Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 151 - Chapter 2: Sirius Siriusly Tiring Day. part 1

Chapter 151 - Chapter 2: Sirius Siriusly Tiring Day. part 1

Courtroom Ten, Ministry of Magic.

He wished he could end the day at this point, and simply say - and thus the trial had ended and Sirius Black got a nice well deserved shower, with a hot meal, ( accompanied by a blonde curvy woman optional, but certainly a welcome and thoughtful bonus.) And no fucks were given and no one bothered him for the rest of the day.

But the day wasn't over yet… And things could never be that easy.

The climax of the trial had been immensely satisfying to Sirius. Especially as he had the front row seat to the very panicked Peter Pettigrew practically pissing himself, (Sirius was going to remember the abbreviation PPPPH for a while… Maybe have it embroidered on a pillow for the lavatory, even.) as the attention was briefly brought onto Peter himself, once everyone calmed down a smidge from finding out Sirius was completely innocent. ( Well… In the legalmeaning of the word, perhaps.) The squirrely man's eyes almost bugged out of his head as the visitors gallery started chanting, "KISS, KISS, KISS!" Stomping their feet, the sound reverberating around the chamber. It was deafening and absolutely hurt Sirius's tired head, but oh was it ever satisfying!

Sirius gave out a barking laugh at that chorus, giving the rat a cheery little wave, drawing his attention to him. Peter was pleading with his eyes, his body still frozen in whatever spell Moody had caught him in - as well as completely chained down. Showing once and for all that the traitor really just was that mentally slow - begging Sirius for assistance? Really? He'd have had better luck asking Ol' Voldy himself for a hummer upon joining up, then getting anything from Sirius.

Sirius grinned darkly, drawing a thumb across his jugular, chuckling to himself as the rat's eyes started rolling around in his head - pure fear wafting of him. Sirius might not have received as many benefits in his transformation as Peter had - but he could still smell the stench of a coward just fine - not that he needed a better sense of smell to pick that up from the sniveling little Death Muncher. He was honestly glad that the Wizengamot was unlikely to sentence the little shite to a Dementor's kiss. Suffering in Azkaban would do so much better as proper revenge. Certainly better than the original's attempt to simply kill the man.

That would have been too easy. A too clean end for his absolute betrayal of James and Lily, and his betrayal of Sirius! Oh, and Harry too, he supposed. He had some mixed feelings there, but he'd have to step in, it was only right.

He might have objections to Azkaban's continued existence, partly through experience and partly through being a somewhat decent human who doesn't agree with endless torture, but while it was still there, it would make a nice new home for his old friend.

Yes… As long as the Dementors still existed. Sirius would make sure the rat had a nice stay with them. His hatred for the dark creatures' existence did not preclude him from making use of them - until he could find a way to rid the world of them.

And he would find a way.

He was pragmatic like that. Flexible. Not like these ridiculous light and dark side morons who only worked in absolutes. Who wouldn't step over the line to the other side to get what needed doing, done.

It would be foolish sentiment to not use what was there because you disliked it. Use it, find a way to get rid of it if you could, certainly. But to simply avoid it because it made you uncomfortable - that was the way of a coward.

And Sirius Black had never been a coward.

"C'mon laddie, your part in this is over, let's get you somewhere a bit quieter and have a dram, aye?" Moody said heavily, placing a strong calloused hand on Sirius's shoulder. "Before the vultures swoop down…" The senior Auror growled lowly, both eyes searching the chamber. Sirius followed his gaze to the press gallery, and then to the empty seat which had held his grandfather.

In fact there were several empty seats, those with the sense to realize nothing more would happen at this point, just pageantry. Perhaps it proved the insanity of the Ministry as a whole that only a few seats gaped empty. Those few with common sense or no stomach for pointless bullshit.

He cracked his neck, giving one last hard glare at the sniveling Pettigrew. "Fine, I doubt they'll give me the pleasure of seeing the sentencing of the traitor today anyway…" The Wizengamot did not deal well with change - or decide anything with speed, usually. Nor did anyone in the wizarding world, really. He doubted they'd suddenly opt for it now. He gave one last look at an ashen faced Bagnold trying to desperately babble her way through some sort of excuse with the people from the wireless. With the trial having being broadcast - they'd schedule Pettigrew for another day. No one wanted any more surprises.

No one knew how much Pettigrew knew. Shit, Sirius didn't know how much he knew, how long he'd been a spy... The Death Eaters - sorry, respected members of society, must be shitting themselves right about now. Wondering what could be teased out with some Veritaserum.

Merlin damn it all… Sirius would have to actually protect the shite, or he'd be found to have conveniently hung himself in his cell by morning.

Or conveniently managed to fire a disembowelment curse at himself without a wand…

How many times in his life had he seen it happen? The powerful silencing the only witness. Or indeed, the powerful were suddenly silenced by someone more dangerous, once they were finally caught… To keep the secrets of the rich and famous just that. Secret. He'd seen it in his old world over and over, the sudden suspicious suicide in detention by someone powerful and rich that had finally fallen afoul of the law. Usually fallen with the help of an Equalizer to ensure the evidence didn't just disappear.

And then just dead. No satisfaction nor names to be taken from the useless corpse.

Like anyone believed those instances to be suicide. But at that point the secrets got buried. The powerful and rich moved on to continue their habits. Sacrificing one of their own with no hesitation. It had been a frustrating dance they'd done too many times. The Equalizers seeing witnesses, or their targets - all fall to suicide. Before satisfaction could be brought for the sake of the victims.

Pettigrew had not earned such an easy out. He'd live a long life, paying for his crimes. Sirius would make sure of it.

He didn't know about heaven and hell. But he'd make sure Pettigrew found hell as long as he still drew breath. Not nice. Not by a long shot.

But nice was not a word used to describe him often anyway…

"Better be one hell of a dram, Moody…" He said bitterly, gaze moving along, pretending to not see the old friends and mentors that were staring at him forlornly - like they had suffered for this, like today's revelations hurt them, somehow. They'd made their choices… Abandoned him without compunction. He let himself be led by the shoulder by the experienced Auror. Out of the courtroom and the madness that had overtaken the usually solemn chamber. The shouting visitors gallery cut off at once as they exited into the hallway outside.

Blessed silence finally eased the thrumming in his head. The rage and hate, disgust and sorrow, all of it making a mess of his thoughts. He'd never had a day or an hour even yet, just to think. In peace. Arriving in Azkaban and then straight into that trial…

"Clear the way to Bones office, aye? Instead of standing around gaping like a pair of gormless twits!" Moody barked to the two rookie Aurors that he'd bullied himself past to enter the courtroom. "Anyone who tries to toss as much as a wave in Black's direction you stun first, ask questions a week from now- "Moody's grin pulled awfully on his scars as he stared the rookies down, "- When we can be arsed to let them out of lockup."

"Sir, we have orde-" One of them tried to protest, looking a bit green at the prospect of stunning Ministry employees. Or perhaps it was because they were staring at Moody's grotesque face. Sirius chuckled raspily as the second rookie did look about two seconds away from chucking up his lunch.

"Now yeh have better orders, aye?" Moody growled threateningly, fingers tightening on his wand. The other hand was still on Sirius' shoulder.

Sirius was uncomfortably aware of the fact that he did not have a wand, but everyone they'd meet on the way, would have. As he saw the two rookies wisely decide they were more scared of Moody then any possible employee they'd have to stun, both running off, wands aloft, he spoke up, "Any idea what was done with my wand? Was it snapped?" He asked, trying for casualness, but the tightness to his jaw wouldn't fool a veteran like Moody, especially now that he was cheating with that eye of his.

Sirius kind of wanted one of his own. Did one have to have an eye cursed out first?He wondered.

"Kept as evidence, no doubt." Moody grunted, magical eye on a swivel as he carefully led Sirius forward. Moody took one long distrustful look at the elevator, before tapping a bare stretch of wall next to it with his wand. A stairway shimmering into place. "Senior Ministry personnel use only, Black, so keep mum, aye?" He muttered, before not so gently shoving Sirius in, Moody himself backing in with his wand held aloft - as if expecting a rush of Death Eaters down the hallway.

Knowing Moody, he probably was in fact expecting something like that…

It amused Sirius, because Moody had justsent two wet behind the ears Aurors to clear the way of gawkers up the Ministry - and he was taking a secret way instead. Even old Moody had some pranking in his bones - or was it called hazing when you're a senior Auror?

"I'm great at keeping secrets…" Sirius muttered in response to Moody, squinting up the stairwell, dubiously, "Maybe not so great at stairs, right now." He admitted with a wince. Amusement fading. The reminder of his situation sinking in at the same time as bone deep weariness did.

Moody looked annoyed at that, grunting quietly, and something within Sirius snapped, "Not a lot of time for calinestethics in Azkaban," He spat out, feeling like his vision was darkening at the edges as he put a hand against the wall to help keep himself upright - it felt like everything was tilting, everything waveringfor a moment. "The food was absolutely top class! Mind you, I didn't like their steaks much, you see, so I had to make do with the low calorie option." It was like a dam had released and he just couldn't stop, "The fact my extremities were turning blue did put a damper on my exercise routine, must have been something wrong with the room, it did provide first class view of the north sea - all the cold, death and darkness a bloke could desire!" It was hard to breathe, no matter how big of a breath he tried to take it felt like not enough, his chest felt impossibly tight.

Moody let it all wash over him, a grim look on his face. He patted Sirius awkwardly on the shoulder when he finished ranting. Sirius' chest rising and falling like he'd run a marathon. "Let it out, Black, the hate and spite and desire for revenge, take it all out on me, laddie. That kind of poison will ruin you faster than Azkaban now." The senior Auror looked surprisingly gentle, even with his terrible scars, as he gave Sirius a shake. "Don't let it ruin yeh, not now, lad. Not now that you've beaten that place." He spat on the ground, frowning, magical eye spinning looking absolutely sickening like that, "You're better than that, Black." He said solemnly. Fingers gripping his shoulder tightly for a moment.

Sirius leaned his head against the wall of the stairwell, catching his breath, "You're not the one that deserves to hear it." He muttered bitterly. There were so many that deserved his bile and hate right now - yet could he afford to dwell on it?

Moody looked like he disagreed, but to Sirius relief did not launch into an apology or argument over guilt. He simply stood there, magical eye searching through the Ministry - as he let Sirius catch his breath and his equilibrium again.

Sirius would have punched the old man if he'd dared to apologize. Like some soft words could erase being damned to a demon infested hell. No… Moody had listened to him. That had been an apology in itself - one Sirius could accept. Action - not platitudes.

And now… He listened to Moody. Took in his words. Really thought about them.

Sirius knew, from his old life, he knew. If he let his disgust and anger over past wrongdoings take over - he'd become something foul. Just like the people he stopped. The ones who let money and power convince them they could takeanything - do anything, without consequence. Magic was influenced by the person wielding it. How easily he could fall into the trap of using his hatred, twisting himself without realizing. Until he was that which he hated.

He'd have to… Work on it. Not forget. Never that. But he could not lose himself to hatred. He needed to think clearly. Revenge… As satisfying as breaking Albus too many Merlin damn names Dumbledore's nose would be. That kind of revenge would be pointless.

Fleeting and useless. A child's satisfaction in immediate gratification.

It couldn't match the satisfaction of transforming the wizarding world - kicking and screaming if necessary. Doing a better job than the bastard's ever done - and then ripping him out of his comfortable life, where he has been ruling Hogwarts like his own petty fiefdom. Set the school to rights just like magical Britain - despite Dumbledore - not with him. And see the name Dumbledore exposed for the coward he was. Never willing to do what was needed - prioritizing keeping his own hands clean. Sacrificing those that trust him, but never taking the step himself.

Never sacrificing his own ideals for the sake of the thousands that he practically raised to depend on him!

Not until far into the future, when he'd be needed the most to stand strong, to protect everyone - and then, finally, when he was actually needed the most - then finally the coward escaped it all, sacrificing himself in the most inopportune moment while still managing to ensure his own hands did not bring about Voldemort's or Harry Potter's downfall. Keeping his conscience clean, his hands bloodless.

To Sirius they were already dripping with blood - the old man just didn't see it…

The deaths in the first war… Voldemort and Dumbledore shared blame, as did the Ministry. One for his actions, one for his inaction - the last for its pure uselessness. The second war… Dumbledore was to blame. He refused to reorganize the Ministry when he had the chance - to ensure the world was ready to crush another Death Eater revolt. They'd practically been begging him, or so the books had once said.

He refused to curtail the return of extremists' views at Hogwarts - he did not make any move at all to curtail it in fact. He refused to step in to protect his students. To prepare them. He refused to prepare for the war he knew was coming. And at its climax, left Britain to suffer death, torture and destruction, because he desired a shiny trinket. A chance to talk to a sister long dead - while he'd had no problem sacrificing entire families for the chance to use them - to stun a couple enemies - in a war he didn't have the stomach to fight.

Was there any wonder the Order had so many losses - so few survivors to fight again the second time around? That was on Dumbledore.

They'd been so young and stupid… Trusting in his reputation. When truly what was it? If you looked closely enough… He let millions die in world war two, while he sat at home waffling about dueling his boyfriend… He never changed. Others die so that he can smile from his throne and be benevolent. He could have dueled Grindelwald anytime. Ever since it all started. He could have simply challenged the dark lord. And he would have come.

He would have not refused Dumbledore. They could have kept it contained instead of all out war. But Dumbledore had waffled for years while Europe was on fire!

He waited and let others die until the number became so great - the pressure from society so great - that he finally, reluctantly acted.

And even then, the bastard didn't kill the dark lord.

What if Grindelwald had managed to escape? The disregard for the lives of his victims was staggering.

No… Dumbledore above all others. Hewas part of the problem more than anything. Full of wishful thinking and hopes - but no action.

Sirius, both of him, becoming more one, for every minute that passed by - were made for actions!

"You're right…. Hatred… I have better things to do. Just… Spell me up the stairs, Moody. You promised me some alcohol." Sirius broke the silence, greasy hair hanging down over his face, hiding his eyes. Burning with determination.

"Aye, lad, that I did…" Silently Sirius was spelled to float gently, the Auror stomping up the stairs - one hand pushing Sirius ahead of him. The clunking of the veteran's wooden leg reverberating across the tiny space.

Within minutes they were out in another hallway. Sirius recognized it as the DMLE, he could see the Auror bullpen in the distance down the hallway. You had to love magic - no way that tiny stairwell brought them this far up the Ministry otherwise, handy that. Moody didn't lead him towards the Aurors however, he took him down a side corridor passing by the Head Aurors office, until they finally reached the office of the head of the DMLE.

The gray and ultimately boring hallways of the Ministry, had always rubbed Sirius the wrong way. Would it kill them to add some color, paintings of something other than some old has-been wizard? A gumball machine would be nice too.

See, already out and about in the Ministry and he already came up with something that would make the Ministry some extra knuts!

A pretty little blonde witch was busy scribbling notes at the desk in front of the office space/waiting room. She raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow in their direction as they came to stand in front of her. Sirius idly noted the wireless in the waiting room, which explained the easier then expected reaction. He also by habit noticed and cataloged the woman's measurements - which were impressive. Part of him was horrified, but distantly amused - that such a thing was an automatic reaction upon seeing a pretty woman.

Sirius Black's reputation truly was earned. His reputation now. How in Merlin's name was there not any little Blacks running around?

He was glad for her placid reaction however. Studying her surreptitiously from beneath his long messy hair. He couldn't wait for the screams of terror when he'd run into the one bloke who hadn't heard about his release at some point when he went out in public. But it was nice to avoid it for now, his head hurt enough as it was.

Also a bad boy reputation always helped with the ladies…

Bloody hell, he wasn't even sure if that was a remnant of Sirius or himself - or both, thinking that. He'd need some time alone again to sort himself out. He thought sourly. The freedom from Azkaban apparently solidified this new confusing existence - with his magic free from its confinement.

"Can I help you, Auror Moody?" The secretary said coolly. Giving the senior Auror a smile absolutely drenched in fake politeness. There was definitely some tension there. And the woman must have been a Slytherin. No one pulled off fake smiles as good as that without being one.

Huh, nice. He didn't fly into a rage just thinking about Slytherin. Good to know.

Still… Best be careful if he ever ran into Snape. He just got out of Azkaban. He didn't need to find himself back in.

"Tell Bonesy to let me in, I know she'll have escaped that circus as soon as possible." Moody growled. "None of that she's not available nonsense," He said as the secretary opened her mouth to viciously deny entry, Moody tapped his still spinning magical eye, "I've seen her, lass."

With a disgusted huff, the pretty blonde witch pushed her chair back and stood up, giving Moody an absolutely scorching glare with deadly amber eyes, before her face softened and she inclined her head slightly in Sirius's direction. Within a moment she was inside the Directors office, a quick knock heralding her entry.

Sirius chuckled raspily, shaking his head,"Did you arrest her boyfriend or something, Moody?" That had been one impressive glare.

Moody scoffed, "All the womenfolk have been acting the same around here lately, "He tapped his eye yet again, "Someone started a rumor that this could see through anything - more specifically clothing, can't even look at a woman without getting the evil eye now, blast it!" He didn't seem overly bothered about it, the magical eye focused on the director's office for a moment.

"Can it? See through anything I mean?" Sirius asked, wagging his eyebrows suggestively. If it did… The magical world had horrible privacy laws. Big surprise there.

If it was anyone but Moody… The witches of Britain would have probably already taken care of it.

Moody just gave him a look, refusing to elaborate. Sirius amused himself by examining the small waiting area. Paying particular attention to the cute secretary's desk. A fun little idea rumbling around in his head.

Within another minute she returned, taking a position behind her desk, looking like she could smell something foul - as she addressed Moody, eyes hard. "The director will see you and your guest now, Auror Moody."

Sirius was honestly impressed. To say a title that respectfully and still somehow fill it with so much derision - took some serious skill in communication.

Wonder if Bones will hex me if I hire her away? He thought briefly. Dismissing it right after. It was probably the old dog in him, looking for a leg to hump.

"I thought she might, at that." Moody growled, sounding amused at her continued open dislike. He gave Sirius a nudge to the shoulder to move on along as he fingered his wand, still keeping an eye out.

Sirius gave the cute secretary a charming smile as he passed the desk, somewhat ruined by the whole - no bath for two years' effects - "Blue was definitely the right choice today, sweetheart!" He gave her an exaggerated wink and thumbs up.

The secretary gasped, looking flushed and outraged, covering her bosom as she turned to glare at Moody, nostrils flaring. If she'd had her wand in hand the old Auror might have found himself hexed in the back at that moment.

"What the hell was that, Black?" Moody growled as he gave him a little push to move him towards the office quicker.

Really it was Moody's fault. He shouldn't have left him standing there for more than two minutes. What was he supposed to do? Just stand there and do nothing?

Sirius smirked mirthfully, "Just lending a helping hand," He said sweetly. Barking out a quick laugh at the Aurors unimpressed look. "Look, Moody, she had blue nail polish, her quill had blue highlights, she had a blue coloured coding system for her notes. I took a wildshot in the dark that the lady was wearing something blue for her undergarments today…"

Huh, maybe he was wrong on the whole Slytherin thing - Blue was very Ravenclaw. He wouldn't have pegged her for a raven though…

Moody shook his head, although Sirius could spot the twitch of the scarred man's lips. "That rumor will never die down now, Black." He pointed out with a grumpy huff.

"Was all of it blue though is the question?" Sirius asked innocently, a twinkle in his eyes. His smirk growing. It had been a long time since he'd last seen a pretty lady or had the chance to prank anyone. Apparently some things just were part of you, deep into the bones.

He should probably stop now.

"Ain't none of yer business, Black, you've caused enough trouble, in with yeh, maybe you'll be less of a hassle, drunk." Moody barked, opening the door to the directors office and manhandling him in, shutting it securely behind him.

"Alastor, you better not have come here to drink on duty…" Came the amused voice of Amelia Bones. Sitting behind a mahogany desk, absolutely covered in file folders with a few family photos interspersed amongst them. Sirius felt a twinge of unease. He knew from the books she'd lost practically everyone. And he'd probably end up making her life very difficult if he went ahead with all the ideas percolating in his head.

"Might have." Came Moody's calm reply as he stomped over to sit in one of the chairs in front of the desk. Baffling Sirius as he didn't even check the chair for traps. He must really trust Bones.

Sirius had brought the man a drink once and when he'd seen the old Auror four hours later - he'd been using a runic circle to test the now ice cold coffee.

Apparently every spell in existence showing it was just a coffee hadn't been enough…

Although Sirius and James had entered the Aurors with a certain reputation from Hogwarts. So maybe it was just him.

Sirius gave the director of the DMLE a once over, idly noting the guesstimated measurements, but more taking in the small amount of red still in her graying short cropped hair. The steely and determined eyes. The monocle she hardly needed at her age - but that he had a feeling came from the same place as Moody's eye had.

"Do I meet approval, Heir Black?" She said dryly. Tapping her wand at her desk, the files swiftly moving into several stacks, freeing up the surface. Another tap on the middle of the desk and a secret compartment slid away. A decanter of whiskey and a couple of glasses rising into the air.

Sirius smoothly sank down into the other available chair, smirking slightly, "I guess that depends on if that -" He pointed at her monocle, "Is being used to spy on me in the buff or not." He said gaily.

Moody, who was busy spelling the whiskey into three crystal glasses, almost dropped one, his normal eye turning Sirius way, looking supremely unimpressed.

Amelia Bones raised an eyebrow, giving Sirius a long once over, before sniffing and accepting her tumbler from Moody, "If I was, Heir Black, you'd have already clued in due to the severe disappointment that would have shown on my face." She told him, absolutely blank faced and dry.

Sirius barked out a laugh, leaning back in the chair, taking the glass shoved roughly into his hands by Moody, who glared him down, warningly. "Oh, we'll get along." He said with a sharp grin, "Call me Sirius."

Bones put aside her glass without taking a drink, interweaving her hands in front of her, "You may call me Director Bones, Sirius." She said matter of factly. Moody smirked at him as Sirius pouted in his chair.

Sirius took a slow sip of the whiskey to regain his manly pride. The smoky flavor brought back memories. He felt himself relax just a little in the chair, the pleasant association with alcohol doing more for him then the liquid itself.

Bones let him have his peace, keeping silent for several minutes as Sirius sipped slowly at his whiskey. Both her own and Moody's glasses remained untouched. Sirius would have worried - if it wasn't these two. If anything canon had on them spoke true, however little there was. Poisoning or dosing someone illegally, in a situation like this - was not in their playbook at all.

"So… Why am I here?" Sirius asked finally. Feeling the warmth of the whiskey spreading across his body. Knowing he'd absolutely pay for it later - but finding it worth it in the moment.

"Safety for one." Moody growled. "Reporters and others, would have accosted you lad. Ain't nowhere safer in the Ministry than Bonesy's office."

Sirius knew what he meant by others. Dumbledore and his people. Sirius was not ready to deal with that bundle of headaches. So he could appreciate that.

"I've told you to not call me that, Alastor." Bones said mildly, a threatening flash in her eyes as she slowly turned her head in the senior Aurors direction.

Moody simply scoffed, thumping his leg on the office floor. "Ain't going to change lassie, take it or leave it." He said gruffly.

Bones smiled, softly and without threat. "You're correct of course, Alastor." She said politely. "You are getting up there in age though, aren't you?" She snapped her fingers and a magenta folder flew away from a stack to land directly in front of her, opening up for her. She glanced at it for maybe a millisecond, before looking up at a wary Moody with a saccharine smile. "A stint teaching at the Academy will do you good, don't you agree?"

Sirius chuckled as Moody simply looked straight forward, unimpressed but unwilling to admit he'd walked straight into that one. Sirius saluted Bones with his whiskey glass, "Lovely, absolutely lovely, I'd fall in lust right now if I didn't have one leg already in the grave," He proclaimed grandly, before he tilted his head questiongly, "Now what other reasons did you have for collecting me?"

Bones frowned slightly, straightening her monocle, "For one, I owe you an apo-" She began. She froze in place looking very intense, her gaze directly on his when Sirius held up a hand to stop her - obviously not something she had done to her often. Sirius figured he'd best not tell her that such an intense look was insanely attractive - even for a slightly older witch. He could lose himself in her steely eyes, ahem, where was he?

Ah, yes… the shitshow of another apology from the wrong person. His mood plummeted.

"You weren't head of the department for that shite, Crouch was - and ultimately Bagnold was in charge of everything at the time." He said roughly, holding on to his almost empty whiskey glass tightly. "You were not the investigator nor interrogator, nor were you in charge of Azkaban." Sirius shook his head, a disgusted frown on his face at the greasy strings of hair that would fall down his face at the action, "You didn't know me. You do not get to apologize for the Ministry. You weren't involved nor responsible." The glass shook slightly, and he noticed almost detachedly - that his hands were actually shaking.