We entered Tsukasa's detective agency and there I jumped on the bed.
I sighed as I muttered.
"Guess clearing the 89th floor is gonna take some time." I said as I began looking at the pictures Na-eun took.
"H-Hey Haruki." Speak of the devil as Na-eun came and looked at me.
She then said "I wanted to thank you for well, Saving me from the attack earlier."
"Oh it's no problem. I just wanted to make sure we all got out safely." I said as she then got up.
"W-Well, I'll be investigating in my room now! S-See ya later!" She said as she left.
But when I looked at her.. Was she blushing? Nah must be my imagination.
While sitting all alone, I couldn't help but wonder... Why did the culprit never take their puppets? instead they left it there...
As if they wanted us to find the puppets... This person wanted to get rid of us by using the puppets.
"Hey there Player" Tsukasa says as he sits on the couch that's in front of me.
"Oh it's you Tsukasa." I said as I then put the pictures back on the table and began looking at Tsukasa.
"Hm? Where is your companion?" He asked probably wondering where Luna is.
"Oh she's in your kitchen, she said she was hungry." I answered his question as I then asked a question of my own.
"Who are you really?" I asked as he put his hand on his mouth in a Shhh gesture.
"There are some questions that shouldn't be asked Haruki." He said as I got even more curious about his true identity.
"But I believe that by the time your journey ends, I will tell you the truth." Tsukasa said as he then stood up.
"I'm going to the kitchen, I'll make some tea. want some?" He asked me as I nodded.
As I now sit there alone.
I call for him.
"Aros?" I asked as there was no response.
"I know you're watching me, Show yourself." I said as once again there was no response.
However I got a message.
[ Higher Being Nailed Puppet would like you to take revenge on the puppets controlled by the puppeteer. ]
"Huh? You want me to take revenge?" I asked as then the higher being responded.
[ Higher Being Nailed Puppet will reward you handsomely if you take revenge. ]
"A reward you say? You can keep it to yourself." I said
[ Higher Being Nailed Puppet is growing frustrated. ]
"You Higher Beings want me to do your bidding, and my reply is simple." I said as i then continued.
"I am not your damn puppet to control." I said as i smirked, The higher being Nailed Puppet ended up cutting my connection with him.
Soon, Tsukasa enters and hands me the cup of tea.
"Here you go." He said as I grabbed the cup and began sipping some tea.
The tea was good, It had an aroma of peaches. The taste was also exquisite.
"Is this some kind of rare tea leaves? This tea tastes like peaches." I asked as he nodded.
"This tea is a one in 600 exclusive tea leaves made by the company i usually buy from, I won it from a raffle." He explained as I continued drinking.
"I think we'll stop investigating for today." I said as Tsukasa replied.
"Getting rest is essential Haruki. Shall you need to rest then this agency will be your home." He smiled as he said that.
"Oh umm Thanks I actually appreciate it." I replied as we continued our chatter.
After a while Tsukasa closed the lights of the Agency and turned over the sign as the door now says 'Closed.'
"I'll be going to my apartment and sleep Haruki, I'll see you tomorrow." Tsukasa said as I then laid down on the couch.
Now that I think about it, Where did Luna go? She went to the kitchen but that is all.
I decided to get up and look for Luna to check up on her.
I open the Kitchen's door and there on the ground I see a sleeping girl.
Yep, that's Luna.
I held Luna and carried her to the couch in front of me and covered her with the jacket she was wearing.
"Good night Luna." I said as I then laid down on the other couch and slept.
That day i dreamed of my friends. Those that died. I woke up slowly with tears coming from my eyes.
The face i saw the moment I woke up was Na-eun who for some reason was close to my face.
"Uh... Good Morning?" I said as she then blushed and got away from my face.
"Haruki! I uh.. I was checking up on you! I mean you were crying in your sleep." She said as i then put my hand on my face and noticed there were wet marks.
"Oh.. I see." I said as I then stood up.
"Is Luna still asleep?" I asked as Na-eun nodded.
"Wait what time is it?" I asked as she replied.
"It's 3 AM." Once she said the time I got shocked because of how late it was.
"3 am?!" I asked to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
She nodded as I then looked around and asked.
"Hey Na-eun, Wanna go investigate right now? Just us two." I said as she got excited.
"Yes! Lets go!" she grabbed my hand and we left.
She seemed too excited for this.
Once we got out I realized it was raining.
"Oh shoot! I forgot my umbrella inside I'll go get it real quick!" She said as i stopped her.
"I have an Umbrella here let's go." I said suggesting we share an umbrella.
"O-Oh... S-Sure..." Na-eun said as we began walking.
"We should go to the apartment again." I said as she nodded.
"You're right! We haven't searched anything from the outside only the inside!"
We walked to the Apartment and then began looking from outside.
"Hey Haruki, lets split up for now, You go left I'll go right." Na-eun suggested.
"But I think we should stick together." I replied as she shook her head.
"We should split up so we can find more evidence and finish faster." She said as I then thought of it.
she did have a good point. "I guess you've got a point Na-eun." I said as we then split up.
I began searching which made me wonder.
How did the culprit get up to the fifth floor? can his puppets fly?
as I was wondering about how the culprit got up, I looked up and found the emergency fire escape stairs as I then grabbed the ladder.
"Alright, time to see." I said as i then pulled down, the ladder fell and I then grabbed onto it.
I climbed up the ladder and then went up the stairs up to the fifth floor.
"Hmm.." I began looking around the window of room 505.
I looked at the surrounding buildings as I then spotted a building that has a ledge close to this window.
I began visualizing the culprit controlling the puppet to jump to the window.
"Hmm..." This case seems to make me excited... I mean back on earth i was always known as the master detective back in high school so it made sense I was good at thinking about crimes and visualizing them.
I think I have the full image of the break in now.
The puppeteer controlled the puppet to jump and then entered through the window that was closed.
The puppet opened it... Or no wait...
My attention falls on markings on the window.
Marks of a Human hand.
"I see, new evidence has been found." I said as I then looked at the sky, It appears it's been an hour or two since I've been investigating.
I began going down and suddenly I slipped on something making me fall on one of the stairs.
"Ouch... What did i fall on?" I wondered as I looked at what i stepped on.
It was an old glove.
"Huh?" Did i pass this when going up and didn't notice it?
I grabbed it and then inspected it.
It had an emblem of a hand with strings attached to it.
I took it with me and continued going down.
As i jumped from the ladder I accidentally fell on something.
"Ow... What did i fall o-" Before I realized it.
Na-eun was staring at me flustered.
"Na-eun... I'm sorry..." I said as I then stood up.
"I-I-I-It's not a problem!!" She said as she covered her face and then I looked at her.
I won't lie, Na-eun was very cute like this.
"Hey uh.. I found this glove, i think it might be important!" I said as Na-eun's attention was now on the glove and her eyes shined.
"O-Oh! Good job! I also found something from the other side!" Na-eun said as she pulled out a Doll.
The doll had a stab through its chest assuming Na-eun caused it, Which made me wonder if she used her horn to do that or used a knife.
"Why do i get the feeling you're thinking of something perverted?" She asked as I shook my head.
"I was wondering about something else, Anyways it seems like it's going to be raining soon." I said as I then grabbed her and walked back while holding the umbrella.
Soon we make it to the Agency, There i find everyone there awake and looking at us.
"Haruki.... Where were you?! And why were you with her!" Luna asked as I then looked at Na-eun who had her arms in mine.
"Uh... We went investigating." I said as Na-eun nodded.
"Yep! We found some valuable information!" She said as then Luna stood up and began separating me and Na-eun.
"Oh Luna did you sleep well?" I asked as I pat her on the head, she nodded and then I began looked at Tsukasa.
"I believe I found enough evidence, Just one last piece of information we need." I said as Tsukasa raised his brow wanting to know what we need.
"We need the autopsy." I then continued.
"Without it I can't find out the culprit." I said as Tsukasa sighed.
"We can't." He said as I looked at him shocked.
"Why can't we get it?!" I replied as he said
"Our client won't let us get the autopsy." He explained more.
Apparently their client didn't disclose the date nor the autopsy with the agency.
"Can I talk to your client?" I asked as Tsukasa sighs.
"We can't because they cut off communication with us two months ago, while you were still trapped in the cell" Sin said interrupting Tsukasa.
"Well do you have their name?" I asked as they shook their head.
It seems we found our first dead end.