On the stage the light were deamed as the exited the princess's room, Mia and Kara watch the school play rehearsals titled the sleeping beauty.
Kara didn't want to buh Insecure Mia forced her to.
Betty was indeed a beauty buh not like Mia,Kara kept Wondering the whole time why her friend didn't audition for the play if she was going to be so insecure.
They watched happily until it got to the kissing scene,Mia clenched her fist in anger as Ryan approached the sleeping Betty.Ryan wasn't helping matters either,he shot Mia a glance and winked at her.
He bent down and he kissed Betty ,Mia and the other audience present didn't really see the kiss as Ryan was backing them , everyone clapped as Betty stood up and Ryan carried her in a bridal style and exited the stage.
"Ryan"Mr rex signaled Ryan in for correction
"It's not ideal to back the audience they have to see what you're performing,you're acting for them.Whats the point if they don't get to see what you're displaying"he corrected Ryan's mistake and he nodded before leaving for the costume room.
Mia was really upset,she didn't want to turn out to be an over protective girlfriend but she couldn't help it,she knew Betty's intentions towards Ryan was extraordinary.
"Bb you don't have to confront him about this,you guys already talked about it,so what's the point"Kelly said feeling concerned for her friend.
Mia ignored her as something else caught her attention,it was Betty and Ryan.She stood by the corner dragging Kara with her as well
"Why didn't you kiss me during the rehearsals?"Betty asked dressing his messed hair
"saving it for the deal day"Ryan said smiling sheeply
"really"Betty asked knoting her brows
"You've got a stain on your collar,I think it must have gotten on during the play"she said blushing as she made to wipe it off
"it isn't yours"Ryan said stopping her from wiping it off,Betty smiled knowingly buh she wasn't really happy about it.
Mia smiled at Ryan's reply,she watched Betty leave and decided not to ask him about the play anymore but something else
"why didn't you kiss her"Mia asked as she walked up to him accompanied by Kara who also was interested in what his reasons for not kissing Betty was.
Ryan smiled"Cause I wouldn't want my cupcake crying and looking all red afterwards"he said pulling her cheeks
"Awwwwwwwwwn"Kara gestured and Mia passed her a warning look.Before Mia knew what was happening Ryan dragged her closer to himself"come here you,I think I would love to have a taste of my cupcake right now,just a taste I promise"he said as he kissed her
Kara clapped as she watched the love birds kissing so passionately and her mind drifted to Jason and wondered when he was going to come back or perhaps he ditched her after all
The love birds ended their own kissing scene and Mia was too shy to look Kara in the eyes.
" I'm going to say this once,it's just an act there's nothing going on between Betty and I"Ryan said cupping her cheeks
" promise"Mia asked sniffing
"promise,so what did you audition for"Ryan was eager to know what she choose over kissing him on stage
"beauty contest for Miss R.R high"she said with a warm smile
"Not fair for the other contestants though,cause you are a damsel"he said and she giggled
"oh my God"the couple's turned to Kara and wondered what was up with her
"hmmmmmmnnn I'm sorry,Mia I gotta go"she said as she stared at her phone at interval
"what but why"Mia asked suprised
"Jason is back and he wants to see me"she said and Mia giggled in excitement.
She had been worried that the jerk ditched her friend,nice to hear he was finally back.
"Okay,take care"Mia said and Kara pecked her before leaving happily
"her boyfriend?"Ryan asked and Mia nodded
"let's grab some snacks?"Mia asked
"I don't need snacks when I have my very own cupcake"he said as he drew closer to her
"Ryan not here"she said pushing him away.Ryan laughed as they both walked out.
"Okay Mason I've had enough of this,when do you plan on separating these two for good"Betty said as she clenched her fist watching the lovebirds leave.
"Patience is the key,we will be victorious for sure"Mason said as a smirk crept around his lips.