Chapter 25 - Consequences

Cedar Creek High...

Silence enveloped the class as the Biophysics teacher passionately dissected a brain racking lesson

I glanced at Sophie's table...empty..

Picking up my phone, I texted Sebastian to avoid interrupting class

has she been arrested?..

After reading through his phone, he glanced at Sophie's table, then at me, then back at his phone...

no update yet.,he replied

they say anything else about me? I texted back

Nope, he replied.

A senior suddenly walked in and after excusing himself, handed the professor a note

after reading through it, the professor spoke up, 'please stand if your name is mentioned'..Amari Johnson, he called

not surprised..

I stood up expecting him to stop there but he continued, 'Piper Hathaway and Sebastian Graham'

They both stood in confusion

Please follow him, he'll tell you what to do, the prof gestured to the student next to him

we exchanged glances as we walked out of class

The principal sent for you, the student spoke up, he wants you three in his office

do you happen to know why? I asked

I'm just the messenger, he replied walking away

I thought they only wanted to see Amari, Piper said, or did something come up Sebastian?

I have no idea what's going on, I'm just as suprised as you are, he quickly replied.

Principal's Office...

On getting to the Principal's office, we noticed Liana already sitted by his table,as her eyes met mine, she side-eyed the man standing next to her and slightly nodded her head

Detective Jones..he knows about our little group..

Amari, Piper, Sebastian thank you for joining us, please sit, the principal said gesturing to three empty chairs by Liana

we sat expectantly

I'm sure most of you remember detective Jones, he continued, he only has a few questions to ask you concerning our usual chitchat

Detectives Jones set a chair opposite us, taking his seat, he began, good to see you kids, Like Principal Williams said, I do have a few questions and I'll be going straight to the point as usual so I need your full cooperation okay,..let's start this off with, 'whose idea was it to play detectives?'

we glanced at each other

Ours, Liana replied confidently

Sorry to interrupt detective but could we be allowed to see Kai before he gets arrested? I asked

I'll answer your questions after you've answered mine Amari, he replied

Fine, let's hasten this, shall we?, I turned to look at my friends who nodded in approval

I found out the truth indirectly from Piper and Sebastian thanks to my ability and they found out indirectly from the school board, I began, earning a wide glare from Sebastian

We began to have suspects, I continued but our initial plan was to inform the school of our findings, problem was we needed proof to back us up. After Taylor's death, Liana joined in to get justice for her best friend, our findings led us to Kai but we got played into shifting our attention to Michael before realizing we were wrong thanks to you guys, we set our eyes back on Kai and even tried to save the last victim, Adrien.

You left out the part where you guys broke into Kai's house, he cut in, trying to catch me off guard

Oh, forgot that part, I replied casually, we had no bad intentions for Kai though

And what about Sophie? how did you find out about her connection with Adrien's death and Kai's attempted murder, he asked

We know Kai well, he would never commit suicide, Piper replied smartly

And Kai kind of opened up to me about what really happened to Adrien, I'm sure you already know the details, I added.

Do you kids know how much trouble you're in?, the Principal spoke, you lied to the police multiple times, made dangerous decisions, broke into someone else's property, digested and worked on information that wasn't meant for your eyes or ears in the first place, he glanced knowingly at Sebastian who avoided his gaze.

good thing he doesn't know about our illegal access to Keanu's video..

True, I replied but most of all we worked together to find justice for the victims, we caught Sophie for you and gave information on Kai that noone else could, Principal Williams you can't deny the fact that the school couldn't have come this far without our help

And the most important thing is, we kept all this to ourselves, the school's secret remains a secret, Liana added.

The principal stared at the detective and he stared right back

So, to my question, can we see Kai, I continued

You kids can't excuse yourselves from consequences just because you gave a few tips, the detective insisted

A 'few' tips!? Liana started to get angry, do you have any idea what we sacrificed to get to this point..No, how bout this, you guys drop this consequence thing and let us see Kai and we'll let the school's secret remain 'a secret'

Are you threatening the Police miss Smith? the detective asked

Oh yes I am, she retorted, my Dad's a Director of Police , so you better think twice before treating any of us unjustly

The detective stared intensely at her

Do we have a deal?, I added

He looked at the principal who nodded at him.

Nightingale Hospital....

We continued to chatter as we walked towards Kai's room

I'm not sure who that detective is more frightened of, Sebastian said, Amari or Liana?

Liana and I glanced at each other.

'Liana'...'Me'..... we replied simultaneously

Me, he finds annoying, I added with a smile.

Calm your voices down guys, we're here, Piper hushed as we arrived Kai's room..

Mr Anaki led us in after greeting us and giving me a prompt unexpected hug

Kai was surprised to see us even after I told him we were coming

It's good to see you again Kai, Piper said admist smiles as we stood around while he sat on the bed

He forced a smile as his reply, Thank you guys for all your help, he added

when are they coming back?, I asked reading his expressions

they? Sebastian wondered

They gave me the grace of today, he replied, my mum's getting discharged, so she'll come visit

That's wonderful, I exclaimed

It is, he replied though he didn't look so happy, they said this'll be a court case, he continued, not that I wasn't expecting this.

Just to confirm, you're talking about the police right? Sebastian asked earning no response.

I can't tell how much I longed to see this day, Liana spoke up, sitting next to Kai, after you killed my best friend Taylor, all I wanted was revenge, I wanted you to end up the same way she did,.. actually worse but then a friend made me realise that there's more than one side to a story and I'll admit yours wasn't a very pleasant one. I never thought I'd say this, but I forgive you and I'm sorry...

don't apologize, Kai cut in, please don't, you'll make me feel worse, he replied, I'm sorry for the pain I caused you, I really am, Piper I'm sorry for what I did to you, you were a true friend to me, Amari, Sebastian, you guys too, I'm sorry about everything..

You may not want to hear it Kai, I interrupted but we are sorry. We're sorry about Keanu and all he went through, we're sorry about all you're going through right now and we're sorry about how you feel

Kai broke down, I thought I was ready for the consequences, but I'm really not, I'll never be the same, my family will never be the same, I've made things worse haven't I?

It's okay Kai, Piper embraced him as she equally broke down, it's okay, she repeated while the rest of us stood watching...