Following in a straight path, down a long-winded road of sand, in the middle of the street, a street occupied by tons of people. Many strolled the streets with their families, some on the sides of the poor but busy street looking for potential customers for their stalls. Selling anything between rations, weapons, clothing, accessories such as earrings, bracelets and so forth. This section of the street, The Market Square, was tied to a straight path to the exit of the small town. At the exit lied a large front gate and a few stationed guards.
Kairi dashed through the street, sweating buckets, his throat parched, and his back still ached from being tumbled on. He wheezed with every step, gasping for air. He dashed through the street, fitting through gaps between people on the street, or just straight up bumping into them.
As he ran desperately, the armored figure Huweyn, who was quite a distance ahead of him, now lied straight in front of him.
Clearing his throat, Kairi raised his voice as best he could," Wait!"
Huweyn, the armored Transcender, then turned around tracing the sound of the voice. He looked at Kairi with a confused expression, his eyebrows lifted in both surprise and curiosity and his glance focused on the boy who seemed to be calling out to him, on his pale proportioned feminine face.
Huweyn, despite walking, was still very much faster than Kairi.'Must have the wrong person.' Huweyn thought.
As Kairi stood in front of him. He felt once more, that daunting aura that encircled the youthful Transcender. As if the hairs on his body lifted, as if it was winter, he suddenly felt afraid. As Kairi walked closer to the figure, the more he shuddered in sudden nervousness.
But more cold than the cold daunting aura around him was Huweyn himself. The more Kairi came closer to him, the bigger he became. He was twice as tall as Kairi. His heavy clad of silver armor, his serene expression, and his towering frame had now intimidated the curious and resolved Kairi.
Kairi then swallowed his breath as he balled his trembling hands, cleared his throat and focused his gaze to the armored mountain in front of him," Are you a Transcender?"
Tilting his head in confusion, the tower figure released his calming deep resounding voice," What if I'm? What business do you, a young boy, have with the Transcenders?"
As they stood in the middle of the busy streets, because Huweyn had stopped in his tracks, many became revealed to the sudden tension that encircled the air. They then peered at the strange peculiar armored figure who seemed to be the source of this aura, and the young boy who stood before him. They looked with greater confusion, some had recognized Kairi, a child from the Orphanage distanced off from the rest of the town.
Huweyn, seeing the attention he had drawn, became insistent on finishing their conversation quickly," Whatever it is, just be quick."
Kairi then hesitated thinking of the possibility of the armored man rejecting him, rejecting his dream of becoming like him. But then he noticed the sunset of Eos, his time outside of the Orphanage was running out. Noticing this as he peered at the redish-orange vast and cloudy towering skies, he became encouraged to speak up, and quickly too.
Kairi then cleared his mind, then looked back at the figure in front of Him," I want to be a Transcender."
Huweyn furrowed his thick brows," As do most children." He then pushed his face in front of Kairi's," But none of you even know what it means to be a Transcender. The anguish of seeing those you share a connection with fall around you, their remains undiscovered even to their own families."
Kairi, not even averting his gaze for a second, deepened his resolve," Not being able to fulfill my dream would be my greatest regret." Kairi then balled his fists as he peered into Huweyn's eyes," Look around us. What do you see, oh great Transcender?"
" See what?"
" Do you notice the poor in the back alleyways of the town, hiding away? Do you see the clothes people of this town call clothing? The washed out dirty fabrics, their ruggedness? Our land is beginning to dry up, our only source of water is this Oasis, but we do not know when a drought is to come. Surely when we least expect it. Animals can barely survive the climate, or the environment, there's always a lack of natural habitat in this place for them. I might be be bit better than off than most of the townsfolk, but all the townsfolk in general barely has plants and herbs due to the terrible climate, so our options for food and medicine are scarce."
" What does this have to do with—"
Kairi then interrupted," I'm saying, it's better for me to risk my life in pursuit of happiness, in pursuit of not being confined to anyone or anything, than to waste it away here, doing nothing with it." Kairi, looking at Huweyn with distress," Am I supposed to grow old and waste away here on the Surface wondering what my next meal might be?"
Huweyn found himself to be struck with silence. He averted his gaze from the boy's, he did not know how to answer him. There was nothing for him to say, if he continued to deny the boy, he would find himself to be a hypocrite.
He then placed his palm on his forehead, smirking widely as he began to reconsider. He felt as though he was hit by a wave of nostalgia. Deja'vu of some sorts.' So he's like me?'
He then struck his palm atop Kairi's head," You know, though you lack in size and basically everywhere else, you have the mindset of a Transcender. How old are you?"
Kairi, rubbing his head in pain," I guess when you're so darn tall everyone looks tiny." Kairi then folded his arms feeling offended," I may not look it, but I'm sixteen. As you know, sixteen in Pryxs means."
Huweyn then sighed heavily, as preposterous as it was, Kairi was beginning to win him over," It means that you're an illegible adult. Fine, I'll consider it. If I don't, seeing as to how determined you are, you would probably try to go anyway even without me."
Kairi, with joy," You will?"
The armored Huweyn then lifted his index finger," But on one condition. It's of grave importance."
'One condition?' Kairi thought. Kari was just beginning to feel satisfied upon Huweyn's acceptance but upon hearing this, Kairi couldn't help but find himself nervous as he tightened his posture, clenched his buttocks and balled his fists.' What could this condition possibly be?'
Kairi after ranging a number of possible scenarios could not come to a conclusion.
" It isn't nothing weird right?" Kairi asked, raising a brow.
Huweyn sighed once more over Kairi's suspicions,"None of the sort, the only condition there lies here is for me to meet your parents."
Immediately upon hearing Huywen's condition, Kairi panicked," I-I don't have anything of the sort! Also do you not see these rags!"
Huweyn, seeing his sudden panic," Rags? You seem more well off from the rest of the townsfolk, and if you are an orphan, that means you're from the Orphanage."
' Dear King of Drunkards! Not Mother of all people possible!' He then sighed as a number of possibilities ravaged his mind,' Why didn't I go to the beat up Drunkard instead? He seems to be Transcender too.' Kairi sighed.
" Well?"
Chuckling nervously in an attempt to appear calm," W-Whatever shoots your styl3. I'll take you to the Orphanage."
Tilting his head," Suddenly out of character? Anyway, lead the way.."
They both turned around, now facing the correct path of the road, the path opposite to the gates of Sandridge, and as they began to walk, a strange sudden silence filled the air. Kairi made sure to keep his distance from Huweyn, who still seemed intimidating to him.
As they ranged through the path they had just came from, the majority of people encompassing the road stared at them. Just as earlier, they were staring at Kairi.
The children in their rags, latching onto the adults whilst some playing, watched in pure curiosity onto the young boy while others watched him with smiles on their faces as if he were not one of them.
"Privileged Troublemaker."
Huweyn, standing from afar, could not make out what they were whispering. But Kairi did but paid no attention.
Their stares intensified, even the adults, in their casual and poor clothing, watched at him.
Some women, in their casual dresses, with their children watched at him in envy. Whilst others whispered themselves upon seeing the boy.
The Market street that was once noisy had suddenly turned silent. Mostly everyone, within the straight line of the packed roads, stared at the boy. Some of them even stared atop their horses.
Some stared simply because others seem to stare. It was like a chain reaction, most stared simply because others did.
Huweyn looked around observing the gazing eyes, surprised by the sudden silence, he had neglected it to be a common reaction of a person to a Transcender, but he had noticed that while some stared at him, most stared at the boy in front of him. He thought,' Did my presence around him impose this onto him? Or could it be that he has a reputation of sorts.' Whatever it was, Huweyn was intrigued.
Kairi walked ahead, passing the Tavern that they had first encountered one another at, he was not bothered by the stares. He was more in anguish of what would soon become of him, and what Mother would do to him upon learning his goal. Learning why he stayed out so long.
Passing the busy bustling streets with closely packed stalls, stores, markets, and restaurants, they had found themselves walking over a stone bridge extending into two paths, the right one lied mud-brick structures ahead, The Blacksmith's Forge, and the left one stretched quite far with nothing but sand ahead.
Soon, they descended the stone bridge that lied over the clear bluish-green Oasis, now they found themselves standing between the two paths. On the right side there lied a sign, Sandridge Orphanage, and the left side, again, The Blacksmith Forge.
Kairi then pointed to the right, The Sandridge Orphanage," Not too far ahead on now." As he pointed his hand to the right path, he shuddered in nervousness.
He secreted sweat, not out of the warm climate, but out of pure anxiety. He looked with a gaze facing the ground, his legs trembled, and his mind was fuzzy. His throat had suddenly become parched. He kept on going only because he had managed to convince Huweyn already, but what of his guardian?
As they faced the right, toward a path extending into nothing. Kairi gulped as he began to move at a slower pace. The two moved forward in awkward silence, not saying a word, and Huweyn had noticed the boy's shuddering.
As they walked forward, the light of day had slowly subsided, and darkness filled the once orange skies. Luna, a name given to the Moon by Pryxs, was slowly to be risen. Darkness was slowly defining their range of sight.
But as they moved forth, a few minutes after taking the path, bright glowing lights pierced the darkness from afar. These lights would seem to belong to a somewhat large settlement.
They had slowly but surely, reached their impending destination, Sandridge Orphanage. As the two walked forward, they soon found themselves in front of a wide and also tall structure.
The lights had revealed it to them. What lied in front of the two was a wide castle-like mud-brick structure, picking up plenty of space, that extended a bit far upward to the skies. It was Sandridge Orphanage.
Whilst the two stood in front of the door, a loud raspy voice was then heard from behind," Oi, is that Kairi!"
As the two turned behind, a bald badly wrinkled man, dressed in clads of armor holding a rusty longsword, stood before them. His darkened Essence Mark printed atop his forehead. He had features that only a mother could appreciate.
" Wretched delinquent! Who is this man? What trouble have you sprung up now, you good-for-nothing!" The old man asked as he grabbed onto Kairi's collar.
Kairi, looking away as to avoid the nasty breath of the old man," He's a guest of Mother's. He's also a Transcender."
"A Transcender," The wrinkled baldheaded man scoffed. He then placed a lamp of fireflies before Huweyn before staring him down," This feminine bastard is supposed to be a Transcender? I'd rather be damned to hell than blame that!"
Suddenly, the wide, large wooden front doors of the Orphanage opened." Excuse the boy, Patrick. You may enter, Kairi."
There was a soothing feminine tone to the voice, it was like music to the ear of a man. The voice was almost heavenly, as it entered their ears, they couldn't help but feel relaxed. The commotion caused by the baldheaded man was stopped in an instant.
Standing in front of them was a beautiful woman revealed by the light of her candle, her dark luscious hair tied back, some strands escaping, softening her appearance, framing her serene face. She had flawless pale skin, plump lips, and bright green eyes that looked like a jewel. She wore a dark dress matching her voluptuous shape.
The old man left before gazing daggers at the woman." You spoil the boy too much."
Kairi then gulped as he shuddered in nervousness," Mother."
The woman then sighed with her palm on her small forehead," Inside Kairi." She then noticed Huweyn, the strangely armored peculiar fellow," If you are with the boy then you are welcomed as well."
The woman then led them inside. What greeted them was complete darkness, the only source of light was from the woman's candle. She then moved around lighting candles around the overwhelmingly dark room.
In a moment's notice, the once overwhelming dark room was illuminated by lighted candles. The light then revealed the infrastructure of the room they stood in.
The floor was made out of dark walnut brown luxurious wood that expanded to the rest of the rooms that was accompanied by darkness. The walls were made of mud-brick, on the walls were picture frames of large quantities each with many different people and children in it, one with Kairi in it as well, a silent testament to the Orphanage's history.
On the farthest corner of the room lied a large wooden dining table, and on the side, some pots and cupboards and other cooking commodities and equipment, this would seem to be a Kitchen. And in the middle of the room, sets of basic furniture, a few chairs and so forth accompanied by a bookshelf encompassed by many different titles of books.
The woman then led them towards the dining table. As they sat down side to side, she sat facing them.
She then glared at Kairi dauntingly before smiling,"A Transcender? Is that what you want to be, Kairi?"
Her voice that had seemed to be soothing and heavenly from Huweyn's perspective, had sent shivers down Kairi's spine. He gulped as he averted his gaze, unable to make eye contact, his mind was fuzzy, and his legs visibly trembled under the table.
He then cleared his mind, furrowed his brows, and focused his gaze. Mustering courage on the spot.' Now or never.'