In the air, the daring one stood on top of the king of dragons, Chaelixon.
The white dragon which was so exquisite that everyone could see his shining glimpses from afar, watching with awe, compelled by his beauty.
His body was glimmering of gold, glaring at the one he banished from his world for that he was born evil and must be annihilated.
And on top him, in the white armor with his hair converting white with gold eyes and a pattern over his forehead to display that the king had become one with the king.
"Zirkos," Chaelixon growled, completely displeased to find him before.
"Chaelixon," Zirkos growled back.
"You have proven it to be erroneous of me for the decision to banish you. Perishing you was the befitting outcome of your cruel existence!"
Chaelixon roared, releasing white flames at Zirkos, expressing his purest form of wrath.