not have the brat with her, thankfully. He just didn't enjoy children, something which continued to worry him about his eventual custody of Harry Potter.

Really the major reason he'd made up with Remus - was to have someone around who probably liked kids.

He focused on what was in front of him, Harry wasn't an issue right now, his attention turning to his guest/indispensable advisor.

He watched Narcissa carefully as she spoke, admiring her, but still cautious as to how far she could be trusted after the deal with Lucius, mindful of how much power she held by being the only one he could really turn to for competence.

It was impossible to know how much her love for the Malfoy's would interfere with her love and duty for the Blacks. Straddling that divide was difficult, and fraught, and made it impossible to trust her completely.

Narcissa Malfoy exuded an aura of refined elegance as she sat opposite Sirius in his office - one he could never outshine in a million years even if he tried. Her posture was regal, back straight and shoulders squared, radiating an air of confidence and poise.

She'd come to do battle today, he thought, his eyes narrowed, picking up more clues from her body language.

Her lips were set in an enigmatic and perpetually knowing smile, hinting at knowing more than she said at any given time. The fact her appearance continued to fascinate him so, likely meant he was truly a Black after all.

He wasn't fool enough to think she missed anything, even his appreciative appraisal, not with the sharp intellect that lay behind her cool exterior. The fact this situation kept cropping up, and the fact she kept showing up anyway, was worrying him slightly.

He was too old to be crushing on a cousin, especially a married one. One who was helping him arrange his marriage to boot.

Draped in robes of the finest silk, Narcissa seemed to blend seamlessly into the elegant yet dark surroundings of Sirius' office. Every movement was deliberate and calculated, from the way she crossed her legs to the subtle tilt of her head as she listened intently to Sirius's words.

Though their methods were different, they both shared the goal of elevating the Black family's status. It was important to both of them. Well, in his case it was more his own status for the purpose of achieving his goal - but it was practically the same end result.

Narcissa had her own reasons, and as with most everything with her, it lay hidden behind a thousand layers, each more complicated than the next.

Leaving aside how she had some sort of agenda today, he laid out his ideas on the upcoming subversion of pureblood lords that they'd have to finagle.

Narcissa, her demeanor determined, spoke up after he'd briefly explained his plan for conquering the Wizengamot. "Sirius, your idea is too heavy-handed, we have to navigate the intricacies of the Wizengamot with finesse. Bribes, favors, even seduction if necessary. One moment of heavy handedness could ruin you." She cautioned.

He'd only advocated for killing just a few of them, really. Just to stir up the pot and get them all off balance. Hardly even worth mentioning, certainly not that heavy-handed.

Sirius sighed heavily, but acknowledged the point. It had been wishful thinking more than anything. "You are of course right, Narcissa, but we've danced around this for far too long. We've been patient, waiting for the right moment, but we can't keep waiting. We need to act decisively." The damn Wizengamot can make or break us, we can't keep moving at a pace the old fogies are comfortable at anymore...

Narcissa's gaze softened, understanding the weight of Sirius's words. "Perhaps you are right. We can't afford to wait indefinitely." She acknowledged, quirking her lips as Sirius's eyes widened in surprise at her agreeing with him. "That said, we must be careful, you could easily burn all your bridges if you upset the wrong man, or woman, my Lord."

The way she emphasized my lord consistently, was beginning to annoy Sirius. He wasn't sure if she was mocking him or just emphasizing her subservience.

It was really hard to tell with her at times.

"Lucius has been a help there... As much as I hate to admit it." Sirius said, nodding at the pleased smile of the woman in front of him. The amount of information the other man held on the members of the Wizengamot...

Sirius could only be glad they were nominally on the same side, through Narcissa. Even as he still hated the man and would gladly piss on his grave anytime.

He knew, even when he got elected, he'd still need her assistance at the Ministry, working through the web of intrigue and corruption that suffused that place so badly.

"Your assistance in perfecting a plan for turning the last holdouts into a majority in the Wizengamot would be greatly appreciated, Cissy." Sirius said softly, using a more familiar tone. "I definitely can't do it without you, and I know you'll have a price. So ask."

He'd rather have it out in the open, know ahead of time, then be blindsided by some plot later. She couldn't outright betray him, nor did he think she'd go too far, she still believed in family strongly after all. But there were plenty of ways to take advantage or circumvent him - without going as far as betraying her family head.

Narcissa leaned back in her chair, her demeanor as composed as ever, her sharp eyes held a glint of calculated determination, a silent acknowledgment of the power she wielded in her own right.

"My Lord," She said slowly, her voice smooth and measured, "As we are speaking of our plans for the future, I can't help but think of how to strengthen this alliance between the Blacks and Malfoys. We both know the potency of alliances forged through personal connections."

There was a hint of something there, he thought, but he couldn't believe it. No, I'm projecting. Not even she's that calculating.

Sirius raised an eyebrow, his gaze narrowing slightly as he studied her. "Go on, Narcissa." He said, some chill to his tone, losing the familiarity - as he suspected she was playing him now. Why else bring up the Malfoy's, why else begin a negotiation about her price, as a Malfoy instead of a Black.

He'd thought she had an agenda walking in today. Had his decision to ask for her price, been foreseen?

A faint smile played at the corners of Narcissa's lips as she continued, her words carefully chosen. "Once you ascend to power within the Ministry, with my husband and my own hands steering the Wizengamot, your influence will be unparalleled. Imagine the possibilities, my Lord" She said softly, eyes almost shining with calculated desire. "Alliances strengthened, enemies vanquished, and the Black family restored to its former glory."

She paused, letting her words sink in before continuing, her eyes unwavering. "And yet, power alone is not enough. It requires finesse, persuasion, the ability to sway hearts and minds. A skill at which you know I excel at, I might add." She said, without a shred of humility.

Sirius knew her worth, it's why he'd asked her for her price to truly be a part of this. To join him in his transformative quest in turning the Ministry of Magic into something useful.

She was leading up to something, something he just now realized she'd been leading up to since the moment he began utilizing her as his sounding board.

Sirius' expression remained impassive, while inwardly he was feeling thrown, a flicker of understanding flashing through his eyes as he thought it over, parsing what she was leaving unsaid. "Are you suggesting...?" He asked, trailing off, not able to say the words.

Narcissa inclined her head ever so slightly, her smile widening just the slightest of a fraction, smugly. "I am suggesting that our interests align, my Lord. That together, we can ensure the prosperity of our families for generations to come. All it requires is a... personal touch." The last was so delicately delivered that someone uninitiated might have missed the meaning of it.

As the implications of her words hung in the air, Narcissa watched Sirius closely, waiting for his response. Her arms moved in a way that enhanced her bust in a movement that was surely purely accidental.

Sirius for once was lost completely. It wasn't enough to have Isabella Zabini proposition him apparently. To have to, at the same time, deal with the confluence of events like this. He had begun admiring cousin Cissy a bit more than he should, and then suddenly she ends up offering a more personal hand in their relationship, in return for the Malfoy's ascending with him.

Ensuring personally that he would not want to cut them out at the end, that he would not turn to another family for support.

She couldn't be that calculating? Could she? To have planned this from the start... All those times he'd found his eyes drawn to her, his thoughts straying to her as she outshone the rest of the family, helping him more with each day going by. Consistently managing to draw his attention to her looks, despite the fact of their relation.

... In retrospect he'd been a fool. Of course she'd seen the situation she was in - and moved to ensure she was indispensable. And now she was just moving in to solidify the alliance - to ensure Sirius was completely dependent on her.

"Narcissa... Ask for something else." He managed to say, disbelief warring with affront. That she thought to use him like this.

Even then, his mind couldn't help but picture it, and he felt a spike of desire.

As pleasant as it might be, despite the connotations, it was also getting into bed with a snake. And the fact Lucius no doubt approved of this plan, seeing the good of his house... It made Sirius sick, even as he couldn't stop picturing it.

He was one step away from becoming exactly the kind of pureblood they all were. A whole bunch of incestuous braggarts with no brains.

Narcissa smiled enigmatically, brushing a lock of platinum blonde hair away from her face, "I'm afraid this is my price." She murmured, not at all looking apologetic.

Sirius thought she was deluded if she thought she could control him through his cock, but then again, she'd led him straight to here, so perhaps she was confident for a reason.

"Get out..." He said, fists clenching.

She rose as perfectly composed as she'd been the entire time, bowing her head slightly, her smile growing, "Until you call for me, my Lord." She said as a farewell, slowly exiting his office.

Sirius put his head in his hands, I wanted help with one duplicitous woman, and now I find myself besieged by two!

What was the best path forward?

The simple fact was, in the entire family, no one was as useful and skilled for his cause, then Narcissa.

Technically the price was cheap.

He'd expected magical oaths, promises to the Malfoy family on land, money or favors. This was cheap.

Which ultimately was also a trap.

Did knowing it was a trap make it likelier Sirius could simply spring it and walk away fine? He needed a drink...

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The next day.

In the depths of the Black townhouse, in a place where shadows danced and secrets whispered - if you were to believe his family anyway... In reality the depths of the townhouse weren't so secret, although it was definitely dark. Personally Sirius just thought it was terribly dusty and dirty, even with Kreacher's efforts to clean up the townhouse.

Although it certainly was extra dark, he'd give them that. The family did excel in being gloomy and depressing above all else. Further proof that his family came from a long line of edgy teenagers that just never grew out of the phase.

He'd decided to engage in one of the best stress relief actions that existed that did not need to involve women.


The dueling chamber down here hadn't been high on the priority list for any kind of cleaning, especially with the set of wards on it making it a location not touched carelessly. It hadn't even been touched as the Black ladies went through the home, sweeping through in a whirlwind of re-decorative frenzy.

Probably due to memories Narcissa had of being forced to face Bellatrix down here... How anyone had expected that to end well he didn't know.

Hidden within the depths of the ancient Black townhouse it lurked, the chamber unlike any other - the Dueling Room, a room that almost felt alive at times. Sirius had always found it very dark and foreboding from what memories he retained from his time as a child; he knew it bore witness to centuries of magical combat, its walls echoing with the whispers of spells long cast and battles long fought, and of death.

Without a doubt it had been soaked in the lifeblood of members of the Black family who'd dodged just a sliver too slowly. The Black family was not one to coddle children back in the old days.

Centuries ago when children were plentiful, it wasn't odd in the darker families to pit some of them against each other at a young age so only the strong blood would survive. Something not publicly known any longer, Sirius had found it in the Lord's archives of past Lord Blacks.

Thankfully his own parents hadn't gone quite that far, but Sirius had still held a dose of healthy fear and respect for the heavily warded chamber and its ominous ambience.

As Sirius and Remus stepped into the room, they were enveloped by an oppressive darkness, broken only by the flickering light of sputtering torches that lined the walls. As Lord Black, he had inspected the ward schemes and found that the torches had been specifically designed to be ominously flickering, instead of letting you actually... You know... See what you're doing.

The air inside was heavy with the scent of old parchment and dried blood, a lingering reminder of the duels that had taken place within its confines - dear Bella had spilled a lot of family blood here as she practiced and perfected her viciousness, thankfully not Sirius'.

The room itself seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, the very stones imbued with dark magic thanks to centuries of blood and toil. Tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of death and destruction, their colors faded and their edges frayed with age - clearly for effect, as the preservation charms were immaculate. The floor was etched with intricate runes and symbols, at least to Sirius's eyes. He knew Remus couldn't see them, they were for the Lord Black only.

It was probably his imagination that they appeared to thrum in time with his own heartbeat.

Yeah, probably, right?

The center of the chamber held a raised platform, its surface scarred and pitted from countless duels, not even the repair charms built upon blood rituals of the past able to keep the surface pristine through some of the harsher spells thrown across the centuries.. A single obsidian pedestal stood upon it, its surface polished to a mirror-like sheen.

The control station for the wards.

It would sink into the floor after the parameters were set, the room adaptable to a certain extent, even able to factor in windy or icy conditions and such.

It also had the ability to ward against lethal spells bar the unforgivables, not that most Black lords ever bothered with that unless they were dueling.

Needless to say, even though he doubted Remus was out to kill him, Sirius would be engaging the wards to prevent lethal spells from doing as much damage.

"Ready to lose?" Sirius asked darkly, having some unresolved tensions to let loose.

Remus chuckled nervously, "I haven't exactly kept up the practice." He admitted, glancing around the magic saturated room nervously.

Sirius raised an eyebrow sardonically, "Probably more than I did in Azkaban." He pointed out, stepping up onto the platform.

As Sirius and Remus took their positions, the room seemed to come alive with a malevolent energy. Shadows danced along the walls, twisting and writhing in a way that was obviously spelled out for effect, bloody drama queens the whole lot of Black ancestors, Sirius thought. The torches flickered and dimmed even further, casting long, ominous shadows that seemed to reach out for them with grasping fingers.

If nothing else he'd have to say his ancestors did go full in on the whole darkside aesthetic. It was a pity he wasn't going to go Dark Lord, his family would make good interior decorators for the really evil.

Sirius and Remus stood facing each other in the dimly lit chamber, magic swirling around them, just in anticipation. Their wands were drawn, held loosely at the ready, eyes locked in determination and a slight hint of nervousness.

Remus no doubt expected some more punishment for his betrayal to be eked out, and in Sirius case, he was beyond rusty, with a body that still didn't feel 100 percent, so he felt a hint of nerves as well. But he probably hid it better than Remus did.

"Ready, Moony?" Sirius grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes, trying to lighten the mood and wash away some of the nervousness in his friend.

Even if they were still far from what they were in the originals life.

Remus nodded, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips at the familiar banter. "Always, Padfoot."

With a flick of his wand, Sirius sent a jet of red sparks that exploded into fireworks soaring through the air, only to be met with a swift counter from Remus, a cascade of blue light weaving a shield between them.

The explosions dimmed and then completely snuffed out as the shield bubbled up and swallowed them in, suppressing them.

"That's new." Sirius commented, trying to catch Remus with a dirty twofer, sending a dangerous bone breaking hex at his arm, while immediately beginning to transfigure his shoes, with his attention hopefully drawn to either his words or his bone breaking hex.

"A little something I worked on abroad." Remus said, face coming more alive as he swayed out of the way of the bone breaker, easily undoing his transfiguration, while sending a silvery spell his way that Sirius had no idea what it was.

In precaution he both shielded and dodged to the side, which turned out to be wise, as the spell smashed his shield to pieces, going on to cratering the wall, the repair magic immediately beginning to fix the damage.

Sirius let out a barking laugh, "Hah! Got some bite to you still huh?"

The room crackled with energy as they moved, each spell cast with precision and skill. Spells collided and deflected, filling the room with bursts of light and echoing laughter. They danced around each other, weaving intricate patterns with their wands. If there was rust as they both had thought, it wasn't apparent as they kept pushing each other further and further into more dangerous magicks.

Delving into the kind of stuff they'd used in the war, when their lives were on the line and they were facing ruthless Death Eaters.

Sirius quickly realized he wouldn't be giving Remus quite the spanking he'd imagined, but felt exhilarated all the same.

An equal would push him better. Force him to evolve his fighting skills, completely shake off the rust and become someone that could hold the Minister's position.

By force if necessary.

His eager grin was bathed in shadow and light as spells flashed by,

It was the most alive he'd felt since he got out of Azkaban.

Likely also the most untroubled. There were no complications with women, no politics, no old men obsessed with chickens or prophesied children.

Just fighting, sweating, living. ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

After a shower, he'd retired to his office again, working through parchment work, as he awaited the arrival of his grandfather.

His mind was churning with plans to secure the support of three houses in particular in the Wizengamot. Essential to ensuring he'd get enough votes to get past Bagnold's stooge.

He'd need more, of course. But these three were all important in different manners, essential really to give him an in with other houses after. Purebloods who wouldn't dream of allying with him until he'd already shown that he could get the backing of these more neutral houses.

For a given part of neutrality since two of them regularly voted in alignment with the dark faction.

Greengrass, Shafiq, and Selwyn were all needed in the upcoming election. These were crucial alliances, ones that could make or break his bid for the Wizengamot. But convincing these influential families to side with him would require a deft touch and careful negotiation.

He could make it without gaining all of them, although it would necessitate some careful maneuvering, but if all three aligned against him, it would make things very difficult without support he didn't think he'd be able to gather easily.

He heard his grandfather before he saw him, the old man muttering under his breath as he shuffled into the office. He was displeased in general nowadays, something Sirius tended to just ignore to get shit done.

"Arcturus," Sirius called out, nodding respectfully, "Do you need a moment, a drink?" He offered, eager to get started, but well aware how prickly certain members of his family were. Especially this one.

"I'm fine, we'd best just get started, the Wizengamot is slipping through your fingers, and we can't dillydally." Arcturus muttered with rancor. Just as displeased as Sirius with how slowly the Wizengamot was warming up to the idea of a Black Minister.

"We need to devise a way to win over Greengrass." Sirius stated succinctly, looking at several of the parchments strewn across his desk, "They hold considerable sway in the wizarding world, at least with the neutrals and independents, and their support could be the key to our success."

The problem was - that they knew it...

Arcturus, ever the cantankerous old man, scowled at the mention of Greengrass. "Ah, yes, House Greengrass," He muttered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "A bunch of self-important prigs who wouldn't know a good idea if it slapped them in the face."

Sirius barely suppressed a sigh. Very helpful, grandfather... He knew his grandfather's disdain for the Greengrass family ran deep, but he also knew that their support was vital if he wanted to emerge victorious in the election.

It wasn't even for any real damning reason, Sirius knew. Arcturus simply despised people who sat on the fence, never siding with anyone completely.

"We need to appeal to their sense of self-preservation," Sirius said, trying to keep the frustration of dealing with his grandfather, and the pureblood elite, out of his voice. "Show them that aligning themselves with us is the smartest move they could make."

Arcturus snorted derisively. "Ha! And how do you propose we do that, boy? Offer them a lifetime supply of gillyweed?"

Sirius' eyes burned, "Do not call me boy, again." He warned, calling on the family magic, the feeling in the room growing oppressive. "Be of some assistance, or be gone." He said coldly.

He allowed a certain measure of disrespect and sullenness, but he would not be talked down to. If he gave a finger, his family would take everything up until the elbow.

Arcturus looked like he'd swallowed his tongue, but he nodded stiffly, not the first time he'd needed the reminder, and it would not be the last, Sirius was sure.

At times, they could speak more familiarly, but not here, not while doing this. Polticia and business required respect and obedience. Or his family would again get the idea that they could follow their ideas of what was right.

Sirius resisted the urge to call Narcissa for advice instead. For all that she'd likely be better, he still hadn't made up his mind about her, the duel with Remus only enough to take off the edge of his irritation. "We need to demonstrate that our vision for the future aligns with theirs, even if just a little," He said, feeling distasteful at even entertaining the idea of sacrificing part of his corruption clean up to allow them their slice. For now. "Emphasize our shared goals and values, and show them that together, we can achieve great things."

The problem was in convincing them of that in a way that didn't offer more than Bagnold could - without losing out to Bagnold.

He needed some of these people onboard, but if he offered too much, to too many. He'd be stuck, unable to do anything due to his many ties binding him.

It was fine to offer a little leeway to some houses. If it meant he could clean up the rest, and eventually have the power to force even those allies into a justice based society.

Arcturus grunted in response, clearly unimpressed with the idea, for all that he likely knew it was necessary. "Fine, fine," He muttered, waving a dismissive hand. "But mark my words, Sirius, those Greengrasses are a fickle bunch."

Sirius grimaced, well aware of their penchant to flip flop massively, based on what the best offer was in the Wizengamot that month. Finding a way to corral them would be difficult - unless he married one of them....

Sirius turned his attention to House Shafiq for now, they'd get back to a more detailed plan for the Greengrasses once they'd gone through everything. With the Shafiq's vast wealth and influence, they were a formidable ally, one whose support could greatly bolster his chances of success. Not really for their money however...

Sirius had plenty of that. It was their status as a more aloof and neutral house. One who usually didn't step into the fight between dark and light. One that therefore held a lot of sway over all factions as a truly neutral house.

Getting them onboard would bring him more than a half a dozen votes alone.

"Arcturus, what do you know of the Shafiq's," Sirius asked, turning the issue over in his head, "Their reputation could be what pushes us over the top, but convincing them to join forces with us won't be easy." More like it will be like wrestling a mountain troll with both hands tied behind your back, he thought irritably.

Arcturus snorted. "Ah, yes, the Shafiqs," he said, his voice laced with disdain. "A bunch of money-grubbing opportunists who wouldn't know loyalty if it bit them on the arse."

Sirius clenched his jaw, trying to ignore his grandfather's caustic remarks. I'm this close to just hexing him, is he trying to be purposefully unhelpful? "I think we need to appeal to their ambition or greed," He said, forging ahead. "They must want something, everyone desires something, even someone neutral."

The reason he was asking instead of just forging ahead, was that he needed someone with experience, like Arcturus or Narcissa. He did not have enough knowledge on the players, and although he was catching up with his reading, it wasn't personal knowledge.

These were the kinds of people - were making the wrong move could send them into Bagnold's arms for free - out of spite. He needed them, and he needed his own allies to take this shit seriously!

Arcturus grudgingly nodded his head, "I know someone who regularly deals with them, I can set up a meeting, clandestinely."

Sirius resisted the urge to snap finally! Instead, he took a deep breath and continued. "We need to find out an angle, something they would want," He said. "Something that can't just be replicated by Bagnold, because we'll lose a game of upmanship with her in regular matters."

Arcturus fell deep in thought, brow furrowed. Sirius went back to his parchment work as he let the old man think.

Finally, he spoke up slowly, "If I don't misremember... There was some sort of kerfuffle about fifty years back, some law the Shafiq's were outraged that it got repealed."

Sirius perked up, "Can you remember what it was?"

Arcturus shook his head slowly, "I can find out, but I only remember it because I was amused over how pissy those cowards were for ages."

Of course... Sirius thought, shaking his head. His grandfather the political genius... How he got anything done while hating every other house - he had no idea.

Perhaps Voldemort had not had a hand in ruining the Black house after all, Arcturus simply pissed off everyone else.

"Why haven't Bagnold already promised them to fix that I wonder..." Sirius mused out loud.

Arcturus rubbed his chin with a gnarled hand, "Because it would lose her support elsewhere." He intuned.

Sirius tapped his desk with his headship ring, "We need to find out why, if it's only her already locked in supporters she fears losing, or is it more broad?"

Because if it was something that would lose him ten houses to gain one, it was easy math, no matter their support, the Shafiq family did not bring ten votes by themselves, even with their allies.

"I'll find out." Arcturus promised, before pointing at him, "And forget the Selwyns, I can see their sigil from here amongst your parchmentwork, they'll never go for it." He cautioned, "They won't be persuaded no matter what you offer."

Sirius peered at him suspiciously, having already had several almost pleasant conversations with Lord Selwyn. Despite him being a dark house. He took it with a grain of salt of course, because you could never take anything for face value with purebloods like that. "Are you sure?" He asked, to clarify.

Arcturus smiled grimly, "I killed their last Lord, trust me, Sirius, I'm sure."

"Well... That's one sure vote for Bagnold's puppet then." Sirius admitted, sighing deeply.

Selwyn was a longshot anyway, someone he'd added due to their small positive interactions lately. He'd be able to bring some members of their faction that was currently outside Lucius sphere, so it would have been worth a run at it.

With Dumbledore on his side, he'd decided enough votes from the light to have an honest shot at the seat. With Lucius' assistance, he furthered his hold, but this was not years in the future, where the likes of Lucius Malfoy practically ran the Wizengamot and Ministry. His reach was smaller.

Likewise Dumbledore, due to his more informal approach, had several defectors in his following, bought by Bagnold. The old man could probably sway them back, but Sirius would have to convince him to put in that effort, beyond what their current deal had already laid out.

With what he had, he was close, oh so close. But Bagnold was still ahead. He could outbribe her in money anyday, but she was buying votes in laws.

If Sirius promised the same, he'd never be able to maneuver around the Wizengamot, hamstrung by promises that made them more powerful, and laws that made the corruption and malaise of the wizarding world worse.

So he couldn't follow her approach, hence why she actually had the lead.

The public was on his side, his campaign resonating much more with them than the puppets. But while he had that lead, Bagnold had the Wizengamot backing Fudge.

Just a few more steps...

Which brought him back to another neutral vote holder...

Isabella Zabini. Who held on to more than one vote thanks to her inheritance from her ex-husbands.

It all kept coming back to it, marriage would buy him the Minister's seat in all likelihood. But at what cost.

And was the risk in trying to bargain with Greengrass and Shafiq worth it?

If he failed, if they went with Bagnold and he didn't get Isabella onboard...

He'd lost.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Sirius office, Black townhouse, the next day.

Narcissa's eyes gleamed in satisfaction as she walked in, no doubt fully aware that he'd only called her here to accept, because the truth was that he needed her. He'd just have to keep in mind that he would always have to look out for what angle the Malfoy's were looking towards.

He wasn't entirely opposed to them profiting from his rise, as long as they stayed in their corner, and didn't get too greedy... He'd hate to have to put his favorite cousin down.

Lucius of course he wouldn't mind ending anyday, especially for being willing to use his wife, Sirius cousin - like this.

It took a special kind of douchebag to send their wife to kneel before another man for political favor.

His ambitions made him the same, because Merlin damn it, he was accepting the deal. It sickened him at the same time as it made his pulse race.

To truly thrive within the filth of upper society, he'd need to immerse himself in it, it seemed. Or maybe that was just the excuse he was giving himself.

A smug smile tugged at the corners of Narcissa's lips as she seemed to sense his weary acceptance, his tacit agreement to her plan for a union of sorts. With a subtle shift of her posture, she exuded an aura of confidence and allure, a silent declaration of victory.

"I have come as you've ordered, my Lord," she purred, her voice low and melodious, laced with just a hint of satisfaction. "I'm pleased to see that you agree with embracing all avenues of connections and influence..." Her smile grew slightly more sensual as she added, "I'm sure we can add the delightful Lady Zabini with just a few conditions..."

As she spoke, Narcissa leaned forward ever so slightly, her movements graceful and deliberate, drawing Sirius' gaze like a moth to a flame. He could feel the tension in the air, thick with anticipation and desire, as they danced on the edge of something forbidden - yet irresistible.

Technically, he wasn't really Sirius, so what was the harm?

Yet in the back of his mind, he knew to keep on guard. He would not be led around by his cock, a puppet minister dancing to the tunes of a woman's wiles.

With a flick of her hair, she stepped forward, into his space as she brushed her fingertips lightly against Sirius' arm, a subtle gesture of intimacy that spoke volumes. "I look forward to working closely with you, Sirius, in more ways than one." She said leadingly, becoming more familiar, dropping the deferential my Lord.

Sirius watched her calmly, letting nothing show other than a flicker of desire. This would be a dangerous game to play.

For Narcissa Black was not just a player in the game of politics – she was a master strategist, a temptress in the shadows, wielding her beauty and charm like a weapon to achieve her ambitions - or her husband's... And as she stood there, basking in the glow of her triumph, exuding smugness, he knew that the road ahead would be dangerous, but he was more than ready to stand up the challenge.

He would not fail, he would not falter, she would not fool him. He'd use her, as she used him, and he'd come out on top. There was no other outcome.

As her family head, he didn't have to worry about her poisoning him, not that kind of poison anyway, no she'd be much subtler... Trying to infect him with her and her husband's views, trying to manage him into their ideal.

As Narcissa made to step away, gracefully, ready to depart with her victory secured, Sirius' hand shot out, halting her in her tracks. His gaze, intense and commanding, locked onto hers, a silent challenge passing between them.

"Narcissa," He said, his voice low and authoritative, "Before you go, there's something you need to understand. In this alliance... I am the one in charge... I make the decisions, I set the terms. And if you're going to be a part of this, you'll do things my way." You don't get to walk away smugly, thinking you're in charge here, Cissy...

She might have gotten what she wanted, but Sirius would not let her think for one moment that she controlled this alliance.

Narcissa's eyes widened slightly, a slow smile spread across her lips, a mixture of excitement and anticipation dancing in her eyes.

"Of course, Sirius," She replied, her voice a sultry purr, "I wouldn't have it any other way." Obvious lie, but she's a terrific actress, Sirius thought.

With a subtle shift of her body, she leaned closer to him, her breath mingling with his in the charged atmosphere between them. She could no doubt feel the heat of his gaze, his hunger let loose through her machinations. She couldn't miss the raw power radiating from him like a tangible force as he impressed his will - and all the power behind him as the Black Lord in his sanctum, and it clearly sent shivers down her spine, the most honest reaction he'd seen from her yet.

"I've held myself back, kept myself civil, confined myself to the expectations of others," Sirius spoke, with power behind it, his voice a low rumble, "Now, with you by my side, I feel... liberated. Together, we will reshape the wizarding world in our image, and nothing will stand in our way!"

Narcissa wasn't the only one playing a game here.

He'd show her the power she could experience by his side, and begin twisting her away from Lucius, already having the advantage of her strong family loyalty.

He placed his hand tightly around her wrist, pulling her flush against him, holding onto her, feeling Narcissa's heart racing with exhilaration as she listened to Sirius' words, her pulse not able to hide, like her expression could.

He wanted her to feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of standing by his side as they carved out their place in history. With every word, every gesture, Sirius planned to assert his dominance, knowing that it was bred into pureblood women to be attracted to such strength.

She'd surprised him, when she'd alluded to what game she was really playing. He was starting from behind - but he intended to win.

"Very well, Sirius," She said, her voice a husky whisper, "Lead the way. I'm yours to command." The shiver that went through her body, even she couldn't hide, as Sirius allowed his superior magic in this Black sanctum press in on her, caress her, make her feel like she's drowning in power.

She had made one mistake in her seduction.

Picking his office as the location.

His seat of power. The place in the world where he was the most powerful, and had the most


As Sirius's hand tightened around hers, a silent vow passed between them, sealing their alliance in blood and desire. They weren't just allies, but partners in crime, bound together by ambition and passion, ready to conquer whatever obstacles lay in their path.

Blushing slightly, beginning to feel the effects of Sirius' power, Narcissa attempted to retreat, managing to step away, because Sirius briefly allowed it, allowing the small chance for a reprieve.

No doubt she realized now that she had misstepped, had counted on him being hesitant about the family angle, on being sour about her forced deal.

She hadn't expected him to be fully willing after thinking