Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 160 - Chapter 6: The Announcement part 2

Chapter 160 - Chapter 6: The Announcement part 2

Sirius was ready in record time, even managing to down a pain reliever potion with his breakfast/lunch, and most importantly, he kept it all down. 

His office was cleaned up and Sirius was sitting at his desk, mostly hale and ready for this meeting, Narcissa escorting her husband through the town house. Kreacher followed them to ensure there were no little spells slipped through. 

He doubted the Malfoy's would be that crass though, Narcissa would be well aware of the dangers of the wards here. 

Sirius held those wards tightly, he didn't expect treachery from the Malfoy's, they were the kind to only do so in the moment most advantageous to them, and this wasn't it. This was Lucius sounding Sirius out, to see if they could come to an understanding of sorts. 

Sirius wouldn't hold his breath. The most they might agree to was using each other for a moment. 

… Not that way!

He liked Narcissa well enough. But she was family, Lucius wasn't. And he only marginally trusted her because family magic was keeping her from just blurting out any family secrets to Lucius. He did not trust Lucius one bit, and he very much doubted he'd ever like him. 

He was well aware of the kind of scum he was. Death Eater. Murderer and worse. He could claim aristocracy all he wanted, he was a thug in a fancy robe beneath it all, beneath the sophisticated layers. 

Soon enough the wait was over, Lucius Malfoy appearing in his doorway, Narcissa stepping back with just a light last touch on his shoulder, and a look at Sirius that he couldn't quite decipher. 

Perhaps it was a please don't kill each other look? Which was ridiculous. Lucius couldn't kill him in his own home. 

"Lord Black." Lucius Malfoy said coldly, with a - barely above rude - nod of his head, as he strode into his office, his pimp cane in hand, like Sirius, Lucius was pointedly not wearing his best. 

It was going to be that kind of meeting. Neither of the two of them were the kind to give an inch, unless they had to, and neither of them liked the other very much. Or at all to be frank. Circumstances made for strange bedfellows…

And he really needed to stop making euphemisms about himself and Lucy in bed, or he really was going to vomit and he'd never survive the embarrassment, Sirius thought to himself. Letting none of it show on his face as he studied his cousin's husband.

Sirius was fairly certain Lucius would like to meet him in a dark alleyway someday just as much as Sirius would love the same opportunity. Decide things with their wands instead of this polite facade. 

Although sometime in the future obviously, Sirius didn't make it a habit to fight unwinnable fights after all, and unfortunately, his time in Azkaban and his fragmented memory - did not make him a match for Lucius Malfoy in a duel, not yet

"Lord Malfoy." Sirius acknowledged the dangerous man, gesturing for the seat in front of his desk, not bothering to bow his head, this was his seat of power, and his family was leagues above Malfoy anyway. 

As Arcturus was fond of muttering when he thought Sirius couldn't hear it, they were upjumped Frenchmen. Only useful for their money and connections. 

Unfortunately, that made them a lot more useful than most of the Blacks, in Sirius's opinion. Narcissa was the most useful of them all, and she had obvious divided loyalties, for all that she said she was loyal to him.

Sirius knew love well enough to not believe that. If the option was Draco or the Black family, Narcissa would slit his throat with a smile, never looking back. It's the main reason he dealt with her inside his seat of power. And why he was dealing with Lucius at all instead of just burning any connection. 

Family. What can you do? Plotting their murder is too complicated, getting their assistance leads to nothing but plotting their murder. It was a vicious circle. 

"My congratulations on your decisive handling of your trial and the aftermath, Lord Black." Lucius said, sitting down, cold eyes meeting Sirius's own. Assessing him, looking for any weakness. 

"Thank you, I believe I owe you a small amount of thanks as well, Lord Malfoy, for attempting to stand up for me during said trial." Sirius said politely. Assessing him in turn, looking for a chink in the armor, a way to slither in and out-slytherin the snake. 

Lucius smiled, but there was no mirth to be found in it, "They overstepped, I simply protected all of our kith and kins interests." He demurred. 

Sirius was well aware of who was considered part of that interest. He smiled back equally as chilly, "Your son, Draco, I believe? He is well? Narcissa does mention him quite often." He asked, for politeness sake, he certainly didn't caremuch about the brat. 

Not more than for ensuring he was never a threat to the little shits life, to ensure Narcissa didn't go after him, he needed her at least somewhat on his side. 

But this was a dance between pureblood lords that simply had to happen before any business could be discussed. Tradition. They were all so endlessly trapped and bound in it - and so was Sirius, for now. 

"He is well." Lucius said, with a proud tilt of his head, his whole posture radiating it. "And you, Lord Black? I trust your family has taken well to your return?"

Sirius smiled, tapping his ring on his desk twice, "It's been going as smoothly as such a reunion can go, lord Malfoy."

Malfoy was no doubt aware of his mother's disappearance, even if Narcissa was bound to not talk. He was too intelligent not to have sussed it out, if not the details, then the general matter. 

And on it continued, small talk, recent sporting events, ministry gossip, twenty minutes of pointless dross just to be able to speak freely. A hold over from ancient times when such talk was necessary to see if anyone was dying from poison or a curse before the meeting began in earnest. All in all, Sirius was lucky, it used to go on for hours. 

Trust magicals to invent pointless time wasting small talk to avoid wasting time in the meeting itself - in case half its participants dropped dead in the middle. One of those pointless exercises they'd kept even though it was no longer necessary. They could have just… Stopped murdering each other during meetings, but that apparently was too much to ask for. 

Magic must remove common sense in people. He thought idly, as he continued inane small talk with the Death Eater. Both of them were bored out of their minds. But this was the business of Lords meeting outside the Ministry, where such pretenses could be dropped for efficiency. Not that they always were…

Finally, Sirius felt politeness had run its course, even Lucius beginning to look something other than prideful and cold. 

"Your wife seems to think we could work together, Lord Malfoy. I have my misgivings, but I have an open mind." Sirius said slowly, gauging the other man's reaction. 

Lucius simply raised an eyebrow, eerily reminiscent of Narcissa, before speaking. "That would depend entirely on what exactly you are setting out to do, Lord Black." 

This fucker… Sirius knew that he knewwhat Sirius was after. But he wanted it from Sirius' mouth in case he'd reveal something he didn't know. "The Ministry. I want it, Lucius." He said succinctly, dropping the titles. Refusing to expand too deeply on what he wanted. 

There, try and read something more into that you snob! Sirius thought viciously, not at all happy to even have this meeting, but knowing he needed to at least have a somewhat cordial relationship to keep Narcissa useful. 

Lucius smiled sardonically, "So nothing much then, Lord Black." He murmured, stroking his pimp cane. 

Sirius was well aware his wand was inside the cane, and he kept a tight leash on the wards in case the man was utterly foolish. He doubted it, but he wouldn't take risks, not with a Death Eater. 

"I am not necessarily opposed to such an idea." Lucius said thoughtfully, his face still impassive and unemotional as he appeared to think it over, "If we had some common goals…"

Sirius smiled dangerously, "And what goals would those be? Because certain things will receive a response, Lucius…" 

Lucius sighed, patting the snake motif head of his cane, "Not as onerous as you no doubt have imagined, Lord Black." He said in a dismissive tone, "You know as well as I do that a certain concession to our way of life is necessary for anyone to become the Minister. If you are against this, then I can not in good conscience assist you."

Sirius knew exactly what he meant by that. The privilege and loopholes meant to ensure that the Lords of the ancient families and the lesser purebloods - all got an easier ride when it came to everything. 

That was exactly what Sirius was running to destroy. Not that he could ever publicly say so or he'd doom his attempt. "I'm willing to negotiate at some level, but all of the excesses allowed by the previous administration will not be allowed." He said reluctantly, and before Lucius could even try a rebuttal he spread his hands out, indicating himself, "As seen in my case, the law is not fully working as it should even in the cases of those of the highest standing."

He'd use that excuse and run with it, negotiate some kind of deal he could live with. For now. 

Lucius paused momentarily, allowing a small agreeing nod, "Negotiation then," He said, "Tell me, what do you have in mind?"

Sirius wished he didn't have a hangover right now, this was going to be rough. At least it wasn't Narcissa, Lucius might be tough, but Narcissa was vicious.

"Let's start with the law as it pertains to this situation, considering my own mockery of a trial." He began.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Sirius had never been happier to see a man leave than he was to see Lucius Malfoy step out of Grimmauld place. The man missed his calling as a snake oil salesman. 

"Was that Lucius Malfoy?" A hesitant voice asked, coming up from behind him. 

Sirius sighed, glancing back at Remus with a grimace on his face, "The one and only… Merlin, I think I preferred it when he threw Avadas whenever we'd run into each other." He joked, not entirely dishonestly either. 

Killing each other was certainly easier than talking about laws and traditions and the more distasteful parts of pureblood society. 

Remus silently offered Sirius his cup of hot chocolate, making Sirius perk up slightly, a twist of his lip coming unbidden, "Everything's better with chocolate, right, Moony?" He said lightly, in no headspace to have any serious conversation after the last few hours. 

Remus smiled softly, "Yeah, it definitely is." He said, no judgment on his face and no questions on what he was doing with Lucius Malfoy. Their own detente was too fresh. 

Sirius felt his spirit lighten slightly, no doubt there would be questions later at some point anyway, but this, this was nice. He'd lacked just the support of someone fully on his side. His family didn't really count. They were too old, racist and set in their ways to fully agree with Sirius. They just followed because they were bred to follow the lord.

Or in Arcturus' case, because he had no other option.

He took a sip of the hot chocolate, and then grimaced, "Remus… Did Kreacher make this for you?" He asked, a sliver of amusement shining through, even as he tried not to gag. 

Remus furrowed his brow, looking from the cup to Sirius face, confused, "Yes…?" He said slowly. 

"That explains it then." Sirius said, a wave of his wand banishing the crime of nature in a cup. "I haven't ordered him to treat you like a member of the family yet." I got drunk instead… That could have ended up a lot worse…

Remus followed him down the hallway, "Sirius? What was in that cuppa? Sirius… Padfoot!?" 

Sirius whistled innocently as he continued on his way, he'd have to call Kreacher when he was alone and make sure the elf didn't do it again. How did he even manage to make a cup of hot chocolate taste like silver anyway?

He was a dangerous little bugger. Destroying the locket was probably the smartest thing Sirius had done since arriving here. 

Being killed by a house elf would be too embarrassing. 

No pureblood would take them seriously ever again. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

"Cornelius Fudge has announced his candidacy, I smell Bagnold all over it, Fudge wouldn't dare run against you in this climate without her backing." Arcturus said, folding the Daily Prophet up, a sliver of distaste in his voice. 

Bagnold had gone from sometimes ally to absolutely hated in the old man's mind after the hit job of a trial concluded. 

Sirius was nice enough to not remind the old man he'd supported Bagnold in that farce until his innocence was proven. 

"I want to say he's not a threat, because he's a ridiculous little goblin of a man, but unfortunately I know better." Sirius said, making a face as he slowly worked his way through breakfast. The amount of potions he was still taking sometimes made it all a chore. 

He'd gotten hell from his healer for missing one day when he'd been blackout drunk. 

Not to mention the tirade he'd gotten when he'd stupidly admitted why he'd missed his doses. 

He needed to remember he was a politician now, he should stop telling the truth so much.

"Fudge is a bottom feeder." Arcturus agreed with a grunt, "But as a counterweight to your progressiveoutlook," He said, with visible distaste on his face, as didn't agree with most of what Sirius wanted. "He's the perfect candidate for the view of keeping it as it is - something which has a large following…" 

And wasn't that the perfect description of the wizarding world… Sirius thought with disgust. 

"If that's a hint, grandfather, then no, I'm still not changing anything." Sirius pointed out dryly, "My campaign will be somewhat unorthodox that is true, but I have Dumbledore, Crouch Sr and others like them with a lot of backing in my corner - it should even it out."

Dumbledore alone would bring Sirius at least thirty percent of the public vote just because. Not as helpful in the Wizengamot, as his faction was likely to vote his way anyway. 

"You need to announce it soon. You can't let Fudge and Bagnold steal the march." Arcturus said grumpily, the man getting grouchier for everyday now, Sirius plans becoming clearer to the old man the more blocks that were put in place for the foundation of it 

Their arguments about it were useful for Sirius as practice, as the things Arcturus had an issue with and argued against - was exactly what other blood obsessed purebloods would argue against. 

"I'll set something up with Narcissa." Sirius agreed, frowning minutely, it was unfortunate that his opponent declared first, but it was his own fault for delaying so long because of his attempts to gain control over the prophet. 

Speaking off… "I need you to do something for me." He said, putting aside the empty potions vials, glaring at the solitary one left, deciding it could wait until he was finished, "I need you to go sit on Barnabas Cuffe for me."

Arcturus glared balefully at him, "I'm not an errand boy, send Pollux or Cygnus." He demanded, sending a dark sneer at the paper he'd deposited on the table. 

Barnabas Cuffe was the editor of the Daily Prophet, Sirius could not get majority control, but he still held the most sizable single share. "I need you, Pollux and Cygnus are both blunt objects and in the second case, a brittle one. They won't be able to ride herd on the Prophet for me." Sirius explained bluntly. 

Narcissa and Cassiopeia were both more useful in what they were already doing. And unfortunately to most, witches weren't as threatening as old lords. 

A ridiculous notion, all the scariest people he knew were witches. Lily had scared him more than Voldemort at times. Voldemort would just torture or kill you. Lily would go for the jubblies. Sirius had never even heard of a castration hex until her. 

Arcturus glared at him bitterly, a gnarled hand slapping the table in utter frustration, because he knew Sirius was right. "Cuffe is an ignoramus and holds no respect for anything outside of a galleon. Without majority control there's only so much I can do." He pointed out acerbically. 

Sirius nodded, well aware of it, he sliced up his black pudding, taking a slow bite as he stared down his irate paternal grandfather. 

Finally when he was done chewing, and letting Arcturus steam, he answered, "You're not there to control him, you're there to steer him, there's a difference. Manage the stories, we can't control it all, but we can direct them, whether through money, or threats of the Black family or repercussions from a new Minister if he moves too obviously against us."

"Fudge and Bagnold will make the same threat." Arcturus said, resigned to his new task, but not going down easily. 

Sirius shrugged, "So what? Manage him, grandfather, keep it equal at the very least. Between Fudge and myself, if we're equal in press - I'll still come out on top." Sirius could definitely outcharm that bumbling buffoon when it came to the general populace. 

Arcturus muttered something under his breath, but under Sirius stern gaze, he finally nodded his head, looking pained, "Fine, I'll do as you ask, I suppose I am the most suited to deal with this matter delicately."

Sirius would allow the man his delusions if it got the job done. Other than Narcissa, there wasn't a delicate bone in the family. Arcturus wasn't quite a bull in a china shop level, but he wasn't that far off sometimes. His old age and ailments have made him crankier, leaving him to forego some of the more tedious social constructs. 

If he couldn't control the Prophet, then at the very least he needed to manage to make them neutral, or as neutral as anything in the magical world could be. With neither him nor his enemies with a clear majority, they'd make the editor dance between them. 

Barnabas Cuffe's job was about to become a lot more difficult. Sirius would almost pity him.

If he wasn't in charge of a muck rack of a paper anyway - that wouldn't qualify for the news part of a newspaper anywhere else in the world. 

He needed to institute some media laws at some point, they were just ridiculously under regulated. It was good for now that they only answered to the almighty galleon, but not so good for once Sirius was done reforming and giving the reins over. 

Before they could move on to another item on the agenda, Kreacher popped into the room, an envelope on a silver platter for him.

Rolling his eyes at the ridiculousness of the delivery - although likely something beaten into the elf's head since he was born - Sirius sent every detection spell he knew at the envelope, and only after it was all clear, did he take it. It paid to be very careful nowadays. The wards should stop anything iffy from coming through, but it didn't hurt to double-check.

"Expensive velium for a simple envelope… Someone's trying to get your attention." Arcturus noted, eying the envelope as Sirius opened it, taking out the no less expensive letter inside, the sender had even gone to the trouble to artfully decorate the borders of the letter. And it reeked of perfume to boot. 

So it begins… He thought, grimacing, handing the letter off to his grandfather after giving it a quick read. 

Sirius had known this would happen. And to think, he hadn't even announced his intentions yet, that would surely worsen the situation. 

Arcturus snorted in amusement, having finished the letter. "Are you going to reply?" He asked, chortling to himself. 

Sirius sent him a disgusted look, "No! What's wrong with them, a betrothal contract is one thing, however crass to send it without prior notice - but to add a love letter from a girl half my age…" Sirius would not ally with these kinds of people. 

He hoped to god the parents had written the letter sight unseen from the girl, and that this wasn't the kind of thing young pureblood girls actually did nowadays. She was too young for him, and for that, and for anything to do with this at all!

The magical world was in desperate need for reform. He didn't care if it was traditional, it was wrong. 

The sooner he tore it down, the better.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Several days later found Sirius attending a ball at Bones manor, his goal set for the night, as he had leveraged his relevance to be the most valued guest of the party. 

He had an ulterior motive to be here of course, one that would no doubt end up irking the good Amelia Bones in the end, so he ensured he was the perfect guest until his moment to shine. 

Unlike most pureblood events, Amelia Bones held hers out of necessity more than any real wish to hold one - so it was much more low key and intimate then the usual extravagant balls that purebloods favored. 

The food was exquisite of course, but this was definitely an event meant for dancing and socializing more than politicizing. Amelia's distaste for trading favors was well known. 

Sirius had taken advantage to charm as many people as he could, as Amelia watched him like a hawk from a distance, obviously not trusting his intentions. 

She was a scarily good copper really. 

Sirius had just taken a break from a gathering of minor purebloods who'd been fairly easy to talk to for once, more interested in dueling and Quidditch than anything to do with the Ministry. He'd availed himself of some truly amazing aperitifs from the buffet style tables at the edges of the large banquet hall the ball was held in - when he was waylaid by a dainty hand stopping him in his tracks. 

"The infamous Lord Black, all by his lonesome, can I perhaps steal a moment of your time?" The woman purred, as Sirius found his gaze drawn from her slender olive toned arm, to a gorgeous woman in a backless black evening gown that barely held her bountiful curvy body in, her exotic mediterranean beauty known across Britain.

As much desired as she was feared. 

"Mrs Zabini." Sirius said smoothly, bending down to grasp her hand, kissing it softly, getting a throaty appreciative hum in return. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Isabella Zabini smiled, parting perfect full lips as she spoke with a slight accent, "It's miss Zabini now I'm afraid, my Lord." Her gaze was almost hypnotic as she put a certain distinction at the end of her sentence, "You may call me Isabella, a man such as yourself fascinates me so, I simply must get to know you better, my Lord."

Sirius grinned easily, taking her arm in his as they took a circuitous route around the dancing couples of the dance floor, "Then you may of course address me as Sirius, Isabella." He said gallantly. Playing along. 

If she was after another rich husband, she was going to be disappointed. Yet, it could be more, after all, anyone seeing the black widow with him would suspect just that and stop paying attention. It's the perfect cover for a clandestine meeting. 

Isabella led him into an alcove, turning around to look up at him with doe-like eyes and pouty lips; if Sirius didn't know better, he'd have believed she was as innocent as she appeared. Her hand returned to his chest, lightly stroking it as she breathed in deeply, intentionally, her bust straining with the deep breath and drawing attention, the cut of the dress not leaving much to the imagination.

Sirius felt his mood lessen, how annoying. It truly was as it seemed. Simply an attempt at seduction. "Was there anything in particular you wanted to meet me for, my lady?" He asked, more to get this over with then any interest now that her intentions were known. 

For anyone else, he'd be interested to play, he still had time for a beautiful woman after all, but not here and now, and not with her. 

Isabella quirked her lips, fingers lightly tapping his chest, "Well yes, everyone knows about your suave ways of course, we witches do read witch weekly, after all." She said with a teasing little laugh, her eyes glinting dangerously. "But what about the man underneath, I confess, I find myself…" She breathed in deeply again, meeting his eyes, "Fascinated…"

Before Sirius could answer and politely let the dangerous woman down, they were interrupted by the host. Amelia Bones herself entering their alcove, a sardonic smile on her lips, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." She said drolly. 

Sirius felt a sense of relief at the timely interruption, he wouldn't need to risk making the woman an enemy by turning her down. Her beauty was extraordinary, but sleeping with a black widow… Had consequences that merited caution. "Not at all, Amelia," He said easily, giving her a thankful smile, "Isabella and I were just getting to know each other."

Isabella smoothed out her expression and smiled pleasantly enough at their host, if you ignored her stormy eyes, "Thank you for inviting me, Lady Bones, I must admit I've been… Pleasantly surprised at the quality of your guests." Her eyes slid to Sirius, a pleased smile appearing on her face as she noticed him watching her. 

"It's a surprise to me as well, Lady Zabini, as I don't remember inviting you." Amelia said dryly, ignoring the woman after that to focus on Sirius. "What are you up to, Black?" She asked bluntly, eyes narrowed. 

Isabella made her excuses, shrinking back slightly from the serious expression of the head of the DMLE. Sirius watched her go with enjoyment. Just because it would be mad to actually touch her, didn't mean she painted a bleak picture walking away. 

"Oh, just enjoying the party." Sirius said with a wink in Amelia's direction. 

"I wasn't born yesterday, Black." Amelia pointed out, crossing her arms and raising an imperious eyebrow, waiting for a better explanation. 

"Maybe I was just picking up a date." Sirius joked, nodding his head to the Lady Zabini who was making for the exit, hands clasped around the elbow of an older gentleman that she'd likely seduced to get into the party. 

All to get at him, because he's rarely been seen in public. What a precocious man-eater she was. 

And interesting that she'd known he'd be here… Simple guesswork, or more? He'd have to look into it. 

Amelia scoffed, not changing her posture one bit, "You are not foolish enough to sink into that woman's claws." 

"Maybe not, but what a way to go." Sirius winked at her again, laughing at her serious expression. "Oh, lighten up, Amelia, it's a party!"

"Yes. It's my party in fact. Which means I don't want any unknown factor messing it up and giving me more of a headache than organizing this waste of time already was." She said with a hint of bite to her tone. 

Sirius hummed thoughtfully, rubbing his chin, it seemed Amelia Bones the head of the DMLE for some reason thought he was up to no good. 

Like he said… She's one hell of a copper. Hopefully she won't be too mad at him. She'll understand… After she's calmed down. Probably. 

He'd ask Moody to do him a solid and talk her down. He owed him anyway. And he's used to losing body parts. 

"I have a solution to this conundrum." He said dramatically, sliding his wand out of his sleeve, winking at the frowning Amelia who already managed to match him, her own wand in her hand, although slightly pointed away from him, so far. 

Sirius cast a non verbal sonorus on himself, stepping out of the alcove. Amelia following him with an expression of a woman that's contemplating just stunning him, and wondering if it was worth the parchment work. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, what a party we have on our hands tonight! A splendid location and terrific food and dancing, Lady Bones has truly outdone herself." Sirius said cheerfully, drawing a light applause from partygoers as they turned their attention to him. 

Several guests looked hungry as they noticed it was him. Sirius really needed to find himself someone, or a fake someone at the very least. 

"As my good friend Lady Bones deigned to invite me to this splendid ball, I thought it only right that I took this time to speak out on a matter of great importance!" He continued, taking on a more serious tone. 

"Our great nation is at a precipice, teetering at the edge of losing our supreme status amongst the many nations of the world, stuck in a rut of incompetence and corruption. It is time for a new voice, one with the ancient history to know what is right, behind them."

Sirius let his small speech settle amongst the crowd of purebloods and ministry officials. His smile grew toothy as he spotted Bagnold in the back, face white and her countenance seething. Her little puppet Fudge next to her looking uneasy, both knowing exactly what was coming. 

Sirius had chosen this party partly because they'd be here after all. The second reason was because of Amelia. The perception alone would benefit him, if she didn't kill him. 

"I, Lord Sirius Orion Black of the ancient and noble house of Black, Magic's own chosen one, will run for the position of Minister of Magic, and I will once again make this nation the greatest on earth, may Merlin be my witness!" 

Now it begins, my time, my rise!

No, Sirius and Lucius are not best buds now, more like allies of convenience. And no, the shares for the Daily Prophet weren't even broached by Sirius. He wouldn't be willing to pay what Malfoy would want for them and he knows it. 

Narcissa is between both families here, not an envious position, but for a pureblood lady raised on intrigue? She's probably having the time of her life. Being a housewife at Malfoy Manor can't be too much fun after all. 

I'm not going to be making Remus quite the milquetoast person he was in HP canon. Or to me he appeared as such anyways. Here he hasn't had over a decade to completely lose whatever bite he still had from the war. 

Obviously he's still full of guilt and self loathing though. 

Amelia might be a tad bit upset now. Sirius will have to buy her something nice.