Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 138 - Month 2 - Chapter 5: A Declaration of War

Chapter 138 - Month 2 - Chapter 5: A Declaration of War

Month 2 - Chapter 5: A Declaration of War

Four ships are waiting to see me when I reach the system. I recognize the temple freighter and Jaster's oversized monster tub of a ship, but each is escorted by a fighter, namely a Cloakshape for the Jedi and a Z95 for Jaster. I'm hailed by both. 

"Jaster Mereel, Mace Windu, I see you've already acquainted yourselves with each other." 

The stern Jedi and the would-be Mandalore glare at me and each other, somehow. 

"Gentlemen, I'm sure you're aware of the ancient stories of the Sith. Taris and Korriban are still plagued by their abominations. There is a Sith artifact down below that would be the death of humans that aren't force-sensitive. I don't know the range of the thing, but I know it's being held in stasis; specifically, the Jebble box." 

They both look at me, stunned.

"The Muur talisman is being held within that thing; it turns any unprotected human into a rakghoul under the wearers' command, and armor means nothing to it. That is why Cassus Fett nuked Jebble, that is why it must be destroyed before the current incarnation of the Sith get their mitts on the blasted thing. Master Windu, I've acquired some holocameras to watch you do your work so we can all see what threat that thing poses. Jaster, I wish to negotiate a job with you while we watch history be unveiled."

Both of them begin to speak at the same time, then Mace politely lets Jaster speak. 

"How can you be sure of that?" 

"The same way I was sure that you would find the Death Watch and kill the fuckers, Jaster. The same way I knew that Master Windu here would jump at the opportunity to destroy anything of the Sith. I have outside-context information that is critical to survive what is coming, both in the next couple decades, and what comes for our children's children."

Both parties disconnect, and fly closer to dock with the Memetic Hazard, or what was formerly called the Impulsive Acquisition, my Barloz-class light freighter. My storage hold has already been cleared and an improvised meeting room set up.

After a few minutes, Master Windu, joined by Yoda of all people, joins Jaster, Jango, and some as-yet-unnamed Mandalorian in my hold. The tension is thick enough that I could have used it for a cutting board.

I have HK move a crate and open it near the table; a pair of remotes are removed, and handed to Master Windu.

"Here's the cameras, please try not to destroy them." Windu nods, while Yoda just chuckles. I look at the diminutive little alien I know could bounce around this room like a basketball. 

"Master Yoda, I have information on several wayward masters. I'll send you a list, but I'd rather be present for those missions; I've always wanted to meet Master Ood B'nar and I will not pass up the chance."

Yoda startles a bit, and then a broad grin passes across his face. 

"Deny you the opportunity, I will not. Discuss this after your meeting with the Mandalore, we can."

Yoda and Windu begin to leave for their ship. 

"Master Windu, I respect you greatly, but for the love of the force, get that fibrous rod out of your ass. It will be necessary going forward." 

Windu glares at me for a moment while Yoda laughs, taking a deep breath before stepping off the ship.

Jaster stops holding his breath, then glares at me. 

"Are you trying to piss off one of the few Jedi that can kill us all?"

"Mereel, first thing to note; Jedi that are on the Coruscanti Jedi council are supremely good at mastering their emotions. If they couldn't take a bit of verbal nudging, they'd've killed us all long ago."

Jaster grumbles under his breath, then asks: "So, the job. What is it?"

"I want you and yours to hit Tatooine to rescue slaves."

"....Y'know, I figured you were crazy, but- actually, you insulted a master Jedi to his face and pissed off the Death Watch. Crazy's already on the table."

I chuckle. 

"Jaster, crazy is traditional for my people, and I'm sharing a living space with an assassin droid. So, I've also purchased some medical droids to help you remove the fucking explosive chips out of any slaves we free, and HK here will help in the field, specifically as sniper support."

"Declaration: Finally, I get to stretch my pistons and begin my artful work once more."

"See what I mean? Anyways, I also got you some fun toys; slugthrowers based on one of my homeworld's designs, excellent for stealth operations." 

I hand him one of the carbines, and he looks at it appreciatively. 

"I'll print off user manuals when I get around to selling them. The first batch, though? All yours, aside from a pair of keepers for me and HK."

Jaster laughs. 

"Well, at least it's gonna be fun. When do we start?"

"Once Windu's done being screamed at by a woman that just crawled out of a stasis pod, from the looks of it." 

He turns to look at the comical sight of Windu dealing with a scantily-clad Celeste Morne (So that's what I forgot. Heh.) and cringing in on himself while holding the now inert and broken fragments of the Muur talisman. He glares pointedly at a camera, before turning back to talk to the woman. 

"Alright, bickering's done; off to Tatooine!"

The Jedi begin heading towards their ship to debrief Celeste, which reduces my force-bullshit-induced headache by a significant margin for the next couple days.