Chereads / personal 2 / Chapter 139 - Month 2 - Chapter 6: John Brown-ing for Dummies

Chapter 139 - Month 2 - Chapter 6: John Brown-ing for Dummies

Month 2 - Chapter 6: John Brown-ing for Dummies.

A few days of hyperspace travel and some calls from Jaster, and we all meet up at Kemal station, only a short distance (galactically-speaking) from Tatooine. Jaster's been talking with his various guys over the holonet for hours, now, coordinating our plans for this raid. 

I should note that Kemal Station is not a space station. It's a swampy, boggy moon orbiting yet another gas giant. This deeply unpleasant backwater is an informal border between 'civilized' space and Hutt space, and as such, is basically as corrupt as they come. I could count at least three Cartel ships already in port, one of which being Black Sun. Thankfully, I don't have to leave the hangar bay to pay someone to top off my fuel, and HK watches them closely for anything underhanded. 

While HK was busy scaring the poor technicians, I got to work getting all the medical droids up and running. Turns out, 2-1Bs are inexpensive and fulfill my needs for surgically removing explosive chips, and they can do it fast if those Hutt-designed war crimes are not inconveniently placed. I should also note that Jaster is aware of how the Hutts emplace the horrible things; usually in the legs, arms, or neck, depending on the preference of the surgeon. Legs and arms are survivable, which means most of them can be 'salvaged' and sold at a reduced cost. The more I hear about the Hutts' methods, the more I just want to base-delta-zero the fat slugs once I have a proper fleet. 

Eventually, Jaster gets back to me. "I've got about a dozen light freighters full of my men ready to hit the Hutts where it hurts. Which towns are we hitting, and how much collateral are you willing to tolerate?"

"We're hitting Mos Eisley, Gardulla's palace, Jabba's palace, and Mos Espa. As for collateral? If they're not a slave and are holding a blaster, I don't give a damn. Pretty much everyone that is actively staying on Tatooine is complicit in the slave trade."

"Two hutt palaces? Ballsy."

"We're doing this stealthily, hence the suppressed guns I gave you. If it goes loud, do whatever it takes to complete the objective to the best of your ability, but prioritize keeping your guys alive." My tone is deathly serious. "And if you have an opportunity to kill either Hutt? Be thorough. The damned slugs are deceptively strong and short of incineration, there's a good chance they'll survive. Hopefully, the power vacuum will keep the cartels off us for a while, and I'd rather they not figure out the identities of anyone present. Mandalorian armor is distinctive, but a standard paint job for this op will confuse their ability to figure any details out."

Jaster furrows his brow. "Are you sure? This goes against several traditions." 

"I'm aware, but I'd rather not have your movement decapitated by bounty hunters swarming you like botflies."

"Very well, but only this once." Jaster sighs. "In any regard, most of my True Mandalorians already have trained medics in their composition, so the droids may be redundant." 

"Redundancies to any-"

"Yeah, I get it, I run a mercenary company, Hatton."


- - - - Six Hours Later - - - -

Each freighter in the True Mandalorian fleet now has a spare 2-1B on hand to support their efforts. I've got three on mine, as well as a massive stack of inexpensive cots for transit. Thankfully, Barloz-class freighters are fucking massive for their classification. Three decks, the cargo holds are large enough to move 40 people reasonably comfortably, and I've got enough food to feed the rescues for weeks. 

The signal is cast; a single message to each ship; Now. 

The Memetic Hazard jumps into hyperspace, and not long after, we're in orbit of one of the worst places in the galaxy. A dozen other freighters of various classes also are present, among the dozens of ones that are already here. The Hutt 'patrol' fleet ignores us, for all they care, we're just spice freighters or sponsored pirates. 

The Hazard and Jaster's ship both land in Mos Espa's spaceport, and Jaster's personal crew are present. Is that fucking Montross? I guess he's more loyal in this timeline. I get comfortable in the pilot's cabin, and HK exits the Hazard to secure the spaceport with Jaster. It's exceptionally quiet, aside from the occasional strangled yelp. The benefits of a night raid. 

Within thirty minutes, I can hear people boarding my ship. I check the holocams- Shmi Skywalker? Already? That was easy. The half-dozen med-droids get to work, removing the chips to the clear relief of the slaves. Within two hours, my hold is full of freed slaves, nearly sixty people of various races altogether. I begin to smile, and prepare to recall HK, when I get a message from Jaster. I begin to hear blasterfire in the distance, screaming. "Hatton, we had to go loud. We've got fucking Durge right on our asses, we're extracting. We'll get a headcount after we lose him."

I'm immediately concerned. "I recommend incendiaries, flamethrowers and thermal detonators. Gen'dai, enhanced as he is, generally don't cope well when they're on fire."

"Got it." Jaster hangs up, and I send HK the signal to return to the ship. The murderous assassin droid hits the hatch button to close it, which automatically informs me, and I set the autopilot to get us into orbit. "Switch seats, HK, enjoy riding out of this mess like a bat out of hell." HK nods and moves to take over piloting. "Alright, folks, it's gonna be pretty hot leaving the system, so, do try to keep hold of anything firmly connected to the ship. Once my crew's all ready to reconvene, we'll start helping you all go where you'd like." I check out one of the windows, and am startled as a laser blast hits the shields. HK's already maneuvering like a maniac, and even shoots down a Z-95 that tries to get us off-course. I cackle madly. "Suck it, Jabba!"

The newly freed people exchange some worried glances at my outburst, but remain largely quiet. "I forgot to mention, there's a bunch of crates full of rations and water. Help yourselves and eat however much you can stomach."

About half of them descend upon the crates in question after some searching, and begin distributing amongst themselves quickly and efficiently. Huh, I guess that explains why that went so quickly; they organized right under the noses of their masters.

- - - - Two weeks later - - - -

HK took us on a circuitous route to the Mandalore system, and we got all the freed slaves all in one place. Women, children, men, and others, aboard a space station sympathetic to Jaster's movement. Jaster walks up and firmly clasps me on the shoulder. 

"Eight of my men and women died. We made their sacrifice worth it, and we chased off Durge long enough to retrieve their bodies. We will feast today, in honor of them and our efforts to make this galaxy a better place. Nearly three hundred slaves are free today thanks to your planning and the True Mandalorians' skill in combat!" A great cheer erupts from the Mandalorians, and I turn to look at the old warrior. 

"Jaster, I've got a lot to do, but I appreciate the thought. In my opinion, the reward is the freedom of these people, and I suspect a great many of them would want to join your movement after what you did for them."

Jaster looks mildly annoyed, but nods understandingly. "Very well, we'll celebrate in your absence."

"I'll be back in a few days, I just need to deal with some Jedi-related bullshit and get a bigger ship. I'll be back with gifts!"

Jaster smirks. "Safe travels, Hatton."

I laugh. "I make no promises, Jaster." 

I walk away from the currently loud proceedings. Gah, social migraines. Still, every moment of that was worth it, and at least the Mandalorians are wholly honest with their opinions. I leave a pair of 2-1bs at the port, having instructed them to offer their services to Jaster. Medical droids are always an excellent investment, and these people live a violent lifestyle.

Once I was in the pilot's cabin, I look to HK. "Do you remember how to reach the Star Forge?"

"Declaration: Of course I do, Master. Query: What do you intend to use it for?"

"We need a fleet if we're going to make further progress, and I suspect I have a means to skirt around Republic law on armaments."

I check the holonet news, just in case. Huh, the Black Sun jumped on that opportunity quicker than I expected; Tatooine's basically a war zone right now, and Durge seems to be having the time of his life killing mercs and pirates. I suppose this was a win-win for us both.