Chereads / Oblivon: Rise of The Shadow Lord / Chapter 4 - Oblivon: System online

Chapter 4 - Oblivon: System online

Blood–be it crimson, Scarlet or even wine, nothing turned him on more than those colors, the thought of it brought a sense of relief to him and just thinking of how he would make one bleed added to his excitement.

The begging.

The pleas.

The offers and bargaining.

He absolutely loved humans begging for their life, even if they do not deserve to live. The only regret he had while dieing was that he could not revel and bath in the blood of his victims.

He only tasted it, and it felt was exactly like how a drug addict would feel, if they take their favorite stuff. The metallic, sour–sweet taste, that unlocked emotions he couldn't have imagined a human giving him.

The combination of pleasure, hate, love, rage and his personal favorite –Bloodlust. He was not going to hold back now that the universe gave him a second chance and provided him the biggest target.

'Only an idiot would hold back his plans, I am not going to let this opportunity slip past me like last time'

Zayde said within himself with a small smile plastered on his face but then the smile fell and turned into a frustrated frown.

"I can't even gain access to who ever inhabited this body," He groaned and sat in the ground, his eyes taking in every detail of the prism.

One thing he was certain about was that the only way one could break out of it was with a spell and maybe technology, since there were traces of grid-like designs in the walls.

'If only I had a knife or sharp pin, That would really help,' He thought while pushing his fingers through his hair, a sigh escaping his lips as his fingers sent a wave a relief through his body.

However, he felt something cold and hard on his scalp, he brushed through rapidly enough to quickly catch whatever it was. "No way," He muttered, taking his hand out of his hair. Bringing it before himself he saw a silver hair pin, it had sharp ends and a hoop at the end.

'The universe actually listens to me,'

He laughed and turned to face the walls, his reflection becoming clear as he approached it, at that moment he realized there was a slight difference. His eyes–iris had chrome silvery color, with a barely invisible glow if one hadn't paid attention when looking.

Putting his curiosities aside, he pushed the pin slowly into the wall, with little effort since it began to pass through easily.

When he noticed the end came out from the other side, he pushed his finger in as well, closely beside the pin till it reached the end.


He took a deep breath and pushed all his fingers into the wall, creating a opening small enough for a vase to pass through. A chill went into his body when he felt the atmosphere of the world outside the prism, the cold air, clean enough to open up his lungs that were previously right.

However, the moment lasted more than a second, Zayde tried to put his other hand through to create a bigger hole, so his body could slide through, but something–a tentacle wrapped around his left hand and pulled it back.

His frown deepened as he turned around. No one was there, but there was something actually holding him back, he pulled his hand out of the wall and felt around his other , nothing was there except a faint wind around that spot.

'This has to be a joke,' He forcefully withdrew his hands and as a result he tumbled backwards and fell. Another invisible tentacle wrapped his legs and dragged him away from the wall to the center.

"Let go of me!" He yelled, to whoever or whatever was there, another tentacle grabbed his hands, pulled him up till he was on his knees. His blood boiled and his veins pulsed as rage spread throughout his body.

"I said let me go!" He demanded, his voice deeper and terrifying–would be what a human or some other living human like creature, but what ever was holding him down felt nothing like that.

"What if I don't?" A voice reverberated around the prism, barely a whisper but he could tell it was female's voice. "You are really Stubborn and easily angered for your rank, This is the second time I will have to tame you.....Zayde."

The voice came again but louder like it was in front of him, his squinted focusing his eyes on a particular spot and then he saw it–her.

White spotless hair like glass, her completely white sclera with a slight silvery glow at the center, Cladded in a white long fitting dress that accentuated her curves, leaving nothing to the imagination. Four tentacles that came from under her dress and extended upwards while the others held him in place.

'Okay, she is a goddess, Great I am cooked even before I actually get to fight those green sand figures from earlier,' He thought regret washing over him like water. He leaned backwards when she approached him, her eyes boring deep into his soul.

"Still haven't Turned it on," she muttered absentmindedly and wrapped another tentacle around his throat, dragging him closer till her face was an inch away from him. "I will not bite you, Zayde."

"Really? Cause I think you're going to squeeze all the organs in my body out," He whispered, loud enough her to hear. "Could you let go of me?"

"I am afraid I can't do that, You are permanently bound to me, Or have you forgotten our deal?"

"Yes, I have and I would appreciate if your tentacles mouth things stop nibbling my skin," He smiled innocently hoping she would let go of him but she covered her slightly red cheeks and giggled.

"You're even more adorable than I last saw you!" She exclaimed and threw herself into his arms, her arms circling around his neck, burying her face into the crook of his neck. "You smell different,"

Zayde remained frozen, not like he could even move, his eyes stayed wide-open but his heart raced and his skin felt somewhat less irritated. "You are creeping me out ,Lady."

She pulled back, still holding him, her eyes scanned his face features,from his hair to his ears and lips.

"No, That can't be possible....Y.. You're one in a million, there can't be another, Y.. you're not ,Zayde" She withdrawed quickly, shock replacing her expression.

"I am, Maybe not your Zayde...Zayde Rivers, From earth I think, million of years back," He introduced himself, bowing respectfully.

"You are him then, But the scent, aura and Talking style is different, Uhm Can you remember anything?"

"Only my life before I died, Then little details about some faces, You look like my mother though," He replied, closing his eyes to think but she grabbed his cheeks and pulled it hard. "Ouch, what was that for?"

"I am your Guardian you ungrateful piss," She spat angrily, slapping him across the face again, causing his face to go sideways due to the force.

"I also have authority over you, right?" He asked, massaging his jaw with one of his hands that broke free, he really wanted to pay her back for touching him, talk more if hitting him, but he hesitated, knowing she would be of good use later.

"Yes in a way," She replied and grabbed his hand with her tentacles again, she leaned closer, taking in his scent and facial details carefully. "Well you are him and Oblivon must have been Logged off again," She muttered and raised his head so she could stare into his eyes. 'So dreamy,' she thought aloud and smiled sweetly.

"What Oblivon and how will it be logged off, I'm not a robot right?" He asked wanting to search his body for any USB cords or cables, but her hold on him was firm like cement.

"You are not a robot and you can ask it question, I am afraid I have to return to my other half before she gains consciousness," She raised him to his feets with her tentacles, moved closer to him and cupped his cheeks. "You might have a slight headache after this,"

"Wait wh....." He trailed off when her lips met his, in a slow unexpected kiss, she grasped his collar and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss despite his resistance

Zayde's mind boiled with rage, 'I'm going to kill you!' He screamed silently, struggling to break free. But the more he fought, the weaker he became. A strange drowsiness came over him, then He forced himself to relax, hoping she'd finish her assault and he could have his revenge–strangling her until she begged for mercy.

She broke the kiss, a silver trace of saliva following, his lips was wet and swollen while her cheeks burned alongside the rapid beating of both hearts. "Sorry about that, Zayde," She apologized sincerely and bowed. "I did what could only be done to activate, Oblivon."

"And that was kissing me, How dare you? What do you think that would do huh? And who the hell is Oblivon?" He yelled, veins popping out of his neck, he was furious and confused but mostly furious. Although he couldn't deny how good it felt, feeling the warmth of a person again, he still hated that she had the audacity to touch him.

"I did what had to be do....." She paused as she felt a sharp pain at the center of her back, it came again but worse than the first, then her eyes widened in terror. "Zayde?" She looked down at him and saw one of her tentacles between his mouth and the other in his plans being squeezed like a sponge.

"Hey! Stop that?" She demanded, her expression turning from flushed to Pain, she stretched out her hands to grab him, instead he reached out, wrapped his free hand around her throat and pushed her up against the wall.

"Well how does it feel being Strangled?A sinister smirk found it's way to his lips, he could imagine her blood running down his arms from her throat, making his eyes gleam

"It feels awful....for you!" She slammed her forehead into his and shoved him away from her, her tentacles vanishing one by one. "She's waking up," she muttered and raised her head, only to see him staggering back holding his head, he was in immense pain. 'It's working.'

His face was in a deep frown with his lips tucked into his mouth, forcing himself from yelling. 'That headbutt wasn't enough to cause this much pain....she must have poisoned me..... Arg! It hurts as hell!' he screamed internally, his brain feeling like a nail was being hammered into his skull

"Mas...I mean Zayde?"

"Don't dare come any closer!" He yelled, making her flinch and remain where she was.

Zayde dropped on his knees, his eyes rolling back into his skull, teeths stained with blood from biting his lips too hard and his breathing was hitched. The pain was getting worse by the second and there was nothing he could de but endure it. Untill....

[System Online]

[Host, Zayde Rivers]

[Current Status, Health critical]

[Initiating healing process]