Third person POV
"You again?" Evil Kirito responded to this.
"Who is that person?" Evil Asuna added.
"My name is Tachibana Anko," Anko happily responded back, "and I am Roxas' spirit guardian."
"Yup, that was him alright!" Roxas replied on Anko's behalf.
Evil Asuna was a bit annoyed, while Evil Kirito was irritated of Anko's presence.
So, both of them just teleported away from the scene.
Later after that, at 9:34 a.m., Roxas and Anko left the park and went to Tokyo via Tokyo Subway. Anko was a spirit, so he can go through vehicles without a ticket or being seen. Upon arriving at a random station, both got off and left the station afterwards. But then, Anko noticed something from a distance and was shocked to see it. This prompted him to tap on Roxas' left shoulder to get his attention. Roxas was scrolling in his phone when Anko tapped on his shoulder.
So, he looked at Anko. "What is it?"
"Look!" Anko pointed his finger at a tall structure ahead of them.
Roxas looked at that direction, only for his eyes to be widen at a building he had never seen before.
That building was Sword Arts Online's Tower.
Anko knew that in the game already.
Seeing the sheer height of the Tower made Roxas shiver from top to bottom because he is acrophobic, meaning, he had a fear of heights.
"Yup, this is it," Anko said to him.
"Do I have to do this?" Roxas looked at him.
Anko then nodded. "Yes."
"What? Are you serious?" Roxas responded back. "I did not sign up for this!"
"You have to do it."
"Oh, flip…"
Anko then patted his right shoulder. "You can do it, my friend."
"It's easier for you to say!" Roxas replied back.
And then, Evil Eugeo noticed them from across the street. "What the…?"
Back at them, Roxas said to Anko, "I am not sure if I can do this."
"Nah, just do your best and never give up," Anko replied in reassurance.
Eventually, Roxas gave in. "Okay then…"
"Great!" Anko replied happily, before dragging Roxas to the Tower. "Let's do the first rounds first!"