Chapter 23 - The confession

Present day.. Sebastian's residence..

What'd you mean he can't remember, Sebastian asked, did he lose his memory or something

I don't know, maybe?, he remembers some things that happened before the incident.

some things..Piper mumbled

and after? Liana asked

He said all he remembers is he couldn't see, he went blind temporarily

was that before or after he got injected? Piper asked

He couldn't say, I don't think he remembers that either, I replied

so how're we supposed to go about this when Kai himself doesn't remember almost anything, Liana scowled

I was hoping this could help, I handed her a piece of paper

she stared at the phone number written on it, whose is this? she asked

The messages Kai received, that's the number that sent both, I replied

she stared at me in understanding, I'm on it!, she replied.. thankfully she came with her computer

As for the murder weapon, I continued, the doctors confirmed traces of Zinc Oxide in Kai's blood meaning they found the murder weapon

So the whitish stuff in the bottle they found next to Kai was Zinc Oxide and not Arsenic?, Sebastian asked

Yeah, I replied

All the police need to do is run a fingerprint test on it, Piper said, then they'll be able to tell it wasn't suicide

they should, I replied, but Kai hasn't heard from them yet

and neither have I, Sebastian added.

Is there anything else we need to know that might help, Piper asked, a pen and notepad in hand with which she's been taking notes.

I thought for a while....Kai added that although he couldn't see the killer, he knew he was very familiar with this person, though he doesn't remember how he knew that.

Familiar huh? Piper thought,.. you guys keep in mind that Kai doesn't keep friends, which means this person could only be close to him through one way, I nodded in understanding as she scribbled something down.

So in summary, she continued, the killer sent Kai a message which he interpreted as danger, he was in a hurry to leave home, the killer gained access to his home through his room window, was somehow able to impair his vision, injected him with Zinc Oxide, left it next to him and now he's forgotten a few details

Guys! Sebastian suddenly exclaimed, I think I've figured something out, remember Kai said the killer seemed very familiar and if you look closely, you'll notice this person seems to be knowledgeable in chemistry considering the choice of murder weapon, ..he rambled on,.. so my guess is, wait for it..that this killer is a student at Cedar Creek, science class to be exact!

Yes!, I exclaimed, pointing at him, brilliant deduction Sebastian,.. he smiled proudly

I thought we already got that, Piper whispered

Let him have it, I whispered back

Okay, I'm done!, Liana suddenly said earning our attention

we stared at her expectantly

I found nothing, she said in a bored tone

nothing? I asked

This number's out of service, she replied, I tried tracking it but the sim's serial number is untraceable meaning the sim's been destroyed

so that's gone, I sighed

Then we'll work with what we have, Piper said, we've already narrowed it down, the Killer is a student in science class who's close to Kai or at least a classmate and knows the school's secret and also knows that Kai is responsible for it, so let's write down the names of everyone in our class and review every name one by one.

Starting with those who are closest to Kai, Sebastian added

And when do we start working on that? Piper asked

Definitely not now, Liana replied, glancing at her phone, I need to get going

I glanced at the time,.. 2:30pm, yeah I have to leave too,.. Liana and I said our goodbyes as we saw ourselves out

Lia, I called as she began to go the opposite direction, she turned to face me

I know you're mad at me for embarrassing you on Friday, and I honestly didn't mean to, I just..I don't know, I've been told I'm too confident for my own good and I guess...

I thought you could read faces, she cut me, cause you should know that I'm not mad at you, I'm just angry at you.

isn't that the same thing? I wondered

What I mean is, I'm angry because I like you too, I'm not someone that crushes on people or lets people dictate how I feel, but with you it's different, I tend to react in ways I never intended, you might even say something silly that should annoy me on a normal day, but then I find myself smiling at it and it's just annoying.

Oh, I exclaimed, well i'm sorry I have such a lovable personality, I replied with a smirk earning a smug smile from her

Stop it Amari, she punched me,... anyways not to worry, we're good

Oh I know, I just wanted to hear your confession, I smiled mischievously, you didn't think I've lost my ability to read faces did you?

I hate you, she said holding back her smile as she began to walk away

Bye Lia, I waved, try not to think of me tonight, I yelled

Don't flatter yourself, she yelled back.

Nightingale Private Hospital.....

Kai lay asleep on the bed, Mr Anaki sat close to him, having a conversation on the phone...he's fine, he's sleeping right now, Mr Anaki responded, I'm sitting next to him.

Kai suddenly shot up from the bed panting heavily

I'll call you back, Mr Anaki said cutting the call, Kai!, are you okay, did you have a bad dream?

Yes...No, he staggered,call Amari, I need to speak with Amari

calm down, Mr Anaki replied, what happened?

Kai took deep breaths, I remember things I couldn't recall yesterday, it's all coming back, and I need to tell Amari

Okay, Mr Anaki replied


Amari's residence.....

Amari sat in the living room watching a football game next to his dad when he received a call... After excusing himself, he picked up

Mr Anaki? I'm kind of in the middle of a game so if you could...

Sorry to disturb your evening Amari, but Kai wants to talk to you, he responded


Amari! Kai called

are you okay, I asked, you sound terrified

I remember, he replied, I saw her at the party and I saw her at my house

Her?, who's her? I wondered

The girl who tried to kill me, Sophie!, he replied

Who now?!