Chereads / Mjolnir / Chapter 7 - The Mysterious Man Part 2

Chapter 7 - The Mysterious Man Part 2

"All right, what you have for me... Holy crap! What happened to her face!? Put her down!" A voice says as another voice chimes in, "She got it from protecting my niece." "Are you serious?" The first voice said, "I mean, she looks quite skinny and... battered." "Yes, I am sure." "Alright, I'll do my best... What happened to the rival gang?" "They were...eradicated. Some managed to get away, however." A familiar voice chimed in, saying, "Can you help her?" "Like I said, I'll try my best."


 Amari's eyes slowly opened as she realized she couldn't see out of one of them. She brought up her hand to the eye and felt a bandage on it. She then realized that her whole face was covered in bandages except the eye she was seeing out of. She took in her surroundings as she felt her satchel with the egg in it was around her. When she looked to the right of her, she saw Milo leaning on the wall, and on her left, she saw a huge guy sitting on the chair beside her. Amari eyes widened, and she sat up quickly. "Who are you!?" she exclaimed, shocked. "Amari!" Milo came running to her side as the man calmly looked at her. "Do you remember the fight?" Milo asked. Amari paused as she remembered what happened. She then looked at the man and said, "You're the one that walked into the fight." The man nodded. "It's nice to meet you my name is Aaron." "Uh, nice to meet you too? My name is Amari. Um, if you don't mind me asking, where am I?" She asked, looking around. She does not recognize the place at all. "It doesn't look that bad of a home." "This is our doctor's place," Aaron said, then Milo leaded in and whispered in her ear, "The doctor is the only one in the kingdom that is studying medicine, and he only knows first aid but reads medicine books on stitching. He's also 15." Amari turned her head to the table beside her and saw some floss with blood on it. "Did he stitch up my wound with floss!?""Let us help you!" Aaron exclaimed. Amari blinked then tilted her head. "Huh." "The child you saved, she's, my niece. She's always following us to fights. This time it could have ended badly for her," Aaron explained. "So let us help you. Do you need anything?" Amari hummed, thinking a little before saying, "A place to stay." Aaron smiled. The smile had a hint of mischievous "Perfect."


Amari was standing in front of a house, disappointment on her face. "What did I expect?" Aaron patted her on the back, almost making her lose her balance. Now that Amari got a good look at him, he was bigger than she thought. He was 6'6 (198 cm) and was full of pure muscle. Compared to her 5'7 (170 cm) and pretty skinny form, he was huge. "This is one of the best neighborhoods in the entire kingdom," he said with a smile on his face. Amari turned to the house. It had boarded up windows, rotten wood, and graffiti all on the walls. "Huh" is all she can manage out. Aaron walked up to the house. "You'll be staying with us." "Us?" Amari asked as Aaron nodded with a smile on his face as he opened the door. "With me and my gang," he said. "Ah," she said as she walked through the door. "The inside is actually not that bad." "Welcome back, boss!" A gang member said, walking up to Aaron, "Oh hey! You must be the person that saved the boss, Niece. Welcome!" they Shaked hands, and the gang member walked away as Aaron showed her around a bit. Just than a little girl ran up behind her and pulled on her sleeve as Amari turned around, she recognized the girl as the one she saved. "Oh, hey," she said with a small smile under her bandages. The girl shifted a bit, seeming nervous. "Mya?" Aaron questioned confused "I'm sorry... For getting you hurt," Amari softened. "Hey, it's not your fault," Amari said, getting on one knee to be her height. "You didn't any better. Now you do," she said as she saw stars in Mya's eyes before the girl nodded and hugged Amari, saying, "Your so cool!" And running off.


 Amari was in her new room thinking and pacing. "If I can get hit by a thug and get put out like that... then I need to get stronger. If not for my sake, then for the egg. Up until now I haven't really trained, so how do I go about this? And when I do start training, where would I hide the egg?" Amari started looking around the room for a hiding spot before she found a loose floorboard underneath where she was going to sleep. "Perfect" As she placed the satchel under there, she began thinking again. "Ok, I have a hiding spot, but I would need to check on it every now and then. Or I can get someone to check on it for me. But it needs to be someone I know and someone who wouldn't ask too many questions. I could try Otto... but he already has enough on his plate... and he would ask too many questions. Maybe Milo?"Just then a knock sounded at her door. "Yo! Amari, you in there?" Amari opened the door. "Yeah?" Aaron smiled at her. "Hey, so, uh, I know your still recovering and stuff, but we are planning to go check out the sewers in 2 months' time. Want to join?" "Um, am I getting paid?" "Yep, 10 bronze coins." Amari stood there with an eyebrow raised. "Thats... It?" "Oh! And anything you find is yours." "That's a bit better, though I don't know what I'm going to find in a sewer." "Sure, I'll come." "Great because I already have your training regimen!" "Uh?" "I wanted to give you the whole thing, but the doctor limited it to this because of your injury." "How did you know I was going to accept?" "I just knew." "What-" "Anyway, here's your training regimen. You're going to spar with me three times a day, run up and down the mountain ten times a day, and practice your spearmanship one thousand times a day." Amari sweatdropped. Then Aaron added, "Did I mention that you're going to be hunting with us as well?"