Chereads / Destiny Tells / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

We're walking where he believes is desolation. I see potential. To rebuild. To revive. To re-establish. I know that Kallias believes the same thing. He must have seen this coming, and now he's planning. He loves me. Even if the sky crumbled, he would come back. He needs to. I've dreamt every night, every thought, of seeing him again, and my heart burns. He gives me reason to believe in Destiny, even if she ever betrayed me, he ignites my faith. At the dawn of sunlight, will his age start, and I will stand beside him. I will spare him as many hearts, and he will show me all his scars. I will find him. I'll reassure my people. I'll rebuild the monastery.


I'll give her all the flowers known to man. I'll give her an oasis. I'll give her the world. She deserves the world.

She deserved a destiny.

We're walking, yet we aren't. I haven't seen a single travelling merchant. Today must be Sunday. Everyone must report to the Revixit District to claim their rations, as well as restocking and reporting to their duties. The world used to be free, and religion used to reign. Although, it wasn't necessary to be religious, it was respected. It was a peaceful way of life and the people were content. But there were rumours. Whispers slid around of a new army. An army that would change the world as we knew using a new technology, unheard of, technology that they had been developing. Preparing for the end. The desert was as barren before as it is today. The only difference is, before there was hydration, now, It's just sand. The civilisations were build around the handful of oases within this land. They were still fruitful and alive. But after the awakening of The Great Restoration, the land grew tired, and gave into exhaustion.

And Kallias. Was he aware?

His father was always a despotic man. But I doubt he would care so much of the world for this shift. Regardless of his tyrannical nature, he is an orderly religious man, and would visit the monastery regularly. I would never think he had bad intentions towards the monastery. He was like a father.

We're walking.

He stops.

"You do realise it would be considered a violation of the laws if you don't report back?"

I stare. Kallias would never doubt me.

I have never reported to the district. They must think I'm dead. That would be understandable. Kallias knows I'm alive. He loves me. He would never believe it. I'm sure he would send for me. When it's safe. He'll come back for me.


My name is Elayne, but he calls my title. He hates me, but he still considers me worthy of acknowledgment… I think. I wonder if he reports back. He would've gotten there by now. Perhaps because of me. I want to know. Is he an outcast? A rebel? Dead?

I can't even ask. Even if I could, what would I say? Are you dead? What kind of priestess asks that. Sometimes I feel It's better I have no voice. I can't make more of a fool of myself silent. I had only ever spoken to people at the monastery, and the few people that would come to pray. And Kallias.

What if I go to the District and report in. Would Kallias come for me sooner? I want to see him. My heart aches, and I feel so lonely. I have no one. I'm not even guaranteed this man isn't just waiting to kill me, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. If if means I can get back to Kallias. Get back my voice and restart where we left off.

The sun is setting, and we're walking towards it. We're walking West. The Revixit District is North-West. We would walk past it. Should I go? I could never bring myself to visit it. To see the people. They aren't mine any more, I have to remember that.

I look up from the sand following the man's footsteps and see a man staring at us in the distance. At me. Perhaps he recognises me, Or he wants to steal me. He said he won't be held responsible for me. I don't expect him to. I can protect myself. I only need Kallias. Other men who desire me disgust me.

"If you're going to walk around indecent and follow me about you can get lost, I don't need the attention you come with." He grumbled.

I stop. I don't have anything to cover myself.

He pauses and looks over. His hand to his temple, a sigh and a squint at the sand. He pulls off his cloak and throws it a me. His hair is dishevelled, a mess of black and subtle hints of iron in the sunlight. His herculean build, exposed by the tightness of his top. There are muscles I don't recognise. His arms covered by his sleeves, but it's slightly rolled up, and I can see what I think is a tattoo. His neck is covered, but I see ink peaking out on the same side of his arm. All of this was covered by a single cloak. He really is a man. He's rough and dangerous. I want to touch him. I want to learn the muscles I've never been introduced to. But he's a man. I'm devoted to Kallias. I'd only ever want this man to research. Seeing his build closer, it's quite fascinating.


I realised I've been staring. I feel like drowning in the sand. I stumble as I brake my concentration and try to disguise my interest with the cloak.

"You can keep it until we get to the District."

He looks embarrassed. No. He looks more annoyed than embarrassed. He said the District? I wonder if Kallias is there.

I feel a slight shiver down my spine as the wind rises.