Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 159 - Chapter 6: The Announcement part 1

Chapter 159 - Chapter 6: The Announcement part 1

This is unacceptable!" Sirius slammed his fist down on his desk, showcasing his anger, while still doing his best to keep a lid on it, knowing losing his cool completely served no purpose. 

Again and again he'd attempted to take over the majority shares of the Daily Prophet, the national paper who by design was controlled by a wide variety of owners to prevent any single actor from having control of it. 

Not everyone in the magical world was a moron. In the hands of anyone but Sirius, he agreed. No one should have a majority stake of the paper. That's likely how Fudge got away with so much in regards to the Prophet - with Malfoy and Briarwood backing him with the paper with their combined shares. 

With Pollux having flubbed his only job - by having the news spread ahead of him of their efforts. Sirius continued to fail at getting the majority that could be so crucial going forward. Too many shares were held by Briarwood and Malfoy combined for him to break through on his own. 

The two of them holding so many shares combined was proof of the Briarwoods having found a good niche to begin with (Sirius had suspicions on how they'd gotten their shares) - likely why they'd suffered no real harm in the war, they weren't needed as combatants. 

The Briarwoods were unfortunately unusually competent at avoiding him. Even with the hair he'd stolen from the only Hogwarts age family member - and therefore the only one of them available to his reach - he'd still failed to locate them. 

And he couldn't try again, the ritual he'd used had hit some very strong family wards - despite the ritual being designed to be able to locate anything, his fault for not using blood, he supposed, the strongest medium. But bloodletting a Hogwarts student was a step too far for him.

He had to keep some set of ethics and standards lest he becomes what he's setting out to depose. 

Either way, the next day, after the ritual, the girl was pulled from Hogwarts, so even if he changed his mind he no longer had that recourse. The Briarwoods obviously intended to completely turtle up behind family wards and hold on to their shares with everything they got. 

No doubt counting on them for protection if Voldemort rose again. That they'd be able to ride out another war if it happened.

They weren't noble or ancient enough to matter enough in national politics, not rich enough to bribe their way forward like Malfoy, at least not for very long. Their shares were their line to the powerful - their influence in pushing the news in a particular direction. 

If he'd had the chance to meet them face to face, perhaps he'd be able to change their minds, but that avenue was lost. 

With how determinedly they were avoiding him… They were likely a lost cause now. Sirius would not resort to kidnapping or anything like that, not that he'd be able to get to them now anyway… The Briarwoods were an outlier in the magical world, keeping to themselves to the point of paranoia, their family manor not on record - he'd checked. 

He was almost wondering if Moody was related to the family at this point…

They had no one working in the Ministry, in fact, none of their family members seemed to go anywhere into public work after leaving Hogwarts. They were a remarkably insular family in an already insular pureblood world. 

Where other families threw balls and events - the Briarwoods remained aloof. 

It was deeply frustrating. 

"... Well…" Sirius sighed deeply, patting the table lightly where he'd slammed it, "No use in crying over spilled potion." He did his best to shed his anger, it wouldn't serve him here. He'd work it out in the training room after, blow shit up, his mother's ancient plate collection did make for wonderful shooting practice. 

Especially when he could cast a reparo and just do it again, and again, and again.

Pollux and Cygnus were both sitting across from his desk, both had looked distinctly uncomfortable while Sirius had been lost in thought and they breathed visibly easier when Sirius did not waste time in recriminations after his minor explosion of temper. 

"Pollux, keep an ear out for them, but drop any more efforts to push them out, it's a waste of galleons at this point." Sirius ordered, tapping his ring twice at the edge of the desk, a reminder to himself to focus. 

He couldn't do anything to change the outcome, so his anger was useless and would only continue to exacerbate the situation with the fools in front of him. 

Pollux scowled, but nodded shortly to show he'd heard and understood the order, "It will be done as you say," He hesitated for a moment, and Sirius held back on rolling his eyes, waving a hand to tell his maternal grandfather to get on with it, "Would you like me to leave an open line of communication with the Shafiq family? Their niece is arranged to marry the Briarwood spare."

Sirius saw no harm in at least leaving a fishing line in the water, "Fine, but Pollux, no heavy handedness from now on, just let them know we'd like to talk, that's it." He warned, making sure to impress the seriousness of his request. The last thing he needed was for the Shafiq's to have a reason to complain about his family's actions. 

There was an alarmingly sophisticated level of opposition beginning to form amongst the families on the Wizengamot, he could see it brewing, and he didn't need to add the Shafiq's to the enemy camp. Their neutrality would work as well for him as them following him, anything but opposition. He needed to tread carefully around the neutrals. 

They were practically wed to the status quo, a ridiculous idea, but one he couldn't prod too heavily until he was already in power, and even then, very carefully.

Bagnold was a known enemy, but this, this wasn't just her - it was too well done. The Briarwoods as well, their defenses were up too quick, it could be nothing, but it could also mean collusion. But with who?

Cygnus, who's frailty and follower mindset had left Sirius with no choice but to keep him out of anything important, wet his lips slowly, before speaking up haltingly, "Sirius…Lord Black…I…" He stopped for a moment as both Sirius and Pollux turned their attention to him. 

Truly, he was only in the meeting because he'd been with Pollux when Sirius had called Pollux over the floo and it would have been rude to exclude him.

"Is it something important or can it wait, Cygnus?" Sirius asked sharply, not willing to offer much respect to the weak willed puppet of his Mother. 

He'd been adrift at sea since her banishment, not doing much of anything now that he lacked someone telling him what to think. 

"Malfoy still has enough shares that our combined strength would…" Cygnus trailed off again, his weak chin wobbly as he faltered at Sirius glare. 

"We will not allow Lucius Malfoy that level of influence into our doings." Sirius said slowly and pointedly, as if speaking to a toddler that had made a mess, "He'd use anything he'd gain against us in a heartbeat - if he wasn't selling the information to our enemies the entire time…"

Cygnus somehow found the strength to weakly protest, "But…B-but it would give you what you wanted Sirius…"

Even Pollux was giving Cygnus a look now, as Sirius pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. His fortune for competent underlings… Damnit Andromeda! You should be here! "Drinking a poisoned rejuvenation potion because it's also good for you, is not a solution, Cygnus!" He would have lambasted the man further, but Kreacher appeared at the door, bowing silently, waiting for permission to speak. 

"Yes, Kreacher, what is it?" Sirius asked, forcibly calming his tone, the house elf did not need to pay for his frustration in dealing with lackwits. 

"Master, there is a guest begging for your attention at the front entrance." Kreacher grumbled with distaste. 

New clothes and a new respectful outlook towards him, did not suddenly change Kreacher's entire personality. Sirius knew immediately that whoever was coming knocking was not a pureblood. 

Which left very few people who knew enough about Grimmauld place to arrive at his door. It wasn't impossible, but the wards and the fact the Black's neverinvited anyone lesser to the place - ensured it was not well known, nor easy to find for the uninitiated. 

"Who do they claim to be?" Sirius asked, dread building in his gut, he had a feeling already…

"Remus Lupin, sir." Kreacher said, sniffing, his beady eyes full of judgment, "He is a half-breed, Kreacher can smellit." He warned, which was much more than he would have gotten not that long ago from the surly elf. 

"Damn." Sirius said quietly, closing his eyes. 

"Let him in."

He so didn't want to deal with this today…

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Remus shifted on his feet, the front entrance of the Black townhouse was saturated with magic and it had a foreboding feeling to it. Making him feel unwanted. 

Or perhaps that was his own feelings coming out, ahead of this reunion. All the regret, self loathing, and grief - tangling with the small starved kernel of hope inside of him. That little nugget that insisted he travel back to England. That he try, to pay for his mistakes. His failures. 

That he at least should try to make amends for his absolute dereliction of duty to the Marauders memory, to James and Lily, to Sirius - most of all. 

He'd never looked for Sirius trial, never attempted to attend it, never tried to ask him why? Never wondered why he wasn't called as a witness - which he now knew was because there was no trial. He'd been lost in his grief. Losing James and Lily… Then losing Peter and learning he'd also lost Sirius - in a different manner, in a way that tore out his heart and ground it to ash. Sirius had betrayed them. 

Or so he'd thought. What a fool he'd been. How could he not have done at least something to verify the truth.

Remus had left England and hadn't looked back for even one second - he ran, abandoning what was left of his pack. Harry would be better left to someone who wasn't such a complete failure he'd thought. Someone that hadn't buried all his family, his friends. Because what was Azkaban other than a different sized tomb?

Even when hating Sirius, Remus had mourned him the same. Had blamed himself for not spotting any signs of him turning on them, for not doing enough to keep him loyal.

Remus could barely remember the last two years, he'd barely allowed himself to think, finding temporary hard labor work - and working until he dropped from exhaustion - so he could avoid thinking, avoid dreaming, avoid remembering.

And then, the news. Remus barely paid attention to magical news, earning most of his pay in the muggle world, traveling from place to place, earning his keep, but never staying long enough to get attached to anyone. To risk them during his transformations. To risk being found out. 

To risk pausing enough that he'd have time to think or feel. 

But the news had been too big and it had rippled across the magical world and it had been all over the papers - even in Croatia, where he'd been at the time. It had ripped the heart Remus wasn't sure he'd even still had - in twain, yet again. 

Because he'd failed more than he could have ever imagined. Padfoot was innocent. He hadn't done it. Of course he hadn't! How could Remus have ever believed it? Sirius and James were inseparable, how could he have been so foolish, so stupid as to believe it. 

It had never made any sense! Why had he accepted it!?

Remus had let James and Lily die. And then he'd let Sirius rot in Azkaban. Had venerated Peter's memory - the traitor. He could feel hatred burning in his veins at the thought of him, the one behind all their suffering… Him, he could kill and not even lose a minute of sleep for..

He hadn't thought he could be a bigger failure. And now, the news had proved him wrong. He'd failed Sirius. He imagined James, wherever his soul rested, hated him now, he'd betrayed everything the Marauders stood for. The brotherhood. He'd abandoned pack. 

But… That small kernel of hope. It drew Remus here. He had to try. Had to make amends. Had to see for himself that Sirius was okay. Even if he hated him. Even if he wanted Remus dead. 

Is he going to let me in? He thought, shifting his feet again, the elf had been gone some time now, after sneering at him and muttering under his breath for Remus to not defecate on the steps. 

Charming fellow… Remus remembered Sirius stories of the Black townhouse elf, he'd never quite believed them, and he wondered now how Sirius must feel having to live with him. To be back here… The place of his nightmares. 

And there I go on a tangent in my mind again. He nervously straightened his clean but well worn robes, feeling his apprehension grow the longer he was left waiting. Was Sirius planning to deny him entry? Refuse to see him? 

He certainly had the right, Remus would not begrudge him for turning him away. 

Before he could make up his mind on knocking again, the door swung open on its own. The elf standing inside the hallway gave him a gimlet stare as he waved his hand for Remus to enter. 

Here goes nothing… Remus thought, taking a deep breath, before he entered into the home of the Blacks. 

He half expected he'd never leave it. 

He was okay with that. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Sirius kept his face blank as Remus Lupin was led into his office. He'd dismissed Cygnus and Pollux, the last thing he wanted was an audience for this. He had half of a plan in place, but he'd probably never be fully ready for this conversation. 

Kreacher gave a last bow in his direction, before popping away. Leaving the two Marauders alone in the office, both studying each other in silence. 

Sirius had aged in Azkaban, there was no doubt about it, but he had nothing on Remus, who looked like he'd aged a decade in the last two plus years. His robes were more threadbare than usual, hinting that the man wasn't even bothering to put his sewing skills to test, let alone the more magical means to repair clothing. He'd just given up on trying, if Sirius was to hazard a guess. 

Depression… Well, he, if anyone, had a reason for it. 

Sirius silently gestured to an armchair in the corner of the room, situated there for more intimate conversations, a small nook with comfortable chairs and small tables to keep your alcohol on. A humidor for cigars built into the table and an ancient wizarding chess platform off to the side, the pieces themselves older than anyone now alive. 

According to Arcturus, no one in the family ever used it anymore, the pieces so old and curmudgeonly that they played the same game over and over again and refused direction from snot nosed brats. 

Sirius had already placed a bottle of Ogden's finest on the table when Kreacher had gone to fetch Remus. (Heh, fetch.) 

Once they got over this awkwardness and loathing, Sirius would have to remember that one and make Kreacher play fetch with Remus at some point. 

Once Remus was seated, he himself sunk down heavily in the chair opposite his, reaching over and opening the bottle of fire whiskey, swigging some straight from the bottle, enjoying the burn going down his throat - there was no need to keep his lordly persona with Remus. He wiped his mouth and then he put his elbows on his knees, fire whiskey bottle dangling from his fingers as he finally broke the silence, "Bit late, aren't you, Moony?" He drawled sarcastically, before taking another deep swig of the bottle. 

He purposely avoided indulging too much most days, filling the gaping hole inside him with alcohol was just a bad idea in general. But this kind of meeting was really something he needed to be drunk for. It also warmed him up, which helped beat the chill that never really left his bones. 

Azkaban had done a number on him, no matter what treatment he received - there would likely always be some effect left. 

Remus' eyes were suspiciously shiny as he bowed his head, speaking softly, "Very late, I failed you, I believed you were the one that betrayed James and Lily, I can never make amends for that, for failing to stand by a brother, but I'm here anyway, late as it is." His hand was shaking as it scratched at a stubbled cheek, "We all failed you, but I, I should have known better!"

He almost howled out the last part, wolf and human in perfect agreement for one of the few times Sirius had ever seen. As far as he could remember anyway. 

Sirius grimaced, the plain honesty in that just pissed him off, he wanted to be angrier, to rip into his old friend, but it was hard to truly feel it. He didn't hold as much against Remus as he did the people like Dumbledore - who could have gotten him a trial, should have gotten him a trial. But he also wasn't about to count on a guy who's reaction to anything was to either bury his head in sand or run away. Not truly count on him, not without assurances.

"I believed it was you who was the traitor, so we're even there." Sirius said with a toothy grin, but it was no smile, far from it, "It did hurt just a tad to be dragged off to Azkaban though,"He said with casualness he didn't feel, "Always wondering, is today the day my friend is coming to see me? To ask for my trial? To ask me why? Anything?"

Sirius might already be primed to let Remus back in his life, but he wasn't going to make it easy. For all that, he didn't blame him too harshly either, because they'd all been idiots. They should have just sat down together with cups of Veritaserum dosed water the moment Dumbledore had warned them of a spy and taken care of any suspicions.

They'd been young and dumb and in a war. He couldn't fault Remus for not being perfect. Just for running after, instead of standing by his mate. He was still going to make the git feel it before he even thought to forgive him though…

Remus sunk deeper into his chair, ducking his head, the lines on his face seemingly deepening as he sunk into himself, regret practically wafting off him, "There's nothing I can say to make it better." He said hoarsely, "I'm sorry, Padfoot, I'm so so sorry I wasn't there." He cried out. 

"Padfoot, eh?" Sirius barked, a short nasty laugh following, "Like old times?" He asked, accusingly. He leaned forward, teeth bared, "You see Remus, I don't remember old times that well, something to do with the Dementor outside my cell sucking every single damn memory of that time out of my head in a slow neverending agony, as my body froze to death inch by inch as the dark magic seeped into the very bones of Azkaban pressed in, devouring everything that was me." 

Sirius felt slightly detached as he watched tears running out of Remus' eyes as the werewolf cut himself in anger and sorrow, so hard was he pressing his fingernails into his thighs as he listened with horror at his story. 

As with everything else lately, this was not a wholly emotional tirade from Sirius. He was mad at Remus, but also… He couldn't remember much of Hogwarts, and no one would sniff that out better than Remus, he wasn't the whole soul of the old Sirius Black, but with this… This excuse… Remus Lupin would not find it odd that Sirius Black had some holes in his knowledge. 

He'd known he'd return one day. He couldn't miss the news, he would come, for one reason or another.

It felt so disingenuous to have crafted part of his response to Remus showing up. But he couldn't afford a loose variable like an old best friend. Especially one so close to Dumbledore. 

For good reason. Sirius did not, like perhaps so many in a fandom once had, blame Remus for all of his shortcomings. Well, not too much… He was still a coward in some ways. But Remus had been allowed to enter Hogwarts thanks to Albus Dumbledore, to get a life, more than most Werewolves could dream of, so no, he didn't blame him for being loyal. 

He himself didn't really see himself as a parent figure for Harry, so he could hardly blame the werewolf for running away from that responsibility. Although once he was at Hogwarts, that's where the cowardice struck and made him useless once again. 

His loyalty to Dumbledore even further entrenched by then, his help to Harry, minimal. 

But Sirius couldn't afford that loyalty, not for the world he envisioned. So, he needed this meeting to go as he wanted it to, or he needed to cut the wolf loose. Therefore he'd crafted his responses in advance, even utilizing Narcissa as a critical outside perspective. Well, some of them, he couldn't predict all of Remus actions or words, so he was improvising slightly too. 

It didn't make him a good man, but it was necessary, he couldn't let Remus in and have him cut and run when it got too hard, not ever again. And with this, Remus could join him again, could see Harry, could have a life. All it would cost him was betraying the man who gave him a life to begin with. 

Sirius didn't really see it as a betrayal this time, Dumbledore had betrayed the Marauders first. 

"I can't even imagine, I deserved to be in there instead of you." Remus moaned, looking shattered. Knowing more than most about Dementors, he was likely imagining horrors even beyond what Sirius had described so far. 

At least he wasn't apologizing again, Sirius detested them, empty words, meaningless. So easy to discard the moment things changed. The likes of Dumbledore loved apologies, never doing anything to change the outcome, just spouting words. No different than modern day politicians and their sayings of thoughts and prayers - instead of actual actions.

Words meant nothing without action to back them up. Too many people failed to realize it. 

Sirius scoffed, drawing his old friend's wet eyes to his, "No one deserves that place, it needs to be destroyed." He said bluntly, watching for a reaction.

Out of all of them, Remus had been the most hesitant for any truly unlawful actions. 

What little Sirius remembered from school showed that he himself had not been far off from becoming something much worse.

"I heard you were kissed. Read about it." Remus said quietly, his whole body tense, the words coming out after a few moments where they just sat in tense silence, watching each other. "If anyone knows that Azkaban needs destruction it's you, Sirius. If I can help, I will."

Sirius was still getting good press from his little statement at the end of his trial, surviving a Dementors kiss and claiming magic itself chose to protect him? A genius stroke that was still paying dividends. 

"You can't afford to help me, you don't have the protection I do, you'd be destroyed immediately without anyone in your corner if you were found to be even thinking about destroying Azkaban. Sirius said with derision, but his sharp eyes watched the werewolf. 

Remus met his eyes, he showed Sirius, without any compunction - the pain and sorrow in them, "I've abandoned my friends before, I won't again. Even if it kills me." It was final, and utterly seriously said. 

Sirius could almost believe it. "Nice sentiment, but Dumbledore would never allow for any push against the status quo, and your loyalty is there, no?" He prodded, taking another messy swig of fire whiskey. 

Remus looked pained, even as the wrinkles on his face seemed to clear slightly the longer Sirius talked to him, the longer he went without kicking him out. "Dumbledore helped me, that is true, I owe him a lot." Remus admitted, before turning hard yet warm eyes on Sirius, a tremulous smile on his worn face, "But I won't make the mistake of not choosing my friend, my brother, not ever again."

Sirius scoffed at the heartfelt declaration, but inwardly he felt it, felt kinship reignited, like a part of him that was missing was slotted back in. He reached over, and handed Remus the fire whiskey as a gesture, the werewolf clutching it like a lifeline, lip wobbling slightly as his emotions threatened to take over. 

"I can't afford to trust like that. Not anymore, I can't even remember half the bloody shite we used to do, I remember us being friends, if we can manage that..." Sirius warned looking away from his friend, tacitly giving a small measure of forgiveness with one hand, as he laid down conditions with the other. 

"I'll do anything, Padfoot, I have to make it up to you, to Lily and James, to little Harry. I have to repay my failures." Remus begged, holding the bottle of fire whiskey with hopeful desperation. 

"An unbreakable vow, Remus, of no betrayal, it's the only thing I can trust right now." Sirius warned, wondering if he was laying it out too soon in the conversation. 

He hadn't really thought Remus would be back for months yet, he hadn't planned his whole response out, had only begun to troubleshoot different avenues of coercion with Narcissa lately. 

Without even the slightest hesitation, Remus replied immediately, "I'll do it."

His eyes were burning with determination, not a slightest hint of hesitation in him. 

The wolf had not completely broken down yet, not like he would over a decade still to go - to the mild mannered coward who couldn't even talk to Harry, it seemed Remus could still surprise him. 

Sirius couldn't hide a pleased smile as he called for Kreacher, he'd need to get someone over here as a binder, but all in all. 

He'd gotten exactly what he wanted out of this meeting. 

An old friend, and someone he could work with that he could trust, magic itself ensuring he wouldn't betray Sirius. He wouldn't run away this time. 

He still held complicated feelings on the matter, part of him loved the idiot, part of him hated him, on some level he also understood him, making it all a jumble of emotions he didn't want to deal with, so he showed it in the back and concentrated on managing his old friend. 

It would not be an easy road ahead - but Remus would make the perfect devil's advocate for him, and would literally be the angel on his shoulder ensuring Sirius didn't take a step too far, as well. 

It was nice when things worked out. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Sirius woke up to a thunderous noise, his head pounding, his mouth dry as the desert, as he tried to get out of bed to deal with whatever beast was bothering him so early. The action failed as he tumbled to the floor out of the armchair he had fallen asleep in, not his bed. 

Why wasn't he in his bed?

"Ow." He muttered, as he blinked blearily, looking up at an unimpressed Narcissa, wand in hand, the originator of his pain. 

"I can see your knickers from down here." Sirius said cheekily, albeit more weakly than his usual fare, refusing to completely back down from being caught having gone on a bender. 

Also nice, witches had access to the nicest things…

Narcissa didn't move an inch, looking down at him with a perfectly manicured eyebrow raised and an unimpressed look on her face, "I'm not that kind of cousin, cousin." She said dryly, tapping her wand her hip. 

Showed what she knew, almost all purebloods were exactly that kind of cousin. 

"A shame, Lucius won the lottery getting both a Black and getting you, Cissy." Sirius muttered, laying his head back on the floor, he wasn't ready to get up yet, not until the Nundu's stopped stampeding across his skull. 

Narcissa harrumphed, but she sounded pleased. Too pleased. Sirius opened an eye, peering up at her suspiciously, "What's got you so pleased this early, Cissy?" He asked, for the first time not glancing under her dress, actually fully focused on her face.

Narcissa smiled sweetly, "Well, as we are speaking of my Lucius, he'll be arriving for your meeting soon, as scheduled." She said pleasantly. Her grin was a little sharper than usual too. 

The bitch was actually upset he'd forgotten the particulars of the schedule she'd drawn up, wasn't she?

Sirius groaned as forced himself into a seated position, grasping his head with one hand, "That's not until lunchtime… I think?" He protested, wincing as his own loud tone reverberated in his head. 

"It's almost lunch time, Lord Black. Your… revel must have distracted you from such things as timekeeping and your schedule." Narcissa pointed out, lips twitching slightly, as she took in Sirius' state. His crumpled robes and bloodshot eyes. "I'm sure you'll give a great impression." She mocked lightly. 

Sirius looked over at the armchairs, spotting almost a dozen bottles of different liquors, and no Remus. "What happened?" He asked, grasping the armchair for leverage to force himself into a standing position, glad that he managed it without upchucking. 

If he did that in front of Cissy, he might have to actually consider killing himself, or everything.

"Your… Guest, showed more sense than you, according to Kreacher he passed out in a guest room around 4 am, while you continued for hours still on your own." Narcissa stated clinically, looking over the bottles, "I'm surprised you didn't need medical attention with that amount of alcohol." She pursed her lips slightly, shaking her head, "Should I consider getting you an attendant, my lord? Someone to look after you?" She teased, albeit in her own way. 

Sirius didn't find it very funny, so obviously she wasn't very good at it yet. 

Sirius groaned again, "How long do I have until your husband darkens my hall, Cissy?" He asked, voice raspy. He remembered… Singing? That can't be right. He doesn't sing. 

Narcissa smirked, "Oh, about half an hour, my lord." She looked very smug about it too. 

Fucking hell… "Kreacher!" Sirius called out, wincing as his elf popped into the room. Before he would hear any recrimination from his servant, he fired away some orders, "Clean up this mess, prepare my third fanciest robes, because I'm not bringing out the best for that peacock!" He said with a look at an amused Narcissa, "And get me some toast and a glass of orange juice in the bathroom, I need a shower and a shave immediately." 

Kreacher nodded his tiny head, ears flopping about, "Yes master, Kreacher will clean up after master." The elf said, giving him a reproachful look. 

"You don't say anything." Sirius warned Narcissa, a finger pointing at her accusingly, as he tried to regain some dignity from being found black out drunk. 

Narcissa's eyes glittered with repressed mirth as she regally nodded her head, sweeping out of the room before Sirius. He grimaced, no doubt Lucius would hear all about it before the meeting. 

Why in Merlin's name had he gotten that drunk? 

Must be Remus' fault. 

He certainly wouldn't have done it on his own. 

That's it, Remus was just a bad influence on him. Just like their school days.