Chereads / Fractured World: Sages Of The Future / Chapter 13 - How to jump an alien

Chapter 13 - How to jump an alien

Annoyed by the constant beams, the alien creature thrashed one of its tentacles in the direction of the pest that zipped about in the sky. The lumps of flesh that had been seared by the beams peeled and rapidly regenerated.

The Marshall dove downwards just in time, dodging the massive tentacled-arm that tore across the sky in a horizontal manner. A tower took the brunt of the attack, immediately crashing to the ground upon impact.

Mathew Bates glanced at the wreckage and clicked his tongue. He tried to think of a way to keep the damage and casualties to a minimum scale. Although that was beginning to prove quite impossible.

At that moment, the whirring sound of hoverbikes filled the entire street. Overseers trooped in in a uniform manner, and behind them were large tanks.

A huge mech stepped into the scene. It appeared somewhat crude and robust. On one of the arms was a large machine that seemed to be an enhanced chainsaw. On the other hand was a Human-sized gun.

Wasting no time, the huge mech dashed forward– Its robust size failed to impede its speed.

Propelled by an unseen force, the huge mech leapt into the air and slammed the chainsaw into one of the flailing tentacles.

"Damn bastard is sturdy." There was a man in the cockpit of the mech. He had a rugged look, with a thick moustache that sat above his lips. He frowned as he watched the grinding chainsaw try and fail to pry open the creature's skin.

Marshall Bates had appeared behind him at some point. He said, "The Neon guns seem to be quite effective against it."

"Oh?" The man inside the mech chuckled. Then, he raised his voice and bellowed, "Fire at will!"

Behind, the tanks aimed their cannons at the monstrosity in the sky. The various Overseers also aimed the rifles that pulsed wildly in their hands.

Boom! A deafening roar reverberated throughout the entire Middle Ring as the artillery fired all at once, creating a crescendo of explosions.

The explosions were immediately followed by a loud, painful cry.

When the beams subsided–as the cores could overheat–The alien creature turned its rapidly reddening eye towards the tanks.

"Disperse!" Mathew Bates yelled, aware of what was about to come.

Another loud boom, and a giant pulverising beam descended upon Ajax Sector. However, the dark-red beam collided with a force field that had appeared over the tanks at some point.

"We need to keep it busy till the cannons cool down." Mathew said to his fellow Marshall and the latter nodded.

With a grunt, the Mech leapt into the air once more and aimed the chainsaw at a tentacle that had received severe damage. This time, the blade easily sank into the creature's exposed flesh, spilling a strange green liquid and forcing another loud cry.

Mathew followed suit and whipped out another cube from within his coat. The cube expanded into a gun that crackled with electricity at the tip, and the man fired with one of his eyes closed for more precision.

The electrified bullet whistled across the distance and embedded itself into the exposed flesh of the alien monstrosity.

Then, a spark ignited and set the grotesque wound ablaze, preventing regeneration of any form of healing.

Following the lead of their superiors, the various Overseers zipped about with their hover bikes. They fired non-stop at the creature, evading the flailing tentacles during the process.

During that time, the huge mech landed on the street, before returning to the sky in a single bound. This time, the rugged-looking man aimed the Human-sized gun at the creature's eye.

He yelled, "Initiating the vortex, retreat!"

Then, he fired.

A vibrational pulse, reminiscent of a heartbeat, zipped across the distance. Right before the eye of the giant alien, space caved in and birthed a ripple. The ripple was of a pitch-black colour. It distorted the atmosphere as it rapidly expanded.

Soon, there was a gaping spatial hole right in front of the creature.

The entire street went dead silent for a single second, Immediately followed by a powerful gravitational force that began to pull everything towards the gap that led to an unending void.

Both Marshalls struggled to resist the force, and the various Overseer officers began to retreat. The heavy tanks slowly shifted, about to be pulled into the sky.

At the same time, the giant creature shrieked loudly as it desperately tried to break free from the devastating pull of the vortex. Slowly, its eye neared the gaping hole and it shrieked even louder.

Come on… the Marshall in the huge mech grit his teeth as he counted the remaining seconds in his heart.

Finally, the gap collapsed and everything returned to normal. The gravity vortex gun was a powerful weapon that could attack both enemies and allies alike. As such, the Overseers had to be very careful when about to use it.

It could only be used twice before a fix, and it also had a time limit.

As the huge mech fell to the street, it rolled on its side and stood back up immediately. Marshall Mathew Bates also fell to the ground with a thud. The horse had scattered into nanites that shrunk to the size of a cube. He panted and tucked the cube away in his coat pocket.

Both Marshalls turned to look at the creature. Instead of the unsettling eye that spat out devastating beams, only a gap remained. A gap stained with pus and green slime.

"Is it over?"

"I mean, we took out its eye, so I'm guessing it should be dead." The other Marshall said.

The colossal alien, even without its eye, remained floating above the city.

Nina, after parting with Adam, had returned to her house. She met Nana on the floor in the living room, unconscious. The loud shriek from earlier had knocked her out cold.

As though unbothered about the entire situation, Nina walked over and sat next to her sister. Her legs were crossed and her arms slowly caressed Nana's hair.

Despite the evacuation going on outside, she didn't wake her twin, nor did she seem to harbour any trace of worry or fear.

Her pale skin seemed to appear even paler, and her black eyes were deep and profound. Her beauty was uncanny. Nina's eyes were fixed on the colossal creature in the sky.

As though frozen in the stream of time, she watched the battle unfold without moving a single inch.

Softly, she spoke in a language incomprehensible to the people of this era, "%#) $=#"