Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 152 - Chapter 2: Sirius Siriusly Tiring Day. part 2

Chapter 152 - Chapter 2: Sirius Siriusly Tiring Day. part 2

Bones exchanged a look with Moody, before seemingly accepting Sirius' position with a deep sigh. "If that is how you feel, I will respect that, I will however be conducting a review of all those contained within Azkaban, to ensure you are not the only case my predecessor fudged." She raised an eyebrow questioningly, "I figured you might like to know that, at least."

Sirius nodded sharply, not trusting his words, but accepting that Bones likely would do just that. A fair woman she had been called, at a time where the Ministry had been anything but.

It did give him some relief, that if anyone in there was innocent like him. They'd be discovered.

There was a knock on the door. Sirius immediately tensed up. Eyes taking in his surroundings, the sparsely decorated office. Not even a rug or a painting in place anywhere. He idly noted there were no faces shown in the large foe glass in the corner, nor were any of the sneakoscopes going into alarm mode. He reddened slightly as he noticed Bones studying him, waiting for him to reassure himself before she allowed anyone entry.

"Go on, better see who it is then." He said resignedly. Expecting Dumbledore or even Bagnold perhaps.

He kept an eye on the door as he noticed Moody casually face his wand in that direction, while looking like he was simply resting one arm over the other. Considering the man could see through the door - you'd think his paranoia would lessen a bit. Unless there truly was someone behind the door to be worried about…

"Enter." Bones barked out authoritatively. Sirius flinched at the noise, before he settled himself, chewing on his lip. He needed to get a hold of himself. This was just getting pathetic.

The pretty secretary from before poked her head in, "Madame Bones, Auror Turpin is here, with the item you requested."

"No need to send him in, I think." Bones mused out loud, looking so determinedly forward and away from him, that she might as well have stared at him pointedly. "Just grab it from him, and thank him for me, Sweetwater."

Her name is Sweetwater? Sirius mouthed, some amusement trickling over his unease. The aforementioned girl noticed, and sent him a small flushed glare, before she dipped out of the office. Returning a minute later. With his wand!

"I had it sent for, from the evidence storage vault. It was the first thing I did after leaving the courtroom." Bones said quietly, "I know now, an apology is not something I can give you. I figured however, that a man that has been without his wand for two years, would feel safer with it returned sooner rather than later…"

Sirius stared longingly at it, as the secretary approached him, a pitying look on her face, (way to make him feel manly, right there) as she held her palm out, his wand across it. Right there.10.5 inches, dogwood with a Peruvian Vipertooth's heartstring. The wand, a light brown color with a rounded black grip - runes visible - etched into the lower half of the wand, tapering off midway through.

He'd been told by Ollivander, that dogwood was a match for a mischievous wizard or witch, and that it had a playful and quirky nature. A wand for excitement and fun, but still capable of performing great feats under tremendous pressure. A fitting wand for him he had thought back then, and ever since. Would it be though? Still. With how he was now? Would it work?

"Take the wand, lad." Moody grumbled, earning himself a scathing look from the pretty Miss Sweetwater.

Sirius hesitantly reached out for it, almost jumping in fright as it seemed the wand almost bounced out of the woman's hands and into his. "Ooohhhh!" He grunted, feeling magic racing through his veins, the wand practically singing to him as it fired off several gushes of pure crystalline magic from the tip, each drawing out a low, oohhh - from him. Sirius jerked to and fro in his seat, mouth open in an almost euphoric state, from having his wand returned. From it accepting him as he was and reconnecting to his magic.

"Well… It works." Bones said wryly, the first hint of an honest smile on her face he'd seen so far. She seemed distinctly amused at his reaction.

"Sorry…" Sirius breathed out deeply, caressing his wand softly with his fingers. "When a bloke gets to handle his wand for the first time in years, in front of two pretty ladies to boot, there's bound to be fireworks." He waggled his eyebrows at the absolutely beet red Miss Sweetwater, who quickly retreated out of the office, the door slamming shut behind her.

"Please don't break my secretary, she's the first competent one I've had." Bones says, definitely showing some amusement. Is that perhaps even a twinkle in her eye?

Sirius still had it! Just a shave and a bath and he'd be right back to wooing the ladies!

"Should have figured you'd make it a spectacle, Black, can't do anything quietly." Moody growled, "That reaction is probably half way through the Ministry already." He complained half heartedly.

Sirius didn't give two damns. He had his wand back. And frankly. That had been a virile and impressive effort, he had nothing to be ashamed about!

"Elsa is trustworthy, Alastor. You'll leave her be, I don't need my secretary harassed because of your paranoia!" Bones said strictly, a sharp warning in her voice.

"Elsa Sweetwater. Ravenclaw? Or Slytherin?" Sirius asked idly. Still stroking his wand. Starting to slump a little in his chair. The safety net of having access to his magic again allowed him to finally let go of some of the tension that had held him up during the trial.

Bones frowned at him, "Don't get any ideas either, Sirius… Elsa is important to my work here, I need her." She finally picked up her tumbler of whiskey and took a sip, eying Sirius with a smug twist to her lips, "It will tickle her pink that you so completely misjudged her though, she's a Gryffindor. Actually only three years below you."

"Huh, I don't remember her…" Sirius said, eyes distant as he tried to pierce the fuzzy veil of the past. His memories were far from full. "Never would have guessed Gryffindor…"

There was silence for a few moments before Sirius got a grip on himself, eyes focused back on fhe head of the DMLE, "Before I manage to forget due to all the excitement today…What's the security going to be like for Pettigrew?"

Bones face immediately shuttered into stony and blank, "Despite what you have gone through," She began stiffly, "The procedures of high value prisoners within the DMLE is not shared lightly," Her monocle glinted menacingly as she narrowed her eyes at him, "Especially to the man who, for all that he's innocent of the crimes he was sent to Azkaban for, was attempting to murder said prisoner, at the time, a fact I have not forgotten."

Moody shook his head, glancing at Sirius briefly, before speaking up, "Cut him some slack, Bonesy. He isn't nosing about for amusement - he's just making sure the shite is getting his, aye?" He grimaced, "Lad was an Auror, one of us…"

Amelia Bones raised an unimpressed eyebrow, "That's Director Bones or boss, Alastor!" She said, with the resigned voice of someone that knew it was pointless, "And who he was, or is, has no matter to sensitive Ministry information, Alastor, and you know it!" she turned an appraising look towards Sirius, who had managed to keep his temper in check, only slightlymullishly glaring back at the director of the DMLE.

Likely due to the nice whiskey and the return of his wand putting him in a decently relaxed mood.

"Details about Peter Pettigrew will not be released to you. No matter how much I sympathize with your situation, do not allow emotions to guide the execution of law in this country." Bones said forcefully, yet calmly.

Sirius calmed himself, taking a deep breath, before meeting Bones steady look with one of his own, "Fair enough, I can accept that." He admitted, as much as it burned to be talked to like that, he could see where she was coming from, he'd flown off the handle, attempted to murder Pettigrew instead of reporting it, hardly Auror behavior. "I didn't ask to find out any details anyway." He shrugged lightly, a sardonic grin on his face, "Or to get a five minutes alone in his cell kind of deal,"

"Like he'd last five minutes…" Moody muttered distastefully. Drawing another unimpressed look from Bones and a barking laugh from Sirius.

Sirius mockingly saluted the old Auror, "Right you are!" He sobered up immediately though and made eye contact with Bones, "I just want to ensure he actually survives to trial, no doubt a lot of people would prefer his mouth stays shut, permanently." He tried to impress his sincerity on her, he really did only want that.

Bones stared at him silently for a few moments. Then she leaned back slightly in her chair, relaxing just a smidge, "And you what? Did not think that I would realize this and take precautions?" She responded with a wry look, "Are you also going to have suggestions on how I am to get dressed in the morning? Or how to do my hair? I am perfectly capable of performing my job…" She finished with some acerbity.

Moody snorted at that, rolling his eyes, both of them - when Bones turned her eyes on him. Saving Sirius from having to come up with a witty retort to the head of the DMLE basically telling him to shut up and let her do her job.

Especially as he figured it would be politically unwise to tell her that, yes, he didn't trust her to do the job, or the people under her for that matter. And that he'd probably find a way to utilize his family money to ensure the bastard lives - because he couldn't trust.

Merlin did he ever have reasons not to trust.

"Ah, well, just double checking, you understand my interest in the matter." Sirius said with a practiced smile, "I'm sure you have it well in hand."

Bones softened slightly, "He will get the punishment he deserves." She promised.

Sirius twirled his wand childishly, his smile widening when Bones twitched and Moody had to practically grab his arm to prevent himself from jinxing him on reflex. Oh, he loved being a shit disturber.

"Since I am in such illustrious company! I have somewhat of a legal question." He said abruptly. Moody shook his head, muttering something too low to be heard, looking disgruntled still at the twirling wand.

"Is this a hypothetical scenario? Or are you confessing a crime to me?" Bones said dryly, a knowing glint in her eyes.

Of course Bones would have paid attention at the trial… He's honestly surprised she hadn't brought it up yet. Their meeting had been running for a while.

"Purely hypothetical." Sirius assured her grandly. "Like, say someone were to enter the DMLE and confess they achieved an Animagus transformation some time ago," Sirius winked exaggeratedly, drawing another mutter out of Moody, "But that poor bloke plum forgot there was a registry. What's the chap to do in such a situation?"

Bones leaned back in her chair, interlocking her fingers before her, studying Sirius intently, before she slowly spoke, "In such a… Hypothetical scenario… If this person is not - or have ever been, or will be due to the revelation - suspected or connected to a crime for the specific Animagus transformation he or she reveals…" Bones lapses into silence for a few moments, before continuing on. "Then there would be a substantial fine… For their forgetfulness, and they would then be registered, properly."

Sirius nodded along, rubbing his beard thoughtfully, "And if this revelation happened from someone else turning this poor chap in? Or perhaps happened to be force-fed some Veritaserum where they might say such a thing? The punishment?" He asked curiously.

Bones pursed her lips, "Azkaban." She stated succinctly. "Although someone that hypothetically has already unjustly served two years might get off on time served." She finished, looking expectantly at Sirius. An amused twist to her lips.

"Huh, wouldn't you know, that now that I mention all this, it just sort of popped into my head that I happen to be an Animagus. It's funny how these things work." Sirius said affably, grinning at the exasperated Moody and reluctantly amused looking Bones.

"What a coincidence." Bones said starchly, summoning a parchment her way, "For brevity I will assume, for now - that a search of cases over the last decade is not going to have your form all over it…" She looked at him sternly, monocle tight as she got that intense look again, "I assume you're willing to register and pay the fine? Assuming you achieved this around what - sixth year? Seventh year? It would be around 4500 gallons."

Sirius whistled, that was quite the sum if you weren't a Black. No wonder the likes of Rita Skeeter didn't just go and register to get away from blackmail threats from a school girl. Well that and the fact the people she'd performed hit pieces on would have ripped her apart if she gave them that much of an opportunity.

Their meeting was interrupted at that moment as a silvery swan entered the office, swimming almost predatorily through the air. Immediately succeeding in stiffening Sirius' spine. He knew that patronus.

"I know you have him, Bones! Produce my grandson or face the wrath of the Black family!" The swan thundered out in the voice of his grandfather, before fading away into wisps of ethereal smoke.

"Always so polite." Sirius muttered, grimacing at the idea of facing his so-called family. It was necessary of course. So chin up and all that. But they were all so bloody awful!

"Contrary to his beliefs, you don't actually have to listen to him, Sirius." Bones said, an annoyed frown pulling her lips down. The director of the DMLE facade back on her face, any amusement having faded with that patronus. "I do not answer to Arcturus Black." She bit out dangerously, a serious look in her eyes.

Sirius appreciated the sentiment, but if Fudge had been any proof. Her tough, go get em attitude - would fail at some point. The Ministry as it would be a decade from now, could hardly have existed if thisAmelia Bones worked at it the entire time. So again… Appreciated. But not something he could trust. At some point she would falter. Become part of the machine. Fair and just of heart, perhaps, but bound by Ministry rules, which were slanted unfairly as a rule.

"No, best I face him now. I doubt my flat is still around. I can't have a much safer place to stay in for now then a Black property." Sirius said shortly, just wanting to get this all over with, tapping his wand against his knee, feeling the stress building again.

"Hardly safe." Moody grunted. Eye distant, his magical eye no doubt searching the Ministry for Arcturus Black this very moment.

Sirius smiled wanly, "I haven't been safe in a very long time, Moody."

"The DMLE is here if you need assistance, you were one of ours, and we failed to protect you. Contact me if you need anything." Bones ordered. And it was an order. She glared at him until he made a sloppy salute, "Good, you will return to finish this registration, although I will provisionally add you under the template - form under review. If you do not pay the fine and register your form in a week… I will have to arrest you." She said sternly, "Moody will take you to your grandfather, I will be in touch, we still have more to discuss." She finished dismissively, files already creeping back onto her desk, inching slowly forward - to all appearances on their own, the secret compartment for alcoholic drinks already closing. One file appeared to slap at it as it did.

Huh, Sirius hadn't even noticed her spell the glass away from him. Moody would be incensed with his lack of constant vigilance if he wasn't so busy searching through the Ministry.

"Found him." Moody said, standing up with obvious reluctance. "Come along then, Black."

I'm sure this will be fun… He thought sarcastically.

Family time always was so. Much. Fun.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Luckily for Sirius legs, the trip they had to take did not lead them that far away. Taking them back almost to where they'd started - floating down the secret stairwell this time.

Passing by the courtrooms, Sirius realized where his grandfather had holed up. Every one of the ancient and noble houses on the Wizengamot had access to a resplendent office that belonged exclusively to their families. It was some of the most protected spaces in the Ministry, built practically before any of the rest of the building. No one could even pass the threshold without a direct blood relative of the Wizengamot seat holder leading them through it.

And more importantly, no one could cast magic within, except those of the family blood.

Within twenty minutes of leaving the DMLE, they had arrived - Sirius not moving that fast, partly due to tiredness, partly due to apprehension. Between Azkaban and the trial, he hadn't had much time to polish those few thoughts he'd had to himself over the last couple months. Plans on what to do when he got out. Several involved his family - and he was not in ideal condition to deal with them right now.

But as with everything else. What he wanted did not really matter. Only what he could do with the situation he was in. He steeled himself, gave a short nod of goodbye to Moody. And with a glance at the ostentatious family seal on the door - Toujours Pur - he did intend to be always pure. But not likely in the way his family meant it - he opened the door and entered - back straight, eyes hard. He might look like the average homeless person right now - but no one would doubt he could hold the demeanor of a Black.

"Grandfather." He said coldly, slowly walking forward to sink into the solitary chair in front of the massive desk - a family relic from before the Ministry existed. It appeared to be made of thousands of inky black branches interwoven together to make up the desk, the color so dark it resembled dried blood.

Family legend claimed it was crafted by the first Black - and that the branches had drank greedily of actual blood before twisting into shape as they were. But truly, as Sirius had found as a child - even they didn't have records far enough back to confirm or deny such things.

Although for a Black - it seemed plausible.

"Sirius." Arcturus Black said quietly, studying him. Sitting stiffly in the long backed throne like chair behind the desk. A gilded life size portrait of himself behind it on the wall. Waiting for him to die and awaken to give advice to the next Black Lord. Sirius had always found that so pretentious before he'd run away.

Now with other thoughts to add to his pool of memories, he could see the man despairing over where the family was going - and that he was trying to find a way to still lead them after death, influencing them through canvas. As a mere memory. Anything to keep the family intact.

Well… Almost everything… As Sirius and Andromeda had found out the hard way. Yet this was what he had counted on when he hatched his so far loose plan.

Arcturus Black desperately needed Sirius.

Whereas Sirius had other options. As distasteful it would be to use Dumbledore for assistance. If he had to. He would.

"You've really spruced up the place, I see." Sirius finally drawled sarcastically, having had a long day and not wanting to wait through pointless posturing and power moves. Of course the office in no way was spruced up. Except for the desk, chairs and painting. It was empty. The nemean lion rug, gone. The family banner of their old enemy - ironically the Whites. A family that the Black family had eradicated over a thousand years ago - gone. Even the wand of the first Black, that had been on a crystal pedestal so warded that even family members that weren't the Lord would die if they touched it - gone.

The old man had really been packing everything up it seemed. Just waiting to die in resignation and shame.


Arcturus Black took his time to answer. Just studying Sirius quietly. Stroking his beard, thoughtfully. Finally, when Sirius was seconds away from making a fart joke just because, he spoke, "I would not have imagined I would ever see you again. Free. Alive. Sane." He said slowly.

Sirius sneered, casually leaning one leg over his knee, "You saw me just fine at the trial, grandfather. "He mocked, "What was it? Ah, yes… Do what you wish with him!"

And really. Sane was debatable.

Arcturus pursed his lips, "A regrettable error." He admitted. Quirking an eyebrow incredulously when Sirius snorted, "Boy, for all intents and purposes you were guilty, and supporting you would just have continued this family's deterioration."

"Must have been some other cranky old man that kept shouting family first and family always at me," Sirius quipped sarcastically.

"You left the family!" Arcturus thundered suddenly, slapping the handrest of his throne harshly. His eyes irate and almost sparking with anger, *You abandoned the family - you do not get to sit in judgment now!"

Sirius simply laid his head back against the headrest of his chair, a darkly amused smile on his lips, studying his irate grandfather. "Left did I? You really don't have any idea what goes on in the family at all, do you?"

Arcturus scoffed, "You can hardly pretend now that you did not run away, boy. The disgrace we faced when society found out you were living with Fleamont Potter…" The Black Lord huffed angrily, shaking his head. "You have no idea how you damaged this family…"

Sirius actually threw his head back and laughed at that. The laughter echoed loudly in the almost empty office. "Damaged the family?" He managed to chuckle out, before settling himself, glaring coldly at his grandfather. "Who exactly led the family when Andromeda was kicked out? When Cissy got sold away to a Death Eater pretty boy? When Bella tainted the name worse than anyone has in the last two centuries? Who hitched their wagon to a half-blood born from a squib and a muggle? Destroying the family in a war that only succeeded at wiping out pureblood families? When perfect little Regulus did what was expected and joined up with the little murder club and ended up dead?"

For each successive point, Arcturus Black grew whiter in the face, eyes flashing with anger, but he didn't refute it. Any of it. Sirius smiled viciously, "Who led the family when my darling mother used the Cruciatus curse on me - forcing me to flee the family to save myself." He hissed out, watching in satisfaction as Arcturus eyes widened at that tidbit. The Black Lord actually stood up in a rage, the throne-like chair groaning in protest as it's pushed back over the stone floor.

"Walburga did WHAT!?" Arcturus roared, spittle flying as he stared Sirius down, looking for any lie.

Sirius just smirked coldly. Taking in the absolute defeat that sunk into his grandfather's face when the old man realized he spoke the truth. This was so extremely satisfying. Everything he'd always wanted to lay at the man's feet. His absolutely boneheaded decision to let everyone choose a side instead of simply ordering the family to stay out of it - or join the side not run by a megalomaniac.

Arcturus sunk back into his chair, holding a trembling hand to his face, "Don't mistake this as weakness, boy. I am enraged." The Black Lord pushed out through gritted teeth. "Walburga had no right!"

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Merlin forbid a Black was ever weak…" He raised an eyebrow sardonically, "Perhaps I should have just endured the Cruciatus, grandfather? End up like what dear Bella did to the Longbottoms?"

"No… As distasteful as it is, you did the right thing escaping that situation." Arcturus breathed out, looking pained to even be admitting that. "You could have sent me an owl," He finished sourly.

Sirius didn't even dignify that with a reply. Just staring at his grandfather.

Eventually Arcturus gave up on that avenue, muttering, "Merlin I need a drink," Rubbing his forehead tiredly," You've always been a headache, Sirius." He admitted, "But damn it all if you're not also the only one strong enough to carry the bloody name!" He groused, face turning dark and moody.

Sirius raised an eyebrow but didn't speak, he hadn't expected such an early declaration, his grandfather must truly be desperate. Speaking held no advantage yet. So he held his silence and waited. Lounging casually in his chair, the opposite of the dark and sour old man sitting across from him.

"Is it really true… He was born from a squib and a muggle?" Arcturus eventually asked. Looking sick and pale. "Did we really foul it up that badly?"

Sirius cocked his head, studying his grandfather for a moment. "It's true. He came from the Gaunts. Inbred as they were." He was beginning to tire considerably, but he was wary of how easily his grandfather was accepting things without much of an argument. He had yet to ask how Sirius knew.

"Circe's cunt!" Arcturus swore, drawing a chuckle out of Sirius, who remembered the many lessons from the Black Lord where he'd said a civilized man never swore - only apes lacked the civility and ability to craft suitable insults or words to denigrate someone - or express yourself properly, without being crude.

"We can discuss everything in more depth later, grandfather." Sirius said seriously, (Hah!) "For now, I need the protections of the family home. I need to recuperate." He allowed some of his exhaustion to the fore. His grandfather's face turned more solemn and understanding.

"Of course, Sirius. We can discuss the family and the particulars of where we go from here after you've recovered." He allowed, even managing a small welcoming smile. "I realize it is probably not worth much from me, and dreadfully late. But I was… Saddened, when I heard of your incarceration. I had still hoped for a reconciliation one day."

"Hold your Hippogriffs, I have demands." Sirius said tersely. Completely ignoring the sort of apology, he wasn't interested.

Arcturus sighed, but nodded his head in acceptance. "Understandable under the circumstances."

"One. My mother is not to come anywhere near me." Sirius said harshly, Arcturus nodding, a furious look flashing in his eyes that would no doubt mean nothing good for his dear old mum when the Black Lord returned. "Two. You will arrange for the best healers and potions money can buy - to get me on my feet again as soon as possible."

Arcturus looked offended at that, "Sirius these aren't even requests, those things will of course be done, for your safety and health, regardless if you had requested it or not. I am not beyond cruel."

Sirius shook his head slowly, eyes cold as a glacier. "Wait until my last request before you act so cavalier, grandfather."

Arcturus sighed, "Well then, Sirius. What is it?" He asked impatiently.

"I will not step foot in a black property for the rest of my life, unless I am its Lord." Sirius stated coldly. Drawing a sharp breath from his grandfather. "I will leave here right now and seek succor with Dumbledore if I have to…"

He met his grandfather's eyes, showing his burning determination and indomitable will. "The Black family can have me as its Lord."

"Or not at all."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Authors note:

Dumbledore isn't the cackling evil schemer of most fanfiction, so he does actually have the common sense to not approach Sirius right after the trial. As stated, SI's very bad impression of Dumbledore is based on a lot of fanon - and the real failure with Sirius stint in Azkaban.

Lots of Black family shenanigans to look forward to, and of course Dumbledore at some point.