Chereads / Descent to the beginning / Chapter 19 - Chapter 17: Dead end.

Chapter 19 - Chapter 17: Dead end.

A dead end.

We found ourselves to be in a dead end...

"There is a way to find the autopsy." Tsukasa said as I looked at him curiously.

"What is it?" I asked as he grinned.

"We steal it." He said as I looked at him and thought to myself.

What a crazy guy.  I then asked him.

"You're suggesting we steal it from the morgue?" as he nodded.

I looked at the others who had normal reactions as if this was something normal.

and to be clear, It wasn't normal.

"So this is our only way?" I asked again as Sin then replied.

"Deal with it, Kid." He then continued.

"If you don't want to steal and continue being a goody two-shoe we're never going to solve the case." Sin said looking at me with an expression of anger.

Maybe it's due to the different morals we have, but I wouldn't want to break into a place and steal something.

"And if I solve it without the Autopsy?" I asked as he scoffed at my words.

"It's near impossible to do it." Sin said as I looked at him now Angrily.

"You wanna bet you stupid priest?!" I said as he replied angrily.

"Bring it on you weak child!" It seems I've formed a certain rivalry with this guy.

With that I left the agency as Luna followed me.

----- Na-eun Pov -------

Haruki left the agency as Luna followed him, I was sitting there with Tsukasa and Sin as I looked at them.

"Shouldn't we... Chase them down?" I asked as Tsukasa shook his head.

"Let them be." Tsukasa says as he then continued.

"If he thinks he can solve it without the autopsy then he's an idiot." This was Tsukasa's statement as I then looked at Sin who clearly didn't care about Haruki so it was pointless to ask him.

"Uhmm... So.. are we stealing the Autopsy?" I asked as Tsukasa began laughing.

Something about his laugh made me feel creeped out.

Suddenly he stopped laughing and replied.

"Oh Na-eun you have no idea." He seemed certain while saying this.

"If he's that type of person, He might just solve the case by himself even." What Tsukasa said shocked Sin and I.

What did he mean by that?

"Hey Tsukasa what do you mean?" Sin asked as Tsukasa then burst laughing.

"Hey! What's funny?!" Sin was now growing agitated.

after a while Tsukasa stopped laughing and looked at us both dead in the eye.

"Our Player will solve the case without the need of an Autopsy." He said as I then asked him.

"Umm can i go with them? Or is there something I need to do here?" Tsukasa would reply.

"Stay here, and wait. He'll come in around 8 hours from now." He says as I then sat down on the couch.

I guess we'll be waiting.

------- End of Pov --------

"Can't believe they want us to steal something." I said to Luna as she had a puzzled look on her face.

"Haruki, Why don't we take it? I mean we can go there when no ones watching right?" She asked as I looked at her and gently bonked her head.

"We're not thieves Luna." I said as I looked at her.

"We have morals we live by, therefore we don't steal even if we need it. We'll find another way to solve the case without stealing." I decided to give Luna a lesson of morals and I think she understood where I'm coming from now.

"Then what do we do Haruki?" She asked the question as I then replied mischievously. 

"It's simple, We're going to enter the morgue and look at the autopsy." As i said that Luna looked at me with disappointment as If all i said was a bunch of crap.

"Didn't you just say we're not thieves?" She asked as I replied.

"We're not stealing it, we're just going to take a look at the autopsy." I explained as I then explained even more.

"I don't plan on keeping the autopsy with me, I'll just have a look at it." I said

"And how will we do that?" She asked as I walked to the Morgue's door.

"Simple, I'll just disguise myself as one of them." I answered her question as I then saw a Mortuary assistant.

"There he is... Hehehe..." I said as I smirked.

I approached the man and then thud! I knocked him out with the hilt of my dagger.

I then looked at Luna.

"Turn around for a bit." I said with a smile as I then tied up the man and wore his clothes.

"There we go I'll go inside now." I said as Luna then looked at me with more disappointment.

"We're not thieves huh..." She says with more disappointment now.

"Hey this is our only way to get a look at the autopsy." I said as I then told Luna to stay here watching the dude.

"If he wakes up Knock him out." I said as I then entered the morgue.

"So much for Morals...." Luna says as i entered.

Entering the Morgue I began looking through the file of autopsy reports.

"Harley Beck... Harley Beck..." I muttered as I was looking around more.

Until suddenly I stumbled upon her file.

"File number 86..." I said as I opened it and began reading the autopsy.

"Time of death 3 AM" I muttered as I kept reading more.

"Date of death... 23rd of December 1999" if that's the case today would be... huh? 23rd of march 2000.

It's been three full months since she died.

"Body had no signs of rope..." so my first theory about the victim getting strangled by a rope is wrong.

"Body was found in the kitchen...?" What?? But the body layout was in the living room...

"The body had her face peeled off by an unknown weapon." 

Must've been the puppet.

"Hmm? Victim also had a broken leg." 

If that's the case then how'd she struggle? If her leg was broken.

There're too many questions, and I believe I can find the solution soon.

After reading it more I changed back to my old clothes and left the morgue.

"Alright Luna lets go." I said as I threw the clothes back to the tied up guy.

"Now listen don't tell them we went to look at the autopsy okay?" I said as Luna then nods her head.

We began walking to the agency.

"So... About the Na-eun situation." The moment i mentioned Na-eun her eyes seemed to turn into flames.

"Why were you two holding each other?" She asked seemingly disappointed at me for that.

I pat her gently and said.

"It was raining and she didn't have an Umbrella, She didn't want to get in the umbrella so i had to grab her and force her to walk under the umbrella with me." I said.

"So you don't like her?" Luna asked as she had a good point.

Do i like Na-eun?

I don't think I do, i mean she's a girl but I'm not even attracted to her.

And I'm not even attracted to Luna either.

I merely think of them as friends.

"No I don't I only think of her as a friend." I said as we continued walking.

Soon we made it to the agency and entered.

"We're back." I said smiling as they then looked at us.

"Took you a while, So? What did you find out?"

------ Na-eun's POV ------

Haruki entered smiling as he seemed to have found something.

"I found all the answers we need." He said as the only person to smirk in the room was Tsukasa.

"What were they?" I asked as he began explaining everything about the murder, from how the victim died to the date of death.

This guy.... He really is amazing.. Just looking at him, I aspire to be a great detective and have enough smarts like him.

He has everything... The brains, The looks and even he's skilled at fighting!

Focus Na-eun! You're fangirling too much! I need to focus on this case!

As Haruki explained more I asked him.

"How did you know all this?" I said as he replied.

"when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?" He said smugly as I looked at him.

He truly might just be the best detective here other than Tsukasa.

------- End of pov ----------